HiMommy motherhood tracker app app not working? crashes or has problems?

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I have a problem with HiMommy motherhood tracker app

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⚠️ Most reported problems ⚠️
Not working


Something else


Problems reported in the last 24 hours

24 hour clock ⏰

Summary of HiMommy motherhood tracker app Problems 🔥

- Couldn't use email from last pregnancy

- Cutesy idea, but developers should consult some women and a scientist

- Counted gestational age wrong by one day

- Buggy in that aspect

📋 3 Reported Issues:

Nicole 2022-10-12

When I open the app it looks like it’s loading then just closes out and crashes

Laura Lynch 2022-09-20

App won’t load. I just get a blank screen.

Marzena Kozak 2022-08-29

The app not working. Can't open it. Don't send notification too.

Showing 1-3 of 3 reported issues:

Have a Problem with HiMommy motherhood tracker app? Report Issue

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Developer: HiMommy - Pregnancy Day By Day - Expecting Baby