- Local Vendors: Search through over 250,000 local wedding professionals, get pricing and availability details and read 3+ million vendor reviews written by couples like you.
- 360º Virtual Venue Tours: Take an interactive tour of local wedding venues before you visit.
- Free Wedding Websites: Customize your free wedding website, add photos of your relationship and share key day-of details with guests.
- Wedding Checklist: Create a list of wedding tasks based on your wedding date. Your to-do list is completely customizable and accessible from anywhere.
- Wedding Budget: Keep track of how much you’re spending on your venue, wedding dress, flowers, caterer, cake and more! You can even use it to schedule payments.
- Wedding Guest List: Organize your guest list right from your phone. Track meal selections and RSVPs for all of your wedding guests.
- Free Wedding Registry: Browse special offers and wedding deals from some of the most popular wedding registries out there—and keep it all in one place.
- Inspiration: Get inspired by photo galleries of real weddings, wedding dresses, flowers, cakes, invitations, favors, jewelry and so much more wedding inspiration.
- Community: Gather ideas and advice from other engaged couples who are also going through the wedding planning process.
- Wedding Countdown: Track the time left until your wedding day—just pop in your wedding date and begin counting down!