Company Name: LIFX
About: LIFX is the creator of Wi Fi-enable, multi-colored LED lights controllable via a smart device.
Headquarters: Redwood City, California, United States.
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Developer: Feit Electric Company, Inc.
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Get Pricing Info for LIFXby MustangBen08
Aside from the bad interface of the app. I have 4 bulbs for a over year in my room and had the HomePod mini for couple months. Every time I want to copy a scene from the app to HomeKit, it would tell me “export failed” all of the time. Even if I get it to work, it would only copy 2 or 3 or all of bulbs but the colors won’t be the same from the scene I created. Another issue with my HomePod mini. Either it’s the app, iOS 14, or the latest firmware update of these bulbs that are giving my such a headache trying to make them work. Every time I want them to turn on, the HomePod won’t recognize them therefore I have tell Siri through my phone to turn them on and they work or the HomeKit app or the actual app. I also reset these bulbs and my network, after setting them up they would only work for a day then after it would start the whole error again. I shouldn’t have to be having a headache nor be a technician to have these ridiculous and annoying issues from a simple smart bulb that should be working out of the box. It’s hard to recommend them and would might recommend them to other competitors instead. Please fix this issue.
by Zahkyi Ferguson
I have had these three Lifx bulbs for a few months each bulb cost around $30. Now I figured the price would be worth it “you get what you pay for…” right?? Well not exactly. These bulbs have nice colors and light themes, so of course whenever a problem arises we give them the benefit of the doubt. Plus they’re quality, I mean why else would they be that expensive, right? I noticed they began having minor issues such as, one or two lightbulbs not turning on or off at the same time as they should, but it was usually an easy fix by flicking the light switch on and off. Over the short course of a month, the little problems have transformed to larger problems two light bulbs refuse to connect and Im stuck figuring out this solution myself. You think incompetent support wont be a problem until you’re having a specific technical issue you can’t find online. Lesson learned, if I could do it over I absolutely would have switched to a more reliable company like Phillips.
by JaeRob2009
Once again, the old saying holds true, if its not broken, dont fix it! This new design has been around and it allows us to do the simple things. However, trying to remove a light, a location, is impossible. And for the life of me, i cannot figure out how to get my moms lifx account to stop controlling my lights too ON MY ACCOUNT. No one ever linked these accounts together, yet any change she makes on her lifx account transfers to mine as well. Besides the fact that the lights randomly disconnect and become uncontrollable until you flip the light switch off and on again (which happens often and lifx support does not have an answer to this). I have been wanting to switch to phillips hue for quite some time and this new issue is the final nail in the coffin. Locating the fun stuff (like the strobe effect) has been very confusing, to the point that my mom has given up on trying to have fun with her light. We will deal with the lights as they are for now, but they will be destroyed and recycled next year.