These patterns tightly integrated with some of the most highly respected technical indicators, provides the tools you need to help you spot trend reversals quickly and easily, focusing your attention on "high probability" market signals.
* Screens - Stock Screener which integrates many highly respected technical indicators with time-tested candlestick patterns so you have a definite edge in your search for good quality stocks.
The visual display of bearish and bullish sentiment will help you towards understanding the emotional dynamic, to help gain insight into whether the trend will reverse or continue, with the ultimate goal of earning a higher rate of return on your investments.
This App, Candlestick Charting integrated with Technical Analysis, gives you the tools you need to help you become a successful trader.
* Candlestick Patterns - Detects more than 70 of the most widely recognizable candlestick patterns providing key patterns for trend reversals.
Monitor these stocks as this App automatically detects new patterns and signals.
See patterns as they develop throughout the day real-time, used either as confirmation of a previous day's pattern or as a key to spotting a new patterns develop.
The free version limits the # of portfolios you can create, symbols tracked/followed, screens available, and technicals that can be applied to the charts.
You assume all risk associated with using the data provided herein and in no way can the developer of this App assume any liability.
Buy/selling securities is inherit with risk and you assume all responsibilities associated with this risk.
Setup a watch list of your favorite trading stocks.
This app supports a "free" and "paid" version of the application.
You can subscribe using in-app purchases to remove these limitations.
The information drawn and analysis provided is believed to be reliable but in no way is guaranteed.