What a disaster! Until these guys are able to sync up their operations with what is being implemented at the actual parks, they should stop pretending to be a legitimate business. Where to begin? I already had the America the Beautiful pass ($88.45) which should have paid my entrance fee to all of the parks. I was instructed to buy an additional 6 day pass for Yellowstone ($35) and another for Glacier ($35), which it turns out is the exact same thing as the America the Beautiful pass, but for just that week. After I drove over 2,000 miles I was informed that I couldn’t access the main entrance at West Glacier without an additional $2 ticket. No problem, except there aren’t any available. So I was told by the mostly nice, ill informed junior ranger that I could get access if I purchased a reservation at a campground within Glacier, or purchased an overpriced tour with one of the piranha-ish businesses that are allowed to operate within the park. So I found the only campground in the park with any vacancy and went back to the entrance, after spending a bunch of money at the gift shops and cafes, conveniently located in the area where the junior ranger sent me to inquire about our options. Once I arrived back at the entrance I was told that the reservation I had purchased did not qualify because, although the campground was within the park, it was not on the main road!! However, another tiny ranger confidently informed me that I could enter through the east entrance (2.5 hour drive, each way) with no problems and access the park that way. So I spent the next 8hours moving/driving from our non refundable camp ($203.66) to our new camp ($46) that was located within the park. Once we arrived, what a wonderful surprise that the only access road to our camp site was subject to a 1-3 hour delay EVERY trip because some genius decided to schedule construction during the busiest hours of the busiest season of the busiest year the park has ever seen! Fortunately things got better; the next day we went to the east entrance, as we had been instructed, only to be told that ‘our campsite reservation didn’t qualify for access at this entrance, either’, and of the ranger’s apologetic response of ‘I’m not sure why you were told that..’ His empathy and customer service skills were very commendable and appreciated, and he made allowance for us and allowed us in, FOR THAT DAY ONLY