I’m a seven day a week, twice a day customer. Obviously I’m a big fan of their coffee. But as outstanding as their coffee is, their app is a complete 180! Now, when it’s working correctly, it’s not bad. But it is consistently inconsistent. I’ve had orders that show they went through on my end but the store never received. TheCoffeeBean won’t take my order at times because it says the store is closed when it’s open. The latest is my favorite drink, TheCoffeeBean won’t let me order it because it says they are out of that product or it’s been discontinued but I’m able to order it at the register (defeating the purpose of TheCoffeeBean ). Another annoying thing is if you go to Hawaii or certain other locations, the store is a Coffee Bean, everything is the same on the inside and outside, same menu but they don’t take TheCoffeeBean . It has something to do with franchising. I’m sorry, that’s something to be worked out by Coffee Bean and the franchisees. That’s not customer friendly.