Are you having issues? Select the issue you are having below and provide feedback to HelloTalk.
- Questionable rating system
- Anti-American posts
- Harassment aimed at those who identify as LGBT
Network error
Connection error
Kenap disaat log in tidak bisa Msuk,kendala apa?
So i'm using hello talk from past 3 year's but i don't know why but from yesterday nobody's receiving my messages even it's delivered from my side still they don't recive my message and if I done anything wrong in the app I still haven't received any warning about that please solve it asap
I can't chat and if someone sends me message i can't see it! Actually it doesn't show any! I can't post even! It keeps saying "temporarily you are not available to chat."
I want to subscribe to hello talk for VIP and communicate with other foreign language people but I cannot due to its not available in my country, why is that so?
i install hello talk many times but it seems like when i get in, it doesn't work what should i do??? plz help me
I'm in Nigeria and I use an Android phone. I downloaded HelloTalk but it's not working on my device. I have tried other options recommended, but nothing seems to be working out.
I'm in Nigeria and I use an Android phone. I downloaded HelloTalk but it's not working on my device. I have tried other options recommended, but nothing seems to be working out.
Someone has interferred with my account. I was talking with @haruhi_12 and we were cut off With the message "@haruhi_12 has declined any further messages from you" which is not true as we have just met.
别人发送的信息我能够收到而且对方会显示已读,但是我发送的信息对方收不到. 但是我给我旁边的中国朋友发信息,他能够收到 给其它国家的人发送信息他们收不到
I Have an Iphone 6 so that could be why, But the app is still available on the app store so when i downloaded it I expected it to work but when I opened It I ended up having issues with it and it crashes taking me back to my home screen
Why can't i receive messages?
I cannot send and receive messages, my moments are not seen! I cannot get into live and voice rooms or host mine! It keep saying the system isn’t available in your area.
I cannot receive messages, my moments are not seen! I cannot get into live and voice rooms or host mine! It keep saying the system isn’t available in your area.
Hi, I cannot send out messages but can receive messages. please help resolve asap! I need to connect with someone, thanks!
Hi! I am a VIP user but for some reason my headphones-which work fine on my iPhone do not work with Hello Talk. Is there a setting I need to change?
Hello! Itʼs Vanessa. I need help to solve a problem I just encountered. The native language on my profile was suddenly modified from English to Italian. I wasnʼt the one who did it! Are there any ways I could solve this issue? Thanks for replying!
My messages doesn't load so I can't see when someone responds to me anymore. When I check the visitors section in my profile, it says that someone has chatted with me, but when I go to the chat I don't see any messages from them.
When I try to change my profile Picture, I get the error " "cannot connect to server". I still have the default picture and am unable to change it. Alex
My contact can’t receive my replies in the chat and it’s been days but i can receive theirs?
Hello talk app is no installing on my phone
My account is still close
I had connection issue.And i don't know why i am unable to create my own room.
Its impossible for me to take part in the live streams because they keep breaking up and I cannot hear them or they freeze completely. I try to exit and enter again, several times but to no avail
Can't log on hellotalk for 2 months now
For some reason during voice calls, I can't activate the speaker/hands-free mode. I have to use the earpiece
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Developer: HelloTalk Learn Languages App