RH: Weight Loss and Fitness Reviews

RH: Weight Loss and Fitness Reviews

Published by on 2024-06-27

About: If you're struggling to lose those stubborn pounds since entering
menopause… If your quality of life is impacted by common symptoms associated
with menopause, such as hot flashes, sleepless nights, fatigue and
constipation… If you've tried all the diets out there and none has
worked… If you're tired of counting points and calories, eating food out of a
pouch… If you're done with feeling guilty about eating 'forbidd.

About RH

Reverse Health provides you with a plan and tools to help you reach your goal weight, based on your dietary preferences and unique stage of life you're in.

Then this flexible and easy-to-follow program with real, delicious food that will help you lose your weight for good.

Our program and coaches have been featured in Forbes, The Guardian, Sky Sports, MarketWatch, Digital Journal, The Daily Mirror and Televisa Networks.

Many of our members report an average weight loss of 15-25 lbs and improved menopause symptoms within 12 weeks.

Our coaches and incredibly supportive members' group help you stay accountable and motivated along the way.

Sign up today and join over 200,000 Reverse Health members on their journey toward the best version of themselves yet.

You can easily purchase the 6-month subscription plan by downloading the app and using in-app purchase functionality.

This app is only accessible to paid account holders and does not offer a free trial.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Negative experience

Positive experience


~ from Justuseapp.com NLP analysis of 951 combined software reviews.

140 RH Reviews

4.2 out of 5


Excellent program, app needs work

Reverse Health program is one of the best programs I’ve seen. I’m a health coach and have been exposed to and researched multiple weight loss programs. The nutritionist and coach are fantastic. I absolutely loved the provided meal plan and the daily tips. The choice of exercise videos is amazing. Also the videos for each week were very inspiring, informative, educational, and enjoyable. RH , however, it needs some work. It is not extremely user-friendly and when you go to swap out a meal, it often puts it in the wrong timeslot. I.e. I changed my lunch. It moves it to dinner. I had to log off/on and reinstall several times. The tracking of fitness and activity and progress overall could be a little easier that I have found so in other apps. But overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this program and would recommend it to anyone looking to lose weight and keep it off.


Needs a little more to be user friendly

I downloaded RH a little over a week ago. It has been helpful with tracking my progress such as exercise, water intake, meals and weight loss. To me it’s very basic for the price.
A few areas of improvement to further tailor RH to each individual & be more user friendly would be:
Filters: The ONLY filter available when replacing a meal is the time it takes to make it. It would be nice to be able to further filter the meal options by mealtime (dinner, snack, etc). When I see a meal I’d like to replace another meal with it may show lunch when I need to replace dinner because I can’t filter what meal I’m replacing. It’s very frustrating.
Meal Replacement: when I want to replace a meal I have to go to the meal planner to do so and can’t access it from the tracker.
Exercise: It’s nice that they have a recommendation video for each day. However, if I’m unable to do leg work for example or just want a different video there is no way to change it. So this video becomes a permanent choice and not a recommendation since it is not able to be changed.
I have lost a couple pounds so far and enjoy RH other than these few issues. Hopefully this trend will continue.


Good program, frustrating app

There is much I like about this program, especially their “progress not perfection” mentality and the common sense approach to nutrition. And in some ways RH version is better than the old one, especially the exercise section. But geez it is still frustrating. The meal plan has different recipes than the old one but now instead of getting the same 3-4 day plans over and over I get the same 5-6 day plans over and over. Despite my “I eat everything” plan, none of the breakfasts include eggs. Most require a full recipe to be cooked and a different one each day. Who can do that? Just because we are menopausal does not mean we are retired and are at leisure to cook every meal from scratch every day. Also the recipe search function does not work well. When I wanted to recapture the suggested meatloaf recipe a search for “meatloaf” produced “no results.” Just one example.


Video Play

I didn’t have any problems on my
Phone, but when I tried to use my iPad for the videos, it kept spinning. I think it would be great if the videos could be downloaded so that we could play them if we were at a place that didn’t have good service. Not that this would have helped me in this situation, but I have gone to hotels or my parents house and tried to play videos and wasn’t able to do to the service. Sometimes even attached to the WiFi!


50 and Grateful

I’m so grateful for RH. Meal plan is uploaded and recommended but you can replace with other recommended recipes also programmed or enter your own food. I’ve done all weight loss programs All of Them!! Having all of this in one app with daily tips and even exercise videos is great.

Mostly when people ask me about this program I respond that it is Kind. For any other post 45 year old women dealing with all the “joys” of this phase of life you will understand what “kind” means as it relates to lifestyle changes and meal plans. I am a full time mother, full time trial attorney, full time wife. Ease and compassion are as important as weight loss. Highly recommend. Thank you Reverse Health.


Great program and App!

I am very pleased with Reverse Health. The program makes sense and is realistic to everyday life. The recipes are good and if you don’t want to follow the recipes, the basic principles are there for a person to make their own. The Course is very helpful and inspirational. The Facebook group is very supportive and admin. Is quick to respond to questions and comments. Some people have problems with RH but if you work with it and ask questions in the connect section, you get a very timely and helpful response. Like so many, I’ve done it all. RH and program is the best. I don’t have enough words to express how glad I am that I discovered it. Thank you!


BEWARE of “guarantee”!

I thought I would try RH, but regretted it immediately. For many people like myself, eating chicken AND fish is a common dietary style. RH only allows you to choose a pescatarian option, or vegetarian option if you don’t eat red meat, “customizing” a menu that doesn’t work at all if you don’t fit into their categories. I did not care for the recipes whatsoever, or the way RH functioned, which I would not have seen had I not signed up. Their “weight loss guarantee” is absurd. They insist that you take photos of your meals daily, participate in their Facebook group and submit loads of proof that you are doing the program to get your money back. Who has time for that? They only gave me 50% of my money back even though I did not use RH at all once I saw that the recipes did not appeal. I think a company should stand behind their product in a more consumer friendly way.



Tbh, I am so disappointed! I paid for the program for 6 months. I downloaded RH and after 1 day knew that this program was not sustainable for my lifestyle. I contacted this app (which their customer service seemed like nothing but poor AI). After about 5 rounds of me saying this wasn't the program for me because it involved too much prep work (nearly 2 hours everyday for a vegan diet) ... they kept trying to extend my service for no additional money - first a full year, then forever - basically, they DID NOT WANT TO GIVE ME MY MONEY BACK, whatever it took. When I was adamant that no amount of time with this program would make it fit my lifestyle, then I get the email that there would be no refund because I downloaded RH . I contacted PayPal and still this app refused so I had to escalate it to Paypal to see what they can do. I paid for 6 months and after 1 day - 1 DAY!!!! - changed my mind. This company is a scam!


They fought me tooth and nail to hold on to my 25 bucks

RH doesn’t function well or respond to different size screens. In my case it wouldn’t scroll up when I needed it too so I could tap a button to move forward. Additionally, there’s nothing special about RH. you can get 1 million apps like this for free. my biggest issue was requesting a refund on the website it states that there’s a 100% satisfaction guarantee. I was not satisfied and quickly regretted the purchase. I explained my problems with RH and the fact that I didn’t feel it was worth the fee I went back-and-forth with six emails trying to get my money back. Finally, I just gave in and said keep the 25 bucks it’s not worth the effort I would highly recommend you find something else, especially if you’re a stress eater as RH and the help center are gonna cause a binge.


So Encouraged!!!!

I joined “Reverse Health” weight loss plan today. It’s a new Plan I’ve never tried nor heard of. Believe me I’ve tried many. What I’ve read from the site, I’m very excited to get started and to meet like-minded women like me. Getting settled in, I had a question about my start date so I was able to submit my question through RH . To my surprise, I actually had a small conversation with a live person, Sally. Sally was so encouraging, helpful and resolved my concern right away. I love when I’m treated like I matter and Sally’s quick response and encouraging words to me confirmed I’m in the right place. Excellent client treatment! Thanks, Sally!



RH is not a good food tracking app. It has a very prescriptive meal plan with some options to swap out meals for other options. If you don’t eat something on their meal plan, the only way to log it is through an essay-style box. This is nothing like some other popular options available that I have also tried. As a single mom with a very busy lifestyle, the features I was looking for are not here. I wanted a quick efficient way to log my food with some support and suggestions for making healthier choices. I don’t like this at all. There is no free trial so if you sign up, you will be charged and they will refuse to refund your money, even if you request a cancellation within less than an hour of downloading RH . Make sure you understand what this is before you download it. I made a big mistake and regret it.


Great support!

I had an issue with RH and Kristie was there right away with help. I could not see a recipe due to RH loading issues and she send me the recipe and the instructions with apologies for the issues. The next day I had the same loading issues and Kristie said there is an update on the way to address the issue. I gave some feedback with other suggestions that would be helpful on RH as well. Due to my issues the first few days of use, Kristie gave me a free month of access. Excellent team and very willing to make improvements on RH as they grow. Thanks Kristie!


Fussy app no refund policy

I red the site I liked the information I downloaded RH and paid for the whole 6 months. When I got the material and I started to work RH out it was a nightmare. Kept crashing it chooses the starting day for me , I couldn’t replace the recipes which they are designed for the people in the USA or Europe! The recipes very difficult to substitute especially in gulf countries where some of the materials are too expensive!

I don’t recommend them at all! It’s kind of money theft ! After one hour from purchasing RH I couldn’t refund it I cancelled the subscription contacted them but they kept sending me annoying emails with their offers I am not interested !

Please don’t purchase such program that you have to cook the whole day for 7 days a week!


Early in the game but happy with it

Dearest gentle reader I believe that if you want to start getting active after a year or two of taking a break RH is for you. There is an amazing special of $73 for the whole year which I believe is worth if because that’s about $.20 a day.
I am very excited to keep moving eating healthy with the amazing meal plan that I already put in my card and ordered the amazing positive energy and the opportunity to get me motivated and reaching my ideal weight goal and go back to my old workout routines.



I really liked RH at first. I lost 10lbs and was following the plan closely. I liked the easy to prepare recipes and and felt full. However I don’t like that recipes seemed to disappear if you didn’t use them the first few times they popped up on your meal plan. I would swap menu items out because I didn’t have some of the ingredients but then when I did want to make a recipe that had looked good but I hadn’t tried at the time it appeared to be gone from my menu selections.

Then the glitching started. This has been very frustrating! Unable to log what you have eaten can’t pull up any recipes at all, rendering RH useless. Tech support no help. Will try to get a refund!


5 Michelin Stars For Service

I am loving RH for so many reasons. But especially for the service they give. It is fast, they get you what you need, they are kind and cheerful. Do you know Disney used to be the standard in service but as far as I’m concerned Reverse Health does even better.
I’m losing the last of weight that I just couldn’t lose. And that’s not all I’m losing. I have lost Decision fatigue about what to eat. I’m gaining feeling great energy. Many thanks to Agnes and Jenny B. Help with traveling and mixing things up. Woo hoo!


Trust in progress not perfection.

I’ve really tried hard to stay with the recommended diet and I’ve lost almost 8 pounds since the beginning of February. It doesn’t sound like a lot, but my clothes fit better and I’m happier with my appearance. My goal is to get to 125 so I have 5 more to lose. You have to be committed and be patient. Think about how much time it takes to put on the pounds. It takes time to lose it too. Also, the exercise piece is critical.


Realistic Life Style changes made possible!

I’m fairly new to Reverse Health, but really like how the weight loss experience is packaged. Other weight loss programs don’t teach you how to prepare food in a way that’s practical and easily modified to fit your life; this one does! The recipes are easy and adjustable for varying numbers of servings. I am able to plan and execute batch cooking to have a supply of three to four days of meals. This works great for me as cooking isn’t my forte. The pounds are starting to come off and I’m not hungry between meals.


Refund process is a nightmare

RH did not provide the features I needed. I canceled my subscription and requested a refund less than 24 hrs after purchase, but was only offered 50% refund with lifetime access unless I could provide screen shot evidence over 14 days that I followed the program (ie, made the foods they suggested with a picture of the plate; and logged their workouts/coaching sessions) and didn’t lose weight. I’m extremely disappointed both with the offerings of the program itself and with with customer service process. Every time I got an email reply it was someone new offering me the same thing the last person did. 0/10 do not recommend.


Can’t recommend less

Buyer beware! I reported bugs twice (screen freezes, issues with the water tracking feature not resetting after 24 hours). Finally, I asked for a refund due to all the tech issues I was facing. Customer service took me through all sorts of offers (free lifetime access to an app that’s driving me crazy somehow isn’t appealing! Go figure!), before telling me I’d need to have a screen recording of the issue if I expect a refund. It’s not just about the $72 I spent. It has felt like a scam since I reported issues on two separate occasions for tech and now they are saying they don’t have enough proof of tech issues. Avoid RH at all costs!!

Is RH Safe?

Yes. RH: Weight Loss and Fitness is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 951 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.2/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for RH Is 49.0/100.

Is RH Legit?

Yes. RH: Weight Loss and Fitness is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 951 RH: Weight Loss and Fitness User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for RH Is 74.9/100..

Is RH: Weight Loss and Fitness not working?

RH: Weight Loss and Fitness works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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