
511NY Software

Company Name:

About: The state department of transportation for New York.
Headquarters: Albany, New York, United States.


511NY Overview

Get up to the minute, real time traffic and transit information for NYS with 511NY, now featuring Drive Mode.

The 511NY app provides statewide real-time traffic and transit information for all of New York State.

511NY is New York State’s official traffic and travel information source.

The 511NY app also offers a transit trip planner, access to over 1,000 camera images, as well as weather alerts and forecasts.

Official Screenshots


Product Details and Description of

Get up to the minute, real time traffic and transit information for NYS with this app, now featuring Drive Mode. this app is New York State’s official traffic and travel information source. The this app app provides statewide real-time traffic and transit information for all of New York State. New to this app is the Drive Mode. Users enter in their destination and origin and are provided up to three routes with highway travel times based on traffic conditions. Drive mode also provides audible alerts to the driver for incidents occurring along their route. The this app app also offers a transit trip planner, access to over 1,000 camera images, as well as weather alerts and forecasts. A color coded map displaying winter road conditions also is available during the winter months!

Top Reviews

By tonman87

Very complicated

The website has helpful information, such crossing times for the bridges and tunnels. However, this app is poorly implemented and too complicated to be useful. Another example of poor innovation by government.

By spydermyke990

Completely useless.

Worthless, just like the rest of the NYS government..now with this latest version the map won't even open up..

By Toyorules

Can’t find addresses

Says it can’t find the address it just confirmed by you typing it in.

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