How to get Pandora: Music & Podcasts free trial

How to get Pandora: Music & Podcasts for Free (No risks)

Published by Pandora Media, Inc.
Last updated: 2023-11-14

Introduction to Pandora Premium

 If you love listening to music and podcasts on the internet on the best platforms, it's possible you already know and are familiar with Pandora. It is a top music and podcast platform which makes your experience on it very personal. It is therefore little or no wonder it has up to 70 million users every single month because of its Music Genome Project and Podcast Genome Project (these are intentional efforts by the creators of Pandora to capture the essence of the music or podcasts at the highest level).

Therefore, whether you're on a train traveling to some city or you are simply lounging in your pyjamas at home, you can always connect to Pandora to enjoy one of the best ambiences of music available. Pandora is actually known as the one of the largest streaming platforms (if not the largest) in the United States. This claim isn't baseless as it taps greatly into advertising with its audio advertising space (which in itself is a leading industry) in order to connect its users with the music they love to listen to all the time. Through and through, it proves to be a company that is customer friendly.

How does Pandora work?

Pandora actually gives you two different forms through which you can enjoy its content.

  • Pandora Plus
  • Pandora Premium.

With the above two, you can pick stations that will give you awesome music by simply typing in the Search box the name of your favorite artist or song. Once you've found them, you can start listening and Pandora based on what you have chosen will send you similar music. What this means is for example, if you love music, you don't need to try so hard to discover new music. Pandora is actively helping you discover new music by sending you similar music to what you are already listening to. How cool is that?

You are also able to rate the music you are listening to by giving a Thumbs up. This helps Pandora recognise that you love the music and want even more similar ones like it. The Premium subscribers also enjoy this feature on their stations whether it be music or podcasts as well as listening to hot on demand music and creating custom lists of what they especially like.

You can filter your searches on Pandora by these tags: Podcasts, Albums, Playlists, Stations, Artists, Songs etc. Whatever you search for will show up and you can tap and play the station based on the tag you searched. You could even start a station off an album you have searched and listened to. 


Pandora's 14-day free trial

 Pandora offers you a free trial. This free trial lasts for 14 days. However you must note that Pandora is typically a free app. You can use the platform without hiccups (minus ads, that is).

You get the Free Trial when you decide to upgrade to one of the plans. For example, if you decide you want to use the Premium, you get a free trial to see and enjoy everything you'll be getting before you pay if you decide to.  The beautiful part about starting your free trial on Pandora is that you may be lucky enough to not need to use your credit card. You simply register and start using the free trial. If you decide to not use it any longer, your Premium account will automatically go back to your ads-enabled Pandora.

Official Screenshots


What plans do Pandora offer?

Typically, like I said Pandora is a free app. But if you decide you want to upgrade and enjoy a more sophisticated version of Pandora, all you need to do is decide and start your free trial. But there are three plans you can decide to upgrade to. These are:

  1. Pandora Plus plan: This costs $4.99 monthly and $54.89 annually (note that it may cost more where taxes apply, not only only for this plan but for others. In this plan; you can listen to podcasts, skip songs as often as you want, find and listen to your favorite music offline
  2. Pandora Premium: This costs $9.99 monthly and $109.89 annually. Where you qualify for a Military or Student discount, the price may be different. 
  3. Pandora Premium (Family): This costs $14.99 monthly and $164.89 annually. 

Take note however that to get either the Pandora Premium Family Plan or The Student/Military discount, you must purchase directly from the website. 


Which plan should I go for?

You already know that to get a package, you must consider your pocket and how many benefits you'll be getting plus how important those benefits are to you or not.

The best plan to go for if you want to try out Pandora Premium long term and see how you like it is the Pandora Plus plan. With that you get to experience the app for a full month and if you discover that you want more, you can then subscribe to their Premium plan. 


How to get my Pandora free trial

This is a fairly straightforward process even if you have never used the application and are completely new to it. Follow the following steps:

  • Log in to your account on the Website or the app.
  • You'll see an "Upgrade" option. Click on that.
  • Pick the free trial option for the plan you want to upgrade to. 
  • Input your credit card information (sometimes you won't be asked)  and you officially have began your Pandora free trial.

Get a completely Free Trial with Justuseapp Privacy Cards

Companies love the bait and switch game by getting you to sign up for a free trial and charging you for a full subscription when you least expect.

Justuseapp gives you a Pandora: Music & Podcasts free trial credit card to signup for Pandora: Music & Podcasts without risks of getting charged when the trial expires or if you forget to unsubscribe on time.

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  5. Set spending limits, freeze card, etc
  6. Approves only charges authorized by you.

And the best part, if you trust Pandora: Music & Podcasts and want to continue the relationship, you can fund your Card at anytime and pay for the full Subscription.
Justuseapp Privacy Cards can be funded with upto $1,500 every month. We'll also help you monitor upto 500 subscriptions and free trials so you never loose money again.

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How to cancel the Pandora free trial subscription.

Before you read further, know that it is best to visit Pandora's website to cancel your free trial if you did your subscription online. Canceling or changing your subscription always depends on where you subscribed; either through the app or the websiteIf. If you wish to opt out before you get charged however, do the following:

  • Open the website and sign into your account. 
  • Tap on your profile picture which is located in the upper right corner of the page.
  • Click on the Settings option, then o n Subscription.
  • Click on Cancel Subscription and save the changes you just made. If you're asked to input your password, do so. 


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