The driver's app must be broken as this app seems to feel the need to call the rider and ask them where they are and where they're going. Perhaps, the drivers aren't able to see what the customer has typed, the map, the address, gps, the live blue dot and the live symbolic car that represents the car that the this app driver is driving. Those all must be buggy as well. Maybe, the maps are incorrect, too? The drivers can't seem to use gps and a live location from the passenger (blue dot) to find where they're going or where the passenger is waiting.
Rating system has problems as well. Star ratings can't be used to choose a driver. If the driver accepts and he or she has a low rating, you can cancel, but expect to pay the penalty fee. Driver's cancel all the time, but are not charged a fee. Perhaps a system error is to blame as no one would chose an arbitrary rating system except an old tv show where the points don't matter.
Final app issue: wait times. When Uber says, five minutes away, it really means 12-15 minutes away. You can cancel, but your credit card will be charged each and every time unless you dispute the charge. Maybe, it's supposed to be like that? Seems counterintuitive, and unlike a similar app that doesn't have incorrect wait times, penalties for customers and an arbitrary rating system where the points don't matter. The drivers on that app just do their job and silently come to the blue dot.