
Flashher Software

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Flashher Overview

You can capture a flashing post of almost anything in motion, such as your friend skateboarding, the palm trees while being blown by the wind, a waterfall, the clouds outside the airplane window, or as simple as a selfie.

Flashher lets you capture instant flashing photos by focusing your camera on movements or by slightly moving your phone.

Official Screenshots


Product Details and Description of

• Flashh the moment! this app lets you capture instant flashing photos by focusing your camera on movements or by slightly moving your phone. You can capture a flashing post of almost anything in motion, such as your friend skateboarding, the palm trees while being blown by the wind, a waterfall, the clouds outside the airplane window, or as simple as a selfie. After capturing your Flashh post, just upload it and let the world and your Flashhers see it. You can see your own Flashh posts on your profile, while your friends will see them on their Flashh feed. • Discover Flashh posts by others Scroll through the Latest page to see what other Flashhers have posted. The latest Flashh posts of all of the this app users will be shown on this page; maybe your Flashh posts will appear here too! • Comment and let others comment on your Flashh posts privately! Some things are meant to be told without letting others know. With this feature, you can receive and write private comments that will only be visible to you and the other user. • Message with other Flashhers Your Flashh Messages let you start a conversation with all of your this app friends.

Top Reviews

By raveysista


Saw this randomly on twitter and there’s potential in this. I can tell its just starting off but a few updates to make it more user friendly and less laggy. Unfortunately it won’t let me take a this app (I guess thats what its called?). I look forward to seeing where this app goes for sure

By Miredys

Love The App!

I love the app. It brings back memories of a similar app that was deleted some time ago. this app has a big future ahead, it just needs a few fixes. •We need filters, it would definitely attract more users. • We also need unique usernames, I’ve seen plenty of people with the same name and I get confused. •A more aesthetically pleasing profile would be amazing. But I know this is just the beginning of the app so I won’t blame you for it. Instagram also had this problem and look where they are now. Overall an amazing app. Really excited for the future of this app!

By prfelipe24

On a great path

The app is really good, it brings us something that we needed for years ( exactly 3 years) it has the regular cons of being a new app but its made for greatness! I like, I don’t even know where it came from but Im here rooting for it and already using it on a daily.

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