Airthings Reviews

Airthings Reviews

Published by on 2024-04-24

About: Breathe better with Airthings! Smart air quality monitors & purifiers you can
trust. Shift your state of being with Airthings.

About Airthings

Our products can help you improve indoor air quality leading to better focus, calming of allergies, and enhancement of sleep while ensuring an overall more healthy home.

This app supports all Airthings products, except Wave Radon (1st gen.). If you have such a device please use the other 'Airthings Wave' app.

Breathe better with Airthings! Smart air quality monitors & purifiers you can trust.

• Subscribe to Air Reports - We’ll send you a monthly update which summarises all the sensor data for your location.

Shift your state of being with Airthings.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Negative experience

Positive experience


~ from NLP analysis of 100 combined software reviews.

180 Airthings Reviews

2.2 out of 5


Buggy, Significant Connectivity Issues

Unfortunately, I had to return my View Plus because this product just doesn’t work. It struggled to find my wifi, which is in the open, and in the same room as my View Plus was. After repeatedly force closing and reopening Airthings , it finally found it. All seemed well for several hours before it failed and said it couldn’t find the wifi. I followed their troubleshooting instructions that mainly focus on your router (weird how none of my other smart products have this issue?), with some app instructions at the end. The instructions:
Press "Try again" in Airthings where you receive an error that the device is unable to connect to the WiFi. The reason for that is that there is Bluetooth failure during communication.
"Choose a different WiFi" and add the same again, double-check that the password is correct.
I had the latest version of Airthings . It didn’t have a try again or choose different wifi option. 🙃 Just plaintext saying it is offline. Would not recommend their products due to their app.


So many little things that could be better

Overall, I paired the device quickly and got it set up fast. Great. But Airthings has so many small things that could be improved that I can’t give it a good rating. For example, after setting up, I was going through the settings and clicked on WiFi, and that automatically disconnected me from my own WiFi, so I had to actually repair it to get it to work again.
And renaming the home and detector were awkward, because you have to double click what appears to be uneditable text before it highlights and allows you to change it. Small things, but it gives the impression of amateur work rather than a polished, professional product. I hope more effort went into the device. (It’s new for me, so no judgement there yet.)


Inconsistent color coding of AQ

Setup was fine. It’s great that Airthings updates real-time results every 10 minutes. One problem: I sometimes get a yellow reading for VOCs on the device itself; and the graph in Airthings shows the level in the yellow (moderate) area. But on the list of pollutants in Airthings , VOCs show red. It would be great if they could fix that. To clarify: Yellow never shows in the list for VOCs, even though it’s yellow in the other representations of results. This is pretty bad for a device in this price range.

Also: other apps provide more background info. For instance, if your CO2 spikes, open a window. If VOC spikes, open a windows and turn up the carbon-filtered air purifier.

The other issues relate to remarkably slow and cumbersome customer service, rather than Airthings .


Connected but deceiving information

I connected my this app Wave Plus without major issues however after a while Airthings and the sensor stated to show inconsistent results. There are many pages in Airthings that are buggy eg connected to wifi with no network name. The worst is the reporting (the main functionality) where a summary page shows everything is fine but clicking into the data graphs shows no data available. At one point, 2 functions of my sensor seemingly stopped working (radon and co2) but Airthings reported “ok” based on stale data from weeks prior. It seems like there are cached and default values everywhere being passed as current actual readings. I would expect more from a product that’s meant to provide data to help people make healthy decisions.


Buggy app; no customer support

I echo the many reviews noting bugs in Airthings which does not seem okay for products at this price point. The graph and color coding in the summary page do not correspond properly with the reported values and thresholds.

Additionally, there doesn’t seem to be a way to contact customer support. The contact and support pages on their website, only bring you to FAQs. And the “Contact Customer Success Specialists” sends you to an unhelpful chatbot.


app is OK

I had no trouble setting up my View Plus so no complaints there. Airthings itself could be more polished. I have similar air quality apps associated with different air filters around the house and I think Airthings is clunky compared to, for example, Dyson’s interface. I’d like to see pollen levels reported in Airthings instead of taking me to a browser and I’d also like to see the outdoor air quality levels reported in Airthings . We’re having smoke from wildfires this week and it would be convenient if the outdoor information were easily accessible (similar to the Dyson app).


Okay start

Interesting app release. I dunno if they’re planning on migrating all devices to Airthings or discontinuing others but kinda weird to have two separate apps.

Airthings is about as functional as the previous and doesn’t have native tablet support, at least on iOS. Doesn’t seem to be any real functional difference between the two.

Kinda wish there were a way to rearrange the order of the devices but they seem to be listed in the order they were added with no way to alter the order.

Also needs to be widget support so I don’t have to tap into Airthings all the time to monitor each device individually. As it works now, I have to open Airthings and tap each monitor and scroll thru all the metrics including the ones I don’t really care about. A widget that could show multiple sensors with customizable metrics for each would be very convenient


Updated app

I love the product. Been looking for something like AirGlimpse for a while. Air quality is important since I have small kids.

This updated version of Airthings runs great on my iPhone. I was looking at reviews and I think people are just using the wrong app for the monitor they purchased. I never had an issue downloading and using Airthings . Just make sure you have one of the “View Series” monitors if you are using Airthings.


WiFi re-connection fails, weird privacy tracking

I attempted to setup the device with a new WiFi network through Airthings fails. The fact that you have to unmount the device from the wall, unplug it, and take out all the batteries to facilitate a power cycle is really annoying. Additionally, the device only recognizes it is in hub mode (USB-C powered) when it has no batteries and USB is plugged in. Then batteries can be added. That’s really dumb design. Additionally, why is it appropriate that Airthings track my browsing history across the internet? Is there something I misunderstand because it has login? Seems weird from a GDPR compliant company.


Not Ready To Replace Previous App

Spent over an hour trying to get my View Plus to connect to this device. Bluetooth would recognize the device but every time I tried to connect it would fail. Restarted the phone, reinstalled Airthings , pulled batteries on the view plus, and then factory reset the view plus and nothing worked. Went on the website and realized Airthings is brand new and that the this app Wave app also supports View devices. Set everything up with the this app Wave app without issue. I’ll update my review and give Airthings a better score when it actually works!


Not ready for release

Airthings should not have been released to customers. Bought my first View product, downloaded Airthings "for View products" and spent multiple days attempting to get the device to stay on my wifi network and see what was even happening. Airthings provides almost no information or troubleshooting tips beyond the simplest suggestions.

Luckily another review pointed out the Wave app still works, which seems to have solved the issue and provides a lot more network information and settings directly in Airthings .


Latest update made things worse, but still can't imagine not having this app!

Just wanted to let y'all know that after the latest update I can't see the time of last refresh, and also the line charts don't align with the colors on the main page.


Bug makes it impossible to add device.

Tapping “Add new device” on the “+” does nothing. I tried going to device settings and adding there but just a blank screen appears.

That the annoying thing about devices that relay on apps to get the full function, when the apply to pair them breaks, you lose 80% of the value of the product. Very frustrating.


Better than the old app

I had the old this app Wave app installed and was prompted to use this one. I can now scroll through the graphs to see the historical data. I didn’t have to do anything other than log in to my account to see the View Radon unit.


This App Barely Works

Trying to install new a new View Plus.
Bluetooth connection is erratic.
Keep getting ‘not connected internet’ message on the device screen.
After messing around for hours and restarting and resetting everything several times, I finally gave up and went to the older app. Everything seemed to get connected right away.
You guys need to do some additional work on this newer app. Hope you get it worked out…


App is buggy. 1.0.7 made things worse

Airthings is okay, but buggy. The main bug I saw in 1.0.6 is that the PM2.5 thresholds for notifications is wrong.

1.0.7 made things worse. Now when looking at the latest values, all values that should be fair show as poor and all values that should be poor show as fair.


Did v2 fix the CPU usage bug?

I think it did! Prior to the latest update, whenever I left Airthings open on my phone for a few minutes, the next time I picked up my phone it would be burning hot. I think this update finally squashed that bug. Good job!


Worked out of the box, no issues

Looks like they have fixed the recent issues, because I had my new this app sensors setup in less than 10 minutes.


Works like it should

Simple to download, simple to connect the device to Airthings via Bluetooth, simple to use Airthings and device together once connected.


Don’t get this thing without knowing this first

Airthings only allows one account to pair with devices. If you create another account so someone else can monitor it - it will steal the device from the other user and erase all of the historical data.

Really, really horrible vulnerability. Makes me want to return our devices since I’m now wondering what other land mines are waiting for me in Airthings .


Not an improvement

I upgraded to this new app after getting an email from this app, but it’s not as good as the old one. In the old app you could display a page with charts for temp, humidity, and radon on one page in a couple of taps. This new “improved” app only displays those charts on separate screens and it isn’t exactly intuitive getting there. Airthings also has an amateur feeling to it. Subjective I know but just giving my opinion.

I’d say if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Stick with the old app. It’s better



While I have no doubt that the data from my device is still in there somewhere, the displays are now much more lackluster than in the previous version of Airthings .

Why do companies always end up replacing excellent app interfaces/displays with far more mediocre versions?

Please bring back the previous excellent data displays. Pretty please with sugar on top!


Better app than previous one

Compared to the previous app, I welcome this update. Much better performance, updates automatically, interested to see where this app goes from here.


Couldn’t get past selecting the country

I work in IT. I am not sure why I need to switch from my old functional app to a new app. I followed the instructions in the email. I logged into the new app with my existing credentials, was prompted to select my country (USA), which I did. Then got the spinning wheel. Stuck on the spinning wheel for about an hour. Couldn’t get out of it. Then got popped back to the login page. Finally was able to put my credentials in and login successfully. Not a great start to a new app.


Not an upgrade

I much prefer the original version and will continue to use it as long as it is available. The new version seems to just be change for change’s sake and doesn’t really add any functionality. I don’t like the color scheme and the way the data is presented is poor. The original version provides a link to the web dashboard which provides an excellent overview of all of the data in an easy to read form. Please, please don’t discontinue the original version.


Expensive and no customization

I bought the unit to continuously monitor radon. Thought all the added features were a bonus.

Problem is I live in a dry area, and the humidity is constantly below 30%. Therefore the alarms, notifications and ring are all screaming I have horrible air quality. ALWAYS. I don’t know, maybe that’s true, but let me set my own humidity threshold. Unless you live near the ocean this app might not be for you.


Went backward in usefulness

Comparing the this app app to the old Wave Gen 1, there is less consolidated useful information available. The new app allows viewing of each sensor and the sensor history, but no longer allows seeing all at once. An improvement would be user configurable history presentation. Also data storage of more than a year so that annual comparison is possible.


Terrible user interface

I have owned 4 of these devices for about 2 years. The software would frequently not update to the current time even after forced updates. I eventually decided it was quicker to put my hand over the device to see it was red, yellow or green knowing most of the time it meant too high for CO2. It recently recommended updating to a different software which I did naively thinking they wold finally fix these issues but it not. The new software is even less user-friendly. Plus it took all of my devices and made them separate homes whereas before they were all under one house. Also, when I try to erase the device so I can reset it under as a room in one single house it will not let me. This has caused me to wonder how accurate the devices are; if the user interface doesn’t work are extremely poor and doesn’t wilt correctly then why would I think the actual monitoring devices are any better. I’m gonna look for new radon and CO2 air monitors cause I’m done with this frustration.


App Deleted Itself

After spending some time configuring the device and waiting a few days for it to collect data, I discovered Airthings had deleted itself. I downloaded it again and my account settings were retained. I’ve not seen an app does this before. I have the Wave mini and really like the data points it collects. I am sensitive to mold and I keep a close eye on the potential for mold growth. Being able to monitor VOC levels also provides piece of mind that the air quality in my home is no longer a mystery. Airthings is easy to use and provides insightful information. I’m hoping this download doesn’t uninstall itself.


App issues

Several issues. When the network has to reset (like looses power and then comes back online), Airthings throws and error on the device list view, even after reconnecting the device to the network again. Also, the Contact Us link says ‘Something’s Gone Wrong. Content could not be loaded’. This is after exiting Airthings . Logging out of my account and logging back in again, etc. not very graceful recovery if something goes wrong. Outside of that, the device status readings are nicely displayed. And the device was an easy pairing and setup out of the box.


One of the most used apps

This year I started using this app radon reader because the radon level in the basement started reading high. After installing mitigation system, Airthings reflected improvement within 24 hours. I didn’t have a chance to use the old app as most reviews mentioned here but I’m giving it a 5 star review. Yes, you need to be close by the device to have the sync but I never had any issues fetching the data or data missing from the graphs. One of the cool feature is their online Dashboard that I also use every day. Temperature and humidity is also a plus. Simple app, accurate data, that gives me a piece of mind every day knowing that it’s safe air for the family. Thank you, Team this app


Not what they used to be

A few years ago I bought 3 of what they call the air things plus. Sadly, I lost them in a move and recently bought an air things mini bc the price of the plus jumped from 90$ pre Covid to over 200$ post Covid. They worked so well. The sensors didn’t take long to read. They were great all the way around. The mini is horrible. It won’t stay connected to blue tooth. I have had to pull the batteries out 3 times to reconnect it to blue tooth. You pay 90$ for less sensors with the mini. And The sensors work so slow. If I changed rooms my old plus meter, I got immediate new results. The mini is slower then dirt and takes hours to read in another room. Over all, I’m sad that a great machine for 90$ is now priced well over 200$ post Covid the mini doesn’t offer what the plus did for the price.


The entire organization, from its employees to their hard is dysfunctional

I don’t know what has happened with this company but largely they only operated on chat or email and it was horrible technical support. The devices frequently go off-line. They are a nightmare to keep connected let alone, maintain accuracy. The current version is actually an old one. They had prior to the one that I had been using which was a much better UI this one is just terrible which actually isn’t all this was there very first platform-looks like they weren’t able to maintain the new one for some reason, but given that the overall experience with things has been deplorable at best, but it doesn’t surprise me. Sadly I’m too vested in their “ecosystem” if you even want to call it that


So far so good

I’ve had the radon detectors for three months now, I’ve got three of them. One of my kids room, one in the family room in the basement and the other one in the crawlspace. It is a bit of a annoyance to check them every few days, but I just set an alarm and remember to go into Airthings and do it, I have Apple home and it doesn’t seem to support matter protocol so no point in buying the hub. I have a 1500 square-foot home so it reads all the sensors just fine as long as I am in the middle of the house having dinner.


Better than the old app for me

My longest standing complaint about the old app was that devices connected to the hub would take minutes (or fail) to refresh readings (only in Airthings , the web dashboard is instant). This new app seems to only take seconds to refresh.

Add in the ability to calibrate temp and humidity via an offset setting, and I would have no other complaints. I placed my view plus and wave mini right next to each other and they read a bit differently.


Very Helpful

This device is very helpful in ensuring your radon mitigation system is maintaining a safe environment in your home.

I feel like everyone else that has been complaining about differences between data pages doesn’t understand that they are looking at averages vs instant readings. Therefore Airthings is working properly but could use some information tabs to explain the data set.


Ok, Not great

First of all, there’s no customization on thresholds to receive an alert. For example, it seems to only send you one if Radon is above 4, however, I’d like to set that lower before it becomes a problem (I have a second fan I can kick on if needed).

Secondly, the interface has gotten worse, it’s not as easy to navigate compared to previous app. Otherwise it seems ok, my biggest need is proactive alerts w/ my own determination on when to get them, or at least when it changes from green to yellow to red, and back again.

Is Airthings Safe?

No. Airthings does not seem very safe to us. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 100 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 2.2/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Airthings Is 16.5/100.

Is Airthings Legit?

No. Airthings does not seem legit based on our analysis. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 100 Airthings User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Airthings Is 32.3/100..

Is Airthings not working?

Airthings works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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