Eng-Mm Dictionary Alternatives

Eng-Mm Dictionary Alternatives

Find best apps like Eng-Mm Dictionary, competitors and top software/SaaS apps in this
category. English MM Dictionary is a offline English to Myanmar or Myanmar to English
Dictionary. Main Features : - Work without internet access - Auto suggest
searching word - Voice settings - Easy n...

47 Best Alternatives To Eng Mm Dictionary

What are the best software like Eng-Mm Dictionary for 2024? Below are the most similar Reference softwares we found.

It’s hard to stay centered on God & His Word. That’s why the free YouVersion Bible App gives you tools to seek God’s heart daily: listen to audio Bibles, create Prayers, study with Friends, explore 2,000+ Bible versions, and much more...

Dictionary.com: English Words
Download the number one free dictionary app with English language learning tools and free word games built for every level of learner. With more than 2 million trusted definitions and synonyms plus word puzzles, language quizzes, and spelling quizzes, this English dictionary and thesaurus app for iPhone is optimized with your mobile device in mind to help you learn English or improve your English vocabulary...

iPromises - Daily Bible Verses
GOD'S PROMISES In your hands • Gorgeous, user-friendly layout and design • Beautiful, shareable images featuring content from the daily scripture • Customizable notifications to remind you to read God's promises at your ideal time of day • Drag screen, move device and two tap to take promise • Check daily Bible verse from the new iPromises widget in notification center • +1000 God's Promises • Available : Englis...

SpanishDictionary.com Learning
Learn Spanish online or offline for free with SpanishDict, the leading Spanish-learning app trusted by millions. Translate anything between Spanish and English, look up the conjugations for every Spanish verb, and practice with our interactive quizzes, lessons, and drills...

Bible App - Read & Study Daily
Bible by Olive Tree equips you with easy-to-use Bible study tools so you can read and study the Bible for yourself. Here’s 5 ways we help you study God’s Word: 1) NO WIFI You don’t need WiFi to access your Bible, audio Bible, or any other Bible study tools...

WolframAlpha Classic
Use the power of Wolfram's computational intelligence to answer your questions. Building on 35+ years of development led by Stephen Wolfram, Wolfram|Alpha is the world's definitive source for instant expert knowledge and computation...

ASVAB Practice For Dummies
Would you like to measure your strengths and check your potential for SUCCESS in military service? Do you want to see how capable you are with your score and pass the ASVAB practice test? With ASVAB Practice for Dummies, you will be able to reach your goal and be prepared for a career in the U.S...

Ancestry: Family History & DNA
Explore who and where you came from through photos, stories, historical records, and so much more— even your ethnicity and family communities if you’ve taken an AncestryDNA® test. And with just one relative’s name, you can start to discover your family history anytime, anywhere with Ancestry®, the top genealogy app*...

The only Dictionary and Thesaurus with every word you search for. Plus Word of the Day, free offline dictionary access, and millions of definitions and synonyms from top sources, including: Webster's Dictionary Roget's Thesaurus The American Heritage Dictionary Plus FREE access to: English Offline Dictionary English Offline Thesaurus with synonyms and more Medical Dictionary English Idioms and Slang Dictionary Translation...

ACT Prep For Dummies
ACT Test Prep For Dummies gets you ready for one of the biggest tests of your high school years. And, the more practice you have, the better you’ll score...

Muslim Pro: Quran Athan Prayer
The most popular Muslim app. Recognized by more than 110 million Muslims around the world as the most accurate prayer time & azan application, Muslim Pro also features the full Quran with Arabic scripts, phonetics, translations, and audio recitations as well as a Qibla locator, an Islamic Hijri calendar, a map of halal restaurants and Mosques & more! MAIN FEATURES: • Qalbox 100s of hours curated video content • Accurate...

Lingvo English Dictionary
Lingvo Dictionary is a perfect tool for quick, easy and accurate offline translation of words and phrases! Free access to 6 dictionaries for 7 languages included! Download them after installation right from within the app! Additional premium dictionaries for 8 languages including thematic, economic, law, etc. are available for In-App Purchase...

Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Get America’s most useful and respected dictionary, optimized for your iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch. This is the best iOS app for English language reference, education, and vocabulary building...

Pascal Programming Language
The classic Pascal programming language for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch. Programming language is a perfect tool for studying, complex mathematical calculation, entertainment and many other useful tasks...

Night Sky
Night Sky is a powerful AR personal planetarium. Quickly identify stars, planets, constellations and satellites above by simply holding your iPhone, iPad or Apple Watch to the Night Sky! This is all done magically...

WordReference Dictionary
The app of the world's most popular and powerful dictionary translation website. It grants you quick access to our extensive dictionaries and forum discussions...

Job Search Engines List: Web Links
Job Search Engines List ================== • Classified by geographical areas. • You can searching job around the world...

Sky Guide
Bring the beauty of the stars down to Earth. Hold Sky Guide® overhead to automatically identify any star, constellation, planet or satellite! Easy to use and powerful, it’s epic stargazing for any experience level...

Russian English Dictionary Pro
Easily learn Russian & English with Russian English Dictionary & Translator app! Free download & no Internet connection required! The Russian English Dictionary & Translator app enables you to search Russian & English words with definitions, examples, pronunciation, and more. FEATURES - Detailed word definitions & example sentences - Related search suggestions - Advanced sentences analyzer - Favorite words & search history ...

Mommy Nearest
Since launching in 2013, Mommy Nearest has become the most-trusted app for parents looking to discover family-friendly places across the country. Over the years, we’ve been hard at work layering in many new elements into our mobile experience, including content from some of the country’s best parent-focused writers, and specials and promotions from the country’s preeminent family-friendly businesses...

Free Czech English Dictionary and Translator (Česko - anglický slovník)
The leading Czech English Dictionary and Translator for iPhone, iPad & iPod Touch * Selling over 500,000 dictionary apps * More than 106,000 translation pairs * High quality English & Czech speech engine (via In-App Purchase) * Integrated Google/Bing Translate * Phrases & Synonyms * No internet connection required (except Google/Bing Translate & Wiki search) BitKnights makes quality apps for people who love or use languages. ...

Grammar Checker for writing Emails and Texts
NOTE: This app works with all languages in the world! How the app works? you're guessing between two possible ways to write a sentence. e...

FamilySearch Tree
FamilySearch Family Tree makes it easy and convenient to discover and document your own branches of the world’s family tree while preserving family memories such as photos, written stories, and audio recordings. Connect with your ancestors as you discover the important events and stories of their lives...

WECO E-Commerce Mobile
WECO E-Commerce Mobile offers SAP® users a powerful platform for mobile processing of sales and services processes. The mobile application is directly connected to the SAP system, therefore all data is available real time...

Electronics & Communication
Packed with more than 4000 Electronics Terms and various Electronics Calculators, this Electronics Engineering app is an extensive guide for all your queries whether you are a student, teacher or an electronic lover. For quick and SMART learning this Electronics and Communication app has lots of Electronic Formulas and Equations...

Oxford Dictionary
The Oxford Dictionary of English (ODE) with more than 150 years of research behind it, is globally accepted as the highest authority in the study and reference of the English language. ODE is a valuable resource for anyone using English in an academic or professional context...

Word of the Day・English Vocab
Stop being addlepated with unknown words! Don’t know what ‘addlepated’ means? Get a step ahead. While others are looking up definitions, you already know the answer...

Medical Dictionary by Farlex
Medical Dictionary - Healthcare Definitions and Terminology is a free, iOS medical dictionary app that gives you instant access to more than 180,000 medical terms, over 50,000 audio pronunciations, and 12,000 images, all from authoritative sources, including McGraw-Hill, Houghton Mifflin, Gale, Elsevier, and more. Whether you’re a practicing physician, nurse, med student or just plain curious, this free medical dictionary a...

Accounting & Commerce Guide
With more than 8000 Commerce Terms and lots of Statistics and Accounting Formulas, this Commerce Study App will surely give you a new way to study. For quick and SMART learning this Commerce Dictionary has a Quick Guide of many Financial Ratios and formulas...

Bible in Basic English ( BBE )
Features of Bible in Basic English: • Free, Simple & Ease-To-Use. • Get daily bible reading and track the read chapters...

Code Control For Communication
If the computer does not respond to the remote after trying all codes corresponding to the mark list, or if the mark is not included in the list, do a manual search code: Here to and a list of brands to find the code for your TV (Television) or Another thing you want to program. Here we provide these codes to be searching on the internet here in this application are all codes Thousands of different brands here we provide life...

La Misa de Cada Día
"La Misa de Cada Día" te permite seguir la misa de todos los días del año allí donde te encuentres. Incluye los textos litúrgicos para todas las celebraciones eucarísticas del misal español, tanto las de ámbito general como las propias de cada diócesis y las de las principales poblaciones...

完全免费无需注册,无限时长、无限流量,清爽界面,一键加速,便捷交互。 完全免费的VPN,随时随地连接!无需注册,无需订阅,无限时长,无限流量。 我们不需要您注册任何个人信息,完全不必担心个人隐私。 不限制时长、不限制流量、网游、视频、播客的不二之选...

#Bible - Verse of the Day
"Incredible App - My sister shared this app with me a few weeks ago and it is truly incredible. The music that plays when you read the verses, the scrolling like flipping a page, and everything about it just makes my time with God feel very intimate when I am reading daily verses and able to go through some of the devotionals...

Neuigkeiten Mitteilungen zu Ihrem Haus und Mietverhältnis direkt über unsere App. Sollten sich Notrufnummern verändern oder wir Ihnen Wartungstermine mitteilen, erhalten Sie die Nachricht direkt auf Ihr Smartphone...

Référentiels prix immobilier
L’application « Référentiel des Prix de l’Immobilier » vous permet d’accéder aux prix de référence en matière de cession immobilière, retenus par la DGI pour le calcul de L’Impôt sur le Revenu/Profit Foncier (IR/ PF). Il s’agit de prix moyens pour le calcul de l’IR/PF et ne constituent en aucun cas une évaluation directe d’un bien immobilier...

Commands for Alexa
This app provides a full list of commands for Amazon Echo with Alexa virtual assistant. All commands are categorised...

German English Dictionary +
Free English to German and German to English dictionary and translator with more than 170.000 offline words, phrases, and sentences...

Quran Hadi English (AhlulBayt)
Quran with English Translation and Interpretation (Tafsir) Our Quran reader app gives you a pleasant experience with its intuitive interface, and offers you a stylish way to read Quran and its interpretation (tafsir) on your smartphones and tablets. The app features: • Complete Quran like the actual Mus'haf • Translation of each verse in English by Abbas Sadr-Ameli • English Interpretation of verses of Quran as per A...

Wifi Signal Strength Meter
Wifi Meter - #1 Wifi Signal Strength Detector App Do you ever wonder why your internet connection is slow in your rom or in some place your house? Your office have many wifi you don't know which is the best to connect? Wifi Meter will help you! With unique technology our app will provide many useful information of your Wifi. You will know where in your house or office have best wifi signal strength...

Enterprise Workspace Summit
Der ENTERPRISE WORKSPACE SUMMIT bietet die ideale Plattform, um sich über Best Practices des digitalen Arbeitsplatzes auszutauschen. Dabei steht der Mitarbeiter im Fokus: Wie können Home Office und damit einhergehende New-Work-Strategien gemanagt werden? Wie können Geschäftsprozesse mobilisiert werden? Wie kann die Arbeit mit neuen Technologien wie 5G, IoT, KI, Edge, VR/AR erleichtert werden? Keynotes, Thinktanks, Best Pra...

Blapp - Black-owned businesses
Blapp makes it easy for you to find and support Black-owned businesses across the US. In Blapp you can: - See all Black-owned businesses nearby on a map or in a list - Find products and services offered by Black-owned business owners - Filter by category to display relevant results - Search for specific products or services provided by Black-owned business owners - Share products and services with friends Once you find som...

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