... but then, I used it.
So, after reading reviews, mostly good, downloading, entering my email, finding the verification email, opening SpotAngelsParkingGas , and finally, opening SpotAngelsParkingGas ,
So i wrote a snarky review, and got some good news from the developer (so now we are up to three stars). Here’s what we learned:
• the ability to see alternate side parking dates is “hidden” under filters (I think). If I plug in a date I want to find parking, only green lines show where parking is available.
So, if it’s Monday morning, and I want to find parking the whole day, SpotAngelsParkingGas is o.., but not very intuitive for finding street parking that’s not going to give me a ticket on a Monday.
Do I keep the following comment: C’mon, you couldn’t use green for Monday/Thursday, and orange for Tuesday/Friday?
Someone thought that I did all this work to see where there is some form of alternate side parking... vs. Pay For Street Parking?
Recommendation: the default should be for today, at this time, using two different colors for the days parking is free. (Who plans on looking for Street the day in advance?) The default should show where parking is available right now, and filter should enable setting the time for later, or tomorrow, or some time in the future.
If you update SpotAngelsParkingGas to do this, it would be a 5-star, and I’d even pay for it.
Thanks for the quick response!