For my GA speeding ticket, it was $560 fine and 4 points if I just paid it off ( which is the best choice to save money and time), so I emailed the court to check for options, which offered me a plea deal for $832 fine and no points, I was not happy with it so I start to look around for attorney to handle the case. I went with this app and paid more than $300 attorney fee, and here is where the drama starts, the attorney came back with the same offer and called it "Amended Down" for her service so it fit the non refundable condition from this app. When I questioned about the same offer and the attorney had no advantage as myself, I was blamed I tried to contact the court myself, so the Solicitor remained the same offer. I do not know much about laws, but it does not make much sense, I felt like I stuck with a useless attorney and tough court. So I decide to not take the offer and assume the attorney will appear on the court day so I can try my last luck with the judge. I texted the attorney "good luck to you and me on the court" , later I was surprised the ATTORNEY DID NOT APPEAR AT THE COURT for me. When I asked why, she answered "we obviously are NOT on the same page".
When I look back, I have paid this app for nothing, and the worse I missed the court.