iPrescribe Reviews

iPrescribe Reviews

Published by on 2024-05-16

About: iPrescribe makes prescribing painless - eliminating phone calls, faxes, and
paper prescriptions. It works with (or without) any EHR - e-prescribing doesn't
have to be bound to your EHR.

About iPrescribe

What is iPrescribe? iPrescribe is an e-prescribing app that eliminates the need for phone calls, faxes, and paper prescriptions. It is a must-have app for doctors, nurse practitioners, dentists, and other prescribers who want the freedom to write and renew prescriptions whenever and wherever they need to. The app offers a digital prescription pad, patient management tools, and innovative e-prescribing features that accelerate the prescription workflow while safeguarding against errors and complying with national regulations. iPrescribe is 100% cloud-based and is rigorously audited by the DEA for security controls around controlled substances.



- Digital prescription pad

- Patient management tools

- Advanced tools to accelerate the prescription workflow

- Import patients automatically with Patient Finder

- Check in-workflow PDMP (prescription drug monitoring program) and patient med history

- Prescribe controlled substances (even schedule II’s) and non-controlled drugs

- Receive renewal requests from the pharmacy and respond in seconds

- Easily find and prescribe drugs with smart features

- Save commonly prescribed drugs and patients’ preferred pharmacies as favorites for even quicker prescribing

- Retrieve real-time prescription information from a robust network of providers, payers, pharmacies, PBMs, and more

- Review up-to-date formulary information in-workflow

- See real-time medication costs for those you prescribe and choose cost-effective treatments for your patients

- Supplement your EHR

- Security to protect your license & your patients

- Partnered with ID.me for identity verification

- Rigorously audited by the DEA for security controls around controlled substances

- Powered by DrFirst, the leading e-prescribing solution used by 1,400 hospitals and trusted by +100,000 healthcare providers.

Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Negative experience

Positive experience


~ from Justuseapp.com NLP analysis of 1,452 combined software reviews.

22 iPrescribe Reviews

4.2 out of 5


Needs a serious overhaul

Edit to reflect recent update: App has not worked since it was recently updated. I have tried uninstalling it and reinstalling it, updated my phone, reached out to support (with no response) and it adds every prescription to “pending” but will never send the prescription - even if you sign and approve it. Please fix iPrescribe! It is unusable now at this point.

Please please please fix iPrescribe . The website is not user friendly, so the prescribers in our office all rely on iPrescribe . The most significant problem is that when you DC a med, it keeps showing up in the patient’s active medication list. You can try over and over to discontinue the medication but it won’t disappear from their medication list. Another issue is how many reports and complaints we get from pharmacies and patients that the prescription never actually goes through despite it looking like is was successfully sent on our end. These are major issues and we have tried to submit help requests with these issues without response.


It’s getting worse instead of better.

I used to give iPrescribe 4 stars in my mind - it had a great promise with lots of useful features, albeit why some rough edges here and there, but very acceptable for a free software, and the staff was very responsive.

Abut a year later it is getting more cumbersome in some areas (e.g. pharmacy selection), neglected in others, worse in yet others (you have to do manual login with CAPTCHA many times daily instead of using face login), useless features abound (E.g. stubbornly intrusive useless messages about “medication not covered, patient cost $0.00”) and gone are the days of getting response from a concerned staff member. (Dave G is gone, apparently). The “how are we doing” feature of iPrescribe with the box where one can send messages to the developers with promise to getting back to you is for show only,I can attest to that.

But it is free so far, and it’s hard to beat. If they are thinking about making it a paid app, that’s gonna be the moment when I switch.


Too many clicks,update issues

Previous version worked very well. New updated versions seems to have a different workflow. Excessive clicks to affirm I want to send a rx and warnings about the pharmacy benefits/cost of drug. Wish I could turn that off. Why a signature password and a signing password and a login password? Too many passwords to remember and update every 4 months. Also, you must keep a separate record of rxs bc there is no way to export the data if you wanted to send a medicine history. Since I presently have a need to have comprehensive rx records available so that my practice can be temporarily managed by others, I have no choice but to sign on to an r copia account so I don’t have to manually review And record every single prescription. An extra 800$ for r copia and it’s user interface was terrible last time I checked. Also since the update , customer support is backed up for days.


Horrible to set up

iPrescribe is so ridiculous to get everything set up that it’s not worth the hassle to use it. It made me verify with the exact same info over and over again, then linked me to an old inactive account, which then blocked me from going further in the registration process. I couldn’t reset anything and when I called support, they had to delete everything and made me restart from scratch. And all these “verifications” want my SSN left and right, even after I’ve given them all my professional info and license numbers. Will never try to use this mess again!

One more issue with customer service. I called as directed when I couldn’t get through on my own. During my conversation with the rep, he sent me an email with my user name and password to log in. Except he spelled my email wrong and sent it to the wrong address!! So now there is some random person out there with my medical license verification info.


Aggravating and Miserable Experience

Like many other reviewers, I ran in circles trying to get the validation process to work — not just once, but every time I tried to use iPrescribe . Not only that, but as another reviewer said, my personal and professional identifying data are now floating somewhere for no good reason. Seems like a hacker’s dream come true. I spent several HOURS dealing with tech support, literally all day, and after submitting a single non-controlled Rx, iPrescribe never completed another patient entry and submission. Did I mention this took all day? This was in 2020, so perhaps iPrescribe works now. My solution was simply to request a waiver from our State Medical Board, easily obtained. I’m not paying for e-prescribing, and I’m definitely not using this program. If it works for you, great! Didn’t work for me, a tech savvy user, and sure didn’t save me time or money! There are expensive alternatives, but I don’t have to use them. Get a waiver.


Just awesome!!

I love using iPrescribe for my prescriptions. The simplicity, ease of use, user-friendly interface, smooth functionalities and timely support are just a few top features. I was using another eprescribe option and couldn’t stand it anymore due to many functionality problems and cumbersome interface. When I found this app, I signed up in 15 minutes and sent my first prescription to the pharmacy. I didn’t believe it until the Pharmacy fill the prescription!
I use iPrescribe mainly for prescriptions for my family and close friends, and these basic features are FREE to use. Thank you for creating and maintaining such an awesome app.


It does what it’s for (and not much else)

First, the good stuff:
I guess I’m one of the lucky ones who was able to get iPrescribe set up without *too* much hassle.
It does what it’s designed to do very well- transmit an Rx to the pharmacy. And for that I like it and rely on it.

However, it is apparent that iPrescribe was designed for functionality only, without any (or very little) regard to the user experience. It was obviously designed by a computer scientist and not a doctor (I am both).
Menus are ill-designed.
Text entry is a chore- even very commonplace features such as automatic capitalization of first words of names, streets, or cities is not included.
A tab key to move between text fields would be nice.
Error messages are frequently gobbledygook and, if they are legible, don’t give any direction to fixing the error. (In that vein, would it kill you to say what characters ARE allowed in the note field?)
Speaking of the note field, the allowed number of characters is way too low.
Include a link to the main menu from any screen, rather than making me drill back to get to it (my record number of clicks for that is eight).
And so on.


Best eRx available

I do eRx in the past but iPrescribe is by far the most efficient and intuitive one out there. It is user friendly and extremely streamlined. As with anything, set up requires time but William was extremely friendly and helpful with the whole process. He made it easy and walked me through the whole process.
My only criticism is I need to print a copy of the script. I can’t seem to find where it allows me to print. If there isn’t that capability, I hope you guys design it soon so I can print and have a copy for patient.
Best eRx app. Hope company doesn’t get to big and then sell off...
Thank you for this eRx app.


Needs some work

1. Not touch sensitive, you have to touch EXACTLY in the right spot or it will not allow you to start typing
2. Does not allow editing of favorite medications. It allows them to be added, but not removed or edited.
3. Unable to add FAVORITE pharmacies. I use 3 pharmacies extensively and I have to search for them every time.
4. Does not have a way to show when you renew prescription, it continues to show the same date it was started, so you can’t see when you last prescribed it.
5. Sometimes just crashes for no reason.
6. The help function does not work, when you try to submit a suggestion, it gives an error.
7. Hard to find who to call if you need changes. I have had my DEA and office address changed in the last 12 months, it took forever to find out who to contact with the company to make changes. There is no way to do this via iPrescribe .
In general just okay for basic use as a free app. I would pay for it if they fixed the above issues.


poor support

Initially program worked well, but then stopped letting me log in with Doximity. Since I usually didn’t log in directly I did not remember log in info. I submitted request to reset password…no response. I called and was told that if I could give them my Doximity info they could do a password reset. Gave them my info and they said that it was incorrect (even though I can log in on Doximity app and web site, and confirmed with Doximity). Now 4 days and no response at all to request for tech support. Since this is just a program I use for patients I cover for a Nurse Practitioner’s practice this isn’t crippling, but I hate to think what would happen if it was.


Great options for those who don’t have EMR

I am a solo practice physician and have sworn off the use of EMR. However, I wanted to retain the usefulness of electronic prescribing, especially when I am always on the run. Not only was iPrescribe free but also retain full functionality as my previous EMR system. The support team is excellent and responsive to your questions. I highly recommend iPrescribe for any health provider who travel often, or, like me, have sworn off the evil of EMR.


Great app and company

iPrescribe has been perfect for me to use to write electronic prescriptions for my patients. iPrescribe is easy to use. The setup process is a bit difficult, but this is a good thing in my opinion. The company is very helpful in getting everything set up right, even with the extra steps to get approved for controlled substances. I will continue to use iPrescribe frequently as it is easy for me to review prescriptions when I am not at my office.


Emailed support, issue resolved in minutes

I was trying to get my problem resolved via phone. After 1 month, I tried their email help through iPrescribe . They were able to fix the problem in minutes. Use the email tech support!


What happened???

Since the latest update, it’s always asking to turn on notifications (what if I don’t want to???), no option to stop that. No option in units for “vial” or “inhaler” or “bottle” etc., just “tablet” or “tablets” or “each”! Under custom amount, if it’s less than one, will not accept! I’m a pediatrician, my younger patients need doses sometimes less than 1 ml! Unable to enter 0.x unfortunately. And what happened to all the patient demographic information? Why am I having to enter phone numbers and addresses all over again.
Please fix iPrescribe. It’s a crucial tool for my practice.


Didn’t work, no tech support

I needed iPrescribe to write prescriptions when I was camp doc for a week. It never worked, I spent a half an hour on hold to get tech-support and then another half an hour with the tech-support person.

He finally figured out that there was a problem because I was registered under one hospital that interfered with the function of the system. He said that the next day, someone from the company would contact me to set up an account under my practice name.

No one ever contacted me. After several days I submitted a help ticket through the support website and no one ever contacted me after that either.


Never Works

I own my own peds house call practice and iPrescribe was recommended by a colleague. It took me forever to set it up and it did not work correctly, so I had to contact customer service. It took two days to get a response. I used iPrescribe one time to prescribe and since that time, have tried to use it and am always locked out of my account. I have contacted customer support several times and never get a response. So....I have been calling in all my script because this does not work and no one seems interested in helping. Very poor customer service.


Can’t use it

I had everything working and successfully submitted a few prescriptions. Most recently trying to log in, iPrescribe would not accept my password. I know my password and triple checked user name and password. Clicked link that I “forgot” multiple times and no email has been sent. Called support after 15 minutes of waiting on reset email that is supposed to come within 5 minutes. Sat on hold for 30 minutes and finally gave up and selected call back option. 30 more minutes and I still haven’t heard anything. MY PATIENT NEEDS HIS PRESCRIPTION - I just did surgery on him.



I am a rural doc that works in nursing home, palliative care and hospice. iPrescribe is AMAZING! It has truly cut hours out of my day and reduced the need to always be attached to my script pad. And the customer service?? Also top notch. I have talked with the support team a couple times as my account activated and they were fantastic, even stayed with me on the phone while we went through the entire process. Would HIGHLY recommend to others.


Where is FaceID?

How is this still the only app on my iOS devices that still has yet to support Face or TouchID?! This is literally the most annoying app to log into on any of my devices. And to top it all off, instead of making things more convenient, they recently decided to make things take even longer by adding Captcha!
Also, please add an option to disable the benefits check. I don’t appreciate having to wait for a pop up to tell me the price. I’m sure it’s a nice feature for some, but I’d like to be able to disable it.



I really like that iPrescribe is user friendly, especially with adding or changing a pharmacy and ease of adding additional patients. I use a computer used by other prescribers and I find it frustrating that other prescribers saved sign in and password come up and I end up getting locked have to wait or call. This happens even though I have deleted saved as some people are no longer here.


No more calling Pharmacies or hunting for Rx Pad

iPrescribe is a Godsend. I was a huge fan of the prior version too but the latest version is so intuitive with a MUCH IMPROVED registration system. I am able to send prescriptions and yes - controlled Rx (my EMR still doesn’t do controlled prescriptions transmission) - to the pharmacy with a breeze. This is beyond helpful when I am on overnight clinic call or covering for the Nursing Home. If you don’t have this yet - GET IT.


Early experience

I have been using iPrescribe for three months. It is very intuitive and easy to use. putting a patient in takes a couple of minutes but after that it’s easy to add a new prescription. The support has been very good. The support has been available and extremely useful when I need to call in. The application continues to improve.


Love the App

I really love iPrescribe. It is easy to use and if you run into problems you can reach a person for help within minutes! I’m so glad to have made the switch from paper prescriptions to e-prescribing. I also like that I can refill prescriptions with just a few clicks. Most prescriptions go through to pharmacy without problems. I highly recommend iPrescribe!!!


Innovative and useful

iPrescribe is very convenient to use and has saved me a lot of time when prescribing medications to patients, particularly when out of the office. Due to DEA requirements, the credentialing process is a bit tedious, but well worth the effort once it's set up. this app has become an indispensable tool that I use daily. I recommend it to any physician on the go who desires a modern and painless solution to e-prescribing.


Finally in the Internet age

I feel like I’m finally in the modern age. It’s a little bit tedious for the set up, but once you get going it’s so simple to use. Plus the support has been incredibly helpful. Great user interface, straight forward design, and so easy to use. I’m just glad to not spend so much time on hold with a pharmacy when I have to call in a script.


Made my life easier

I’m a nursing home physician so I write a good amount of CII meds. iPrescribe has stopped the hassle of lost faxes. I love that everything is stored so there’s no question when a prescription has been sent. It’s quick and user friendly.


Can not register!

The registration process is absolutely horrific. I didn’t have to jump through so many hoops to get hospital staff privileges or a DEA number. All so I can write a script? You need a second person to verify your identity and they have to go through the same hoops just to if you! I couldn’t get through the making of a passphrase part of the registration because it kept throwing me back to the same screen, then locked me out. This is absurd. I’m looking for a more user friendly app to use.


Registration impossible

Tried to register. Had to lift Experian credit freeze and get “Transaction Number.” Tried to register again but kept getting message that password or transaction number was incorrect; reset password, same problem. Don’t tell me I can’t copy the Experian Transaction number or remember password I just reset. After no less than half a dozen calls to tech support I was told to start over. What will doing the same thing again change?


Good App

We like iPrescribe so far. I wish there were an option to add patients on the home screen without prescribing so we could have their info ready to go before their appt more easily. I know we can do a new rx to add them, but it would be better to offer that option all on its own.


Fantastic app

This is a great app for eprescribing when you can’t use your institution’s EHR. The registration process is somehow cumbersome, especially if you want to sign up for controlled substance prescribing, but it’s well worth it. Submitting a prescription is a breeze after you add patients.



I find this app is much easier & faster to use on my hand held device than my previous computer system. Thank you for streamlining electronic prescribing!


Amazing: Makes life a lot easier

iPrescribe is simple, intuitive and very functional. I haven’t seen anything better or even as good

Puja Parekh   1 year ago

They are frauds. They charged me for a full year without me signing up. DO NOT USE THEM.

Anne Fottrell   2 years ago

I have never done an online review before if that tells you anything. It has taken me 4 months to get this set up. I have an amazing friend in this practice who has been kind enough to send controls that I can't call in. Neither our person assigned to help us or the IT person could figure out what was wrong. Finally, after being on the phone long enough last week to have to cancel patients, I finally got everything set up. I thought. I STILL don't have the ability to send in controls. There is no place to add the new token. It hasn't been activated. This is THE WORST product I have ever had to deal with in my 30+ years of practice. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. Now I have pts hacked off because their rxs haven't been sent in. It has truly been a nightmare of epic proportions. That may sound dramatic, but think about being a child psychiatrist unable to send in stimulants for 4 mos. Then think about the parents. Totally ridiculous.

Is iPrescribe Safe?

Yes. iPrescribe is quiet safe to use but use with caution. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 1,452 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.2/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for iPrescribe Is 37.5/100.

Is iPrescribe Legit?

Yes. iPrescribe is legit, but not 100% legit to us. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 1,452 iPrescribe User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for iPrescribe Is 53.7/100..

Is iPrescribe not working?

iPrescribe works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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