AlwaysOn Wellness Reviews

AlwaysOn Wellness Reviews

Published by on 2024-08-12

About: AlwaysOn® Wellness connects you with your organization’s wellness program
24/7, so you can stay engaged anytime, anywhere. With the AlwaysOn app, you can
take your health assessment, connect with 80+ tracking devices and applications,
including Apple Health and many more.

About AlwaysOn Wellness

Note: The AlwaysOn® app is only accessible if Onlife Health is your company’s wellness program provider.

If we are not your health and wellness provider you will be unable to create an account.

AlwaysOn® Wellness connects you with your organization’s wellness program 24/7, so you can stay engaged anytime, anywhere.

With the AlwaysOn app, you can take your health assessment, connect with 80+ tracking devices and applications, including Apple Health and many more.

If we are your provider and you are still unable to create an account, please call our member services at 877-709-0201 M-F 8am to 7pm CST, we are here to help.

** Features vary based on your specific program, so some items may be unavailable or appear differently for each user.

We offer a wide range of activity and nutrition tracking.

* You may be asked to provide secondary information to confirm eligibility.

You can track manually or connect your own device.

So, download AlwaysOn® and get started on a better you today.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Negative experience


Positive experience

~ from NLP analysis of 1,671 combined software reviews.

380 AlwaysOn Wellness Reviews

4.1 out of 5


Please fix the Apple Health connection…

I’ve been using AlwaysOnWellness for several years through my employer to get points for steps and other tracking. There’s been a lag in the past for my info from Apple to be pulled in but I knew this and would typically log in a few times a week to refresh and make sure everything was there. In the last couple of months though, I have tried refreshing DAILY and still can’t get my info to pull over consistently. I’ve used the “sync now” option within the general FAQ. I’ve pulled down on the fitness page to refresh there. I’ve stopped sharing info from Apple health and then reshared. I’ve had to start deleting AlwaysOnWellness altogether and reinstalling to get my data to sync up… not really ideal. Not having my points recognizes means I don’t get the bonus payout from my employer. So if I want that, I don’t have a choice but to go through all these steps to get AlwaysOnWellness to sync. Please fix it. I’ve read many other reviews with similar complaints.


Always Problems

Despite all the “improvements,” every time I use AlwaysOnWellness something doesn’t work. Today I attempted to complete a health assessment, which involves some amount of work to take blood pressure and look up & enter test result numbers such as cholesterol, etc., and answering many questions. At 87% complete, I reached a page that requires acknowledgement that data could be shared with BCBS, but there was NO way to progress past this point, with the Next button greyed out and nothing else on screen to acknowledge, so had to exit and so it would seem that all info entered is now lost. But I can’t verify that because now AlwaysOnWellness can’t communicate with its server (“Something went wrong” error). Also, before starting on the health assessment I noticed that no daily data collection has occurred for over 2 months! The data is in Apple’s Health app, I don’t see why there’s no way to force a refresh from there to here. This is making me stressed. Best way to control that and be healthier is to stop trying to use this garbage app!


Not awarding points for Apple health data

I’ve had numerous problems with AlwaysOnWellness but the most recent is the most annoying. Going on day 13 that AlwaysOnWellness pulls in information from Apple heath but doesn’t actually award points for the data. Every 3,000 steps should equal 1 point and there have been numerous days now where AlwaysOnWellness shows Apple health step information well above 3,000 steps, but not a single point has been given. I’ve tried everything to reset the connection and nothing works. Something within AlwaysOnWellness is broken because the Apple health information is shown within AlwaysOnWellness , but AlwaysOnWellness is too broken to even recognize it to award points. Extremely disappointed in this below average app but unfortunately I’m stuck with it.


Please fix or quit with all the updates

I only started using AlwaysOnWellness due to my employer wanting us to...
I use my free/spare time to check in daily to account for everything that I do; (which I was doing for “me” any how, (without needing an app to make me accountable)...
With that, half the time, I find it wasteful because trying to find all the sections you have to go to check off = your updates should be making it easier/quicker for us who are hanging in there — showing the “team spirit”.
But, instead, your latest update only stalls/times you you out (no sooner you sign in)/and, you don’t get real answers from the life coach/helper/etc...
But, I’ll keep on struggling on for the team.


Worst app on my phone

AlwaysOnWellness locks me out more often than it lets me in. I know my passcode and my password, I log on daily (when it lets me),but I have to call someone every month to get my password reset because I’m locked out. Please fix AlwaysOnWellness so it won’t lock you out when you are giving the correct info. Orrr make an easy to use password reset that doesn’t force me to call a customer service agent every single time. No one ever picks up until I’ve called 8 times, they call you back at the most inconvenient times when they “hold your place in line”, and then don’t give you a direct line to call back so you have to go through all the crap again.
I hate that my employer uses this for incentive because AlwaysOnWellness is literally useless.



Well that was a waste of time! Typical government low bid BS. Somebody got paid big I’m sure to create this useless app and then charge insurance companies triple to use it. “Here’s an incentive to be healthy” and then they don’t follow through on their end of the bargain. You’ve earned these points now you have to search high and low to find how to use them. You don’t get credit for your activity half the time either. “Always On” is conveniently “Always Off” so they don’t have to give you credit for your visits or exercise. I’m sure I get the “please contact us at this 800 number” and we will resolve your issue reply. No I’m not contacting you. Fix your app and do what is right by the consumer! Ratings are less than half for a reason!


Terrible app that’s hard to use and adds zero value to my health.

I only have AlwaysOnWellness because Florida Blue gives rewards when you jump through hoops. I can think of a million things that will benefit my health more than this ridiculous app. It crashes constantly, the excursuses appear to add rewards to your program but most don’t. I tried to give feedback to someone at Florida Blue because I’ve completed several challenges believing I’d get rewards like I did last year, and was told they made it easy last year because people needed the support and this year it’s harder because people don’t need it as much. Well that’s just not true, and incredibly infuriating!


Useless app

There is absolutely no option anywhere in AlwaysOnWellness to redeem my points. I tried looking on the website too, nowhere do I see an option to redeem my points. Now I have over 1200 points sitting there for no reason, because the developers of AlwaysOnWellness forgot to add the most important feature of AlwaysOnWellness . Would give 0 stars if I could, terribly made app…


Continues to go down hill

AlwaysOnWellness use to be great, but the latest updates are horrible. The changes to the programs basically made them impossible to utilize. AlwaysOnWellness also continuously logs you out, but there’s no way of knowing. I’ve had AlwaysOnWellness installed for 2 years, yet I have huge gaps (and loss of points) in daily tracking due to the logouts. Please fix your data mining app.


Stalls, doesn’t register work out in

AlwaysOnWellness drives me crazy!! Half the time I can’t even get past the log in screen as I get the spinning blue wheel of death. Then I’ll be told the connect has timed out.

I have completed the same assessment three times and a program twice, clicking buttons and filling in answers. Every single time I get to the finish mark, I get a timed out message (even if the screen has just advanced) and I do not receive any points and all the time I spent entering my information is lost.

Honestly, this is such a great concept, but AlwaysOnWellness is trash. Please fix it.


Will not reward points for Apple health

Just as the other comments State AlwaysOnWellness will not reward points for Apple health. I delete and reinstall AlwaysOnWellness and it still does not work.

UPDATE - in response to the developer: I have called the customer service number. Each time their response is to delete and redownload AlwaysOnWellness . I have to do this ONCE A WEEK for AlwaysOnWellness to read my steps from Apple. Even then it sometimes does not work and I have to redownload a couple of times. This has been an ongoing issue y’all need to figure out. You’re developers I believe in you 💕


Totally unreliable

Use this for my employer’s wellness program and literally have to uninstall and then reinstall every other day to get data to synch with my Apple Watch. Called support line and they advise to uninstall and reinstall as the solution to get it to sync. Not keeping track of my data makes me lose dollars for my fitness program. Beginning to think they make it this bad so people can never get their monetary reward on a fitness challenge or program. I don’t do social media or review things but I am so frustrated with AlwaysOnWellness I felt I had to say something.


Garbage. Never recognizes username/password

I’ve been using the website for over 3 years and when I had a Pebble watch running Misfit I could sync up just fine (iPhone 6 Plus). Since I switched to an Apple Watch (v2) I have not been able to log into AlwaysOnWellness and I cannot remotely connect my watch from the website. Super frustrating. I contacted customer support which just told me to reset my password. I’ve reset my password now 4 times and can login online PERFECTLY but cannot login to AlwaysOnWellness even using the new password that the website allows me in on! Garbage app.


Steps randomly stop synching

Has anyone even looked at making AlwaysOnWellness functional for iPhones? App says it’s connected to apple health, I’m logged in to my Always on account, yet it has not tracked any activity since June.

Even the WellOnTarget webpage that this is supposed to be exchanging data with says “0 connected devices and apps” (again, the phone app says it’s connected to apple health)

I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, App has clear issues and no one is addressing them

[original review]
This problem is repeated on two iPhones in our household, AlwaysOnWellness will somedays synch with apple health and some days will stop syncing. When it stops, it will not record anything for several days. There is no pattern or logic to why/when/how it will stop now what happened to make it come back up. App has clear issues.


Does not sync data properly

For the past 4 or so months, even with a manual sync, AlwaysOnWellness may or may not show my steps and add my reward points. I have to delete AlwaysOnWellness and download again and it’ll work properly for a few weeks then back to not tracking the data properly. My employer has filed a ticket and was advised it was a known issue and a fix will be deployed in August but still haven’t had any type of update to AlwaysOnWellness .


Your update has broken the login

I’ve been using AlwaysOnWellness for awhile, but after the last update, it gets stuck in a loop trying to log in. It attempts face recognition, which works, but then asks for a PIN number, which works. This sends it back to face recognition. There is NO WAY to break out of this and get to a standard login screen. If you don’t allow the FR, you just get back to the pin screen again. This has never done this to me until this update.


Always having an issue, terrible app!

First download, everything went smooth and was able to do incentive activities for the day. The following day, AlwaysOnWellness refuses my login making me re-install AlwaysOnWellness , where it then allows me to login again. A different issue the next day where bo incentives or my points want to load. Fast forward 1 more day, I enter my pin and the request times out—basically AlwaysOnWellness never opens preventing me from using AlwaysOnWellness entirely. PLEASE MAKE IT BETTER!


Latest update causes app to crash and not log in

I updated AlwaysOnWellness today (Jan 22) and now cannot login. When you click on AlwaysOnWellness , it displays a spinning circle that indicates it is loading, but it always times out. The red notification bar shows at the top stating it has timed out, and I am not taken to the login screen at all. I have loaded and reloaded AlwaysOnWellness . It’s not working. I don’t want to call you like you suggested to the last review. I just want you to fix it.


Apply heath

AlwaysOnWellness is supposed to sync with Apple health to track activity to achieve goals and receive points. After many calls and many failed attempts i noticed that there’s reviews from over a year ago complaining about the same exact issue. And a response from the developer saying they are aware of the issue and are working to resolve. So After more than a year of trying to fix the issue and still no resolution?


App is junk

0 stars is more like it. As with several other reviews, you constantly have to babysit AlwaysOnWellness. It RARELY works. The apple health will not sync correctly, even manually. As with others there are days when I have 3k 8k or whatever number of steps but no points will be awarded to me. Then I must call and open a ticket and go back and forth with them. Then it will randomly work for a day or 2 then stop again and repeat the cycle.


App doesn’t do changes

AlwaysOnWellness might be good if the questions you tried to answer applied to the current date. The questions and answers about alcohol was ridiculous!

Can’t make changes. As for the alcohol, there’s no way in “****” would I drink every week, month or year if ….. why have the questions if you can’t change the answers?

Don’t like AlwaysOnWellness not working properly.


Come On! Disappointed

I absolutely love the concept. But it’s not updating as it should. My activity does not update. I enjoy using AlwaysOnWellness because it keeps you motivated and I love earning the points due to the nice items you can receive. I’m constantly refreshing, deleting AlwaysOnWellness and adding it back. I am active everyday and it literally has days missing, even weeks and also it would be short on steps. I am in the gym 5 days a week my points are never received until I go to the gym, request for my attendance to submit to your company to get my points. The process is annoying. I pay my fee on time every month. I really would love for this to be looked into. Thanks!


Update 9.9

This shows this update required to use the ap. But the update will not load. Please get this fixed. So it will be ready for the new year


Absolute hot garbage.

I’ve had AlwaysOnWellness for close to seven years. It’s complete trash. Always has been. It’s unstable, doesn’t reliably sync with the Health app, doesn’t sync to backfill missed fitness records despite its failure to maintain the syncing it’s supposed to do. The notifications are a joke. The pages load embarrassingly slow. And the list of silly shortcomings goes on. AlwaysOnWellness needs an absolute overhaul, backend and front end. There’s no way the business owners aren’t aware of it, and they aren’t investing in any semblance of meaningful fixes. And I’m confident the developers know how much digital duct tape is on this thing. Shameful.


Latest release seems to have fixed the sync issues for iOS

I am updating my review. The latest release appears to have fixed the sync issues on iOS. Thank you for seeing this through!


Cumbersome and repetitive, crashes OFTEN

AlwaysOnWellness works some of the time. Messages are un-deletable and do not carry correct date and time. Most often messages will indicate they’re only minutes old, but I’ve seen that same message for WEEKS.

Surveys questions are not sufficient to correctly reflect my opinions. When able to answer “I do not know” on some questions, then after a few additional questions need to know the answer to the question, to which “I do not know” was an option, is indicative that multiple people are NOT reviewing the survey before publishing.

The ONLY REASON I participate in AlwaysOnWellness is because it is required by my insurance company in order to receive a discounted co-pay on prescriptions.

Is AlwaysOn Wellness Safe?

No. AlwaysOn Wellness does not seem very safe to us. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 1,671 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.1/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for AlwaysOn Wellness Is 12.7/100.

Is AlwaysOn Wellness Legit?

No. AlwaysOn Wellness does not seem legit based on our analysis. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 1,671 AlwaysOn Wellness User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for AlwaysOn Wellness Is 29.4/100..

Is AlwaysOn Wellness not working?

AlwaysOn Wellness works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

How was your experience with AlwaysOn Wellness? Post a Review

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