Clean Email — Inbox Cleaner app not working? crashes or has problems?

Clean Email — Inbox Cleaner Status

I have a problem with Clean Email — Inbox Cleaner

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⚠️ Most reported problems ⚠️
Not working


Something else

Problems reported in the last 24 hours

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Summary of Clean Email — Inbox Cleaner Problems 🔥

-Large-batch functions may run slowly

-Does not support 2 step authentication if using iCloud

-App specific password only works once or twice before seemingly expiring

-Runs slow on iPad mini

-Multi select feature can be found in mail client's app (yahoo, gmail, etc) for free

📋 1 Reported Issues:

Paula Ybarra 2022-07-02

My inbox has not received any emails since I installed cleanemail. I changed my password and still nothing. If I sign in to clean email I can see that there are new messages but I cant access them! Wth? Tried uninstallingvand reinstalling app.

Showing 1-1 of 1 reported issues:

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