AppAdvice app not working? crashes or has problems?

AppAdvice Status

I have a problem with AppAdvice

Are you having issues? Select the issue you are having below and provide feedback to AppAdvice.

Summary of AppAdvice Problems 🔥

- Many of the recommended apps don’t work on newer iPhones.

- Some are no longer available in the App Store.

- Unintuitive, disorganized and error intolerant.

- No more 'best of' section.

- No button to get back into the questionnaire.

- Search function works intermittently.

📋 3 Reported Issues:

Daryl D Vorpahl 2023-11-01

AppAdvice says I have no internet connection, however I am connected to the Internet. Please fix application.

Daryl D Vorpahl 2023-10-31

App Advice is unable to connect to since October 27, 2023. Why is it down?

J And N 2023-10-11

Neither the app nor the Website have updated the free apps list since October 3 2023!

Showing 1-3 of 3 reported issues:

Have a Problem with AppAdvice? Report Issue

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66.67% Contact Match

Developer: Advice IT Infinite Public Company Limited


Website: 🌍 Visit advice Website

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