DevPad - Developer Gadgets

DevPad - Developer Gadgets Software


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Produkt einzelheiten und Beschreibung von

In diese App you will find these features: - A performant text editor with syntax highlight - Powered by Runestone - With these supported languages: - Bash - C - C++ - C# - Css - CSV - Go - HTML - Java - JavaScript - JSON - Lua - Markdown - Php - Python - Regex - Ruby - Rust - Scss - SQL - Swift - TypeScript - YAML - XML - Fast import - From file - From Clipboard - From camera with live text - Fast export - Add to clipboard - Share text - Share a file - Generate a QR Code - Actions - XML Strings to iOS - ASCII to HEX - Base64 Decode - Base64 Encode - Binary to Decimal - Camel Case - Collapse - Create HTML list - Create Markdown table - CSV to JSON - Date to timestamp - Date to UTC - Decimal to Binary - Escape text - Format CSS - Format JSON - Format SQL - Format XML - HEX to ASCII - HEX to RGB - iOS Strings to XML Strings - JSON to CSV - JS to JSON - JWT Decode - Kebab Case - Lorem Ipsum - Lower Case - MD5 - Remove Duplicate Lines - Reverse Lines - Reverse - RGB to HEX - SHA1 - SHA256 - SHA512 - Snake Case - Sort JSON - Sort Lines - Time to Seconds - Trim - Upper Case - URL Decode - URL Encode diese App is not here to replace some text editors but to give valuable tools to developers. So the inside text editor is there only to offer a place where to temporarily put some text. You will not find stuff you’ll expect from a text editor, because it is not intended to be that. * * *Beta Version* * * diese App is in beta, which means a lot of features will be added in the next months, also not all features may remain free Since diese App it’s a beta, you’ll find for sure some bugs, please report them to me at [email protected]

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