Nerva: IBS & Gut Hypnotherapy Reviews

Nerva: IBS & Gut Hypnotherapy Reviews

Published by on 2024-06-05

About: Nerva is the easiest way to self-manage your IBS symptoms at home, without
symptom tracking or diet change. Developed by experts, Nerva can help you learn
to 'fix' the miscommunication between your gut and brain with a 6-week
psychology-based program.

About Nerva

What is Nerva?

Nerva is a self-management and well-being tool designed to help individuals manage their Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) symptoms at home. The app uses an evidence-based hypnotherapy program to help users create a positive relationship between their brain and gut, which can help manage IBS symptoms in just six weeks. Nerva also provides interactive content, intuitive streak tracking, and to-do lists to keep users motivated and on track.



- Evidence-based hypnotherapy program designed by a world-leading doctor to help manage IBS symptoms long-term

- Interactive content with dozens of articles, guides, and animations to help reduce anxiety and stress

- Intuitive streak tracking and to-do lists to keep users motivated and on track

- Tips and advice on how to enjoy a healthy gut and life

- In-app chat support from real people

- Medical disclaimer and advice on seeking professional medical advice

- Subscription-based service with a 7-day free trial and automatic renewal every 3 months unless canceled.

Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Negative experience


Positive experience

~ from NLP analysis of 8,893 combined software reviews.

Key Benefits of Nerva

- I am a skeptic when it comes to this type of stuff, but I could use some new meditations.

- After completing the program, I experienced less discomfort and was able to drive straight through on car rides that are normally stressful for me.

- I am grateful for the help that the hypnotherapy has provided.

- I have tried many treatments with minimal relief, so I decided to give the app a try.

- The app seemed to have good reviews and suggest that a wealth of info was included.

1241 Nerva Reviews

4.6 out of 5


Pleasant Surprise

I was desperate enough to try anything when I started this program, and I’m so happy to report that after completing the 6 weeks, I have experienced a marked improvement in my overall gut health/comfort. I’m also able to enjoy more flexibility in my diet, without suffering the uncomfortable “repercussions” I’ve become accustomed to over the years, in spite of religiously following every “gut based” eating program known to humanity.;) The reason I’m only giving it 4 stars, is because I do think some work could be done to improve the audio sessions. My profession has a large amount of overlap in hypnotherapy, meditation, CBT and other modalities touched on in this program, so perhaps my expectations are higher than most. However, I think some small tweaks to the language and delivery of the “hypnotherapy” (which is truly not hypnotherapy at all, but would fall closer to the category of guided meditation) could push this program over the top and make it even more impactful. That said, I experienced such benefit from dedicated, daily adherence to the readings, audio and breathing exercises, that I wouldn’t hesitate recommending Nerva/program to anyone struggling with IBS (or “IBS adjacent”) GI issues. I believe anyone suffering from any kind of stomach/GI discomfort could experience benefit from this program.


I didn’t expect it to work… but it did

I am a skeptic when it comes to this type of stuff. I went in thinking it probably won’t work but I could use some new meditations!

Week 3 rolled around and I took two car rides that are normally super stressful for me. I normally leave an hour or more early so I can stop several times to go to the bathroom. However both times I drove straight through. The first one it didn’t even click until I parked and was 30 mins early! Then I was like well that was probably a coincidence. Then came the second stressful car trip. Same thing happened. I was in shock.

Then I rode with my someone who can make a none anxious person without IBS have issues haha! Nothing. No IBS. no car anxiety! Just a great drive and great conversations. No swearing or searching out bathrooms along the way!!

I then lapses week 4. The next car trip I was anxious and had to stop 1 time. My husband said guess you should start that program back up. So I did. Now I’m on my last week and I’m hooked.

I have seen therapist, doctors, did deep breathing and meditations and taken tons of medications - nothing has worked for 14 years! FOURTEEN! Six weeks in and I’m taking car trips again. In fact I’m planning on doing my first long distance trip in years next month and LOOKING FORWARD TO IT!!!!

Download Nerva and give it a try. Do the plan like they ask! It makes a difference. I’m no longer a skeptic and now a believer!

Thank you thank you thank you!!!


Pros and Cons

PROS: I’m into my second week of hypnotherapy, and so far I’ve enjoyed my daily sessions with this app. Most importantly, I feel better. I did have an IBS flare during my first week, but it was short lived and symptoms were greatly reduced! I’m feeling very hopeful that this IBS treatment will work for me. It’s only been two weeks, but I’m already benefiting from some other good side effects, such as feeling less anxious and stressed overall.

CONS: Navigation of Nerva itself is simple but a little disappointing because it doesn’t appear to be as robust as it is described in the iOS App Store. I have an iPhone 6, so perhaps an aging cell phone isn’t able to access some of Nerva ’s features. Contacting the FAQ and web counselors is helpful, but they are busy. It would be great if they were able to answer my questions in real time, but I generally have to wait until the next day for them to contact me.

All in all, the cons are not as important as the good that I’m deriving from the daily sessions, and I’m glad to have this app. I’ll update my review at the end of six weeks!


Symptoms did not improve

I have struggled with IBS symptoms for over 12 years. I have tried therapy, medication, yoga, meditation, every test the doctor can provide, etc. I’ve tried so many treatments with minimal relief, therefore when I came across an ad for this app, I knew I didn’t have much to lose and decided to give it a try.

I completed the first session of the program and was excited about the hypnotherapy I had undergone, however, the excitement faded as I continued to experience discomfort, even during my sessions. I decided to purchase and complete the program to see if time and repetition would change anything. Nerva seemed to have good reviews and suggest that a wealth of info was included so I decided the price was worth it, especially if it worked. Unfortunately, the only thing that changed throughout the program was the amount of energy I had after each session. Although I did learn better breathing and relaxation techniques, my symptoms did not subside or decrease in any way. Most of the information provided was info that I had already read over and over online. This may work for some people, but even being a very receptive and open individual, desperate for relief, I did not find this approach to be of any real benefit.


It works!

I am 73 years old and have suffered from IBS since my teens. I’ve had bowel obstructions, a sigmoidectomy, bad bacteria overgrowths, parasites, yet my symptoms never disappeared. For me it was mixed, but mostly constipation. And UNBELIEVABLE NEVER ENDING gas. I got so I dreaded being with other people because of it. I felt as a woman that I my condition made me repulsive. I was introduced to the FODMAP elimination diet by the nutritionist in my chiropractor’s office. I discovered the Monash University website. Then this app. My ultimate advice - don’t wIt till you are my age to DO SOMETHING to help yourself. My gastro’ doctor never recommended anything. Pretty much he said your condition isn’t life threatening. True. But emotionally it was damaging. I am grateful for my nutritionist, Monash researching IBS, this app and my own determination to finally do everything I can to diminish my symptoms. I am in week 4 and am seeing results! I have only missed one day of hypno-therapy. I have learned so so so much about this condition of IBS. Change your life. Sign up for this app.


Amazed! Shocked!

It’s been a lifesaver!! I can’t express how grateful I am. I was hesitant at first about the ability of hypnotherapy to help, and about the money, but I’m convinced. It’s been incredible. I now want to try hypnotherapy for other issues I’ve struggled with as well, it’s been so helpful! I love how optimistic it’s making me feel.

I have come to the conclusion that my gut symptoms were caused both by high FODMAP foods and by stress. But even more so, I had developed a mind-body link that was keeping me in a stress response around certain behaviors (eating, driving, sleeping being some of them) that would trigger an attack. I’ve never yet had a time that using a this app hypnotherapy session during one of these attacks hasn’t worked immediately (and I mean within the first few minutes of the session usually).

PS. I am eating a low FODMAP diet as well, so I can’t speak to using the this app system alone, but I will say that the diet alone was not eliminating my symptoms. Adding the this app program helped tremendously!!


Years of gut issues are better with Nerva

I finally learned after many years that I have food sensitivities and GI issues that interfered with the quality of my life. I powered through without knowing what was wrong. After a lot of research I discovered foods I enjoy that don’t cause issues. I also was so fortunate to discover this app. I was desperate so I tried the initial introduction and now I’m a believer and into the Maintenance phase. The hypnotherapy sessions truly work for me. Rather amazing! I still need the sessions for occasional flare ups when I eat foods that don’t agree with my digestive system or when I’m suffering from stress and anxiety. The sessions relax and calm my mind while soothing my digestive system discomfort. I think it’s important for me to continue the this app sessions for awhile yet as I also work on my anxiety issues. Thanks so much for offering this much needed application. It’s changing my life for the better.


I look forward to my daily sessions!

I have been using this app for about 9 weeks and it has made a big difference for me. I am 47, and have been living with IBS since I was a teen. I have tried so many things to help my symptoms with mixed results. This year has been exceptionally challenging and I experienced a huge flare up of IBS and GERD. I decided to give this app a try. I committed to listening to a session every morning when I woke up, before I started my day. This soon became something that I looked forward to every morning! The narrator’s voice is so soothing and the imagery is so peaceful. What I really love are the positive, reassuring messages. When you are going through a rough spell, or having a bad day, listening to a session is very helpful in reducing symptoms. I am now in the maintenance phase of the program and am enjoying the newly added content. If you are living with IBS, give this app a try! It really helps!


Tried it..and it helped

I read an article on NIH stating the success rate of hypnotherapy on IBS. While searching for somewhere to try this, I came across Nerva. I figured it was less than I would pay for one session with a hypnotist and decided to ty it. I do a session each morning before I get out of bed, and I am almost done with week 6. I knew my gut issues were mainly triggered by moments of high anxiety, and they were becoming worse and more frequent. Nerva has really helped both my mind and gut to be more calm. I noticed in other reviews that some people complained about the sessions repeating, but it hasn’t bothered me. I actually have noticed my progress this way. I wasn’t sure what the daily readings would be like, but I have gotten a lot out of them. I am really happy with the results I got from this program and it couldn’t be easier to use!


Extremely well-done

I’m new to IBS but after some bad flares I started trying to attack it from all levels: Sleeping more, water only 1 hour before or after eating, plenty of water per day, low FODMAP diet, exercising more, CBD oil, adaptogens, probiotic, prebiotics, intermittent fasting, and this this app app. Nerva is very well done. I have some prior experience with hypnotherapy and know that I am open to the suggestions that come with hypnotherapy so thought I’d give it a shot. The guided sessions are very intentionally done and do so much more than just relax you. They’re really specifically curated to help you repair the gut-brain connection for IBS specifically. I’m so glad I found Nerva. I feel much better than before. If I could only do 1 thing out of that list it’d be this app. (And second would be the drinking more water and only at non-mealtimes…this also made a huge difference for me)



It is challenging for me to relax especially when I am being asked to do so. I feel the pressure to accomplish something that it’s not easy for me to do. I seem to respond much better to the word CALM instead. In other hypnosis practices they use different ways to get someone to relax like going down and down the stairs. Do you have any ideas that can help me to relax? Otherwise I do like the meditation. Thanks.

I continue to have a challenge with the expectation to relax. I think using another word, maybe something like, “my arms starting to soften”. Soften, soften a little...this language does not feel like pressure. Otherwise, I continue to like the content. Thanks.

I do like the content of the mediation. I wish there was a different way to help people to relax. Using a different language like CALM, or SOFTEN... soften a little. This way there is no pressure or feeling like I’m not accomplishing something I’m supposed to do. But like I said the content of all the meditations are really good.


Life changing

I purchased this app subscription before a trip to Europe that’s been causing me anxiety for months. I have tried xifaxan, dietary changes (I’m not great at those), lomotil, OTC anti diarrheals, I thought “what could it hurt?”. this app has exceeded all of my expectations. I would not eat out at restaurants, I’d always get food to go and eat cold meals at home after the fact. I do not ride in cars with others (outside of my husband/son) because it’s triggering for me. I avoid getting nails done because I feel “stuck”. I am currently getting. A deluxe pedicure (they take longer, which even on a good day pre this app would have never happened ) while writing this review. I’ve got very little anxiety about being here. I have had car rides - short ones - with others and I feel more confident than I’ve felt in ages. this app has been truly life altering for me.


Great App worked quickly

I have had gut issues for years and finally got so fed up with not getting help from my gastroenterologist except for recommending drugs which I never wanted to take. So I changed my diet which helped a lot however I would have severe pain after eating. I am a therapist and I know the value of relaxation and deep breathing and practice it every day. However I had no idea that using hypnotherapy could help my stomach pain. I caught on very quickly to consciously relaxing my stomach when I was in pain and my pain issues were reduced by approximately 80% within two weeks. I feel so much more in control now of this issue and thank the physician who did the research on this and made her work available through Nerva. I am very grateful thank you so much!


Nerva app is good..if you have realistic expectations

I have IBS and reflux and have been using the this app app for the past month or so in conjunction with other major changes (diet, sleep, exercise, etc...). My symptoms have significantly improved (knock on wood!) during that time although I’m definitely not at a point where I can eat whatever I want. I think it’s a solid app and that it has played an important role in things getting better for me. If you use it, however, I would just be aware that you will probably have to make other changes in your life to really completely address IBS (or whatever your abdominal issue is). I would also strongly recommend doing the 5 minute breathing exercise that is an optional part of each session. Technically, Nerva itself is fine if a little glitchy.

I would love it if they would do some kind of follow-up maintenance app.


Helpful Yet Repetitive & Pricey

I enjoyed the first couple of weeks but the repetitiveness of the hypnotherapy sessions got to me and kept me from completing the program. I realize they have a reason for repeating sessions but it wasn’t helpful for me because I no longer looked forward to the hypnotherapy portion. It just became annoying and boring having to visualize and hear the same hypnotherapy sessions each week. I did do the readings which were insightful. Nerva did help as far as my symptoms now being more manageable because I am able to implement some of the techniques such as visualization and deep breathing. However, this program for me was not worth almost $70. I ended up becoming completely uninvolved after such a short time and, aside from the readings, wasted over half of the subscription (my stats are showing only 2 weeks fully completed and it dropped weekly from there as I lost interest).


Some feedback

I have PI IBS and believe a lot of my issues stem from the trauma of the original infection. So hypnotherapy might help! I haven’t noticed a change in symptoms yet, but I love the recordings. The visuals are great and I find myself returning to them mentally throughout the day. The voices are soothing. (I actually prefer the original Australian but the British is nice too. American next?)
I want to read more articles on hypnotherapy. I don’t know if I am successfully entering a hypnotic state. The meditation is good anyway.
I admit I haven’t used it every day, more like a few times a week. Between the reading, breathing exercise, and recording, week 2 sessions are 30+ minutes long, which is a lot to set aside every day especially for someone new to this. I wish you could choose between a short or long session depending on the day. Also, I’m a planner so I would like to be able to preview later weeks.


Fast help for IBS-C and endometriosis symptoms

I noticed a significant reduction in IBS-C symptoms within the first two days. The deep relaxation sessions reminded my body how to let go and I started practicing the belly breathing much of the day. I listen to the recordings 2-3 times a day for maximum effect and now having 2 bowel movements a day where as before was struggling to have 1 every 3-4 days. Massive improvement 🙌🏼. And I’m only on day 4, excited to see how my baseline stress levels, breathing habits, and ability to relax my muscles continue to improve. I am managing endometriosis as well which is linked to this type of GI trouble (endo belly), candida, stress, and hormone imbalance. Thank you to the creators of Nerva, you’re doing great work to help us who have tried every diet, supplement, etc. We appreciate your help!!


Does memorizing nearly every word of repeated scripts reduce efficacy?

“IT WILL BE AS IF...YOU ARE IN A DREAM. In this dream...” After the free week trial I assumed that there would be a variety of sessions. I was wrong. The user is guided through the same four sessions, over and over and over, for 6 weeks. The only variety is the little text blurb. The sheer boredom of imagining myself in a pharmacy, on a veranda, on a swing, and looking at mountains made doing a session feel like a chore by a few weeks in, as well as caused my mind to wander during sessions. Think there is some really good cognitive behavioral training here, but ideally it would be less brutally dull to sit through day by day after a few weeks. Gotta be a hugely profitable app for the developers given that they recorded 4 sessions and wrote a bunch of short blurbs for almost $100 a pop - that’s a scalable business! “YOU’RE JUST GOING TO GET BETTAH...AND BETTAH...AND BETTAH...all of the time.”


Impressed and Relieved!

Was initially super skeptical of hypnotherapy (if medicine, years of doctors, and thousands of $$ couldn’t help, why would this?). I struggle with IBS-C and feel like most programs help with IBS-D. But I spoke with several heads of Gastro programs at top Universities around the country and they all recommended I used Nerva. I’m so surprised and amazed at how helpful Nerva was in calming my symptoms. My symptoms are unrecognisable from when I originally began Nerva! This has given me hope for continued healing, education for why and how my flare ups occur, and a reliable on-demand program for future possible set-backs. Could not be more grateful for Nerva and will continue using it for years even despite my symptoms improving - it’s just so relaxing!


Highly recommend!!!

I never really understood the impact my mental health was having on the way I was digesting food. I realized that I developed an eating disorder from having IBS and SIBO that cause me to fear food. The fear would make me go into a state of fight or flight anytime I ate something I was worried my trigger a flare. The guilt about the food alone was causing the worst damage than any other theories about whether certain foods are causing these triggers. This hypnosis App is life changing! Accessing the sub conscious mind and removing that fear. Giving my self permission to eat all food in moderation, is so healing. The energy work and the barriers broken in Nerva are phenomenal. Every person with digestive issues needs this!
I wish there was one for other ailments too!


Super helpful for IBS relief!

My dietician recommended trying this app to help with IBS discomfort. I was a little skeptical because I wasn’t sure if it would actually work, but I figured it couldn’t hurt to try. It only takes about 15 min a day and I find it helps so much- not only with discomfort, but also anxiety caused by IBS. I’m in the maintenance phase now and I find I feel better when I continue doing Nerva everyday. It took me a little to find the best time for me to do it because it’s so relaxing that sometimes I’d fall asleep if I did it at night. I have found the morning works best for me- just while still in bed with AirPods. I like the woman’s voice- far better than apps with mindfulness like Headspace. I’m surprised my GI dr doesn’t recommend this because it’s been more helpful at managing pain than meds she has prescribed and has no bad side effects. I plan to tell her how helpful it is at my next appointment! I would highly recommend Nerva and have already to friends.
I recently had an issue with Nerva freezing and the customer service answered very quickly and are very friendly. It turned out there was just a brand new phone update my phone hasn’t done automatically yet. I love that they are available to help even around the holidays!


This app saved me!!

My favorite app of all time, it has changed my life! I went from having flair ups every day/every other day to now barely having any at all! I was in such a depression because of my IBS, and the entire program felt so specifically tailored for me and what I was going through I couldn’t believe it. I just ended my program a few weeks ago and have been doing meditations as an upkeep protocol but not needed every day anymore.

The initial program is absolutely worth every penny and I’m so sad that I can’t afford Nerva anymore and have ended my subscription. I would love to keep using it since my body is used to the ritual and responds so well. But It’s too expensive for how often I use it now which is only once a week or so. I hope they drop the rate for those who have completed the program, to keep those of us who are simply on upkeep protocol and maybe don’t need access to the vast library of meditations but just a simple few.

Not only has Nerva worked better for me than anything doctors have been able to do, but it’s saved me money which is a huge plus. But this is still too expensive for me. Will be watching to see if they drop the maintenance price as I would resubscribe in an instant!



I thought I had tried everything to reduce my IBS symptoms — diet, medicine, supplements, even homeopathy. They all helped, but the symptoms lingered and flare-ups continued. Then I stumbled onto this app’s hypnotherapy program. It helped me feel better almost immediately. The sessions soothed my mind and gut and the readings explained the underlying problem. All I had to do was set aside 15-20 minutes each day and at the end of six weeks I had achieved over 80 percent improvement. When I got stuck, this app’s empathic and knowledgeable staff were there to help. I benefited so much from the program that I took it again. At my doctor’s suggestion, I’m now listening, breathing and reading twice a day. Sign up and take charge of your IBS. You’re worth it.

Update: It has been more than two years since I started the this app program and I am continuing to benefit significantly from it. I am now heavily into their maintenance program which allows me to listen to any of the expanding number of hypnotherapy sessions whenever I want. I also can easily access all of the informative readings about IBS and the gut-brain connection. And just the other day the this app staff replied promptly and helpfully to a question I had about their app. Count me a loyal this app subscriber for life.


Amazing program, but costs way too much!

I have had wonderful success with Nerva. Nothing relaxes me more or attends to my sometimes debilitating symptoms. I looked forward to my sessions daily. Calming voice, excellent breathing exercises, and the guided scenarios are so vivid in my head.

Unfortunately, it has become so expensive. It has been priced this out of any range that I can afford. Paying close to $80 for three months of maintenance when I only use Nerva occasionally is outrageous. Not being able to access previous sessions, that I paid for, is also not customer friendly. I’m really disappointed because the maintenance program costs more than the original program, but used way less often.

I have been a loud cheerleader for Nerva and have discussed Nerva with my doctor who was thrilled I had so much success. I have also recommended it to friends. Until it is more affordable, I must find other, less effective ways of managing my symptoms. This is so disappointing and seems like bad business practice. Monthly payments of around $15 would be more reasonable. I can’t in good conscience recommend something to my friends that is so expensive.


Nerva is a Godsend

I am on day five in using this app. I was introduced to this app through Diet vs Disease. I used a meditative tool called MUSE for about three years so I was familiar with guided meditation and it’s benefits. But I am already very aware how in using this app, I am able to reach a more deep and relaxed state of mind more quickly. The voice of the one who is supplying the verbally guided stages in the hypnotherapy sessions is extremely soothing and trustworthy for me. Thank you, this app, for your innovation and enlightenment. Thank you for making this phenomenal tool so accessible to people who genuinely desire to enhance and enrich their physical and mental qualities in living life. I thank the God I believe in for all of this.

I have now completed three weeks in using this app. I have stayed steady in daily using this program. I find myself feeling not only more confident, more relaxed, and worrying less about my digestive issues, but I am less stressed and more calm these days.

I am not new to diaphragmatic breathing, but to implement it now in using this app feels so right. I have faith in what I am learning and internally processing regarding my health and overall well being. I am grateful for having Diet vs Disease and this app as my companions.


The joy of relaxing with a friend

I have felt from the beginning that the hypnotic voice is that of a close and trusted friend. I am grateful for her presence in my life. I like the time we spend together. I know that the information I have been given about the response my mind and body will have to the use of the this app app indicate it may take time. And truly, I do not feel impatient, but I believe it has already begun to help me. Maybe what has helped most is the familiarity of the format, as I have meditated daily for over a decade now. And another pleasure is just the hope for improving that this app offers. I have been to several specialists, I take daily meds, I have been through nine weeks of physical therapy for my diagnosed pelvic dysfunction, and constantly I monitor what I eat. But this app has offered me, what seems right now, to be something much more attuned to a natural therapy. Thank you.

Now on the 5th week into the this app program, I am beginning to have relief from worrying about my condition. I have gradually been more adventurous in my food choices. I have noticed that I have less fear, more acceptance, not just in the area of digestion, but seemingly other aspects of my life.


This legitimately changed things for me

Like many of us, I found myself down a research rabbit hole during a particularly bad flare up. I was so frustrated just wanting a straight answer about what I could eat that wouldn’t make it worse. One of the articles mentioned this hypnotherapy app and I was skeptical but desperate. Would I really no longer have to log my food and avoid so many favorites? Either way I was willing to take the risk and give it a go and I’m so glad that I did.
We all know that IBS is exacerbated bu stress, but I didn’t realize that so much of my problem was caused by essentially living my life in fight or flight. With a brain running forever on panic mode so many normal functions go by the way side. this app helped me rewire and be all over less anxious and more resilient. I have a better relationship with my gut, appetite, etc. I eat what I want, but I rarely want very much of “trigger foods” but it now feels less like a stressful avoidance and more like listening to my body. I haven’t had a pain flare up since starting the program and think about my IBS less than I have in years.


Do NOT give these people your credit card number.

Guess why I can’t buy my cat’s medication this week? These people kept my credit card number & used it to take money out of my bank account 9 months after the “this app” program already ended. I used to use Nerva. I felt like I really trusted the people who made it. Until today, when I found out that the creators of Nerva which I USED TO use charged me $150 to “renew a subscription” and let me remind you that this is a SIX WEEK PROGRAM. That means that they took my credit card number & stole money from me literally 9 months after the whole program/subscription ended. This is after I already payed them for a YEAR. it’s been deleted from my phone for who knows how long. I have moved on. Suddenly I am reminded of it’s existence when my credit card gets rejected, I check my account & see that this company I have no relationship with any longer stole $150 of my money. How? For what?! Who knows. For them? Fancy dinners i guess. You know who you took the money from? My little kitty, I was buying her medication when I found out about this. I am so scared right now. I guess I’ll see what happens but I have so little hope in this world at the moment. No one is honest any more. No one cares. And this little girl is going to suffer because another greedy person decided they were more important.


I was so skeptical, but…

I was in the worst IBS-D flare up of my life from Jan 2022 until recently, and it’s no small thing to say that Nerva has literally changed my life. I started this very skeptical, but I was at my wits end after so many doctor visits, medications, days of work missed, etc. I ended up paying for this when I connected the dots that paying to use Nerva for a year is less expensive than missing two days of work. I can leave my house again without fear, I can see my friends again, I can work again without wondering if I’ll have to leave in the middle of a work day. I won’t say I’m cured, but I would say I’m 80% better after finishing the full 6 weeks. A year ago I was in the ER for having 15+ watery stools in one day and extreme cramps, nausea, etc. Now I can go a whole week with nothing but solid stools, and days where I have no pain at all. I could cry from the relief I feel. There were times I felt like unaliving myself from my IBS being so severe, so I really feel like I owe my life to Nerva.


Best voice for guided hypnotherapy

The voice for these guided practices: the tone, the tempo, the feeling. It’s perfect! I wish I could find a general hypnotherapy app that is so well done. I love doing these practices everyday. I have had IBS for 22 years and this has helped me at least as much as anything else I have tried—which is everything—and it is such a pleasant experience. I find myself craving the practices and choosing them to cope when I feel overwhelmed, and it is an easy choice. I just “graduated” from the initial 6 week program and my own subjective measures of IBS related discomfort decreased by 65%! I didn’t expect that at all and was so pleasantly surprised. It honestly felt as good as graduating college 😅😂. I warmly and enthusiastically recommend Nerva for anyone with stress-related gut issues. It is deeply nourishing, supportive and enjoyable from beginning to end. It doesn’t feel like one more thing you have to do to get better, like another burden in your life. It just feels lovely and sweet each and every time.


Life changing

I’m not going to lie, I was skeptical. But that never held me back from trying it because after several years (and thousands of dollars) of doctors and testing and NEVER getting any answers except for some blanket “anxiety” answers, THIS WORKS. I’ve only been using it a week and I’ve already seen drastic decrease in feeling crappy during the day (I didn’t even take Pepto this week!), nausea and pain has been minimal. I’m already even seeing a difference in bathroom habits.
I was only able to do the trial for now, as money is short, but I assure you that the cost is LOW compared to the amount of money that I’ve spent on medications and doctors in the past. I will definitely be revisiting it immediately when my personal funds allow.
Also, side note: I have PTSD and sometimes I would be triggered during sessions and I would feel like I wasn’t able to focus enough but it still all somehow still worked. THIS is what doctors need to suggest when their answer is “anxiety”. The education of WHY and a SOLUTION.


Longtime IBS-C with Endometriosis. This program works!

This program has been one of the most effective treatments for my gut sensitivity and has reduced my symptom flares by over 80%. I have endometriosis, and with this comes frequent pelvic pains and abdominal/GI symptoms. At about week 3 of doing this app, I started to notice a big improvement in my mental well being, a sense of self efficacy and calm during previously tense or stressful situations. My bowel habits have been so much more consistent, regular and my sensitivity to foods has gone way down. I am no longer hyper vigilant/ fearful of groups of foods for fear of an IBS flare.

As an added note, I am a licensed pelvic floor physical therapist, and approve of the mind-body approach used in Nerva. The educational readings provided on the chronic pain/stress cycle, GI system, and nervous system is on point! One of the key approaches to treatment is education. When we know what is happening in our bodies and why, it helps ease the anxiety of not knowing/ hyper vigilance to sensations. I now recommend it to all of my patients who have IBS!


Huge Improvement!

I have suffered from IBS my entire life. I have struggled for so many years with trying to get a correct diagnosis, to finding medications that help, to learning my triggers, trying keeping my life functional. I had a tremendous relief of symptoms by going on a gluten free diet nearly three years ago , but still had problems with constant constipation. Nothing helped until I tried this app. I have been amazed at the progress I have made! I have been able to have bowel movements either daily or every other day, which is the most regular I have ever been. I had seen this app advertised, but thought it sounded too simple to work. My pelvic floor physical therapist mentioned this app to me, so I decided to give it a try. I am so thankful I did! I think possibly the combination of the pelvic floor physical therapy and the this app program both complimented each other to give excellent results. I would recommend this app to anyone.


Reshapes my gut relationship!

I’ve never had a consistent meditation practice or anything of the sort, but this app has created the space for me to have a regular practice and immediately improved my relationship with my gut. Just knowing that I can impact my physical well-being with mental intervention is reason enough to use this app. But on top of that, I get all the benefits of meditating for 15 minutes every day!

I saw some immediate improvement in symptoms my first week. Some symptoms returned in the second week, but as I continue with the program, they become less overwhelming. Recommending this to my friends with IBS, especially when elimination diets and medications and supplements haven’t been doing enough to mitigate symptoms.

Love the sessions, love the encouragement and research-backed results, and love the support team - they are genuinely invested in your well-being! (Shout out to Anne, who provides 5-star service every time!)


Noticeable changes

I’m on day 5. My first 4 sessions gave me an opportunity to look within myself and address my anxiety issues. I’m stoked to listen to my recording this evening and reflect on what tonight’s lesson teaches me. My gut struggles have been lessened significantly. Not that I don’t have to watch what I eat but I can now eat without fear. That’s after 4 sessions. Mentally I feel stronger, I have excellent natural supports at home as well, which has also been a great help. At this point I highly recommend that anyone who has gut issues to give the program a try. I know there are no guarantees, but when I saw that Monash also supports this program it gave me the confidence to give it a try. I had read some information regarding the gut brain connection; once I looked more into this I was able to appreciate the science behind this program as well. I feel to be successful you have to be honest with yourself and seriously look within and address your emotional shortcomings.
Best wishes to all of you who have similar struggles.



I believe I am the one who can free myself . I am afraid . I see I have been so severely depressed and ANXIOUS. I am getting more comfortable in the bathroom. It was a torture. room for so long . I am getting comfortable sitting on the toilet and sometimes I am starting to relax. It is not so much doing I think as relaxing and allowing. It doesn’t happen overnight and that’s ok . My pain is significantly better more days each month. I reset the program because I was interrupted by 2 hospitalizations. So I am starting week 2 and I have a high stress pt job and normally I would be doubled over in pain and so overwhelmed but I see I am handling it so much better today . My stomach is just sore not the usual excruciating pain . I am sure I owe this to this app . I need to do 3 seesions a day as that works for me . My severe constipation is now 5 or 6 days a week instead of 24/7 7 days a week severe days and the pain level other than one day this past week is better. This is the most important matter with the highest priority in my life right now.I am giving it my all. Thank you , Robyn


On the right path

I’m only in the first week of trying this app and I decided to give it a try after I realized that my chronic constipation, which I have had my entire life, was simply not caused by what I was eating. I had some success with a supplement that targets vagus nerve as well as a device that promoted a relaxed state. My pelvic floor PT suggested this app. I am very tired of this condition ruling my life and creating so much stress and worry all the time. I am also tired of restrictive diets and countless meds and supplements that never solved the problem. This program is already taking the fear out of eating and I feel more at ease. I am hopeful and plan to continue. The program seems well thought out and backed by research and results. Looking forward to seeing where this takes me……Well, I completed the program and now I continue with the sessions each week. I am so grateful. this app is amazing! I cannot believe the positive impact on my gastrointestinal issues and my life. this app has delivered and I highly recommended!!



I like Nerva and the idea of gut-related hypnotherapy. I just wish the same verbal prompts weren’t repeated at the same points in the session every day. It’s distracting in that I’m repeating what she’s saying along with her. I have the “text” memorized. Only the visualization portion changes each day so far (I have done 7 days of it). I’m not sure whether to subscribe for the full year or not, but I am seeing some benefits. Repetitive prompts and wording are why I stopped using the headspace meditation app. He said the same thing every day, and I wasn’t focusing - I was repeating the words along with him. Only a small portion of his program changed. I went to using Calm for meditation because she changes it every day. She doesn’t say the same words over and over again. this app subscription is expensive. I’m hoping she doesn’t say the same thing every day for six weeks.

Updated in week 3. Maybe Nerva isn’t for me. She’s now repeating the visualizations too. I’m not an outdoorsy type person. Imagining I’m clearing my way through overgrown brush or bathing in a hot spring of mineral waters gives me anxiety. It does NOT relax me at all. I’m finding myself skipping parts of the repeated sessions or verbally disagreeing out loud with the “narrator”. I think I wasted my money. Is it too much to ask for fresh material every day?


Game Changer

I have IBD, currently in remission, but deal with IBS symptoms on a daily. Since contracting Covid-19 last year, I experienced a terrible long lasting flare up of IBS-C, post-infectious IBS and about half year later got an intestinal parasite. This whole mess of GI illness was a major struggle that left me with the worst IBS of my life. Ultimately, this all led me to the discovery of Nerva (thanks to my dietician). I cannot recommend it enough. this app has helped me so much with my daily symptoms of extreme bloating, nightly worsening of bloat and pain. I have a flatter belly with happier digestion and minor symptoms if any. I cannot believe how well the program works. Due to my chronic issues, I continue to use Nerva daily despite the program being only 6 weeks with researching showing that is the minimal effective dose, so to speak.
I also appreciate their support. They are very responsive to any messaging. I only wish you could have an extension of the program to include more weeks of new content and educational reading materials.



This flare up has been going on for over 3 months, completely out of control! It has lessened quite a bit since starting this app, however, I do very well during the day even after breakfast (using portion control). Then anything I eat in the afternoon and especially after dinner, triggers constant diarrhea, excessive burping, tummy cramps and growling tummy. The constant diarrhea and back to back trips to the bathroom are very tiresome. The upside is that I am able to sleep through the night🤗 First thing in the AM I have slight diarrhea and then I’m good until my next portion controlled meal (always worse in the evening)! I have resorted to eliminating dinner and having a small snack instead.

I still have diarrhea daily most often after an evening meal. There have been times I have no diarrhea until after the evening meal. I have recently had my evening meal without experiencing diarrhea. I still use portion control. There are times when my diarrhea has more substance as opposed to explosive liquid and I most often have plenty of time to get to the bathroom. My stress levels have improved and I’m feeling more and more strength and control. My seem to get more in depth during my daily sessions.


This works so well, they need to make a sleep app!

I have to say that I was more than skeptical after years of undiagnosed/misdiagnosed gut issues. After many rounds of western medicine and eastern medicine, I was advised to try Nerva. Nerva along with natural supplements was the icing on the cake. There is a listening portion with a set scene, a listening portion with breathing exercises and a reading portion. The scenic listening portions along with the brief reading are amazing.
The bigger surprise was better sleep. I would fall asleep right away and needed to go back the next day to re-listen. I literally had a two day turnaround with regular bowel activity.
Having said all of that and after a LIFELONG issue with sleeping - this is a miracle for me. The voice, along with the inflection takes me to a relaxed, resting, sleeping state within 1-2min. I do wake when the 15 min is up. If there ever is a sleeping app from this company. Use the same voice and make it twice as long! While costly, it is 100% worth the money. IMO.


Took a while but now I rely on this!

I liked this for the first week. After that, every session felt as though it repeated throughout each week, week after week. I felt I “knew” what to expect and therefore I couldn’t focus or relax. (In fact I took much longer to complete the entire program because I resisted and skipped sessions.)
Then I noticed my stomach was starting to “rumble” as if it were coming alive or becoming attentive to each session. I genuinely felt calmer and as if I missed the “programing” (without being conscious of just what was happening) that was taking place in my gut and brain.
My IBS-C began to “loosen up” and I felt less nervous about food and bloating and gas. I felt less reactive about incidents or small recurrences of IBS.
When the program ended I was bad at keeping up. And then I noticed again I felt “off” and now I am doing sessions a few times a week and feel better.
If you’re like me and get restless or clever at the beginning, please try to keep an open mind and allow the phrasing and repetitiveness to sink in and don’t think so much as I did!


Comprehensive, simple and effective

This program is exactly what I needed at this stage of my IBS journey. I was diagnosed almost 10 years ago. I have been on multiple diets and been treated for multiple diseases, including low thyroid, parasites, EBV, nutrient deficiencies, and most recently, SIBO. I believe the treatment for SIBO in conjunction with coaching and the mind/body work found in Nerva has given me the greatest improvements to date. It’s important to note that all of these interventions had their time and place in my health journey. They have all “worked” to some degree, but none have been a “cure”. I will continue on my path of healing, taking one step at a time and trying the next right thing. My next step after this is trying an antidepressant, and abdominal physical therapy. Every person has bio-individuality, so what works for one may not have the same effect for another. But I wholeheartedly recommend Nerva for anyone with IBS, as it is the least invasive and restrictive treatment—you don’t have to cut anything out of your diet or remember to take a complicated regimen of supplements. Taking care of your mental and emotional health is key for anyone with any chronic illness, and I love how this program is comprehensive, addressing all the facets of IBS. Take care and best wishes on your health journey!


Great new life skill

I have ongoing gut dysbiosis that I’ve been trying to treat naturally. My stress has always been high and I know stress is a cause of illness but didn’t know what to do about it since I already did meditation, exercise, therapy, diet, etc. Nerva taught me the missing piece- to belly breathe through whatever life throws at me. There’s just no reason not to and when you stop doing so, your intestines, literally full of crap, start to fester! So just. Keep. Breathing!
The sessions are better than meditation for me bc they target relaxing the gut and take away the pain there. I have been able to eat small amounts of problem foods with less symptoms, perhaps simply bc I’m not psychologically stressing about it. Or perhaps the hypnotherapy suggestions worked and I’m less sensitive to normal sensations. I can still sense my gut is off (depression and ongoing pain) so I’m going to continue trying other options and may resort to antibiotics. But I feel I have a new life skill that will serve me going forward, and things are continuing to improve so I’m curious to see how it goes!


Feeling calmer!

I’m into the second week of this program and I am noticeably calmer, with less GI problems. I’ve been on the low FODMAP diet for 5 years. It has helped me immensely, by reducing my IBS symptoms of bloating, abdominal pain and diarrhea. Because of the success I have had with the low FODMAP diet, I totally trust Monash University, where the diet was developed. Knowing that this app was developed by the same people, I was very interested in what else they have come up with. This program is educating me about the fact that there is a level of healing possible beyond where I have gotten to with the diet. I am understanding that the essential issue is a hypersensitivity of my brain - gut nervous system, and that can be calmed with hypnotherapy. The hypnotherapy sessions are 15 minutes long, and there is a new one every day. There are short things to read every day, to increase my understanding of what is possible. There is excellent email support. The 7 day free trial allowed me to check it out adequately before paying. I have a clear feeling now that I will be a new person by the end of the 6 week program. I am so grateful that this came to me on my Instagram feed!


Has really helped!

I wasn’t sure about this at first, but after completing two sessions and reading some of the educational material also, I was able to visit my daughter without the usual worry loop. What was I going to eat, where could I eat, was my restricted diet going to inconvenience everyone else? Blah, blah, blah, many of you know the routine. Usually before I even got in the car for the four hour drive I was taking something for diarrhea, I would have myself all worked up. This time I was able to talk to my daughter before going, was able to plan for my meal needs and went with no trouble! I was so much more relaxed and had better knowledge about what was causing some of my issues. I paid for the year so I would keep using this app and I do. Do I never have a flair up, no I do sometimes, but for some reason it just doesn’t set me off the way it used to, that is all part of the beauty of Nerva all this stuff is in the stories. The people that write the stories, it is like they have experienced what I go through and address everything. Try it, maybe you will be as lucky as me.

Barry   1 year ago

Having completed the 6 week Nerva Program and on to the maintenance phase. I can only say it was OK not great. I was excited that there was an app for the mental aspect of gut health and decided to give it a try. I've had gut issues for over 20 years IBS, SIBO colitis, BAM. Pretty serious stuff and I got little to no help from my gastro doc, so I was ready to try something new. Alas this is a good intro to IBS and hypnotherapy, but I need more than this offers. I reallly got bored with the same sessions and silly soothing voice and guided sessions over and over. Maybe it's supposed to be boring. The readings presented nothing new even though there's a ton of new research available... Overall I feel a bit ripped off, This could be so much better...They really need to expand the app to make it more interesting and useful for a wider range of gut issues. They are good at marketing though and I bet it's a good moneymaker for them.

Is Nerva Safe?

Yes. Nerva: IBS & Gut Hypnotherapy is quiet safe to use but use with caution. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 8,893 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.6/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Nerva Is 33.3/100.

Is Nerva Legit?

Yes. Nerva: IBS & Gut Hypnotherapy is legit, but not 100% legit to us. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 8,893 Nerva: IBS & Gut Hypnotherapy User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Nerva Is 84.6/100..

Is Nerva: IBS & Gut Hypnotherapy not working?

Nerva: IBS & Gut Hypnotherapy works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

Pricing Information

**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by users..

Nerva offers a 7-day free trial, after which the subscription costs $14.99 per month or $39.99 per quarter (every 3 months). The subscription will automatically renew unless canceled at least 24 hours before the end of the current payment period. Users can manage their subscription through their iTunes account settings.

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