How to get IMVU: 3D Avatar Creator VIP Membership free trial

How to get IMVU: 3D Avatar Creator & Chat for Free (No risks)

Published by IMVU
Last updated: 2023-12-12

Introduction to the 3D Avatar world of IMVU

The IMVU 3D Avatar Creator and Chat is a social media gaming and networking app that lets you chat with people across the world and also create your own avatar to better connect with other users.

The IMVU app is probably the largest 3D world and catalog online at the moment with a series of features you didn't know you would love. You don't only get to create your avatar but you also customise it to your taste. Furthermore, you get to live an almost virtual life using these avatars you create. You can literally do anything on IMVU. You practically get to choose what your avatar life looks like.

Here are some more cool things to do:

  1. Go on dates with other users 
  2. Make new friends.
  3. Share experiences with similarly interested users
  4. Host events
  5.  Role play with friends.
  6.  Shop as much as you like.

And a whole lot of other things. There's just so many possibilities for you as a creator and a person looking to make new connections. As many as 7 million people visit IMVU every month and spend as long as 55 minutes on the app according to Social Media Today.

For creatives, this is also a platform to earn because as many as 200,000 people make a living selling items on IMVU by basically converting virtual products into money. On IMVU, your imagination can become real life. You can just create it or be it.

How does the App work?

Like was already stated, you can do a whole lot on IMVU. But first you should download the app or you can just go to and create an account for yourself. Then click on the "Launch 3D IM" option on the homepage.

After you've logged on, you'll be redirected to your personal IMVU homepage where you'll see your avatar and options attached to it such as Dress Up, Chat Rooms, My Room, etc. Then you can start by styling your avatar with accessories you've purchased from the shop asides the default clothes IMVU gives your avatar on your registration. Or you can just start connecting by going into the Chat Rooms. You can shop for clothes, hair, rooms even etc. But first you'll have to purchase credits which are the currency of IMVU from their website.

Access all your favorite stuff on your personal homepage and do whatever you want. It's your new world come to life. 


Does IMVU offer free VIP trials?

Simple Answer; No. While this app may be a free app to use from the Appstore, IMVU doesn't give you a free trial. However they have a bypass for that. There's a 24 hour trial period that is available for new accounts.

If you wish to test out their service before using the application full time or without adding your card just yet, you may receive an invitation to try out the VIP program. In this trial, you get all the benefits (save for a few) of a VIP IMVU user for just 24 hours after which any rooms created will be deleted.

Official Screenshots


VIP Membership plans on IMVU

IMVU offers its users exclusive access to its features and are called the VIP plans.  You must however be a VIP Club Member. Now, let's move ahead and see the plans. The VIP plans are divided into three; Monthly, Quarterly and Yearly:

  1. Monthly VIP plan: This is the least plan in the VIP list and this costs $9.99/month. You get the following with this plan:
    1. 5000 credits
    2. 10 Chat Room slots
    3. Free Creator program
    4. You get no third party ads 
    5. Exclusive Avatar Actions and finally
    6. Prioritized chat and phone support. 
  2. Quarterly VIP plan: This is the VIP plan for every 3 months. This is the middle plan and it may be the best plan for those who don't want to choose either the Monthly or the Yearly plan. This costs $25/month. You get the following;
    1. 15,600 total credits (which in a month will also be more than 5000 credits). You even get more credits the longer you stay.
    2. Here also, there are 10 free chat rooms available for you as well..
    3. Free Creator Programs 
    4. No third party ads.
    5. Exclusive Avatar Actions 
    6. Prioritized chat and phone support. 
  3. Yearly VIP plan: Last but not the least, there's the Yearly VIP plan. This is the highest plan under the VIP program which costs $75 per year and you can decide to get this one instead of the others. Like the other plans above, you get these: 
    1. 73,200 total credits plus you get more than 5000 credits every month and more credits the longer you hang around. 
    2. 10 Chat Room slots 
    3. Free Creator Program 
    4. No third party ads
    5. Exclusive Avatar Actions
    6. Prioritized chat and phone support. 


After you register become a member, you have different plans to choose from and they include these exclusive benefits;

Full Benefits for VIP membership:

  • 5000 free credits 
  • Your personal Exclusive VIP Badge.
  • Unique and Exclusive monthly gifts. 
  • Private Chat with your friends.
  • You get prioritised customer support. (you can beat the queue and get direct help from a professional)
  • You get 5% off all your purchases in their catalogues.
  • You can enjoy advanced dress up and closet control

You also get special privileges in the VIP plan like:

  • Earning credits by creating and selling items 
  • Whisper privately in your chats with your friends.
  • You can create up to 10 chat rooms and groups. Plus other benefits. 


Which IMVU membership is best for you?

With each upgrade of the VIP plan, you'll notice that the credits keep increasing. Now if I could influence your subscription behaviour, I'd advise you go for the second plan which is the Quarterly plan on a subsidized rate.

 First, you subscribe and forget about doing so again for the next two months. Secondly, you get higher credits and will get more if you hang out more there. I think this is a win win for you. If you want to however get a basic feel of using the app for more than just 24 hours, you should get the monthly subscription then subsequently switch to the quarterly or yearly plan.


How do you get the IMVU 24-hour trial membership?

Simple. All you have to do is Sign up free on the IMVU platform.

  • First, Log onto the IMVU Credit Store.
  • Then click on the  "Buy Credits" option 
  • You'll be redirected to the Upgrade page and you'll see the VIP membership button. Click underneath to choose the price of the plan you want. 
  • Now you can go ahead and use your VIP account as you won't be charged until it is time to renew. 

Get a completely Free Trial with Justuseapp Privacy Cards

Companies love the bait and switch game by getting you to sign up for a free trial and charging you for a full subscription when you least expect.

Justuseapp gives you a IMVU: 3D Avatar Creator & Chat free trial credit card to signup for IMVU: 3D Avatar Creator VIP Membership without risks of getting charged when the trial expires or if you forget to unsubscribe on time.

Why you'll love our card:

  1. Our Virtual Cards are Bank-issued
  2. 100% Valid
  3. 100% Legal and
  4. Will pass all authorizations (cvc/cvv, address, proof of funds) by IMVU: 3D Avatar Creator VIP Membership.
  5. Set spending limits, freeze card, etc
  6. Approves only charges authorized by you.

And the best part, if you trust IMVU: 3D Avatar Creator & Chat and want to continue the relationship, you can fund your Card at anytime and pay for the full Subscription.
Justuseapp Privacy Cards can be funded with upto $1,500 every month. We'll also help you monitor upto 500 subscriptions and free trials so you never loose money again.

**Start monitoring your subscribed apps and payments today!**

                 Signup now to get your Card

How to cancel your IMVU VIP trial before getting charged.

You only wanted to try for 24 hours so before your 24 hours runs out, go back into your profile;

  • Log in or at least make sure you're logged in. 
  • Click on the "More Info" button and click on "Cancel VIP"
  • Confirm your Cancellation and you're pretty much done.

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