Bible Reviews

Bible Reviews

Published by on 2024-10-16

🏷️ About: The YouVersion Bible App is a free app that provides tools to help users seek God's heart daily. It offers features such as audio Bibles, prayer cards, reading plans, and the ability to explore over 2,000 Bible versions in over 1,300 languages. Users can customize their experience, connect with friends, and study the Bible together.


Overall Customer Experience 😎

😎 Positive experience

🤬 Negative experience

🫥 Neutral

~ from NLP analysis of 10,861,906 combined software reviews.

Summary of Customer Reviews (Takeaways): 💎

- Helps connect with God and the Word

- Daily scripture and video to help apply scripture

- Search reading plans based on emotions or topics

- Search for specific scriptures based on words remembered

- Do reading plans alone, invite others, or make it private

- Highlight passages, save them, and add notes

- Read different versions side by side to compare translations

- Convenient to read on devices instead of carrying an actual copy

- Connect with other people through the app

Read 35 Customer Service Reviews 😠💢

4.9 out of 5

Great app


On the plus side, I like being able to highlight passages, save them and add notes, read different versions and do that side by side to compare translations. I like pretty much all the features and it has helped me gain a better understanding of the this app simply by being able to read it. I’m on my second time through reading it. It’s extremely convenient being on my devices instead of having to carry an actual copy around. This way I can jump in any time of day and read a little more. I like being able to connect with other people through Bible . I like how it keeps track of daily reading streaks. Sometimes that actually helps me remember to do daily reading when I don’t necessarily feel like it because don’t want to break my streak.
The only thing that bugs me about Bible is the way you phrase the question when you ask for a rating and review. “Do you love the this app App?” I’m sure I’m getting into the weeds too much, but you have an app for THE this app which is all about the source and definition of love. It’s about loving other people and loving God, not inanimate objects, not money, not animals and certainly not apps. I guess I just think it’s kind of stupid to have an app about the this app and then ask if I “love” Bible . Seems like the creator of Bible didn’t connect all the dots or didn’t actually read the this app. As apps go this is 1 minor thing compared to many great features, it just really bugs me for some reason.

My all time favorite app since 2012


Bible has been life changing for me. It helps me connect with God and the Word. There is a daily scripture and video that helps you apply the scripture of the day. You can search reading plans based on emotions or topics or anything. You can also search for specific scriptures based on the words you remember and look by book or sang related scripture. You can do reading plans alone, invite others to join you or make it private so no one knows the current plan you are reading. Bible has helped many through many chapters in my life and I continue to use it weekly and daily. I searched for reading plans when I lost a job, was preparing for marriage and nor that I have been going through parenthood. I am so grateful for the technology that Bible provides for me to see what God’s Word says about anything. Bible offers the this app in many languages that continue to grow and many versions of the this app. You can compare a verse with other versions to get a better understanding, make a note about it, share it with others through social media, other apps, email or text. You can make images with a verse or several and share it that way or make an album of photos in your phone with the scriptures you need to focus on at this point in your life. I use Bible on my phone and iPad and I am so grateful to the developers for making this amazing app and continue to make it better through th years! Thank you so much!

The Bible Application


I’m able to make goals for myself more efficient and effectively. I’m learning so much more from different aspects from different author’s perspectives to keep me on track with Christ Jesus. The this app Application is so much more than just reading the this app, helps me understand and give me all my answers needed to certain questions I have about everything I need to know. The this app application helps me to keep myself together meeting my goals with Christ Jesus as well for my family, friends and myself. The this app application is completely a blessing for me learning how to deal with difficulties in my life to resolving my every day issues and keeping myself together with Jesus for my family, friendships. How to be a testimonial for others leading them to Christ, too saving souls. The this app application challenges me how to cope with sorrows too every day to day struggles keeping a sound mind and soul with Jesus! There’s so much to the this app application for everyone who wants to have Jesus lead and guide themselves through life the way Jesus intended for all of us to live our lives in love for for each other. “
Love thy neighbor as you would love yourself,” I can go on and on about The this app application, just know when you start your journey with Christ Jesus, your life will become more healthier from who you used to be. Your past is forgiven for you to start a life so wonderful with Christ Jesus. God bless you all so much! Thank you Jesus!

The Best Bible App to Read the Bible & Devotionals & Plans


I cannot give enough good advice about having Bible on your devices. I have already read the this app in one year with a group and now I’m reading the entire this app for the second time using another plan with another group and this one I hosted and invited people to. We are communicating along the way and taking this journey together and it’s amazing. In addition there are so many this app based reading plans that help support you through life’s ups and downs. There are daily reading sets which include videos from pastors which are completely incomparable to any other reading plan. I have downloaded many many this app apps over the years and by far this is the best and most rewarding. It has helped support my journey on being closer to God and learning more about Him. I’m sure it can do the same for you. It also has a personal prayer section with options to include updates and whether the prayer was answered. It’s an experience that is so amazing and fulfilling. Just think about it - I have hosted a this app reading plan and invited family and friends to read the this app some of which have never read the this app before - imagine that? Talk about spreading the word of Christ!!!! Don’t waste anymore time. Let today be the day you take on a new beautiful life changing journey with this this app App. By the way you can also select from multiple translations!

Love everything but the streak history


I love the this app YouVersion app. The tons of translations, search option, highlight color options for me to find saved verses easier, etc. are all great. The ONLY thing I really do NOT like (actually detest) is the streak history where it keeps track of how many days in a row you’ve “been in the Word.” Until recently, I’d found myself often just opening Bible JUST to keep my streak of daily “reading.” That didn’t help me spiritually, it just tempted me to be dishonest with myself and give myself a feeling of self-righteousness bc “I had done it every day!” I read the this app late at night, so regardless of whether I’m reading every night before bed (whether it’s before or after midnight), it either keeps my “streaks” or starts me all over again if I happen to login at 12:02am. It serves no purpose and I wish I could take it off or get rid of it altogether but haven’t found that option yet. Perhaps I’ve missed it. But the “tool” is not good for people like me who deal with heavy shame when expectations aren’t met...the LAST way I want to feel when I’m trying to read the life-breathing Word of my Savior Who “keeps no record of wrongs.” My initial thought was, “Oh, the this app’s trying to be like Snapchat” And it shouldn’t be a mandatory option, in my opinion. Other than this, I absolutely love all the reading plans and other great options!

Love the verse of the day. Change the wave of color across the screen


I am at the 161 consecutive week mark of being in Bible. I start my day with the verse of the day and thoroughly enjoy the video messages that accompany them each day. The format and question at the end is thought provoking. And many times I have saved the daily prayer in my library so I can come back to it and pray again. I have highlighted text and created a library of verses to help me in specific situations. I like creating my own library of topics this way. I have participated in several this app plans and a couple of daily challenges. I have enjoyed each one and they have enhanced my this app knowledge and I have grown in faith with each one. It warms my heart and soul knowing that Bible is translated into so many languages to unify our world. Because of Bible, more people of all nationalities have the opportunity to follow Jesus. The only corrective comment I would ask the developers to consider is to take off the wave of color that fades across the opening of the prayer of the day and carries to the verse of the day aa well as the ending prayer. This wave of color is quite distracting. Many times it is a light to dark concept which not only makes the text hard to read; but it just doesn’t feel like the Lord. I have felt like the devil is washing the screen. My hope is that this review will be seen by the developers to make this change. Let’s stay in the light of God while we enjoy Bible .

Best App on the App Store


Bible has changed my life. When I downloaded Bible for my phone, I had faith that there was an Omniscient God. The only problem holding me back was that I did not have a personal relationship with Him. This YouVerse app changes that for God. I have been able to have the entire this app, different versions of it, and plans to study it all on the palm of my hand. The this app app is the first thing I open on my phone in the morning and the last thing I shut down at night. Without Bible I think I would steal brim a struggle with finding and keeping a personal relationship with my God. I have told everyone I know that I highly recommend them to get Bible. If you don’t have faith right now, that’s fine. Download Bible if you want questions answered, are struggling with your faith, have little faith (even the size of a mustard seed), or are the most religious person ever. I highly recommend you to try to find it in your heart, because it is in there, to download Bible and come closer to God. I wish you the best on your faith filled journey. To end this I just want to tell you one more thing, God loves you more than anyone else is even capable (Romas 8:38-39)and He is the only thing that can ever make you feel complete and recovery from whatever you are going through.
Love and Prayer Always,
Sophia 🥰🤩🥳

Pros/cons Only 1 complaint APP MAKERS READ


My one and only major complaint is the streaks! When you long in every day you get a point for that day! Your streak points can get as high as you can go! 50, 300, or even 3000 as long as you've longed in for that many days! But the moment life happens and you can't long in for a day you lose all those points! It's very discouraging!
I like the idea of a point system, but it should be replaced with a system where you get points for reading your verse of the day, more points for reading your lesson plan on time and then for completing it! Points for creating verse images, and points for creating a note etc... that would encourage users to do more within Bible !
If you want to do a streak then in addition to a point system allow users to go in and see stats if they choose to! A place that shows how many days in a row they've logged in, how many hours they've spent on Bible . ETC...
I love Bible because I hate to read period, and when I start a lesson plan it doesn't feel overwhelming! The plans are laid out in a way that makes you want to come back for more! I love the notes feature, bookmarking, highlights, and the fact you can create images! I would like more options in the image creating part, where you can make different words a bigger font & different font within the same image!
If these changes were made I would most definitely give 5 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

God’s Greatness revealed through his word.


Reading the this app has been a tremendous blessing upon my life. Irrespective of me not knowing what the future holds as several real life uncertainties surfaces, but God’s word is a proof that though I am confused; but he knows I will end stronger than I started. Because his plans for me are far greater than the one I have for myself. God is real. There are days I cried, which I normally would not do because of my extroverted nature, but life has made me go through sessions/phases that has kept me in hiding corners because I felt God never loved or cared about me as life was getting more tough with toxic people in my space. I cried all out and I still cry till today; but the greatest thing is that he knows am hurting and has decided to bless me with blessings that are divinely packaged only for me. He tells and shows me signs through his word. God, my father, the lifter of my head, the rose of Sharon, the strong tower, my lover(though I cry to him asking “why”😭😂due to my human nature) a loving father that would never go a day without talking to his children. God, there is more to you that I wanna know, and I do know that with time it will unfold to me(your mysteries). Thank you God for sending your son Jesus to die for me. Thank you Jesus Christ, I love 💕 and really do love you. Thanks for all you do on my behalf every seconds, talking to God(Greatest Dad) on my request daily. Greatness, Your little daughter Oyindamola

Helped me in real life struggles


I was in doubt. I listened to the brilliant minds of our time who specialize in astrophysics, Biology, String Theory, Quantum Physics etc. How can so many smart people be wrong in saying that there is no God and science disproves religion. I was starting to believe the atheist agenda that is ever growing in these times. Then I hear Neil Deggrasse Tyson say admit that the best scientists admit just how ridiculously little ANY scientist understands about the universe as a whole. It’s true. With all of the advances in science there is still phenomenon that science cannot and will not explain. Just bc we understand Slightly more about space they think they can rule out how it was created and who took part in it? We can’t even see the edge of our universe with the most powerful modern telescope today. Yet, scientists claim they can rule out what is beyond what hasn’t been discovered. Sounds very foolish and very much an unscientifical way to arrive to that decision.
How can you rule out something such as a God or creator with the virtually non-existent knowledge of how the universe(s) work and Literally NO Data on the Afterlife and how the soul interacts with it. Religious people are often seen as closed minded. I would like the science community to be more open- minded, analyze how little we actually know , and look at the number of times science has been and will continue to prove itself completely incorrect on so many theories. Thank You!

Living on Purpose


The moment that I open my eyes in the morning and realize that I am still here, I pray and then open my this app App. I realize that I am on God’s, “Wake Up Call list” and therefore I have work to do. To be His hands and feet is a privilege I do not take for granted. The daily word, video and devotions are a wonderful way to start my journey. My heart is refreshed and renewed for the new day. I share excerpts on social media, and through text messages to my friends and family. I also capture a quote from the devotion and write it on the board every Monday for my students to read, think and share their thoughts. It’s a great way to start algebra class. I have seen lives and attitudes changed in my classroom ever since I started secretly sharing His word. I often revisit the devotions during the day and meditate on the verse and message. Thank you for providing these priceless and timely devotions and for providing a platform for those persons with a message to share with the world. Many will never open a physical this app and read it. I sincerely hope and trust that Bible will do what it was created to do; reach the world so that many read the word of God, get into a relationship with Jesus Christ, fall in love with Him and share Him with those in their world.
”This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached to the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”
Matthew 24:14

Nadeen Edwards

Wonderful- can do several excellent things with one app!


I use Bible for church and small group. The scripture can be adjusted to fit any this app type. My small group reads out of NIV so it is helpful that my this app says the same thing as theirs. There is thousands of studies that you can choose from, many of them having helped me greatly, and a daily devotion from experienced pastors that know what they are talking about and know just the right things to say. It can show help you find this app verses using key words, and you can select an “emoji” and memory verses suited to help you overcome the emotion of the emoji you chose comes up. It allows you to highlight, bookmark, and note (etc) verses, and you can select a verse to put with a background and save to your camera roll and/or send to others via text. You can friend family or people you know and look at what they have highlighted, verse images they have made, and more, and comment on their creations. You can also do studies with them. It is a wonderful way to keep in touch while serving our Lord by studying his word and his good people’s wonderful Christian ideas. There are several things to do- these are just some of it- in one app, with no pre-app or in-app purchases. There should be a special place in heaven for the creators of Bible, for it has helped me and thousands of others grow in spirit, faith, and happiness over the time period I have used it. Bless you all.



I NEVER write reviews for apps, however, Bible is just too good for me not to write one. Bible has brought me so close to God and the plans hit home. They literally change the way you see everything. With Bible being in your life everyday, it definitely changes it for the good. There are all sorts of plans that you can choose from. It’s amazing how you can download a ton of different versions of Bibles too. It’s incredible how much you can learn in a matter of minutes. I recommend this to anyone that just wants to have a better relationship with God, it doesn’t matter how religious you are, it’s for everyone. As long as you are consistent, have an open heart and mind, your life will definitely change for the good because you are letting God into your life by having Bible basically have all the information you need to do so. All the features like highlighting and creating images for this app verses just makes Bible that much cooler. The streaks also really help with the motivation of at least analyzing the this app verse of the day. I love how with the newest update you can have prayer requests. Oh and you can have things be played for you Incase you would like to multi task or just understand better with having it read to you. Another thing that I love is that you can add friends and do plans together which I have yet to do. I hope this review was helpful and motivated you to get Bible . God bless 💕

This Bible App is GREAT!


I was using another another this app app, when my son saw me struggling one day during Church, and installed The YouVersion this app for me. Wow! What a game changer for me!!! Bible, and all the features it offers has been amazing to me! I have shared it and even installed it on many friends and family members' phones!!! It offers this app versions of practically every kind, this app reading & this app study plans galore, Christian, Faith-building videos, Devotions of every kind, and even reminders and/or the ability to reset where you left off as your pick-up point, should you fall behind in your reading plan (kinda feels like forgiveness applied 😊)! I also greatly appreciate the fact that many of the this app versions also have an audible component, which allows you to listen to it as well - especially in all of our busyness, if you don't have the time or ability to just sit and read, you can still get God's Word in you audibly ("Faith cometh by hearing...!" I also really LOVE the fact that in my this app Reading plan, it not only tracks my progress, but I can control how much I read, and even come back to it, resuming where I left off. I LOVE Bible, AND THINK IT IS THE BEST, and have recommended it to a number of people already, as I recommend it to you!!! Try it! I don't believe you will be disappointed!!! AND, there is a Children's Version that my Grandkids just absolutely love, too!!! They go back to it time after time!!! Great job!!!

The Best App available, period!


The youversion this app app has been instrumental in my faith. And it’s so much more than Gods most holy and infallible Word.. its a teacher in the palm of my hand and is always with me. It grants me access to the tools and teachings I so desperately want and need to get through life. God bless the entire staff at YouVersion and every hand that has made this application as amazing as it is. There will always be something to be said for opening and holding the physical book of the this app in your hands as you read and study its passages and the endless knowledge and wisdom within its pages.. but there’s also something to be said to have access to your this app at all times in a digital form such as this application. I could go on and on.. it’s just that great of a gift that an app like this is available. The primary focus and goal of us as believers is to share Gods word and to teach and reach as many people as we possibly can with the message of the gospel and to let the world see Jesus through us. And we can’t do that without his word guiding us. Bible has changed the world! Thank you Jesus for the people who created Bible!! Please consider donating to YouVersion, because they do all of this for free, because that’s what they’ve been called to do. And any financial gain goes right back into app development to keep this going so that it can truly be taken to every corner of the world!! Jesus is King, God bless you and thank you guys!!

It saved my life


I was so broken, depressed and useless when I downloaded Bible. Even though I had been saved when I was 13 and rededicated my life several times, I was lost. I was not reading God’s word, going to church or with other Christians. Satan had his way with me. He knew my weaknesses and I chased the desires of my flesh. As of today, 167 days in a row in Bible, reading the daily devotionals, completed 39 plans, sharing prayer requests, and praying for others, God has changed me and renewed me like never before in my life. The miracles that I’ve witnessed in my own life and others have me in awe with God. My desires have changed completely. God did that, not me. I’m even starting to get persecuted verbally for sharing God’s word. Praise God. Thank you for Bible. It will continue to be a part of my day, every day. I pray one person may read this and relate to where I was, and have no other choice like me, but to give it a try. It was either take a new step or eventually die a very slow, agonizing death. Take a step of faith and see what God does in your life. It didn’t happen over night for me, yet it happened a lot faster than I could imagine. God is abundant in grace and mercy. His love is beyond my imagination. It was never about me and what I thought I really deserved (Absolutely nothing but punishment), it’s about who God is, as my loving Father. God is right there waiting on you...fall into His arms. You can trust Him, I promise.

Good Morning God


I have had Bible downloaded for years but until Covid I did not take advantage of all that wonderful “gifts” it holds. During this time my dearest friend from California invited me to do two devotional plans with her. They both not only spiritually blessed my life, brought me to my friend, but also created a new habit for me. I am even on my way to finishing a 100 day devotional that I had begun several years ago. On top of that their is the Good Morning devotional that greets you on the Home page. I would not miss that for anything! Every morning it has been wonderful to meet new pastors as well as one I know as they inspire and encourage me as I begin my day! God has developed a new habit of beginning my day with Him here, and I am so thankful!
Since I began this review I have begun doing a plan with not only my friend from California but one from Puerto Rico. Through the plan we have done together I have seen God work wonderfully in our lives. He is truly an amazing God!
Another update, one of my friends that lives closer but is still an hour away excepted my invitation to join my in doing a plan together. That was months ago and we are still opening our mornings with God through the devotional plans we do “together”. How great is our God! God continues to work in my life and my friends’ lives transforming us in ways I could never have imagined. Thank You, my Father for the amazing grace and mercy through the work of Your people! Amen

Really amazing and VERY helpful


The convenience is simply amazing that you can just plug your phone and look up information at will. I really like how you can take notes and highlight what you read and it also keeps a log. I love the fact that I can select different versions of the this app instantly. For some reason when your phone falls asleep and you open the this app app again sometimes Bible has to reload and loses your place. That iPad version allows me to take notes a little bit better than the iPhone version because it’s not very easy to switch back-and-forth from reading to creating notes on the iPhone version. I hope they address this in the future. I really love the reminder at a specific time each day for the word of the day. They have a new streak feature which counts the days each day you open up the this app app which is great! However, if you miss one day it resets everything all the way back to day one. Somehow I wish they can use some support system that collects all of your days like you open the this app and connected with God‘s word 360 times last year and only missed five days. I also like the social aspect of connecting with your friends and family as to what you were reading. However, there doesn’t seem to him much discussion from the social aspect, but maybe that’s me and my friends. Who is I totally recommend downloading this is in free app connecting with God each day. May the Lord bless you.

Finding my Faith (again)


I downloaded Bible for my journey into my finding my faith. It’s been 17 years since I prayed or read a this app. Once I was a well versed Christian lady who attended church twice every Sunday, on Wednesdays and every time there was something going on at the church. Personal tragedy struck and I stepped away from my faith and God. I stepped away from myself. Over the last year I have felt an empty part of me that was wanting. I didn’t know what I was wanting. Then, when I found that I couldn’t even give inspiration to others anymore I hit my knees and that’s when I knew what I was missing. I began looking to God again and talking to him. I came across Bible and it has helped me so much! Aside from the this app which I can read or have it read to me, the this app studies are very insightful. I love that I can pick from an ever growing list of this app studies. Anything from depression to marriage and everything in between. The daily inspections and notifications have touched me so many times. It seems like there is always something that comes into notifications right when I need it. Like a text from a friend that just saying “Hey! I am here.” Some things are right on time and exactly what I need at that moment. I love being able to take a verse that moves me and make a pic of it and save to my phone or share on FB. You can connect with friends and family and contacts that also use Bible and you can participate in group this app studies. I love Bible!

My Morning Joy


Every morning, as soon as I wake up, I go to the this app App. Before even a cup of tea, I read the verse of the day, Then I do my this app Studies. They have taught me so many awesome, rich truths about God’s Word! I recall one (of the hundreds I’ve completed) which taught me about the “hard sayings in the this app”. It went deep into controversial Scriptures such as, “can you lose your Salvation?” and “can women be preachers?”. Another benefit is, that I’ve gained hundreds of new Christian friends, some, I now actually have close, personal relationships with! Even though they may live on opposite coasts, they are now precious friends! I’ve had the this app App over four years now and I must say it’s the greatest App, bar none! If you just try it, you’ll be hooked on spending time with Jesus and you’ll gain Christian friends! How? Just send “friend requests” to people you know, or if you’re like me, I only had one friend who was on the this app App so I started sending out friend requests to people from all over the world. Not one single request was denied! You’re with your Brothers-and-Sisters-in-Christ, so you’ll never feel rejected! As you accept requests to do this app Studies from your new friends, you’ll read responses that really speak to your heart. If these responses come from people you aren’t friends with yet, send them friend requests! The more people you “friend” the more you’ll grow from others’ insights! This is THE MOST VALUABLE APP you’ll ever have!

I love this app, the most useful and intuitive available

I have had Bible for some time now, it was great tool that I had originally started using because of the convenience of being able to read scripture on my phone wherever I am, even offline when I have no connection. Over the last several updates in the last year, much more useful tools, information, videos, challenges and testimonials; to name a few, have really been great in searching and understanding the Word. I use a few different apps but this is the one that I find myself using the most, and the one I really enjoy. Bible is very well developed and much effort has been put into it to assist believers in their walk in Faith. I highly recommend Bible to anymore needing an app in which they can spend time reading and understanding the Word of God. The only suggestion I have is maybe updating Bible to allow videos to play in horizontal mode, or full screen mode; currently the videos are locked and when you turn your phone to view in full screen it closes out the video. There isn’t even an option to view in full screen when the video is playing. Although this isn’t bad at all, just seems nice to be able to view in full screen like you would any other video on any app. Other than that it’s a great app, continue the great work.

Believing In the path that god has planned for me

Me and my wife have had a very tough time this week we have been at the hospital because she’s pregnant and we found out some information about our baby that was not very good and we honestly didn’t know how to react to it but I told my wife to have faith and believe and to start praying more and we sat in bed praying and I was crying so much because of the information we found out about our baby and I didn’t believe for one minute because I know god has our baby in his hands when I was praying I could barley breathe because I was trying so hard to cry out to god and tell him to take control of our situation and it’s was so amazing because we had our baby the next day and everything has just been amazing because when you believe in god and trust him you have this feeling in your body that you can never explain to anyone because it’s so amazing to feel the love that god has given us what I’m really trying to say is that my thoughts and my vision of life are so different because of the god above and I just wanted to share this because Bible really helps me out when I’m going through a hard time and makes me remember whats really important in life because honestly whenever you leave this earth the only thing that matters is how much you love you have for god

Update- parents beware

Update- I used to love Bible. So much that i allowed my teen daughter to download it. And then youversion added the feature of commenting and discussing this app plans. The issue with teens is they tend to accept friend requests from anyone who’s friends with their friends. And so on and so forth until you have 20-30 teens all friends with the same person that they’ve never met. So we now have had an issue with a random stranger contacting my daughter through comments on the this app reading plan looking for her contact info. She didn’t even add him to the this app plan. Someone else did! This is grossly concerning for parents! There are a million little pockets in Bible where comments and conversations can occur. So your going to have to really be monitoring heavy to catch them all. I really wish you version would update and delete the conversation features on Bible.
I love Bible! I especially enjoy the reading plans and search option. My only complaint is that I wish it had a dictionary option where I could highlight a word and find the definition. Also there are way to many steps involved to save a verse under notes. I just want to highlight and save a verse which spoke to me for future reference. I live that I can download different versions to use when I am offline also! Great app!


3 years ago I was looking for a good this app app to use while at my church’s mens group study. Before being led back into church, I was an agnostic person. But glory be to God for pursuing me and never giving up. I opened my life to Jesus those 3 years ago. The challenging parts came afterwards. I honestly didn’t know how to read a this app or knew much about it. Brothers and Sisters would quote and refer to scripture in versus and chapters that were unknown to me in how to find them. At the time I was using a different app that didn’t have the verses numbered and well, you could imagine how difficult it was to keep up in a group without it. But thanks to the help of a brother in class who pointed me to YouVersion’s App because it was so much easier to understand and has SO MANY OPTIONS! It has may different translations of choice available. It offers daily devotionals with pictures. Audio version which has been a blessing for those days I’m driving. It now even has videos and short clips to better understand the this app if you’re a visual person with all sorts of challenges to help commit you into reading more than you’d be normally used to. All in all, it is a beautiful app and I thank God for the people (my brothers and sisters in Christ) who have made Bible possible. Give it a download and open it up. He will use this tool to change your life!

The great recovery!

Well I must say this is a great form of the this app! It presents a verse everyday just in case I open it just to “check it off my list!” The verses are presented as if someone’s reading my mind and feeding me what is needed! I’m stating recovery and this app hand in hand because I am recovering from a Traumatic Brain Injury... my brain needs to be busy with something useful to strengthen my mind! The this app is a great “exercise” for the brain to successfully overcome damage, build new knowledge, followed by presenting it through the gift of wisdom! I was advised to read a verse (Mark 11:24)from the this app by Bible and then asked shortly after asked if I wanted to rate Bible ... I thought it would just simply ask for some stars (which it earned all 5/5) but it asked me to write something! I chose to write the truth about what I was given by this this app in an app which is accessible just about anywhere any time! This also checks my ability to read and comprehend what was written! On top of that, it checked my ability of presenting my opinion! It maybe not as inspiring as can be but truth isn’t within my opinion but within “yours!” So overall I say “GIVE IT A CHANCE!” One more thing that makes it a valuable app in my life is I can highlight verses that I enjoy to read right now so I can revisit them to see what they reveal to me later! THANK YOU GOD for this awesome gift!

Love this Bible app that reaches across the globe.

I love this this app app. I use it almost daily (I’m working on being more consistent in my this app reading😊). I use the reading plans. I'm so impressed with the number of translations available. I usually compare each section of scripture I study in 3 translations, sometimes more. Sometimes the wording in one translation or another will give me deeper meaning and clarity, so I like to check out a few variations.
I like that whatever church or this app study I am in I can follow along in whatever translation the Pastor or Teacher is teaching from.
But what I love most is the mission of The YouVersion this app app. To reach the World with The Word. This free this app app contains the most comprehensive inventory of this app translations than any I've seen. It also is translated in to so many languages that it brings the this app to Any Anywhere who wants to know God's Word. Through YouVersion and life Church, I have connected with people in countries where the this app is forbidden. These people may never see The this app in bound pages and are risking imprisonment for owning a this app, Yet they are so compelled to know The True and Living God that they download Bible. Attend, and even serve in Church online. Life Church is fulfilling the mission of reaching the entire world with The Good News of Jesus Christ. Praise God for the developers of Bible and their heart for God!🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌

The Helping Hand of God

I love Bible. I have recently gone through some very difficult things events in my life, and Bible has given me the plans to get through these things. I struggle with depression and anxiety, so it is a challenge for me to get out of the slumps I have in life. Bible not only made it easier to read the this app, but easier to understand the important messages and words of God. I love that I can share these plans to take on with others. I have so many plans on my list! There’s one for anything and everything! The wisdom in them is so raw and true. As a Catholic, I have been raised that my relationship with Christ takes choosing Him every day. Choosing His word and love every day. Bible makes it so much easier to do just that. I’m taking the teachings and utilizing them in my own life which is helping me grow close to God, make God the center of my relationships and life, and helping me through my every day pains and obstacles that life throws. Love Bible, please get it and share with others for a life of happiness and inner peace with Our Father! The only thing that I would say it could improve upon is having more plans having to do with Mary or the saints. That would be a really cool aspect to add. (And side note: Yes, I’m Catholic and No, I don’t WORSHIP Mary or the saints nor do I think they’re God or as powerful as Him). Other than that, I love Bible! God Bless!

It’s Like a Bible Fitness Tracker!! Huge Improvement!!

I have installed and uninstalled YouVersion many times. Sometimes it was due to too many glitches. Mostly it was because I was yearning for a deeper devotion/this app study time than what was offered. My church just recently began to use the Event feature for our worship services (notes, announcements, everything that is in the regular bulletin) so I thought, “Eh, I guess I’ll download it for that to save paper.” I didn’t look at the devotionals because I didn’t think they’d be any better than before, but on New Year’s Day I got a notification about some so I looked into the reading plans. HOLY. COW. All I have to say is, “Where were you 10 years ago,” and, “I’m now a this app study junkie.” I’ve already completed a few plans and am actually keeping up with a this app in a year plan! Every year I do that and then get off track but YouVersion has become sort of a social media app where if you connect with friends, you have some accountability and encouragement to keep going and learning. I’m extremely impressed and excited about this. Thank you so much for improving Bible for people like me who need more motivation!

The only issue I have is that when I set up reminders I don’t seem to get them. It’s okay because every time I get notified about my friends’ activity I am encouraged to go read my this app!! ☺️

In a word.... LIFE CHANGING!

This this app app has changed my life!! It's so convenient, my teenager uses it as well. We use the plans, highlights and audio features. Aside from reading daily, I find that I read it during waits, take notes, use the highlights, and share a lot of verses with others as well as send inspiring verses to my email and text to review again. GOD, - GOD'S WORD And the SPIRIT OF GOD, clearly has the power to literally change your life, the convenience of having it with you at all Times makes it that much sweeter . I love the Audio versions!! It has been like HEARING THE MESSAGES FROM THE MOUTH OF KING JESUS - OR the APOSTLE PAUL, ... I Prayed for this.. Thank you LORD... THe WORD OF GOD SPEAKs! Thanks so much for your commitment to promoting the GOSPEL .. GOD BLESS you all! One of my prayers was for strength to manage how we use technology. The constant texting and using the phone. While I don't use social media- having a phone with access to the Internet requires discipline and prayer to ensure that the enemy doesn't rob / steal valuable time from your life. Bible is a Great solution - instead of surfing the Internet - it's so convenient to just review a verse and meditate on it or review notes etc.. Having the this app app on my phone has been one of the ways I've used in facilitating an awareness of GOD's holy presence. Home run for the Kingdom!! Thank you, thank you!

Zina Stevenson

Faithful father I’m grateful

God surpasses us although he may be amongst us, he is outside of time, he sees all we do and observes us he is just towards reasoning and is reasonable towards his reasoning. His son Jesus was there with him since the beginning and he sent Jesus as an ultimate sacrifice so that he could pass the throne down towards Jesus and Jesus could save us so that we may be his people and have the chance to live amongst him. I tell you not do not be a fool don’t pass an opportunity to accept this faithful gift that we may inherit his kingdom but accept it so that you shall enter. To do so all you must do is believe Jesus was sent by the father(God), and that you are in guilt of committing sin everyone is, I am in guilt of it as well, but also you must to accept him as who he says he is. He is Jesus the one whom died upon the cross, and rised on the 3rd day, The one whom gave his life so that we may have a gift of salvation to inherit his kingdom. The one who lived a non-sinful life. You must accept your a sinner and ask for forgiveness and repent for he is waiting for you to receive his gift that you may abide his kingdom. Our father who art, in heaven hallowed be by name. The kingdom come as it will be done on earth as it is done in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not to temptation but deliver us from evil. For thy is the kingdom forever and ever, Amen.

Must have app!

I’ve never written a review but Ive finally decided to write one for Bible and Bible only. I’ve clicked on the “do you love Bible” so many times and always hit the “remind me late” to review it. However, I heard something in my head say “you will do it today!” I’ve been using Bible for years and it never occurred to me that so many people deserves to know just how great Bible is. It truly helps me get through my day. Most of the time I feel as though the daily verses are speaking directly to me, and I ask “how does Bible know what I’m going thru?” But it’s just the way it works. I believe God has a way to speak to all of us and I truly believe at times he speaks to me through Bible, because Bible contains his word. Some may call it crazy but I believe it to be true. It is a must have. I like to compare versions, take notes, and highlight verses for memory. I enjoy the plans and options available thru Bible and feel that it is necessary when a person can not physically reach for their this app. I also enjoy the fact that when I’m tired and don’t feel like reading, it’s audio version is at your finger tips. This is an awesome app and each morning before I dare to look at anything on my phone I open Bible for inspiration seeking the word of God. Thank you to all of those who made Bible possible! God bless you all!

Great Collaborative capabilities

This is app has many features for studying the scripture by yourself, like verse searching, comparison, highlighting, and note-taking. There is even a screen that lets you see all the verses you have highlighted. Many plans are available from various organization and people to guide you through a series of readings pertaining to a certain topic, event, or arranged for a certain goal like reading through the whole this app in a year. These plans can be very helpful when used by yourself, but I have found them to be as great when reading with a friend.

When starting a plan, Bible asks you if you would like to go through it with one or more of your in-app friends, and if you choose to invite someone, they receive a message asking them if they want to read the plan with you. Several plans include a free-response commenting section at the end of each day’s reading (which counts as part of the day’s reading for the purposes of completing the plan) which readers can use to share insights and thoughts on verses. You can copy-and-paste verses into the comments, and Bible automatically includes quotation marks, a reference, and a link to the translation online when pasting the verse. The capability to read the same passages of scripture and share thoughts on it with one or more friends in an organized, accountable way is of my favorite features in Bible .

Exclusive Bible App for Everyone

Bible is absolutely amazing. There are several versions to choose from, I prefer the ESV because it maintains the Hebrew translation. There are lots of videos and tons of this app study plans to choose from along with other plans for specific life events and situations. I would definitely recommend Bible because it’s user friendly and easily accessible wherever you go. If you are always on the go, you can always download your favorite offline this app version, sweet! Bible allows you to share this app verse and this app verse images with friends and family, which means you can add, share, and post along with your love ones, Awesome! Everyone in your family can learn, grow, and serve the Lord together with honor by using Bible. More importantly, you can highlight, add a note, bookmark, and reference multiple verses throughout your reading. Bible also offers cool features for your child and teenagers, which gives them the opportunity to study and share the word of God at a young age, Hallelujah! Last but not least, you can earn cool badges throughout the year. I am on track to earn my 21 day challenge badge right now. I’ve shared Bible with so many people throughout the years because I do believe that everyone on planet earth needs to witness and hear the good news of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. I just Love, Love, Love Bible. Download it today, you won’t be disappointed.

Love the different versions!

I have been using the this app app for a long time now, and I love it. I find that having all the different versions of the this app has helped me to gain a better understanding of the first five books of the Old Testament. The NLT version actually reads like a novel and having the option to listen while reading along helps me with the pronunciations of the difficult biblical names. I would suggest this app for everyone.
I would give it a five star rating if it were not for two issues. The first is when you want to change versions it doesn’t always respond quickly and it takes several times of clicking the same area for it to change The second issue I have is sometimes when listening to the audio speaker talk, the program may stop before the last sentence is finished or the whole application turns itself off. With all the new updates hopefully this issue will be resolved.
Regardless of these minor issues, I still turn to Bible as my app of choice among those other this app applications. I totally enjoy having ready made up plans for daily life occurrences. Similar to daily devotions but more of specific related scripture is targeted so one can access it and hear exactly what God says for that particular instance. Love it and highly recommend it.


When I used to click on Compare to see other versions of a verse, I could go easily to those other versions just clicking in them. Now I can't. Search on the bible isn't well organized either

Is Bible Safe? 🙏

Yes. Bible is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 10,861,906 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.9/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Bible Is 66.4/100.

Is Bible Legit? 💯

Yes. Bible is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 10,861,906 Bible User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Bible Is 85.2/100..

Is Bible not working? 🚨

Bible works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

Pricing Plans 💸

**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by users..

Duration Amount (USD)
Monthly Subscription $29.99

How was your experience with Bible? Post a Review


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