DevPad - Developer Gadgets

DevPad - Developer Gadgets Software

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DevPad Overview

You will not find stuff you’ll expect from a text editor, because it is not intended to be that.

DevPad is not here to replace some text editors but to give valuable tools to developers.

So the inside text editor is there only to offer a place where to temporarily put some text.

Official Screenshots


Product Details and Description of

In this app you will find these features: - A performant text editor with syntax highlight - Powered by Runestone - With these supported languages: - Bash - C - C++ - C# - Css - CSV - Go - HTML - Java - JavaScript - JSON - Lua - Markdown - Php - Python - Regex - Ruby - Rust - Scss - SQL - Swift - TypeScript - YAML - XML - Fast import - From file - From Clipboard - From camera with live text - Fast export - Add to clipboard - Share text - Share a file - Generate a QR Code - Actions - XML Strings to iOS - ASCII to HEX - Base64 Decode - Base64 Encode - Binary to Decimal - Camel Case - Collapse - Create HTML list - Create Markdown table - CSV to JSON - Date to timestamp - Date to UTC - Decimal to Binary - Escape text - Format CSS - Format JSON - Format SQL - Format XML - HEX to ASCII - HEX to RGB - iOS Strings to XML Strings - JSON to CSV - JS to JSON - JWT Decode - Kebab Case - Lorem Ipsum - Lower Case - MD5 - Remove Duplicate Lines - Reverse Lines - Reverse - RGB to HEX - SHA1 - SHA256 - SHA512 - Snake Case - Sort JSON - Sort Lines - Time to Seconds - Trim - Upper Case - URL Decode - URL Encode this app is not here to replace some text editors but to give valuable tools to developers. So the inside text editor is there only to offer a place where to temporarily put some text. You will not find stuff you’ll expect from a text editor, because it is not intended to be that. * * *Beta Version* * * this app is in beta, which means a lot of features will be added in the next months, also not all features may remain free Since this app it’s a beta, you’ll find for sure some bugs, please report them to me at [email protected]

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