Being that I am, from time to time, technologically challenged, it come to me as no surprise that I often cause myself trouble. A week or so ago, I noticed two separate charges to my credit card for OnX Hunt. After sending an email asking about the nature of this double charge, I promptly received an email clarifying that I was charged twice because I had created two accounts; one account subscribed to Elote services on a monthly basis, and another account subscribed to elite services on an annual basis. Acknowledging that the error was mine, I replied thanking the technician for helping me understand the cause of my problem, and asking them to please cancel the lesser used account, which was the annually renewed account. To my surprise and satisfaction, not only did the technical staff cancel the account, but they refunded my annual fee for the account I cancelled. Even though the error was my own doing, they refunded my money. Besides that, onXHunt is great when outdoors, whether hunting, fishing, or just being in nature. I never leave home without it!