PetDesk Reviews

PetDesk Reviews

Published by on 2024-05-09

About: Our goal is to help your pets live longer, happier, and healthier lives. PetDesk
puts you at the center of your pet’s health needs by seamlessly connecting you
with the best pet care professionals near you.

About PetDesk

PetDesk puts you at the center of your pet’s health needs by seamlessly connecting you with the best pet care professionals near you.

Add and quickly view your pet care professionals in one place (veterinary clinics, grooming facilities, boarding, pet daycare, and more!).

With our 24/7 appointment request tool, your favorite pet care providers are always just a few taps away.

Earn points for every dollar spent at your favorite pet care provider locations.

Our goal is to help your pets live longer, happier, and healthier lives.

Sync reminders and add custom to-do’s to your calendar.

Now it’s easy to be the best pet parent you can be.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating


Negative experience

Positive experience

~ from NLP analysis of 348,502 combined software reviews.

Key Benefits of PetDesk

- Found Newport Animal Hospital through a friend when their Westhighland Terrier was diagnosed with n stage kidney disease

- Dr Andrew took him off unnecessary medications and proactively started IV fluids on a daily basis to aid his kidneys

- Gave them food that was healthy and Willie liked

- Dr Schrader fixed their lab Xena when she got hurt

- Dr Findley helped their family to better health

- Dr Brian K was very nice explaining everything

- Option to select what is needed such as a follow up or an emergency

- Get medication orders taken care of

21 PetDesk Reviews

4.9 out of 5


Nice, but needs a bit of coding help

I like that you can schedule appointments and have an easy place to organize most of your pet’s information. There is a fairly annoying bug in that you cannot delete old messages and continue to get reminders—even postcards!—for things already taken care of. For example, the practice forgot to save two of my pets’ records, even though they had them, and set a reminder for me to provide them again. I did. They had them. this app had them. The reminders were deleted from the practice’s systems. But this app continued to remind me about them and there’s no way for either myself or the practice to delete the message with reminder out of this app. You also cannot add OTC medicines to the pet’s medicine list from the user’s side, creating an incomplete record. Finally, you can only add one note per pet, and that is limited to a certain number of characters. This is prohibitive and again leads to an incomplete record. As pets age, people need to be able to track weights, breathing records, and will have increasing questions for vets, all of which could be stored in the pet’s notes... if you could have multiple notes with unlimited character text boxes. Very close to being a great app. Fix the coding on these few things, and it will be ready.


Great app! A small flaw though.

There isn’t an option to message my veterinarian through PetDesk . However, I don’t know if that’s PetDesk itself or my vet may not have it set up. Other than that, PetDesk is very easy to navigate, very user friendly. It lets you view everything from vet records to prescription medications and their ability to deliver those as well as other food or vet recommended products. My vet’s address, phone number, and photo of the clinic itself make it very easy to contact them via phone. You can also request appointments in PetDesk . I’ve used it to make appointments and order medications to be picked up from the vet, but I may start ordering them to my home monthly due to my work schedule. It’s hard for me to get there during the day so the delivery will be a life saver. If there were an option to send a message to the vet for questions about care or other needs, or if PetDesk developer(s) can explain why there isn’t that option, I’d rate it the full five stars. That is really my only qualm about PetDesk . It’s an amazing app and I have recommended it to other pet owner friends of mine and will continue to do so. Great job y’all!


The best and most talented and caring

We found Newport Animal hospital through a friend when our nearly 11 year old Westhighland Terrier was diagnosed with n stage kidney disease. Our other vet misadvised us and basically wrote our Willie off. Dr Andrew confirmed his critical kidney disease however he took him off unnecessary medications which he had been put on by our other vet, he proactively started IV fluids on a daily basis to aid his kidneys, he gave us food that was healthy and Willie liked
(He did this 2 times) and he and his colleague Dr. Amy, along with his technicians and people at the front desk were and are so caring, thoughtful, and skilled! We are so grateful that we found this animal hospital which delivers state of the art personal care to our dog, that we will bring our other dogs to them from here on in! I have experienced many animal hospitals and veterinarians as we have had dogs throughout our lives but Newport Animal Hospital with its bright and talented doctors and caring and skilled staff is the best I have ever experienced!


Great care of all 4 legged family

Have been going here a very long time. Dr Schrader fixed my lab Xena when she got hurt. Then later when she was dx with back leg meniscus dr Findley helped her and helped us in how to care for her without surgery. After that visit I transferred all our 4 legged family members here. Dr Findley has helped many of our family to better health. This time we saw dr Brian K He was very nice explaining everything. Apollo liked him also. The staff are nice and make a fuss over all of their patients. We have needed help in the past for payment of a problem and they were very accommodating. And never once did we feel that were bad fur parents for asking for payment plans. I have recommended this practice many times over the years. Thank you for help with problems and just routine checks


Always updating

Tried to enter information, went to save and get the red sign telling me that they are currently updating my experiencce with even more features. On a Monday morning? Really?!? For hours?!? Is PetDesk gonna make me some breakfast too? It should if it takes that long to upload new features. Or maybe PetDesk was not ready to roll out and the vets bought a pig in a poke.

OMG! Got an email today from this app apologizing for my bad experience. The asked that I email their customer support so they can get more information. Well, how do you like them apples? It only took a month and a half to respond. That has to be some kind of record, I’m sure of it, especially whem snail mail is faster than your email. I know, your site was updating with important new features! That’s the ticket!

I won’t be sending an email to support as I approach retirement age, and I suspect I’ll reach that age long before support can possibly respond. I’ll just talk to my vet and explain it all to him. He is the one that is ultimately is adversely affected by a bad app.


Love the app and it’s functionality!

A few years back our local vet switched over to this and at first I was hesitant, but we’ve use PetDesk countless times and it is incredibly simple with great functionality. You’re able to go through and select your animal that you need to bring in. Do you have the option to select what is needed such as a follow up or an emergency etc. which is very nice. Once you’ve selected what you need at that point you go through and get your animal all set and when you show up they are ready and expecting you. You’re also having to go through here and get medication orders taken care of which is also very nice. I don’t know if you’ve got pets I would definitely say this is a must have app.


First Time Visit

I was impressed at the service of the staff and their efficiency. Coupled with warm greetings and professionalism. Dr. Treated my bunny Mocha with such care and educated me on the treatment of fleas which I was shocked because Google seems to think bunnies don’t get guess. Boy, were they wrong. I’m was anxious about Mochas bald spot on his head but after the Dr. assured me it was fleas I felt so relieved because it at least it wasn’t depression or dental issues. Mocha was given an inflammatory injection and is now home resting. I was able to buy the RX right from PetCo and two supply from PetMeds. I was happy that Mocha has a new Dr and staff that love him. Oh the exam price was so affordable. I’m super happy it did not cost that much.
Thank You South Shore Pet Clinic!

Bunny Mocha says hi.


Surprisingly Well Implemented😃

I was not very excited to use the this app App when my vet recommended it. But, after giving it a try, it’s been fantastic. I haven’t noticed any bugs, and it’s been very reliable. I can see a quick-glance view of my pets, and all the important information regarding my pets gets filled in automatically and remotely by my vet the first time they have an appointment. It’s one of those diamond-in-the-rough apps, where there “rough” is more like “Ruff!” GET IT cause it’s like a dog barking HAHAH I’m so funny. But yeah, awesome app! I look forward to keeping track of the health of my pets with it. The medication reminders are very helpful as well; after trying this app, I’ve never forgotten to give meds!


Multiple locations

I like PetDesk and I rate my Vet highly. However, there was one problem that I experienced with managing my appointment via PetDesk . I made my appointment on PetDesk and subsequently realized that it had placed me at my Vet’s location that is 45 minutes away, instead of the one 10 minutes away. I called the office and they changed it for me. Later, I received 2 confirmations via PetDesk . I confirmed the one I wanted & cancelled the other and I received a confirmation of my appointment at the right one. However, when we arrived for the appointment, my cancellation of the wrong appointment had wiped out my good appointment as well. They worked it out for me, but I think that PetDesk is not built to handle multiple Vet locations for the same entity. Perhaps this issue can be resolved. Thank you.


Looks amazing but...

PetDesk is very intricate and well managed. I love how you can add reminders and to-do lists. I bet these features are amazing and I would rate it a higher rating but unfortunately PetDesk will not allow me to add reminders of any sort. I was only able to add my pet profiles and providers. It won’t let me add any sort of record/reminder of given medications, vaccines, etc. Every time I fill out every field for the reminder and click create, a pop-up that states “Sorry. Request failed: bad request (400)” appears. At first I thought it was because I didn’t fill in every field but that wasn’t the case. Plus I deleted PetDesk and downloaded it again, nothing. Please sort this problem out, I would hate to leave this bad review over an issue that can be resolved. I really want to be experiencing PetDesk that most of the pet owner community is buzzing about!


Great app but needs a bit of work

I use PetDesk a lot since I have many pets to keep track of. There are a few things that need to be addressed and would love to see updates for it. You cannot put notes in as the type box comes up and blocks the view so it is useless. You cannot see what you are viewing. The reminders are very confusing and when I am late for something, I don’t know if it sets the reminder again for the date when I actually finished the task or what I had scheduled. I really do not know how that works at all. Also I would like to put in how many months for reminders. There are some that are due in 9 months but have no way of putting that in. The option is either 6 months or 12 months.


Awesome App!

Such an easy and hassle free way to request med refills, make appointments, etc., etc. I imagine it helps the busy vet office out, too so they’re not bombarded with phone calls for things that can easily be handled via PetDesk .
Very user friendly, no frills or confusing hoops to jump through to get what you need. You get feedback for every request you make so you know the office staff has received your inquiry.
I also love the paw some rewards. As someone who buys medication regularly it adds up! I haven’t cashed in yet but I’m already up to the max amount required for a free office visit.
All in all an excellent app that makes managing your pets needs very easy. Two paws up for me!


Great for Medical Appointments

Loved PetDesk because it helped me find good veterinary providers for my rescue. She has some medical needs but most of her care is maintenance. PetDesk has a great feature for keeping track of meds for dogs with a complicated med schedule. The main improvement Id like is a scheduler for foods so I can remember what supplements (or human foods) I add throughout the week to make sure my pup gets a balanced diet without feeding her the exact same thing everyday. I want to be able to look back and make sure I haven’t been too redundant with supplements and she has a diverse diet that keeps her happy and out of emergency vet visits. Shes also older, so I want to have a record of her food so I can make adjustments as she ages.


User friendly, reliable, and CONVENIENT

PetDesk makes the busy pet parent’s life so much easier! It’s user friendly, reliable, and best of all, convenient! You can manage your own pet profile(s) and how you’d like to communicate with service providers like groomers or veterinarians, and it makes it easy to have everything you need organized into one place. You can schedule an appointment and even request your pet’s records with the touch of the button - no need for a phone call. I use it both as a dedicated dog mom and as a team member at a veterinary hospital and can’t say enough good things about this app. Their support team is also very accessible and knowledgeable.


Visit for Chance

Our visit for Chance, our 12 week old German Shepherd, went perfectly, we got there, was greeted promptly and friendly, we were taken back to a room and didn’t wait even 2 minutes when the Doc came in! Chance was looked over, given his shots and we were released right away! Awesome!! Then when we were checking out, I was short on funds and was able to pay on my next payday, which was in two days. They had no problem with my income info, the prices were right, and trusted me to pay them back! I love this place, Riverview Veterinary hospital is the best around!!


A review for the PetDesk app

I think the this app app has changed. Or a few things that was on it before that I no longer see. It is not changed for the better. I was very happy with it before, but not now. Things that have changed:
1. I can no longer find my Pet’s lab work, testing, etc. that has been done.
2. I was able to see older Appointments, lab results, x-rays & even older medicines. But I cannot locate them now. It was nice to be able to have that info to compare to prior studies. That way you knew if your pet was getting better or worse.
3. If you could give a little instructional video of how PetDesk works that would be great.
Please please turn PetDesk back to the former version.


No SMS message

Really needed a prescription yesterday. Was told by my vet I would receive a text message. I did NOT. I did receive message in app and email (neither of which I was checking), but no SMS. And yes, I do have SMS turned on in PetDesk and yes, my cell phone number in my information is correct. Not sure what the problem is. So now I am sitting outside my vet’s office a day late waiting to get my pet’s meds. And I have now tried a dozen “nicknames” in order to send review, all of which are taken including a random list of letters.


Design Flaw? Developers not responding.

I use a password manager and my passwords can be pretty long. It requires a copy/paste function for the password input box, since the passwords are just too long to type in. PetDesk does not let me paste a password in the input screen. I’ve never run into any other app that has apparently disabled the paste function to input a password. Perhaps it would work on a desktop, but not on my iOS devices. Don’t know if this is by design or accident. Without being able to log in, PetDesk is pretty useless for me.

Update. Still no changes and no reply. I don’t understand the purpose behind any app that doesn’t allow a password manager to input login credentials. It’s almost as if they are encouraging weak passwords. Still won’t use that kind of app.


Stick with calling! Another wasted trip because of PetDesk

We scheduled for a dental appointment in advance on this app for a dental for our cat. We drove all the way to veterinarian one on the scheduled appointment day but were refused because of this app appointment glitch—this is NOT the first time this app app has screwed up appointment scheduling.

We already know that for a dental appointment you have to only click on the Dental option (do not click on other options) or it will not book with the correct appointment priority type of availability.

We drove over 50 miles with our senior cats again for a wasted vet visit and had to schedule in person instead of the this app app. We are so upset and disappointed and FRUSTRATED with the this app Ap. Our cat really needed his dental and we miss work (Which enables us to PAY for the vet visits) to take our cats to the vet.


Appointment review

The only issue we had was that we didn’t get a response to our Pet Desk appointment request for two days and then olnly following a phone call to see if I could reach a real person which I did. The appointment was made via phone and we received confirmation via Pet Desk. I DO WANT to GIVE YOU SUPER HIGH MARKS for the new protocols due to Covid 19. It was seamless and Better than pre Covid. No waiting in the lobby with other pets, no wrestling the dog on the scales, or trying to hold the dog while getting my credit card out of purse and processed. Your protocols were super simple and I hope they continue after Covid.


Absolutely love this app

I absolutely love PetDesk. It is so quick and easy to use. I schedule my dog for daycare and boarding using PetDesk and it’s so much easier than trying to find time to call and schedule an appointment.
I also want to give kudos to the this app customer support team. I was having issues with not getting appointment confirmation from my veterinarian office via PetDesk and when I emailed this app, I received a reply almost instantly. They explained everything to me and they even contacted my vets office to help solve the issue. Since it is after 6:30pm on Friday, they even promised to check back in with me (on Monday) to make sure the issue was resolved. I have no doubt I will hear from them on Monday.
Awesome customer service; Above and beyond the standard.


Super helpful app!

It’s really easy to use, and so helpful. You link it to your vets account for your pet(s) and then you can see all your pets info. I just got a notification today that my dog is due for her rabies vaccine, which I probably would have forgotten about, if I hadn’t gotten a reminder. I know a lot of vets send post card reminders or call, but to me a notification on my phone is faster and more efficient (for both me and the vet) so I love it. Also they sent me a “Happy birthday” message for my pups birthday a few months back which I thought was sweet!


Best Pet/Vet App ever!

When my Vet (Parkview Per Clinic in Glendale, CA) sent me PetDesk, I was immediately impressed! I asked all my pet owner friends if their Vet uses PetDesk, they ALL said no! So I showed it to them and they too were also very impressed and said that they will be recommending it to their Vets.

I love that it has all the vaccination reminders and dates. It keeps both my dogs’ information at the tip of my fingertips. You can also add a picture of them!

There are so many Apps out there....some useful and some useless. I have to say this one is more than useful! I love it!!


Most caring veterinarians you can hope for

We have been taking our pets to PMC for years. We couldn’t have been more blessed to find the most caring and knowledgeable staff anyone could hope for. They explain step by step what they think and how they want to proceed. Weather your pet is seriously ill or is coming in for a checkup. They all have helped our family go through some of the most difficult times in pet ownership. They treat your pet just like you would, a loved and important family member. Thank you PMC.



I will take any opportunity I can to brag about this place. We take our newfies to the best veterinarian in North Carolina. Doctor Jordan is truly one of a kind. She’s knowledgeable, sweet, kind and most importantly, she gets straight to the point! We trust her with all of our pets and you should too! The entire staff is genuine and I appreciate all of their efforts to make us feel comfortable and welcome during our appointments, as well as when stopping by to replenish food, treats, shampoo etc. Check them out and see for yourself!


Crashes, design problems

Switching to PetDesk during account creation caused it to crash. This is because I switched to my password manager to create a new password for it, and switching back caused the crash.

Now that I had a fresh password in the clipboard buffer, PetDesk did not allow me to paste it into the password field. Forcing the users to manually type in a trivial password (like the horribly insecure “password1”) works, but in today’s internet you need longer, more complex passwords than that, and forcing a retyping results in typos and not being able to access the account.

Great app idea and it looks like it’d be really useful. But it needs fixes.

Faye Inderlied   1 year ago

app doesn't update my cats office visits. I keep getting reminders that their vaccinations are overdue.

Is PetDesk Safe?

Yes. PetDesk is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 348,502 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.9/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for PetDesk Is 41.6/100.

Is PetDesk Legit?

Yes. PetDesk is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 348,502 PetDesk User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for PetDesk Is 100/100..

Is PetDesk not working?

PetDesk works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

How was your experience with PetDesk? Post a Review

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