Once signed in, you can access all the Hitachi ID Bravura Security Fabric Services you need to keep working including requesting or delegating access, unlocking accounts, and checking out privileged passwords.
Signing in, approving requests, and changing passwords is easy, convenient, and secure when you use Hitachi ID Bravura One.
From the portal, access and securely store passwords in your personal vault, change passwords, seamlessly approve requests, and more.
This app complements Hitachi ID Bravura Security Fabric Services deployed by your organization.
Hitachi ID Bravura One is formerly known as Hitachi ID Mobile Access.
Hitachi ID does not store any personal information.
To get started, you will need to complete a one-time registration process per device and add your work or school account.
Your organization will not be able to view personal information after your device has been registered.
The app also provides a second layer of security with a multifactor authentication process to prove it's really you.