HealAdvisor Analyse app not working? crashes or has problems?

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I have a problem with HealAdvisor Analyse

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⚠️ Most reported problems ⚠️

Not working

Something else


Problems reported in the last 24 hours

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Summary of HealAdvisor Analyse Problems 🔥

- Causes more frustration than healing

- Gets stuck and has to be shut down and restarted

- Has to be reconnected every time

- App is just ok on a good day

- Glitches 80% of the time

📋 7 Reported Issues:

Leanna 2023-08-31

Its stuck on "Connecting to the the HealAdviser cloud" I have tried to.reset it, still doing it. Any ideas anyone?

Lorette ASTORGUES-BILQUEZ 2023-08-27

Blue App is unable to connect to the server. Error message: "The connection with your bluetooth failed." I I deleted the application and put it back on. I done a hard reset on my phone, wifi, and bluetooth. I cannot get past this message. I need your helo and advice. Thank's

Cambria 2023-05-26

Blue App is unable to connect to the server. Error message: "The connection to the cloud server failed." I have done a hard reset on my phone, wifi, and bluetooth. I cannot get past this message.

Roger 2023-05-15

Same problem: Healy Advisor app is stuck in looping after I click the first "Next" button. 'Please wait' is all I see with the blue swirl. I have restarted my phone, but still the problem persist.

Paul 2022-12-20

Healy Advisor app is stuck in looping after I click the first "Next" button. 'Please wait' is all I see with the blue swirl. I have restarted my phone 4 times, but still the problem persist. I am finding it incredibly frustrating as I haven't really used the device because the Apps seem very 'buggy' and I just keep finding 'bugs'. I put the device in a corner hoping the bugs might be fixed, but they are still there. :-(

Ryan 2022-08-22

The app won’t go beyond the sync prompt

Kenneth D Taylor 2022-06-11

In the Blue app I am getting no results from fingerprint analysis for the "All Programs" category. I get a Blank page with the "All Programs" title at the top. I always get results from individual programs (Meridians 1, Gold Cycle, etc.). Please help!! Very frustrating!!

Showing 1-7 of 7 reported issues:

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