How to get free trial

Getting for Free - No Credit Card Required

Published by SocialBee Labs SRL
Last updated: 2023-10-24

What is Social Bee?

SocialBee is a social media administration software developed to assist businesses to organize content, e-commerce, planning, audience tracking, and more across LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and other social networks. 

The forum includes tailored posting capacities, which assist organizations to deal with content publishing on social profiles, pages, and groups, and facilitate offers, products, events, and services on Google Business.


The categorization of administration functionality in SocialBee allows businesses to establish numerous categories to regulate and reuse content, revise posts using new images, texts, and links, and ratify, dismiss or allocate posts to various social media accounts. 

It gives the benefit of an  assortment of characteristics such as:

  • Custom links, 
  • Keyword search, 
  • RSS feed, 
  • Bulk editor,
  • Post preview, 
  • Multiple user accounts,
  • Data import. 

Managers can also organize posts chronologically and receive messages for unsuccessful actions, open categories, media import status, and more. SocialBee enables administrators to forge numerous workspaces, invite many members, and clarify role-based approvals to work together on projects. 

It also aids and technically supports numerous third-party applications including the following:

  • Pocket, 
  • Zapier, 
  • JotURL,
  • Rebrandly, 
  • PixelMe, 
  • RocketLink, 
  • Replug.

SocialBee is a strong social media administration app. It has grown over the years and is one of the adequate apps when it comes to organizing and going through your social media posts.

At SocialBee, you can conserve time and energy with your social media actions. Get help when it comes to gathering content, publishing branded content, or simply utilizing the platform to plan your content, so that you have more time to deal with your job. You can use the app to plan material for your social media profiles so that you don’t have to bother about posting things again and again. You’ll have the capacity to produce time-tested species, which will convert your content and save you lots of time.

If what you want is a more intimate approach, you can do that by getting the Social Media Specialist Service, which is where one of our bees will create branded content (CTAs, original copy, and even branded quotes) for your social media. This can help you maintain a healthy presence on social platforms without the hassle of "What should I post next". 


Does SocialBee have a Free Trial?

SocialBee offers a 14-day free trial for all tools across the board. What this means is that everyone is entitled to a 14-day free trial, no matter the tool/plan they choose.

Official Screenshots


SocialBee Pricing and Features

There are three plans/tools for SocialBee.

#1. Bootstrap: This costs $19 monthly, with an average time saving rate of 8 hours weekly.

With this tool, you can post on six social media channels: Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google Business and Instagram. These are the features to expect:

  • One Workspace
  • One user per workspace
  • Five Social Profiles allowed
  • Ten different content categories allowed
  • 10 RSS Feeds allowed
  • 1,000 posts allowed per category
  • Post Recycling Allowed


#2. Accelerate: This tool is available at a monthly rate of $39. It boasts of an average saving time of 10 hours weekly.

It has a range features that are best enjoyed by startups and small businesses like:

  • One Workspace
  • One User per workspace
  • Ten Social Profiles allowed
  • Fifty different content categories allowed
  • 50 RSS Feeds allowed
  • 5,000 posts per category


#3. Pro: This is a tool which affords Freelancers and Agencies the chance to harmonize social media output.

With an average saving time of 16 hours a week, it offers adequate value for your $79 monthly fee. Some of the features it boasts of are:

  • Five Workspaces allowed
  • Three users allowed per workspace
  • Twenty Five Social Profiles
  • Unlimited Content Categories
  • Unlimited RSS Feeds allowed
  • 5,000 posts per category


Which Plan Is Best For me?

SocialBee plans are best for diverse groups of people. If you're an Author, Coach or a branded personality, then the Bootstrap plan is perfect for you.

The Accelerate Plan is the best fit for Startups and Small Businesses. The Pro Plan is most suitable for Freelancers and Agencies with structure. Which plan you choose should depend on your plan and budget.


How to get SocialBee Free Trial

These are the steps to follow in order to start a free trial on SocialBee:

  • Go to
  • Create a new account
  • Follow the instructions and set up your business information
  • Choose your subscription plan
  • Free Trial commences

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How to Cancel Social Bee free trial

To cancel your free trial, this is what you need to do:

  • Log on to the app/site
  • Click on the Billing Menu
  • Click on "Cancel Products"
  • Enter the reply to the feedback question asked
  • Click on "Cancel Anyway"

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