Tired of spending hours scrolling for a restaurant to take your significant others, a bar to enjoy after work’s Happy Hours, a coffee shop to empty your inbox, a brunch to cure your hangover? Download Fōda and enjoy right away the best addresses nearby tailored for you.
Every establishment your friends and you have added to your profiles allow Fōda to curate your personalised recommendation thanks to our artificial intelligence: your map is unique just like your tastes, and that’s for the better! You don’t have any excuses anymore not to disrupt your routine.
Never forget about that cute place you heard about while sharing a “Cold one in South Pigalle”, your recommendations magically and instantly combine the places you’ll care so much about, including those you wanted to try and have already loved.
All of this while being sure to have a memorable time: sit back, relax, just follow your friends and an affinity score computed just for you to fit your foodie’s DNA.
Whatever you’re in the mood for, choose amongst more than 350 categories: Lovers, Tapas, Speakeasy, Vegan, Bistronomic, Cosy.
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