Xbox USED to be good. Key words being "used to." Before the latest update, the this app app was really good and I had very few issues with it. Ever since the new update, I have absolutely HATED using Xbox. Obviously this is my opinion right now, but I hate almost every single thing that has changed (and a bunch of my friends agree.) First off, Xbox takes longer to load in than it used to. Second off, the whole messaging / chatting with others is awful. Sending messages can be delayed a lot and sometimes not even send. You can't send pictures anymore. And also, if you have notifications on, it'll glitch over and over and over again whenever someone messages you (meaning even if you are on a chat with someone currently texting each other, whenever they text you, a notification will buzz at the top of ur screen.) This glitch is only fixed if u reload Xbox , and even then, after a few minutes of texting, the notification buzzing will still show up again. Another thing I hate is the online / offline thing. I don't like how when you are on a chat with someone, it says they are offline, even if they are actually online. It only says they are online on the home screen, which is very annoying. Honestly, the only thing I do like about this update is our captures all in one area.
Obviously this probably won't happen, but I feel like Xbox would be way better if the update was just taken off, and Xbox was reverted back to its old state.