How to get Apple Music free trial

How to get Apple Music for Free (No risks)

Published by Apple Inc.
Last updated: 2023-10-16

Getting started with Apple Music

If you already use an Apple device, whether it is a Mac, an Apple TV or an iPad, there's a high probability that you are already familiar with Apple Music. The Simple reason is the software was preinstalled.

Apple Music is a music streaming software with which you can listen to as much premium music as you want. The great thing about Apple Music is you don't need to worry about adulterated music like you would be if you randomly got it off the net. But let's assume you got your music off the net, Apple Music lets you access all of it from one place.

Apple Music was launched in the year 2015 and you have access to as many as 60 million songs. That's more than a person can listen to at once.

Moving on, Apple Music packs a lot of features which you would love to try out (if you aren't already)  and these include:

  1.  Offline Listening 
  2. Combination of all your music in one place
  3.  Synchronization with Siri (i.e. Use of Voice Commands)
  4.  Streaming any music on demand (without downloading)
  5.  Offers you internet radio.
  6.  Offers you similar recommendations from the type of music you initially chose. 

Now take note that anyone with a smartphone whether an Android or an iOS can use Apple Music. You can easily create an account and start using Apple Music asap. This service isn't restricted to only Apple users.


Does Apple Music offer a free trial?

Yes.  Apple Music offers you a free trial. When you register and get your own account, you get three (3) whole months free. After these three months have passed, you get the options for their plans. 

Official Screenshots


List of Apple Music subscription plans

Apple Music has three plans available after your free three months have elapsed. These plans are as follows:

  1.  The Individual Plan: This plan is for you if you want to have access to Apple Music alone, without sharing with anyone. And this costs you £9.99 or $9.99 a month.
  2.  The Family Plan: This costs £14.99 or $14.99 . This isn't so much your blood relations as it denotes. It simply can be used by more than just one person. You can buy this plan if you wish to subscribe with up to five more people. Yes, it's for 6 people. You may want to know what you're getting in the Family Plan. In this bundle however, each one of the user gets:
    • Their own individual account 
    • Can stream your music in peace without ads
    • The ability to see what friends are listening to 
    • What to share and with whom to share it.
  3.  The University Student Plan:  This plan is just as it   signifies. This is your plan if you're a student and obviously need to subsidize even while enjoying your music. This plan will cost you £4.99 or $4.99.
  4. Premier plan: There's also a plan called the Premier plan but this is only in select countries such as the US, the UK, Australia and Canada.


The New Apple One Bundle and what it includes;

 Before I go further, there's a new plan that's been introduced by Apple Services and it was launched in October 2020. What this entails is when you subscribe to any of the plans above, you also get extra services to keep you entertained and up to date with the latest news.

This service is called the Apple One bundle and it includes the following (in addition to the plans you already subscribed to) :

  1.  Apple TV+
  2.  Apple Arcade
  3.  Apple News+
  4.  Fitness+
  5.  Cloud Storage

If you'd like to purchase all the services that come with the Apple One bundle alongside your Apple Music service, these are the prices:

  1.  Individual Apple One: You get Apple TV, Apple Arcade, Apple News+, Fitness+ and 50gig of iCloud storage (plus your Apple Music) for £14.95 or $14.95 every month.
  2.  Family Apple One: You get Apple Music, Apple TV, Apple Arcade, Apple News+, Fitness+ and 200gig of iCloud storage for £14.95 or $19.95
  3.  Premier AppleOne: In this plan, you get all the above benefits plus 2TB iCloud storage. You get these benefits per month. 



Which Apple Plan is best for me?

Only you can decide this. First in order to pick a plan, you may want to check your financial capacity yearly (and how much you're willing to expend in subscribing to any of the services above.

The Apple One bundle is good especially if you were going to buy one of those services. You get all of the rest as bonuses and I think that's great. However, you may decide that you do not need all that information. That's quite okay too. Make sure to maximize your choices as much as you can.


How do I activate my Apple Music free trial?

If you've never used Apple Music and want to get your free trial follow the following Method to do so.

On iOS:

  • First select and open  the Settings app on your iOS device.
  • Go to your name at the top of Settings.
  • Select the Subscriptions menu.
  • Tap on Get Apple Music 
  • Choose the Apple Music plan you want.
  • Select the Start Free trial option.

On an Android:

  • Download the Apple Music app.
  • Open the app and if you don't see an Apple Music Screen, tap on the three vertical dots then tap the "For You" option.
  • If you had used a trial before or are joining Apple  Music for the first time, simply tap on the Trial Offer. 
  • Tap on the option you want and start the trial. You may be asked to sign in with your Apple ID and you can use your details for your iTunes Store. Otherwise Create a new ID.
  • You might also be asked to input your card details. But be rest assured that you won't be billed until your free trial is over.  Input them and tap join. 
  • Agree to the terms and conditions and start enjoying your free trial. 

Get a completely Free Trial with Justuseapp Privacy Cards

Companies love the bait and switch game by getting you to sign up for a free trial and charging you for a full subscription when you least expect.

Justuseapp gives you a Apple Music free trial credit card to signup for Apple Music without risks of getting charged when the trial expires or if you forget to unsubscribe on time.

Why you'll love our card:

  1. Our Virtual Cards are Bank-issued
  2. 100% Valid
  3. 100% Legal and
  4. Will pass all authorizations (cvc/cvv, address, proof of funds) by Apple Music.
  5. Set spending limits, freeze card, etc
  6. Approves only charges authorized by you.

And the best part, if you trust Apple Music and want to continue the relationship, you can fund your Card at anytime and pay for the full Subscription.
Justuseapp Privacy Cards can be funded with upto $1,500 every month. We'll also help you monitor upto 500 subscriptions and free trials so you never loose money again.

**Start monitoring your subscribed apps and payments today!**

                 Signup now to get your Card

How do I cancel my Apple Music free trial before I'm billed?

This is indeed a necessary question. Now lets assume you want to cancel the free trial before it shifts into a paid subscription. This is how you can do it:

  • Go to your Settings. Click on your name and on Subscriptions. 
  • Tap on the Apple Music option and on the Edit Subscription screen, click on the Cancel Subscription button (or Free Trial) 
  • Confirm Unsubscription/Cancellation

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