Word of the Day・English Vocab Reviews

Word of the Day・English Vocab Reviews

Published by on 2024-05-10

About: Stop being addlepated with unknown words! Don’t know what ‘addlepated’
means? Get a step ahead. While others are looking up definitions, you already
know the answer.

About Word of the Day English Vocab

What is Word of the Day English Vocab? Word of the Day is an app designed to help users improve their vocabulary by learning new words every day. The app offers a quick vocab test to determine the user's current level and then suggests words tailored to their interests and learning needs. The app features a state-of-the-art word recommendation system, a dictionary powered by Oxford Languages, and a team of in-house editors who provide daily word features. Users can set up daily word notifications, store words in their own collection, and turn word learning into a powerful self-improvement habit.



- Quick vocab test to determine the user's current level

- State-of-the-art word recommendation system

- Dictionary content powered by Oxford Languages

- In-house editorial team providing daily word features

- Daily word notifications

- Word collection for storing favorite words

- Ad-free experience with premium subscription

- Monthly, yearly, and lifetime premium subscription options

- Privacy policy and terms of use available for review.

Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience

Negative experience


~ from Justuseapp.com NLP analysis of 30,970 combined software reviews.

Key Benefits of Word of the Day English Vocab

- Simple and easy to use

- Provides a new word every day

- Has a handy calendar and a separate list of inspired words alphabetically

- Allows users to favorite words and access them later

- Shows a list of the most popular favorited words

- Offers a search function for finding specific words

- Provides the word's definition, an example sentence, and how to pronounce it

- Great for expanding vocabulary

- Allows users to flip back to words from at least a year or two ago

21 Word of the Day English Vocab Reviews

4.7 out of 5


So disappointed

I loved WordoftheDayEnglishVocab so much. I loved how I always had this little learning device that I carry around with me everywhere. It was simple and never too complicated. But then it started to update...a lot. I knew WordoftheDayEnglishVocab was finally starting to kick off, and I was happy it was getting the attention it deserves. But god, what the hell was it with the ads? Ads come up every forking five seconds! How do you expect me to even finish reading the definition of the word you notify me to check out everyday? Your motives obviously show little care in actually enhancing one’s vocabulary, but rather finding a pathway to earn more money. It hurts writing this down, but I’m hoping that with this you’ll cut down the number of ads that pop up. How about just one every two minutes? That’s reasonable. Not one for every five seconds. In the meantime, I’ll be turning off notifications for WordoftheDayEnglishVocab specifically and being on the look out for new updates, hoping one of them includes less ads. I understand you need some way to earn money, but seriously though, less people will probably delete this. I have much love for WordoftheDayEnglishVocab, so please do your part at making sure the people who download WordoftheDayEnglishVocab see it as a learning tool. A tool doesn’t force you to do things.


I used to love this app.

I’ve had WordoftheDayEnglishVocab for years and up until the last several months have thoroughly enjoyed it. Of late, revenue is obviously much more important than the user’s experience. All free apps have ads. I get it but for some reason these guys seem militant about it. The ads are ridiculously long and cannot be bypassed. The ads come on at maximum volume which is very imposing and even embarrassing in a quiet environment. It’s not even possible to open WordoftheDayEnglishVocab and look at the word of the day without getting blasted with an ad longer than I would ordinarily take to enjoy and discover a new word. It’s not evenKratos possible to open WordoftheDayEnglishVocab and go to settings without even that being loudly and rudely interrupted.
I pay for many apps that are worth having and that make it feel like I at least have a choice to upgrade or deal with a reasonable barrage of ads. This one for some reason makes the entire experience feel like I’m being railroaded into paying or having my experience intentionally ruined.
Regretfully, I have tolerated this too long and will be deleting WordoftheDayEnglishVocab and finding one that is a little less aggressive in their pursuit of income.


Could use some improvements

So far I love being able to see a daily word. As a writer, having words to get a situation across without something being too wordy, is crucial. WordoftheDayEnglishVocab has been a huge help! I like to write a small prompt with the word of the day if it inspires me.

However, there can be some fixes. On the favorite word list, I would much rather be able to see the list of words with the definition. I don’t care to know have many people have saved the word. I just want to be able to access words and their definition on the fly, especially on writing streaks! Or, remembering one of the words and trying to see the definition on a whim. Also, the widget shows a different word than the daily word. When I click see example on the widget, I get the word of the day, not the word on the widget. Thus, I have to manually search it. I don’t care too much for the crossword game. However, I don’t get the notification for it so maybe it’s a glitch?


My favorite APP! Seriously!!

I know it seems over the top nuts, but it really is my favorite app. In this world of higher and higher technology, this is such a simple and perfect little gem! I have never written an App review before. For real. It's has a handy little calendar, a separate list of inspired words alphabetically and a recording of each word to hear it's pronunciation. I love it when I'm talking with someone and they use a word I've never heard- there are so many words and we use so few- I am thrilled to be learning new ones and am excited to be expanding my vocabulary. I have and have used (at least) a thousand apps and they are too complicated or have too many pop up adds ... no bling here! If u like words...and are over saturated with tech.. this well constructed, sweet, simple app is a real treat.


Really awesome

WordoftheDayEnglishVocab is really awesome! It teaches me and my family members a ton of new words! There is really nothing wrong about it. One time, I gave WordoftheDayEnglishVocab to my sister and she would not give me my phone back for the next half hour! This is one of the apps I really love because THERE ARE NO ADS!!! That really is great and an app with no ads is really great for children, especially impatient ones who love to learn. Maybe in WordoftheDayEnglishVocab, you could include a space where you can make a list of all the words you like and want to use more often. That would be really cool and I would even update my phone for that! Also, you could even make a word challenge where if you told your assigned word to someone, you would get a coin. You can save up your coins to maybe look at the next day’s word. As I said before, WordoftheDayEnglishVocab is astonishing and I love how I can educate myself with it!


Great app!!

WordoftheDayEnglishVocab does what says, it isn’t complicated. It does have neat features though. You can favorite words, and then access them later. You can see a list of the most popular favorited words, you can flip back to words at least year or two ago. WordoftheDayEnglishVocab gives a word and it’s definition, an example sentence and how to pronounce it. The word is often challenging. It is good app, especially for students. I would highly recommend WordoftheDayEnglishVocab .
Suggestion: I don’t wish to sound like a know it all, but I am a prolific reader and I know most of the words. (certainly not all, some of them are really different) So, I want whoever decides what word for the day to choose harder ones, less known ones. Especially one geared towards more AP exams? It wouldn’t be hard.


Uninstalled immediately after initial setup

I understand funding WordoftheDayEnglishVocab and pay for many apps that I enjoy because I hate ads and I love supporting apps by paying directly.

However, from a UX/UI standpoint I have issues. After the initial set up, I was immediately asked to pay for WordoftheDayEnglishVocab before ever even seeing what it looks like to use. It included an annoying countdown offering 50% off, and I could let that part slide even though in my opinion it gives off scammy vibes anytime I see that. After closing the “offer” so I could try actually using WordoftheDayEnglishVocab , I was only able to see the home screen for a millisecond, not even enough time to read the word of the day much less the definition, before ANOTHER pop up asking me to pay for WordoftheDayEnglishVocab . Seriously? I haven’t even used it yet! How could I possibly know if I want to pay for it? Deleted WordoftheDayEnglishVocab and I will not reinstall. There are other word of the day style apps and services; I will continue my search.


Exactly what I️ was looking for

So far, this is exactly what I wanted. Not only does it give you a new word everyday, you can go back and look at past days and what the words were. Even MORE fun and enticing for me is the search function. I am an avid reader, lots of times I come across words I can figure the meaning of just by the sentence it’s in. But WordoftheDayEnglishVocab has a function my phone lost last time ‘They’ made the new year and new phone....it will speak the words for you. That’s just invaluable to me; not only do I get to read dictionary definition, I can learn how to say the word too. Ultimately making it more likely the new words I learn will make it out into my conversation. Thank y’all for the great app and thank you for making it available without pay.


A Useful App

The words are at just the right level- there are some I know and some I don't. It is always good to be reminded of the concrete meaning of words you think you know, but learning new words is why I downloaded WordoftheDayEnglishVocab , and it has successfully delivered on that point as well.
The definitions are direct and easy to understand. My only complaint is that WordoftheDayEnglishVocab does not use the words in a sentence. However, this isn't essential... Ever notice how as soon as you learn a word, you start seeing it everywhere?
I am pleased with WordoftheDayEnglishVocab. It's teaching me knew words without the unnecessary muss and fuss some apps feel the need to include with their services. It's quick, easy, and the words build up over time so you can greatly expand your vocabulary.


Love it.

Idk, honestly it’s nothing groundbreaking or new. Or, maybe they do sincerely choose a good word for each day. I have a hard time believing that’s difficult to do, but perhaps that’s part of it, as well as the nice format. I enjoy the page turning (again, not new). As much as it sounds like I’m knocking it, it’s just me saying I don’t quite understand, but I love WordoftheDayEnglishVocab. The ad’s are a huge bummer, and I’d happily pay a small fee to own WordoftheDayEnglishVocab , but there’s no such thing to do! I say that being almost positive, because last I checked there wasn’t, but I can’t look now because I'm typing this unnecessarily long review.

tl;dr: WordoftheDayEnglishVocab is somehow surprisingly super awesome and totally worth having notifications on to throw a “word of the day” at ya!


Superior app for the seeker of knowledge!

WordoftheDayEnglishVocab is a work of art for today's world. Having matriculated over two decades ago it's quite refreshing to receive new words daily and incorporate them into my general conversation. I get trapped into using the same small words as I come into contact to and repeat; but thanks to WordoftheDayEnglishVocab and my busy lifestyle, once again go back to putting more thought into and having much more creative, interesting, and stimulating conversations.
Download WordoftheDayEnglishVocab , listen to the words, write them down and incorporate them into your daily routine. Learning is exciting, remembering is monumental, rewiring your brain to think before you speak can save you in many many ways. Keep up the excellent work! ~Rico


Does What It's Supposed To Do

Word of the Day. That's a pretty straightforward explanation of what WordoftheDayEnglishVocab is and it delivers. For those who are looking to advance their lexicon, this is one to consider. Words provided vary from "oh I've heard that word before" to "is that even English?" but WordoftheDayEnglishVocab always provides the necessary information to make even the most exotic of words accessible; use of the word in a sentence, phonetics, etc. Words can be favorited and referenced later. A word of advice; coming from someone who needs coffee in the morning to begin properly functioning, having WordoftheDayEnglishVocab provide you with a new word immediately after your alarm is a great way to kickstart your brain before the caffeine strikes.


So-so and Good at the same time.

First the so-so. The example sentences most often, are terrible. They continue the definition as opposed to using the word in a “real” relatable sentence. Then there are times when the syntax is off. I find myself reading the sentence multiple times to try to understand what’s really being said. As others have mentioned, a word retention system would be great, maybe mini daily games that train you to remember the word you’ve just learned.
Now the good. I love that the words are very diverse, there are current language words as well as obscure words from the past. WordoftheDayEnglishVocab isn’t too obtrusive with notifications; I get just one a day, letting me know there’s a new word available. I really enjoy sharing the words with my kids and co-workers.



The amount of ads in this is laughable. Instead of forcing ads whenever users are trying to achieve the very reason they downloaded WordoftheDayEnglishVocab (trying to read the definition of words) and frustrating them to the point that they delete WordoftheDayEnglishVocab , why not give a little to get a little? For example, offer the possibility to customize our app (like different fonts, backgrounds, etc), but they are earned through in-app currency (gold coins, diamonds, etc). The user then has the opportunity to watch ads to earn that currency or use real money to pay for the currency.
For now, I’m deleting. I’d rather use the word of the day widget offered by Dictionary (the widget is only available in the side menu, the page that is shown when you get to your main home page and swipe left), but it’s better than dealing with the constant ads.


A Great Discovery

As a writer who strives to improve whenever the opportunity arises, and thus searching the Internet for ways to do just that. Having stumbled upon WordoftheDayEnglishVocab was a real blessing. Grammar is very important to me, along with being too repetitive. WordoftheDayEnglishVocab has helped me with both in their own way.

Being able to favourite/bookmark words is a huge plus. As well as the freedom of not having to pay.

If I may make a request for the developers, you can deny it of course! I’d love to see an app for grammar aid. I have no doubt in my mind that you can make one that will rival those websites out there. Just as you’ve done here. It’d be more work I’m sure and I could understand it being a paid app, but I have faith that it will be made right. Either way though, I thank you for making this for us.

ps: advice for fellow writers; don’t overdo your story with complicated words. Doing so will turn your reader’s away real fast if they have to look up every word. I do however encourage using one now and then to be a form of teacher to those who read them.


Decent app, entry-level vocabulary

I downloaded WordoftheDayEnglishVocab thinking it would be a fun way to stay sharp and learn new words, and while it does function as advertised, it’s a little underwhelming. The daily words are usually pretty basic, and most of the ones I’ve encountered over the two-ish months I’ve had WordoftheDayEnglishVocab are already part of my vocabulary.

That said, it provides a decent refresher for adults, and would be good for younger individuals or anyone who feels they need to master some basics before moving on to more obscure words.

There is a dictionary portion as well, which I’ve found more helpful than the word-a-day function when it comes to discovering unrecognized words. Having to flip through the dictionary kind of defeats the purpose of WordoftheDayEnglishVocab , at least for me, but it’s nice to have it included.


Never thought about expanding my vocabulary

Until now. English was always my worst subject. Im assuming my ADD was the fault. I can always read well and fast but nothing would stick. Especially words and their definitions. But overtime with all the nerdy games Ive played Ive slowly became more articulate than ever before. Games that involved lots of reading like Zelda, FF series, plus all kinds of other RPGs really helped a lot. Anyways theres only so many words in games that I can google up. But with WordoftheDayEnglishVocab. It gives you the definition and an example of the word being used in a sentence. That is what always helped me remember the word. I barely downloaded WordoftheDayEnglishVocab and am very excited so far



Simple. No extra BS. Easy to use. When I was a kid, my father would write a word of the day on my napkin in my lunch box. I had to use to word once at school and once at home. Word of the day does me the favor of giving me a new word every morning to use! Sometimes it’s a word I know while others it’s a new word! Sounds nerdy, but it’s a fun little challenge to knock my word goal out everyday, especially given that I don’t have time to read as much as I used to. People always tell me I have a great vocabulary, always a plus to hear 😉 10/10 recommend if you’re a bit of wordsmith like myself, or just want an easy way to actively improve your vocabulary!!!


Great app but room for improvement!

I totally love the idea of WordoftheDayEnglishVocab; it’s smart, quick, and simple, but the real thing has a few issues. Mainly the words and sentences: the words are usually ones I don’t know and they can be really cool, but other days the words are very oddly specific to certain things or are not difficult words at all (dabble and gullible, for example, respectively). Usually the sentences are good ones, as well, but also some days they can be strange or have issues—take today’s word, for example, pallid; the sentence is
“I looked at her
her usually glowing face was pallid”, with the line between the two and no punctuation at all. Other than this, though, WordoftheDayEnglishVocab is wonderful and I like it very much!


Frustrating but otherwise good

When I got WordoftheDayEnglishVocab I was hoping to expand my vocabulary. I already speak English and thought this would be a fun way to learn new words. The problem that frustrated me is that most of the words that were “word of the day” I knew, so it was not much of a vocabulary expansion. I did enjoy the set up of WordoftheDayEnglishVocab though. I liked how you could save words that you liked and also that there was a master list of words. I wish they used more ‘odd’ or ‘rare’ words as the word of the day. I did find a bunch of new words in the master list but it lacked the fun “learn one new word a day” aspect that I thought I was going to get. All in all this is a good app but I would not recommend it for people looking for a fun way to learn new words or expand their vocabulary.


Hounding App Users

Updated again: I’m back to one star! And this time I deleted your app. I didn’t even get to read the definition of the word before you hit me with an ad screen. And not a short lived ad; I began to wonder if I’d ever get to read the definition. And then I remembered other times WordoftheDayEnglishVocab has frustrated. The history below is just one, not all the disappointment expressed. I’m tired of the see-saw.

Update: It’s fixed! And you have all my love!!!

I really like WordoftheDayEnglishVocab and the widget that goes with it. I love words. I enjoy expanding my vocabulary. I love etymology. In short WordoftheDayEnglishVocab is my brain candy. It looks well, sounds well and interesting words are frequent and consistent. What is making me lower my rating is feeling hounded to review WordoftheDayEnglishVocab every single time I open it. Even though I’ve rated it before. I can see being asked annually or even semi annually. Not every time. Certainly not so brashly as to not be able to see the content until I answer in some way. No isn’t even an option. Either I review or you get to “remind me later.” There’s just no reason to be so obnoxious in app design. If you don’t change this annoying aspect of WordoftheDayEnglishVocab I’m going to delete it. It’s that simple.


Great app!!

WordoftheDayEnglishVocab does what says, it isn’t complicated. It does have neat features though. You can favorite words, and then access them later. You can see a list of the most popular favorited words, you can flip back to words at least year or two ago. WordoftheDayEnglishVocab gives a word and it’s definition, an example sentence and how to pronounce it. The word is often challenging. It is good app, especially for students. I would highly recommend WordoftheDayEnglishVocab .
Suggestion: I don’t wish to sound like a know it all, but I am a prolific reader and I know most of the words. (certainly not all, some of them are really different) So, I want whoever decides what word for the day to choose harder ones, less known ones. Especially one geared towards more AP exams? It wouldn’t be hard.


What’s with the ads!!

I have used WordoftheDayEnglishVocab for years to help improve my vocabulary. Now all of the sudden along with all the other app developers they have to start doing this monthly fee or yearly fee, this is RIDICULOUS! If you don’t pay the fee you now get pop up ads. It is very sad that an app I have used for many many years without all the intrusion of these ads now follows other developers to gouge the customer out of their money. As I have said, in many reviews of apps that switch to a monthly fees after years of use I do not do monthly fees. I do not do yearly fees. It sad that everyone seems to be getting greedy.

I have been using WordoftheDayEnglishVocab for many years. Now pop up ads. REALLY!!

Update: WordoftheDayEnglishVocab was great now I am having issues. The speaking will not work. If I go back one day it actually does that almost a year. Right now I am not happy and I will be looking for another "Word of Day" app.



When I came across WordoftheDayEnglishVocab I was excited about learning a new word every day, however, the amount of information I’m gleaning is VERY limited. Besides the definition, each word is used in a sentence and you can hear its pronunciation, but that’s about as far as it goes. Oh...how can I forget...you can select a dialect. The options are: USA, UK, Australian, Canadian (Huh??? It sounds exactly like the USA version to me), and Indian. *Random unimportant fact: The female USA voice sounds like she just inhaled an entire helium balloon so I instead switched to the male. He’s much more pleasing to my ear.

But I want more information about each word. How about synonyms, antonyms, word origin, alternative definitions, or first known use? Is it trying to be different than a dictionary? I think so. And the weirdest part is there’s a link to Google’s definition of the word. If I wanted Google’s definition I’D GO TO GOOGLE!!! Overall, it’s underwhelming.

Emily Rittammer   2 years ago

Hello, Slightly concerned, I downloaded the free app and subscription sections keep appearing. Has a subscription automatically been added to my iTunes account? I do not want this at all. Please contact for follow up. Cheers

Is Word of the Day English Vocab Safe?

Yes. Word of the Day・English Vocab is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 30,970 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.7/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Word of the Day English Vocab Is 64.3/100.

Is Word of the Day English Vocab Legit?

Yes. Word of the Day・English Vocab is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 30,970 Word of the Day・English Vocab User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Word of the Day English Vocab Is 82.6/100..

Is Word of the Day・English Vocab not working?

Word of the Day・English Vocab works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

Pricing Information

**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by Justuseapp.com users..

Word of the Day Premium

- Monthly subscription: $3.99/month*

- Yearly subscription: $9.99/year*

- Lifetime: $29.99, one-time charge*

*Prices may differ per territory. Payment will be handled by Apple. Subscription automatically renews unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24-hours before the end of the current period. An account will be charged for renewal within 24-hours prior to the end of the current period, and identify the cost of the renewal. Subscriptions may be managed by the user and auto-renewal may be turned off by going to the user's Account Settings after purchase. No cancellation of the current subscription is allowed during the active subscription period. Any unused portion of a free trial period will be forfeited when a subscription is purchased.

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