I looked up the price with Single Care Rx, and was given one price. When I arrived at Walgreens and give them the card with the text showing the price, they gave me a price of almost DOUBLE what Single Care Rx gave. I found that odd as I have used Good RX for 30+ prescriptions for myself, my children, even for my mother, and the price always matched. I called Single Care Rx to find out what the discrepancy was, as I could find no answer on the website or in SingleCareRxPharmacyCoupons . The CSR told me the price should be $44, but an individual pharmacist (not the pharmacy itself), can adjust pricing as they see fit on any controlled substance. How in the world is that legal? There are set prices for goods, or should be. I had no idea that pharmacies could increase the prices of medications just because they feel like it. Back to Good RX for me. They have always given me exact pricing, to the penny, and no pharmacy has ever increased the price on any medication, including controlled substances. I find this to be deceiving, and quite frankly, alarming. Not only will I not use Single Care Rx again, I’ve moved all my family’s prescriptions out of Walgreens as well, and they will receive the same review.