How to get Match™ - #1 Dating App free trial

How to get Match: Dating & Relationships for Free (No risks)

Published by Match Group, LLC
Last updated: 2023-11-16

Getting started with Match Dating

 Match is a virtual dating platform for single people who are looking to explore newer connections than those they're used to. It was created in 1993 so you should know it's one of the oldest dating sites around which boasts of more marriages and relationships than many others.

 Initially after they officially launched in 1995, they gave their previous subscribers free lifetime membership which was an awesome move as it helped to bring newer, long time subscribers to the platform. Even today, new subscribers are still coming in.

 The management offers a subscriber the guarantee that if they're unable to find their perfect partner within their first six months of sign up, they'll give them another six months free membership to buy time which is a great offer if you can hang around that long.

 With the features that Match offer, you can meet new friends as well as business connections and romantic partners maybe. With up to four million members from the USA alone and three million daily log ins, it isn't difficult to understand why Match is a trusted dating platform that has lasted for as long as it has.

Some special features of Match include:

  • Dates; This came out during the pandemic and thus is one of the newest features. It gives subscribers the opportunity to decide their most preferred style of dating. This includes Dress Codes and Favorite Date Venues. 
  • Reverse Matches; is a compilation of people you're not a perfect match with. It's available to you so you can still choose to either converse or not with them. 
  • Boost; Once you activate this feature, your account is automatically highlighted by the app as the top suggestion on Matches and Discover for one hour. 
  • Real Talk; This is a way for those who don't know how to start up conversations to come up with them the most natural way. It has available conversation starters and icebreakers to use. 

There are other special features such as Likes, Voice calls, Date check-in, Vibe Check, Highlight my Profile etc but you must know that most of these features (if not all) can only be accessed with the premium subscription. 


Does Match Dating have a free trial?

Yes. Match gives free trials and they come in two forms; The 7 day free trial and the 3 day free trial. The seven (7) and three (3) day free trials give you the option of browsing through pictures of the single subscribers in your area and contacting them.

Note however that in order to access these free trials, you have to actually use Google to navigate it as the website for Match can be taxing. Find the free trial option using your local browser as that might be the easiest way. 


Official Screenshots


What Subscription plans are offered by Match Dating?

Here is an updated list of the subscription plans offered by Match for anyone who wishes to subscribe. They are mostly divided into 3 batches; The 3 month, the 6 month and the 12 month batch with the least plan starting at $15.00 a month.

You should know that there are two major plans which are the Standard and the Premium plans. The following consists of all these plans for you to maybe make an immediate decision if you please.

  • Standard Plans: 3 months is for $19.99 per month, 6 months is for $17.99 per month and 12 months is for $15.99 per month. For each, you're making a significant amount of savings. For example, you save 44% discount when you do the standard 3 months plan. Plus you save 50% when you do the 6 months plan and 56% when you try the yearly plan. 
  • Premium Plans. For three months, you subscribe to the least premium which is the $23.99 package and save 41%, subscribe to the 6 months plan ($19.99) and save 51% and finally the ome year plan (which is $16.49) the best and save a whooping 60% 


Which is the best offer for me on

 The best offer for anybody may differ from someone else's. In order to get a good deal from your Match, you get a full dose of all the features and also get to save money because of the lengthier time picked.

How to get Match Standard/Premium free trial. 

Follow the steps below to get your Match free trial:

  • Visit the Match website. 
  • Make your own free account.
  • Set up your free profile and put in your card details. This is necessary as this makes your profile ready to use. But to be clear, you must cancel your payment details before the due date

Get a completely Free Trial with Justuseapp Privacy Cards

Companies love the bait and switch game by getting you to sign up for a free trial and charging you for a full subscription when you least expect.

Justuseapp gives you a Match: Dating & Relationships free trial credit card to signup for Match™ - #1 Dating App without risks of getting charged when the trial expires or if you forget to unsubscribe on time.

Why you'll love our card:

  1. Our Virtual Cards are Bank-issued
  2. 100% Valid
  3. 100% Legal and
  4. Will pass all authorizations (cvc/cvv, address, proof of funds) by Match™ - #1 Dating App.
  5. Set spending limits, freeze card, etc
  6. Approves only charges authorized by you.

And the best part, if you trust Match: Dating & Relationships and want to continue the relationship, you can fund your Card at anytime and pay for the full Subscription.
Justuseapp Privacy Cards can be funded with upto $1,500 every month. We'll also help you monitor upto 500 subscriptions and free trials so you never loose money again.

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How to cancel Match Dating free trial subscription.

Members always complain especially new subscribers of how they are deducted after the payment is due. This is why it is necessary to know how to cancel your free trial before your auto-renewal becomes active.


  • Go to your Account Settings. 
  • Select the Change Membership/Cancel Membership option. 
  • Click on it and you are done. All the benefits end once you click on that option.

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