Bitmoji Reviews

Bitmoji Reviews

Published by on 2023-02-02

🏷️ About: .


Overall Customer Experience 😎

👿🤬😠 Negative experience

😎👌🔥 Positive experience

🙄💅🫥 Neutral

~ from NLP analysis of 103,532 combined software reviews.

Summary of Customer Reviews (Takeaways): 💎

- Has a lot of hairstyle options

- Ability to mix and match clothes

- Hair treatment option

- Ability to make bitmoji look like you

Read 35 Customer Service Reviews 👿🤬😡😠💢😤

4.1 out of 5

why are we forced to gender our bitmoji?


I like this app a lot, you can make yourself or how you wish to be. however, i have a problem with it. im not a big fan of having to choose the gender of my this app. my this app shouldn’t be limited to female and male. if i chose the female this app, it would give me a chest even if i chose to not have one. the male this app is awkward and doesn’t match with me, so i have no choice but to go with the female one. having a non-gendered this app would make this so much easier. if snapchat really was an ally to the lgbtq+ community, they would think about non-binary people, agender people, and others who don’t think of themselves as male or female. here’s an idea to get rid of the gendered this app: just combine all of the choices into one. for example, instead of seeing male and female when you first make it, it could just be “make your this app” with a blank person. all of the previous options could be on it.

my biggest issue is the chest, though. i chose to go with the flattest chest, but it still gives me a chest with a shadow. it makes me uncomfortable because it’s not me and it’s not what i want to have.

i enjoy making myself a lot, so i hope you can understand and take my suggestions! :)

Clothes, Jewelry, and Accessories


The this app app is great and fun to use while texting friends or using Snapchat. However, I have noticed a few flaws that could be improved. For example, the clothes are difficult to find and the accessories are limited. First, searching for clothes is difficult. I use to be able to search up different categories for outfits, but now I have to scroll down and try to find different categories that way which takes long and is a pain! I also noticed that they get rid of clothes that aren’t in season. Now, if I wanted to put on a Christmas sweater the day after Halloween or I wanted to put on a Halloween outfit in August (early I know but I get excited) I can’t because the option won’t pop up until closer to that time. The option of necklaces and bracelets is nonexistent. I think it’d be something nice to add and would complete some of my outfits. I was very happy to see they added earring, but we could still use some more jewelry. Also, what about scarfs? I like to wear plaid scarfs with plain sweaters and jeans in the winter. I’d like my this app to have the same cute outfits. It may not be necessary, but it’d certainly be a nice touch. In conclusion, Bitmoji is fun to use, but it could use some improvements. I highly suggest you listen to what I listed above and fix these flaws. Without the flaws I listed above, Bitmoji truly would be great.

So close!!


Update: all the people making suggestions.. Bitmoji has mostly been the same since 2016, only adding more character styles and then the “mix and match” outfit thing a few years ago. Y’all are asking for things that we Bitstrips/this app veterans have been asking for since day one… I don’t think much will change 🤣😅😭
I miss BitStrips and the fully customizable options on the website that used to exist… if you can put that into an app you’d be set. Then we can just scale, rotate and color things as we want them. And hats would finally fit because we could scale them larger and move them as needed… mmyes.

Good job on keeping the 12 year olds out 🤣🤣🤣 go play roblox, children. You don’t belong on the internet at all! I’m serious. Not everything has to be for you. Come back in a few years. Get out. That said, y’all need to add more goth items and larger all-black eyes. I want to be a goth alien 👀 Also just give us universal full-range color pickers so we can come things however we want instead of always being off somehow. It’s not hard. Technology has advanced and I know y’all can do it. It’s been almost 10 years, guys…

Great app!!♥️🥰


this app is an amazing app! Weather you use it for SnapChat,Texting, whatever! I enjoy how you can customize your own little you. But there is so many ways that you could make this app an even more amazing app! First off more fashion! There is already lots of clothes to choose from, but try to put even more in Bitmoji more frequently and that would be fantastic! Second, you should be able to customize even more, like your height, the length of your hairstyle, and have more options for breast sizes. Thirdly, you should be able to change the color of clothing. When I go to pick a different clothing item I want and it’s bright pink or some color that I don’t want I no longer want to wear that item, there should be an option to change the color of the clothing item. Finally, please consider being able to mix and match items, like have and an option to ‘mix clothing’ and select the items you want to mix. Please take this into consideration it and I would give it 5 stars, it would also make Bitmoji so much more amazing! But overall I totally recommend Bitmoji over any other, it is amazing!♥️♥️♥️

It’s nice, but could use some upgrades!


this app is a nice app. I think that it should let you customize your skin color, hair color, hair treatment color, and some other color stuff. I want to be able to customize my hairstyle. I also wish that you could customize the color of your makeup, clothing, and shoes. I think that chest size is another thing. They don’t have mine.... and I think that they just need more customizable things. There should be more sweatshirt and coat options as well. They don’t have any options that I like. They should ask if you wanna customize your pants, and if you do, then they’ll let you do it that. Shirt options is another thing. I don’t really like any of them. They’re way too simple, I want some more color options, and I want to be able to customize the length. I don’t want a full half top, but not a really long shirt. Or I want a VSCO shirt, a oversized top. I also want better looking shorts. I’m being picky, but it’s better then giving nothing at all. I also want more body type options. I’m going to be giving more of a review. But this is all for now. Maybe vans, the checkered, and shirts and stuff 😉

Room for Improvement!


Wow! this app is a terrific app to use and I absolutely love it. My family, friends, and I have competitions to see who can go the longest only talking in Bitmojis. Amazing app!
A few things are limited though. I role play in this app (weird, I know) so I would love to see some updates in headgear and clothing. In some Bitmojis, it changes your outfit (bride, groom, puppy), so I would love to see those outfits available for use in the wardrobe. Any long dresses would be much appreciated! Also for wardrobe, it would be cool if you started by either looking at featured outfits or choosing a brand (Black Label, BitmojiSun, Brrrrmoji, etc) so you wouldn’t have to scroll all the way down.
My biggest complaint; Snapchat. I would LOVE to use 2 player Bitmojis and this app Parties in Apple messages or texting! However, I’m sure there are lots of people like me who don’t have Snapchat or aren’t allowed to use it (kids)! So please try to let some other apps allow 2 Person Bitmojis and this app Parties! I am completely aware though that, being owned by Snapchat, this app is trying to advertise Snapchat.
One more thing- multiple Bitmojis! I have lots of friends and they all say “Oh, do a this app of me!” And I have to say “I can’t, it would overwrite my data. And you’d look terrible in this app Classic LOL.”
Please improve game! Still sad Bitstrips got canceled! Stay safe! 😷😷😷

Things I wish this app had


I wish Bitmoji had more ways to do highlights other than the ombré. I wish we had more clothes to choose from like: non Jean short shorts, crops tops, bikinis, one piece swimsuits, tight ripped jeans, customizable jerseys, and certain style categories like: skater, emo, preppy, rich, grunge, girly, tomboy. I also wish that the head wasn't so big because my avatar has a small body then this huge head. More hairstyles are needed like medium length (not just short and long), hair that’s wavy like the half up half down space buns, layered hair that starts at the jawline, a sing French braid, a braided ponytail, gentle wavy hair, beaded hair (with colorful beads), bandana biker hair, the claw clip hairstyles, wavy hair with random braids, bun with baby hairs/ without them, and a low bun with baby hairs ( these are just suggestions not all of these have to be added). Another thing that would be nice if there was the option to have long socks or short socks. Piercings and tattoos would be nice. Any accessories would be wonderful to have. These are all suggestions I’m not demanding or hope I come across demanding for these things it would just be nice to have.

Needs Improving


Bitmoji is really amazing and I love to use it whenever I text, on snapchat, or just to customize it just for fun. One really big thing that bothers me is for the hair, there is no option to put highlights. I feel like most people either have dyed or natural highlights which is why you should add it to the hair section.
Another thing is that you should add custom eye colors instead of just putting a certain amount of eye colors. My friend for instance, she has hazel eyes and sometimes they change from light green to light brown to light blue. My eyes are light green but sometimes they change to blue.
Also again for the hair, there should be more hairstyles for the girls that have a side part and is wavy and curly. Whenever I’m choosing a hairstyle for myself, it just doesn’t look like my style. Also whenever the this app moves their head, the hair doesn’t move with it so it would be cool if it was like real life when you move your head the hair moves with it.
Other than that, Bitmoji is really awesome and I love and appreciate what you guys are doing to make it better. Thank you

More than a review


I have enjoyed the this app app for years but mostly use it with Snapchat. It’s a fun app but I have additional app suggestion.
I am a teacher and during the virtual school change I have become introduced to a group that has been integrating Bitmojis into a wide range of educational uses. The Facebook group grows daily and so do the new ideas and ways to create fun and engaging activities for our students with this technology. Many have been trying to create virtual class pictures and making a this app for every student.
I feel there is a definite need for a this app classroom addition with unlimited potential and opportunities. The ability to create and store a range of bitmojis for a class. The ability to connect with parents and families if desired. More classroom and educational themes/sayings for bitmojis. Options for bitmojis to interact with each other. (Similar to Snapchat)
I even think that teachers might be willing to pay a small (2-3 dollars), one time fee for an app with all these options an educational opportunities.
The world of education is changing more and more to a digital world to keep up with society. I think it would be amazing if this app joined in to give teachers access to customized resources!

PLZ READ WHOLE RVW Needs to work on a hairstyle to match mine.


Bitmoji is so fun and cool! There are so many different stickers. Funny ones, casual ones, relatable ones, and there are so many different moods and you can even costimize a sticker! You can also use a sticker with both you and one of your friends who also have this app as a co-star! There are many different outfits, tops, bottoms, jackets, dresses, face wear, headwear and more. There is one problem that specifically bothers me. There are SOO many different hairstyles and hair types, but I can not find hair that matches my curls. The 56th hairstyle (exactly 14 rows down) is my hair type. Those curls match my hair perfectly, except the curls continue and my hair is much longer. If we could get a longer hair version of this, my this app would actually look like me. Another thing that I think would help people’s this app out a lot is if there was a slider or something to costomize your hair length instead of having to scroll far down to find your hairstyle, or to NOT even find one that matches. THIS WOULD BE VERY APPRECIATED AND IF THIS WAS A THING, I would give Bitmoji 5 STARS. Thank you so much for reading this whole thing if you did. grrrrr_sir agrees w/ me btw

EDIT: 8/8 They added one that sorta matches except the hair is all the way to the Right.. we need some work and I’d be soooo happy



I love this app but I think there should be an option for jewelry. & multiple options for each category too like an ear piercing someone may want a cartilage piercing & someone else may want just a lobe piercing or multiple piercings etc. I would like to see other options for piercings as well such as nose piercings - studs, rings, septum, etc. (I have mine pierced & would like my this app too as well), eyebrow piercings, lip piercings, tongue piercings, belly button piercings, etc.
I think by giving us the option of most common jewelry (in every category of piercings) would suffice if we could change the color of the jewelry. Like an example would be to have a few different jewelry options for nose studs & allow us to change the colors and then to also have different jewelry options for nose rings and allow us to change the colors of those too. I think piercings are an important part of expressing someone and should be used in this app. I think another thing that would be cool is if we could use the camera to take a picture of a tattoo and choose where on our this app we want to place it because tattoos are another important way of expressing ourselves. I hope you guys take these ideas into consideration because these are important to me and would make me so happy to have them available.

Love it just a few things


Hello, I got this game cause my teachers had it and it is really fun That’s why I gave it four stars why not five you may ask if Bitmoji is so good well the two things 1.I Really love to have lip piercings. 2.I really want braces fangs gold teeth etc etc… My reson I really want it really want because I am getting braces and it will make me feel so much better about it. Also maybe could you add pets and tattoos I would really love that and maybe day of the dead stuff idk Ik you may not see this but I just think you should add these things Adding on to the pets could we have like mix breeds like new breed stuff .not just cats and dogs like fish horses maybe a unicorn a dragon stuff like that we can make our own like have a pet maker like we can have clothes for them like ones that look like us even. Maybe have more gender things I know you try hard for inclusive stuff maybe try a bit harder For the tattoos we can Have make you own tattoos idk just fun things for it Before I go sorry how long this is but,I am very sorry about all the hate you get people don’t think before they type and it’s just rude. Thanks for reading have a nice day✨🏳️‍🌈✨

Fun app!


I got Bitmoji just for fun to use when I chat with my friends. It’s been really good and I had a lot of options to make the this app look like me. I especially appreciate the hair treatment option since I’ve always had natural blonde highlights in my hair. The only thing is that there are a lot of romantic bitmojis or bitmojis featuring things like alcohol that I would never use anytime soon since I’m 12. There’s really nothing wrong with that, I just won’t use them. I just felt like that’s something I should mention. Also, it would be nice to have some more bitmojis for things relevant to kids my age, or maybe some bitmojis for sports like dance, gymnastics, and cheer.
Another thing is, I saw a this app featuring smoking that said no big deal. What’s up with that??? I don’t know if maybe it’s supposed to be an anti-smoking this app or something, but it’s spreading the wrong message.
Also, it would be really nice to have options for jewelry, piercings, and braces.
Other than that, Bitmoji is a really fun app to use when texting with my friends and I definitely recommend it. They have a lot of really good bitmojis with a lot of selection besides the ones I just mentioned.

Agreed by most...


So I absolutely love Bitmoji!!! I think it’s really cool to have all these different hairstyle options to choose from. I specifically love how you can mix and match clothes, it’s honestly a terrific app!!! Although Bitmoji is great now, I feel that it would be a lot better if users had the option to delete specific outfits from the “closet” category. I, as many of my friends, think that it would be an amazing way to improve Bitmoji if that was an option. It would be amazing for choosing our favorites outfits we have created quickly, rather than scrolling through the whole closet attempting to find an outfit we loved and have previously worn. This would make a significant difference in Bitmoji . I hope you can take this into consideration to improve Bitmoji and make it a better experience for all users. I also think that it would be really nice if the Hollister clothes section came back, that was pretty cool and we really liked it. If the creators happen to be fixing Bitmoji I also suggest adding in jewelry. Having a section with jewelry options would be pretty cool. Some jewelry that would be nice to have include bracelets, necklaces, anklets and I bet if the creators/editors added scrunchies it would be a big hit. It would be highly appreciated by the current users of Bitmoji .



I love Bitmoji! But there has been one issue that have been there for me and many other from the beginning. There are options for straight hair, kind of Wavy hair, and extremely curly/kinky hair. But there is not a single option for looser curls. Afro texture is almost all there is, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. I’m glad they have so many options for those with super curly locks! But as a curly haired woman myself, everyone (a lot of girls) I’ve met with the same hair texture as me have complained about this when it’s brought up. This includes every women in my family, we have been forced to use straight hair on our bitmojjis. And my god is it annoying that not one style of hair matches our incredibly common curly hair texture. There is (being generous) maybe one hair option in-between straight/sight wave, and 4C kinky curls. Even just adding three or four generic options at different lengths in the very middle of wavy and kinky would make SO many people happier with Bitmoji . If there were 4 groups of hair, moving from straightest to curliest, just to illustrate. Let’s say: Straight. Wavy. Curly. Kinky. There would be nothing for the curly category for women except maybe one hair style. Please make more hair!!!!!!!! I’ve been waiting for it for years now! And am leaving this comment after silently just hoping for an update.

best emoji app ever, but consider this . . .


I am in love with Bitmoji... the features it adds are so diverse yet so enjoyable for everyone at any age!! Because of Bitmoji’s creativity, I’d like to make a few suggestions... and I ask that you at least read these just in case you ever change your mind or need a few ideas of inspiration. Because we all know the magic you’re capable of making!! 🦄 First off, some more realistic fashion items could be added: tie-dye shirts, different patterned shirts (polka-dots, stripes, etc.) sparkly/sequin clothing items, movie/TV show referenced merch, and so much more ideas. A lot of these suggestions I feel would be used frequently by teens, whether they like a cute tie-dye crop, or a shirt from a Disney movie. Secondly, and lastly, I was thinking some more hairstyles and accessories. With accessories, more realistic things such as scrunchies or braces could be added to Bitmoji . A lot of people have braces, and a lot would love little arm scrunchies or anklets to finish off their look. Hairstyles could be... - straight/blowout hairstyles - wavy/curled hairstyles -more updo styles (messy buns, ponytails, etc.) Thanks for reading!! 💙💙

AMAZING APP! Few suggestions for next update:


First of all, this app IS AMAZING🤩 get Bitmoji! 💯% recommended! They got like actually good clothes: BLM✊🏿✊🏽✊🏾 outfits, Pride outfits🏳️‍🌈, crops tops, vans, birks, slides, etc. plus a new update included new hairstyles! (this app, TYSM finally found my style✌🏾🌸) I used to have a problem with finding a good outfit but not anymore lol. There’s funny this app about online school that are hilarious, check those out too. Hey this app developers, could you add accessories like SCRUNCHIES and EARRINGS???!? I know other people have suggested these but just saying it again, that would be awesome. You could like wear the scrunchies on your wrist. Also I know this is a big revolutionary idea but what if you didn’t have to have Snapchat to use the this app friend option you could just type in someone’s email and make a this app friend thing with them where you duet a this app pic? That would be so cool! Also, I think (other females will agree) there should be a more variety of chest sizes? Because some girls have smaller or larger breasts than the ones you are offering for the avatars. Ty for reading this and please consider these suggestions.

Could improve but overall great app


To be honest I really love Bitmoji but some things do bug me sometimes, I did see that you guys have different styles of Bitmojis and one of them is bitstrips. I have nothing against that style but why do they have more hair and the ability to have earrings? I hope you guys actually update the deluxe type because that would be great. I would also love it if you guys had accessories like necklaces, earrings, things like that maybe some chains you know get creative with it. Also I LOVE that we can now create our own outfits, I hope the clothing choice becomes bigger in the future but for now it’s really nice! I would love to see oversized sweaters and hoodies, more shoes and socks, high waisted sweatpants, skirts with patters, shirts with design on them, and basically just items that will make us look more fashionable and also let us express ourselves. now hats, they are really good believe me but I would love to see some bandanas in the “babushka style” or the new trendy look, clips, a plant cause aEsThEtIc, and some butterflies but again anything creative and fun is ok with me. That’s all I have to say but for now it’s a pretty good app keep up the great work! :)

Some fun things that could be added to the app.


Bitmoji is Amazing I love it and use it more than once a day. But, I do think there is room for some exciting and fun things. I think there should be a option where you can decorate your from Which is the background when your changing your avatars clothing. And, I think you should pay for the things to be able to decorate your room with coins. From a game you would add into Bitmoji to make the game more fun and even have it set up to where you can play with your friends and challenge each other to see who can get the most coins earned in one game. And, I also think there should be more clothing brand choices and accessories choices like earring I have my first second and helix pierced but there is not a option for that. And, I think there should be more clothing choices that are kept to trending clothing items in the world. Besides the things I have listed above I really do think this is a fun app to use and it would be even better if they added some of the things I have listed as well but besides that I truly and highly recommended Bitmoji.

Things to add


I recommend you add varsity jackets, knee length/thigh high socks, and second colors for the clothes. I also suggest adding galaxy patterns and a variety of skirts (long, poofy, short,etc.) Also try to fix lag and if you use Bitmoji for an extended period of time it resets to whatever your this app was when you started playing that time. I also recommend adding a feature so you can change your height. In real life I’m very short so it’s just a little weird when on this app stories I’m the same height as my friends who in reality are like a foot taller than me. I also think you should add jewelry if you don’t already have it, basically my defining feature is that I always am wearing a choker. Another suggestion is that you add an option to have a non binary this app. In my opinion it doesn’t make sense to have a non binary flag shirt but still have the actual genders limited to male and female. I also recommend being able to add dark circles under your eyes, and for sure add a T shirt into the jackets section because a lot of people, especially myself love layering shirts. I know it’s a lot of work but it’ll be worth it in the end ♥︎

A good app but could be improved


Bitmoji is fun to use if you enjoy making avatars of yourself but as someone who can’t make a this app that actually looks like themselves I notice a lot of missing options for character customization. Things like the lack of curly hair and the barely enough set skin tone options can be bothersome if you want to make a character that looks like you. Back when bitstrips was still a thing I believe I remember the option to choose a wheelchair, which was really nice but it’s gone now in this app. There’s a lot of physical features that could be added but something as big as the hair you have can be a make or break for some people’s avatars. Besides the customization features, every time I install Bitmoji , I seem to get more ads on my browsers and the this app keyboard always sets itself to the default keyboard, which most of the time, causes whatever app I’m using to crash. I don’t really understand why we have to grant this app full permission to use the keyboard either. Despite all of the flaws, it’s definitely a fun app to use with friends, but it absolutely has room for improvement.

Men and Women come in all shapes and sizes!


I love this app and have used it for years. My only issue with it is the limited body sizes and shapes. I hoped with the deluxe upgrade you would remedy this travesty but we’re already halfway through 2019 and from the chin down your this app editor is still failing to account for the majority of the population. You have 4 super skinny options and one “plus-size” that could be mistaken for pregnant instead. As a large framed, hourglass shaped woman I find this incredibly disheartening. There are twenty different options for noses, chins, even ears, but when you finally get to body size you get 5?!? I’m sure it’s more difficult to create clothing options for every size you offer, but I know I’m not alone in wishing my this app avatar reflected more of my real life curvyness. Read any women’s magazine today you’ll be sure to find an article discussing how to dress for all the different body shapes. It’s time for this app to stop catering to a one size fits all market and start offering options for ALL the major body sizes. I would love to see you add options for Pear-shaped, Apple-shapes, Oval, Square, Triangle and hourglass body shapes plus different frame sizes as well. Please make this happen!!

LOVE IT but..


ok so i love Bitmoji. i use it on an almost daily basis when i’m texting my friends, and there’s a this app for nearly everything. however, there’s not enough hairstyles. i always style my hair in an ariana grande ponytail but there’s no this app hairstyle for that. plus, instead of dying the ends of my hair a different color i have highlights, blue highlights, but again there isn’t an option for that so my this app doesn’t look like me..please fix this and i will make my rating five stars. thanks.

ps. one more thing: i really feel that having preset, prestyled outfits is boring, i’ve tried so many personal avatar apps and they all have prestyled outfits so you don’t get to pick your shoes, you choker, your t shirt. if you made it so that users could like pick each individual thing on their outfit, from the scarf (if they want one) to the shoes, that would be just AMAZING. each outfit could be uniquely styled to each individual user’s preference. i know this app is so much better than all those other apps and this would make it even better. thanks so much for reading this. i really hope i will be able to give this app five stars in the future.

Puppies please!!!


I just redownloaded Bitmoji after a year without having it and I’m loving it so far! All the new options made it so my this app looks more than just kinda like me! Buuuutttt I really need more photo options with dogs! There seem to be a lot of cats and only a couple dogs.

If it could be developed where you could build your dog (or cat) just like you build yourself, either in this same app or in a partner app, that would be the coolest. There are no good options out there for that and I would love to be able to use my actual dog as a this app!!

Edit: After a few weeks of using this app there are a few thing that would make the customization of the avatar closer to real life. Some way to show tattoos would be great! Even if it was just basic drawings on different body parts it would get the point across. Also, being able to change clothing items individually rather than as a full outfit would be wonderful! And finally, better options for hazel eyes!! I had to go with green because nothing was quite right otherwise but my eyes are rarely just green.

Absolutely Love this App!! But...


I absolutely love using Bitmoji for texting my friends. It adds a touch of fun in group chats. There are something’s that I wish were different, however. I agree with PuppyLover147 on things that would make Bitmoji better. Mix-and-match-able wardrobe would be ideal. Some of the outfits don’t match my personal style, or one part of the outfit does, while the other does not. Accessories such has earrings on brace are not available (at least I’m pretty sure). Also, Bitmoji IS rated for 12+, however, the language used makes me cringe every time I come across one. Once again agreeing with PuppyLover147, I suggest a parental filter, or something of the sort. One last thing. I personally don’t have Snapchat. My friends do, and I want to play this app games, too. Bitmoji Game Pigeon is an app that allows you to play numerous games with your friends over text. I was thinking that you could implement some kind of this app game like that. But, besides these few things, this app is a great app that I enjoy having so greatly!

Love it!! But....


I love Bitmoji!! It's so fun!!! Even got my co workers hooked on it!! Love that you have scrubs now!!!!!! I haven't checked recently, but could we make it easier to use for commenting on Facebook? Like that we can use it as a status update, but being able to comment without having to like screen shot or something, and then finding the post we want to comment on would be soooo much easier. Also could we get a selection of pjs and a bigger selection for maternity, I'm not that big yet, and none of those outfits are ummm my type, and I am sure other users feel the same way. Otherwise doin an awesome job guys!! Keep up the great work!!!!

Update: with every update, I love Bitmoji even more!!! I’ve gotten so many friends hooked on it!! I have used Bitmoji since bitstrips came out. More ways to customize our clothes more specifically would be great!! Also maybe some mini games within Bitmoji to play with our mini games, or maybe an extension of Bitmoji for a game?? Just suggestions, still doin a phenomenal job guys, keep it up!!!

More creativity in outfits etc.


So, I have been with this app for a while now, and have noticed that this app has actually been updating outfits, and other accessories pretty often. Something that I am just a little on the edge about, I really sometimes cannot find the correct hairstyle and have to keep changing it until I find the right one. I’m really hoping that you’ll be able to add more long hair style options, for example, like space buns, of like French braids, or a sleek bun. And maybe make the hairs look a little less glossier because whenever I choose the 2 black options, it doesn’t fit my hair color (very dark brown😂) And also, coming from someone who has quite bushy eyebrows, there isn’t really an option for people with big eyebrows. And one last thing :) try more natural nude matte shades for lipsticks colors, since most of them are glossy, they look different with different skin tones. I really hope that you can help me, and probably a lot of problems that others have as well.
(Piercings would be great too)


More customization please


I find it to be great and have been an avid this app user for years. I just wish that some of the old, outdated clothing options could be replaced with cuter, more modern clothing. For example, styles from a popular brand like Fashionnova, pacSun, Forever 21, Pretty Little Thing or Dolls Kill would be awesome.
I say replace instead of Add because Bitmoji does have a lot of data and takes up a bit of storage so if it could be streamlined or condensed that would be awesome. Please do the same with the makeup! If you could add more pretty shades and remove a few of the ones that are rarely used by users (do you have a way of seeing that? Which customizations are used the most & least). I would also love to see more variety with the hairstyles like braids or pig tails for different lengths & textures. It would be amazing if you took my suggestions that I have been wanting to make for a VERY long time. I’m sure it would attract more users. The actual this app messages.. they are great and so many to choose from that I honestly can’t complain except some feedback would be that there are SO many I literally haven’t used even half of them!!!

Amazing app! 😁


I think Bitmoji is good, but there still could be some improvements. First off hair. I think there should more options for people who have curly hair like me. I also think there should be more options for eye color. Some people have hazel eyes, not just one color. Another improvement could be with clothes. I think there could be something where u could customize clothes or make new clothes more often. And maybe u could have an option for people who have ear piercings. Also there could a setting where u could add jewelry or something like that. And maybe have more options for clothes. Bitmoji is really amazing, but just because something works well doesn’t mean we can’t make it better!! Other than this Bitmoji is really amazing!!! I have fun reading the funny things my this app says. If u r interested in getting Bitmoji u TOTALY should. I use Bitmoji everyday. It is so entertaining and u will find that ur this app is quite the character!😉 It is a fun app where u can customize ur character. I hope the creator of this app will consider my suggestion!!! Love Bitmoji tho!!! 😊

I love it! Just need this added


Bitmoji is Amazing! I love creating a little Character and using it text all my friends and family they new Version of the this app the deluxe IS SO AMAZING. . . . But one thing I would love to be added is being able to customize your clothing. . . I mean I really like all the choices I get of clothes but some of them just look weird . . . And the limited choices kinda get boring and I somethings check in to see if Bitmoji has new clothes but nope it just the same boring stuff. . . . Adding this for a update would be great!
1) people can either choose to keep the original outfit or they can take like the top the bottoms or the shoes
2) people can show themselves in the different ways they can in the clothes their this app wears. . .
3) Some think this is a cool add on to Bitmoji and others don’t (but majority people think it’s a cool add on that you this app should do)
I hope that if this add on is a update I hope you can switch all the clothes to make your own. That would make us (or some) happy just like me.

I love it but I have one suggestion.


this app is such a great app. I love the new clothes, skin tones, accessories, etc. I love the new “hair treatment” thing because so many girls have ombré balayage or colored hair in general. Everything is more diverse and you have many options. I have used this app for a long time now and I am obsessed. I recommend this to absolutely anyone and everyone. This is such a great app to have. Even if you don’t have Snapchat. My one suggestion is that I wish there was a section where you could create your own this app. Of course you customize your little person, but I don’t mean that. I mean, like if you can send a this app with a personalized message/pose/background. For example, for all the limelights, a this app that says “I said boom boom boom now lemme hear you say wayhoo!” Or “Boom boom boom” and a separate one that says “wayhoo!” Or for non limelights, a personal message that says something specific like “I can’t wait to see you later at the game.” Or whatever. Do you see my point? It would be nice to have a variety of Bitmojis ready and to be able to form your own.

I love my bitmoji but she needs more life


I will open by saying I don’t use Snapchat. I was raised in 2001 playing sims and having a gigapet. I love sending my this app in messages to my friends and family. My favorites are “literally dying” and the yellow car. However in reality my car is black. So here we start to see some room for improvement. Similarly, my cat is tortoiseshell and I want cats that appear in this app stickers to resemble her. I often update my this app’s body type to reflect my actual eating and exercise habits, which is a sensitive topic, but reveals the true potential enjoyment that could come from treating our bitmojis more like a virtual pet or sim of ourselves than a mere sticker. I want her to need food, sleep, and exercise. I don’t want a whole virtual life and career path for her that involves romance or the acquisition of material goods; that is too stressful; my own life is enough of a mess already. I have one more wish. I am very interested in being able to send my friends’ this app to them in messages. I don’t always want to be talking about myself. this app are so cute. Thank you for bringing this into the world.

PLEASE READ!!!! (Great app but...)


I think that this app is an amazing app and I love it. I use it a lot but there are a few changes I would add. First, there is no option for piercings. It would be nice to have an option for ear piercings such as hoops and studs and layers. Nose, lip, eyebrow etc would be nice too. Also, for the mix and match, I love that you added that but I think there should be more options such as ripped jeans, fake fur and one piece hoodies another nice feature for this is hats. I would love to have hats. Also I think it would be nice to have designs you can stick on your shirts on the mix and match. One more thing in outfits is a search bar would be nice so I can find an outfit easy. Last think regarding mix and match is pretty simple, checkered vans. Me being a swimmer, I would love to have a swimsuit option for the clothes. (Regular goggles too). It may be asking a lot but they are just suggestions for Bitmoji . Again, this app is an amazing app but there are a few changes I would add. (Earrings 😉)
One more thing, what would be nice is to have the ability to make more than one this app. Such as if you have a work this app and a home this app not constantly changing.
OK for real last thing I think that you probably don’t have much control over this but it would be so cool if our this app s could be emojis.

Please and Thanks!!!!!

Anna Beth

With the new bitmoji only three mouth/lip shapes are available? Please offer fuller lip 👄 options, as well as additional shapes so that no one is excluded. Thank you 🙏🏻


I adore bitmoji♥️ My daughter and I bitmoji back and forth. To remember for the years to come, I made her a Google photobook of some of our conversations in bitmoji. It was a hit in the family.

Is Bitmoji Safe? 🤗🙏

Yes. Bitmoji is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 103,532 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.1/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Bitmoji Is 48.4/100.

Is Bitmoji Legit? 💯

Yes. Bitmoji is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 103,532 Bitmoji User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Bitmoji Is 63.8/100..

Is Bitmoji not working? 🚨

Bitmoji works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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Bitmoji is your own personal emoji. • Create an expressive cartoon avatar • Choose from a huge library of stickers – all featuring YOU • Use Bitmoji in Snapchat and wherever else you chat Using Bitmoji in Snapchat unlocks Friendmoji – 2-person Bitmojis featuring you and your friends. .

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