Kwikset Reviews

Kwikset Reviews

Published by on 2024-03-04

About: With the Kwikset app, control your Kwikset Halo and Aura smart locks directly
from your iPhone. Lock and unlock your door; manage and schedule user access;
view lock activity history to see who came and went; and get the latest
software versions to keep your lock up-to-date with the latest features.

About Kwikset

With the Kwikset app, control your Kwikset Halo and Aura smart locks directly from your iPhone.

and get the latest software versions to keep your lock up-to-date with the latest features.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience

Negative experience


~ from NLP analysis of 481 combined software reviews.

Key Benefits of Kwikset

- Straight forward installation

- Simple interface

- Digital step by step/ interactive directions

- Setup process to the WiFi took no time at all

- Convenient product

- Allows guests through with just a press of the button

- Integrates into daily lives

1860 Kwikset Reviews

2.0 out of 5


Excellent app

Kwikset had a two star rating and made me really hesitant to purchase this product. It’s not unlike a company to have a decent product and just slap together a shoddy “smart” feature style. Just installed this lock on a family shared property. I found the lock and installation to be very straight forward. If you’ve ever installed any other lock at all the only difference with this style is the cord inside which really wasn’t much of a bother. The deadbolt strike plate had a larger footprint so I did have to use a chisel to make it fit which I know people don’t want to hear but is common in lock installation any other time. The only annoying part was setting up an account and picking security questions lol. Kwikset isn’t flashy but in execution worked very well. Nothing ever works the first time you try it, you usually have to dink around with it until you get it. It worked the first time. That’s great! We use the default CenturyLink router they provide at this property FYI. In execution went super well and my uncle is impressed. Could be because I installed it? Possibly, but it’s more likely that it’s just a great product.


Terrible App

I’m on my 3rd one and I hate it. How do you get 2 defective locks in a row? I own a remote home and work so I’m only available on the weekends to travel to the home & when conveniently customer services DOES NOT ANSWER CALLS on the Weekends. Forget trying to get help with the lock on the WEEKENDS!!!! If there is an Update, I have to be next to lock, during weekday work hours. If it decides to trip, in order to fix, I have to be next to the lock, during weekday work hours. Batteries last about average a MONTH on the third lock I’ve received from the company. When I need to replace the batteries, Kwikset needs to restart, & I have to be next to the lock. History stops working a week after I leave the house. I’ve spent so much money on gas to come up during the week to fix Kwikset Syncing with the Lock. Kwikset does not walk you through syncing Lock to Phone. I had a troubled tenant and could not disable the lock remotely. The liability I incurred due to the lock!!!! The maid service had to come and physically take the batteries out in order to keep the tenant out!!! I can not add codes remotely. I can not disable remotely. I can not see History of who walks into my home 3 out of 4 times. My solution was a new Camera System while I research the purchase of a new Lock Brand. I gave it 6 months and I have almost gotten a divorce due to this lock.


Started out great, horrible in the end

UPDATE: So, it finally stopped working at the lock itself and I had to use my key. Kwikset was obviously not communicating with the lock so I had no way of knowing the battery condition and I finally noticed the occasional red light at the lock. I changed the batteries and lo and behold, everything started working as it should. Kwikset , history, notifications, Google and Alexa. Weird. So, if you’re still having trouble, put fresh batteries in and hope for the best.

Like many reviewers, I read previous bad reviews and continued to give Kwikset and lock a chance. It worked flawlessly for about a week and then stopped responding within Kwikset and wouldn’t allow Google or Alexa to control it. At first I thought maybe our newly turned on dog’s training collar was interfering with the frequency so I turned it off and I reset the lock and started over and it was great for a long time until it stopped working again. It did the same doesn’t work and Google and Alexa can’t control it, either. Thankfully I already had family members’ codes in so they can unlock as needed but it’s quite disappointing when you buy a Wi-Fi lock and can’t use it as intended. Disappointing is an understatement.


Be patient when setting up

I read all these bad reviews and was thinking I should return this thing, but I installed it using Kwikset guidance, great by the way and very nice work on the videos. After installing and linking to my phone via WiFi it asked to do a firmware update (not unexpected, the lock has sat in a box for who knows how long, it needs to be updated, DON’T SKIP THIS STEP!!!) After being patient and letting everything update and sync up Kwikset and lock work as expected. I use a Linksys Velop mesh WiFi and haven’t lost connectivity at all since linkup.

I would give this 5 stars if my wife and I could both have our own accounts and share the lock, but if you want t be able to control the lock with your phone everyone has to log into the same account, NOT COOL this app, you can do way better on this part. Along with that same premise, I would like to share access with others who have Kwikset , just like a digital key at the hotels, make this happen and you get 5 stars.

All in all I would recommend.


Works pretty good

Got this to replace a trusty Schlage lock. Seems to be working good. I’m sad that it has to be connected to wifi to function. I did eventually figure it out. I tried to use a 16 character password and tried many times but Kwikset would never allow it. Finally shortened it to 12 and it was accepted. Odd because Kwikset clearly states 8-20 characters. It seems to be working good now. Definitely don’t need to know everytime someone locks and unlocks the house. Literally doing that 15 times a day and getting notified about it everytime is pretty unnecessary. I think a monthly email would be sufficient. I wish it came with a rechargeable battery option then I could just plug in a cord to charge it at night. The batteries on these locks definitely seems to be the downside. I wrapped mine with plastic wrap and left openings just for the contacts. We constantly have these battery packs leaking and destoying the battery contacts forcing us to replace the whole unit. Hawaii Life ugh.


Just a manual deadbolt now

First, the battery housing that came with the unit was missing a spring node. this app provided a new housing, but by the time it arrived, my return window at the store had closed. That would prove most unfortunate, as the housing was just the beginning of the issues. Second, it turns out, the lock is not compatible with my router. Apparently, there is a list of routers it will work with, but there was no warning to reference the list when I was purchasing the lock. The customer service tech I spoke to told me to get a new router. Why would I replace a $400 router to get a $150 lock to work as it should? The router is a netgear nighthawk, and far from obsolete. I can connect the lock to my WiFi, but the ping rate between the lock and router is too high, not adjustable, and drains the 4 AA’s in less than 2 weeks. Third, and most recently, Kwikset is crap. I test Kwikset /lock connection by triggering the lock/unlock. Works. Go to settings to update firmware, and a warning tells me the lock is not connected or is not in bluetooth range. What a joke. Switching to Schlage.


Garbage App and Smart Lock

It’s horrible that this app forces you to download this garbage app and create an account just to set up the fingerprints for their Halo line of smart locks, but the fact that neither Kwikset or the locks themselves work is so ridiculous to me. How on earth was Kwikset developed, let alone how did it pass any quality assurance is beyond me! I couldn’t set my finger prints for hours because it kept giving me an error message saying that I wasn’t connected to the lock via Bluetooth and that I needed to be in Bluetooth range or make sure the lock was on. I was literally 6-8” away from the lock and when I locked or unlocked it from my phone it worked fine and I was connected via Bluetooth. After hours I finally was able to set one fingerprint, but surprise, surprise, it didn’t work at all, it wouldn't read my fingerprint, nothing, not even a red beep that the fingerprint didn’t match any on file, just nothing! I had to use the key to open the lock! This is garbage. Deleted this garbage app and returned this garbage lock.


Kwikset Halo Smart lock and it’s app needs help

I have an iPhone running the latest iOS 15.x and have updated the firmware on the Halo WiFi smart lock to the latest which I purchased new in Nov 2021.

I want to love this product but am now strongly considering returning it and purchasing another smart lock. That said your iOS app only works and connects(determine the lock state) if Kwikset is fresh in memory. Please communicate with your app developers that you should not have to remove Kwikset from memory and start it up fresh in order to get my phone to connect to the lock. Even pull to refresh does not help. This occurs regardless if I am on a strong WiFi even in the same house or running over a cellular connection. Additionally I am relying on this smart lock for an AirBnB however people have complained that they have to tap the lock face several times to get it to activate. This does not bode well for my customers impressions of my AirBnB. Please consider your customers and their need to rely on a reliable and safe smart lock.


Worked for 6 weeks. Already failing.

As the title said, everything worked fine for about six weeks. That’s when the first set of batteries began losing power and getting down to about 40%. It started off by not sending notifications when the lock would lock and unlock. Then it just stopped functioning remotely. I installed fresh lithium batteries and the charge indicator said 100%. But I am now having Wi-Fi connectivity issues, and still not sending notifications when the lock is locked or unlocked. Very disappointed. For the money I paid for this lock I should’ve got 10 years out of it. Not six weeks.

Response to developer:
I did call the customer service number and worked with a technician. We went through several steps as far as he could go, with no luck. It is assigned a case number. Strangely, three days after submitting the first review, it began working again inexplicably. Bizarre.
But I’m happy it’s working again. Hopefully no more problems, but time will tell.


I rarely do one star reviews

I return the product and will delete Kwikset within 30 minutes of having purchased it for the following reasons. 1. App REQUIRES you to turn over your phone number. I understand banks car rental companies credit card companies etc. needing my phone number the lock company does not. 2. The box was missing parts, probably because it was a return from a previous purchaser who is also unsatisfied with Kwikset and or the lock as you will read in other reviews. 3. Upon reading other reviews I also see the poor functionality of Kwikset when it comes to managing more than one lock which was my intent. Deleted. 5. When I tried to call the one 800 number to find out if I could not give my phone number and still use the device the office was closed. Admittedly it was a holiday but a company that is dealing with home security and people getting in and out of their homes should have their 800-number answered 24 seven, like the company I work for.


Could be better

I’m dealing with the battery life ok since I started using rechargeable lithiums and keep an extra set on hand to swap out quick. The two things that drive me nuts with Kwikset are that I can’t quickly switch between the two locks I have without opening up a drop down menu instead of just swiping between them on the screen and that I can’t set the auto lock to occur at a specific time of day or for longer than 10 minutes. I have kids that constantly leave the doors unlocked so I need the auto lock but I hate having to unlock my door everything time I go outside for longer than 10 minutes.

Also a third thing, why can’t I just copy all the codes I programmed in one lock to the second lock I installed in the same house? With the convenience technology has brought us this shouldn’t even be something I have to ask


Slow old app.. like really slow!

First I like the lock itself and designed cool. I have three of helo touch.. BUT!! About Kwikset !! So we are in the 2022.. and Kwikset has so limited features to customize it and connect with other smart things.. takes forever to update the status of the lock.. no option for automatic closing on specific time.. or time frame when it closes automatically.. option when you leave the house close it automatically using location.. and other things.. just guys.. make it better!
Update it!
Also I experienced firmware update lugging.. can’t update it.. I don’t know is it because you guys behind of the iOS updates? 🤷🏻‍♂️Hire a new guy or even a manager who can really think about customer needs.. hope you guys can make it better. But so far only 2 stars just for the cool design of the lock.


Needs a dashboard and enhancements

Come on man... use a little thought for Kwikset.. make it look like a smart home not just a bunch of different locks 1) needs a dashboard that allow you to see all your locks status at a glance.. if you have several looks it is too hard to check and select each Lock 2) what is totally stupid is you shouldn’t need to re-enter finger prints on each lock, you should only need to do this on one and shard..

Update: a response back from developer on my second comment “Fingerprints aren’t stored in cloud they are stored in lock” totally misses the point. You created a product that is stupid and unmanageable if you have multiple locks.. you should modify your software (or hardware) so fingerprints can be distributed to all locks in home.. otherwise you have a pretty dumb use case you have completely missed..


Pretty lock and aesthetics but it’s the dumbest smart lock and the app is molasses slow

I like the lock itself. It looks really nice but when it comes to the electronics aspect …it definitely makes you facepalm. It is a really noisy lock which can be a good thing but it does sound pretty godawful when closing almost cringeworthy. Kwikset interaction with the lock is mind blowing slow. I can hit “lock” and be one foot away and it takes almost 30 seconds to talk to the lock to tell it to close. Reminds me of the Sloths at DMV in Zootopia lol. These are things that make it seem like this app is behind 5 years with other leading smart locks. Cmon this app match the brains of the locks with the aesthetics because the brains are still behind in times for sure. All things that your team can dial in I’m sure. Make it happen and I’ll bump to 4/5 stars for fixing those things


Ok But Needs Improvements

Kwikset and the lock does the trick. HOWEVER…. Kwikset needs to function away from the lock directly! Meaning you should be able to open the door if you’re standing smack dead in front of it! You should be able to change or assign door codes without standing in front of the lock itself! Kwikset is not as functional as other door lock apps I’ve used and that’s disappointing. Luckily it’s temporary! Do better and make the improvements! Technology is too advanced for this! My hands are full when I get to the door I need to be able to already unlock my door before I get to it and not wait! If someone is after me, I’m just as good as gone! This won’t get me in my door in seconds AT ALL!!!


If only it worked…

Kwikset along with the lock sadly receive a single star. I am HIGHLY disappointed as I really wanted to love this lock and have the ability to use my phone to lock and unlock my door. Every time I attempt to change a setting, I receive a message stating that I need to wait for syncing to stop before I can make any changes. What the heck is syncing? Absolutely nothing from what I can tell. So the door screen won’t light up and I can’t get the bolt to lock automatically all because I can’t get Kwikset to work. What gives folks? And each time I think I’ve successfully made a change, it goes right back. I turn secure screen off and it turns itself back on. And again I keep trying to turn on auto lock and when I toggle it, I get the option of time length and then I get the dreaded syncing has to finish first message yet again. HELP!!


MHR dallas

Nothing in the sales lit reveals you must set up an account. Deceitful Lying. Conniving. TERRIBLE to mislead customers this way. DO NOT BUY THIS PRODUCT To make it worse, I received a response from this app to the note above , offering to “help” me. Idiots! I do not need any help, I only need you to be honest & transparent in your merchandising.

As a response to the post above, I received an insulting generic reply, explaining their product design. That’s not the question. The question is honesty. You did not reveal in your merchandising that I would be required to set up an account in order for the product to perform its most basic functions. I do not want an account linked to the security of my home. No matter how ‘encrypted’ and secure you think it is.
And the device chews up batteries like no other device in my home. AWFUL! DO NOT BUY THIS PRODUCT!


Frustrating app

Been trying to update the firmware for months. No idea which version of firmware I’m supposed to have because it’s not on their website anywhere. And the only upload option is through their app, which only occasionally tells me there’s a firmware update but then stalls after two minutes. No troubleshooting can fix it. But thanks for the two emails 5is week telling me it needs updated. Super helpful. Until Kwikset figures out how to work properly, the batteries need changed every 3 months. Other than that, it works great. 10/10 for the lock, 4/10 for battery life, and 0/10 for the firmware frustration.


Super Convenient

App works great! Simple interface, the digital step by step/ interactive directions were welcome & appreciated. The setup process to the WiFi took no time at all. Very impressed by the convenience of the product & how simple, yet life changing it will be in our daily lives to not always have to have a physical key in hand to open the door. We’re also in our backyard a ton, so allowing guests through with just a press of the button will be helpful as well. Looking forward to integrating the product into our daily lives!


Never got it working.

We bought the Halo lock set and expected it to be amazing, like all the other this app locks we have used in the past. Unfortunately, we had a bad experience this time. We spent over 2 ½ hours trying to pair Kwikset with the lock and couldn’t get it to work. We tried multiple devices, multiple factory resets, and even changed our internet settings, we even tried the support option and nothing. My husband installs security devices and access control devices and he said he would not recommend this to any of his customers. His advice to this app is to nix this concept and start over. We have always loved the basic lock sets from this app, but our first experience with their technological type of lock was a flop.


AWESOME update! Perfect for short term rentals

We have wanted this update for a long time. We can now do time of day expiration on pass codes. Kwikset works great. Never have had any issues with Kwikset or the lock.

Love the size of the battery indicator on Kwikset now too. So much more visible. I would still like to set my own alert percentage for the battery level alert but the visibility now makes that less of a concern.

Another feature add would be to get logs and alerts for invalid passcode entries so we can see when people can’t get in, try to break in or to log checkout time. We would like to have people put in 1234 lock to checkout so we can know when to send the cleaning crew in and charge for later check out.


Need a way to order locks

I have been using the this app app for controlling 17 locks in a small inn in NM since September 2022. I was pretty used to the old app and my only complaint was that there did not seem to be a way to order the locks. I was hoping that the new version would allow that but I can’t figure out how it is done. I would also like to see a screen that would allow me to access all the locks on one. Or two pages instead of scrolling or have the ability to search and limit the locks, say 1 or 1* for 10–19 etc. wish the battery life was a little better but overall these locks have really freed us up! Thanks!


Data Hog

Kwikset used 250mb of data over three days without me ever opening Kwikset . That’s 2.5GB of data each month. I had to disable this apps ability to use cellular while I’m traveling to avoid going over my data plan limits. One of the reasons I purchased this lock was to be notified when it was unlocked when I was not home, so I will be returning the lock unless they fix the data hog issue. There is no reason an app of this nature should be using this much of data each day. That’s more data than Safari or Apple Music used in the same time period, and I actually opened and used those apps.

Other than the data hog issue, Kwikset works as expected.


Decent but finicky - not way to manually update firmware

It would be nice to be able to manually check and update firmware on the locks. As it stands now, you have to open Kwikset and wait to see if it decides to tell you the firmware update is available or not. Sometimes it does sometimes it doesn’t.

Also, I have three locks, all of which are in Kwikset , all of which I can like it unlocked from my phone. However, 60% of the time it will tell me there’s a new lock to be paired or a new pairing available, however, I have no idea which lock it’s talking about.

So overall, decent and works for the most part. Needs to be more intuitive with a manual firmware update feature.


App will not pair with my phone.

Kwikset is pointless if it won’t sync with your phone.

UPDATE- I called their 800 number after I couldn’t get Kwikset to sync and it went to voicemail. I then went online and the website was no help either. No one at this company works on weekends and when dealing with the security of people’s businesses and homes, that is not acceptable. Kwikset is supposedly working correctly over 72 hours later. I will never know because I have already taken the product back and bought a Yale. The Yale works and syncs perfectly.

I like this app and have used their locks for years. Unfortunately their software is not reliable and I had to switch to Yale. Hopefully this app will get get these bugs fixed and make the necessary changes they need to.


Great hardware bad app

So far I was able to manage Kwikset but once it stopped being able to connect to WIFI I tried to get it to connect but there is no way to check the connection and reconnect through Kwikset . I had to reset the WIFI and Bluetooth settings on the lock manually, once I did that I wasn’t able to reconnect with my phone because it said it was already connected via Bluetooth though it wasnt. In the end I had to factory reset and do it all over again which is a pain. I hope this all gets improved as I love the Halo Touch and want to use it for a long time.


Designed for masochists

Whoever designed Kwikset and these locks is evil. The lock itself is finicky and unreliable. The touchpad does not reliably respond to touch. The lock itself gets stuck or thinks it can’t lock or unlock even though there are no obstructions. Then there’s Kwikset . Kwikset constantly prompts me to pair my already paired lock. I have to unpair and re-pair to stop the pop up until it randomly returns. Kwikset takes way too long to communicate with the lock itself. A lock or unlock command can take 10 seconds or longer, and that’s only when Kwikset can actually find the lock. Otherwise it just doesn’t respond at all. If you hate yourself and your family, please download Kwikset and buy one of these locks.


It actually WORKS!!

I’m changing this prior review from a one star to a five star because the old app didn’t work- lock wouldn’t respond to wifi - always prompted me to pair via bluetooth- etc. Now they update Kwikset and it actually freaking works! I press the lock button in Kwikset and it works!! That’s it! That’s all I care about- all the others ticked off about all the other functions not working matter not to me. I just bought it for one reason / that it locks and unlocks remotely via Kwikset … and now it works!


Needlessly collects personal information

Kwikset collects a great deal of personally identifiable information (PII) for absolutely no reason. It requires you to create an account, provide your email address, provide an SMS, capable phone number, demands your location, all to program a device over Bluetooth. It was clearly designed as a data grab app. I strongly recommend Apple refuse. Any updates to Kwikset until all of its privacy problems are resolved.

I know the developer will respond that all of this information is collected in order to “keep you safe” but speaking as a developer, they could have and should have designed this to only request Bluetooth and arguably location information as a one time optional request.


Please motive the latest update!

You get 2 stars cuz the update is pretty, but swiping is TERRIBLE, regardless of device. It’s touchy and sometimes does not respond. Half the time, the lock you are standing in front of just doesn’t appear in the list at all. VERY buggy. Please bring back the ability to jump directly to a lock as an alt way to access locks. (We use 15 of these locks for a very small hotel and can say that as clunky as the old app was, at least t worked!)


Works pretty good BUT

I would have loved to give it a 4 because I really like it. BUT Kwikset takes too long to launch. Why do I need to see the logo every time I open Kwikset . It’s annoying and time consuming. I know it’s only by seconds but if I am being chased or needing to run into my house quickly waiting for Kwikset to launch and go through the intro is way too long!!! I just don’t understand why I need to see the red screen with the family. I need to see my lock asap! Something to really give thought to! Thank you.


Bluetooth malfunction

Cannot put the smart lock into vacation mode. Wanted Bluetooth connection. After pushing A, Kwikset failed to connect and then for about every 5 minutes, it keeps showing pop ups saying the Bluetooth connection is available for the lock. What the heck?! Finally got in after leaving it alone for an hour or so. Had to do factory and connection reset more than 3 times. Do everything all over. Remove the lock on Kwikset and then Kwikset . Remove the Bluetooth connection.


New iOS 2.0

It took some time with the support group before we got our one door lock consistently communicating with our wifi.

Since the 2.0 update update our lock doesn’t work at all. It’s on a vacation house rental and it just negates all benefits for renters when it doesn’t work and I have to get involved from an hour away to direct them to the manual key box

We’ve opened it up and it’s absolutely dead. No lights. Changed batteries. It doesn’t seem logical that the issue is a app update but it’s an odd coincidence.


Terrible and unreliable

Kwikset seem to work at first maybe for the first few months, but now it never stays connected even if I am at home and reset it like I did yesterday and this morning it’s disconnected again. It’s necessary to remove the battery pack and put it back in again to make it work and then it just stopped working after a few days. Completely useless and I wish I would’ve gone with a different brand. Very expensive for it not to work. All my other smart appliances and thermostats stay connected and work great. I even called Support for help and they were useless as well.


Much better than before

I would like to compliment this app on finally getting a decent app for this lock. Kwikset is more reliable and looks “nicer” than previous versions. NOTE FOR THOSE WITH TROUBLE: Replace the batteries in your lock!! I don’t know if it’s fixed yet, but the old app never, ever read my batteries as less than ~95%—battery change fixed any problems every single time


Ridiculously bad linear operation.

Kwikset insists that you go through multiple steps to get to 75% of its functionality. Example: to re program the wifi settings you have to cycle through ALL install steps to get to the Wi-Fi setup. As Kwikset struggles to see wifi networks you may have to go through all of these steps (including fingerprint and Bluetooth setup) literally dozens of times. Extremely frustrating. And please know that I understand changing the modem speed to the 2.4ghz speed and know how to clear the Bluetooth settings. So I got this bad app to work and wasted a hour doing so.


Extremely disappointing

I’ve had this lock for a couple years now and it’s been nothing but headaches and disappointment. I keep hoping, with each new software and firmware update, that it will get better. It doesn’t.
It’s to the point now that the lock only is useful for about 3 weeks with a fresh new set of batteries (used to last about 2 months) - this is with MINIMAL usage as this is our secondary door that doesn’t get a ton of traffic.
On top of that, frequently disconnects from network disallowing control of the lock remotely.
Don’t buy this, it’s not worth the hassle.


The biometric function is not working on multiple devices

UPDATE: It’s been a long time since I spoke with CSA to report a security issue as described below, but no one has gotten back to me. They assured me that someone will get back to me within two weeks.

The overall app functions fine, but there is a major security flaw on multiple devices. I have several iPhones and iPads with fingerprint and face IDs to unlock the this app app, but Kwikset bypasses the security feature without asking for my fingerprint or face ID. The fingerprint and face ID are turned on in Kwikset setting on all my devices.


Does not support full remote management

Kwikset is extremely frustrating to use for remote management of lock codes as it REQUIRES you to be within range to pair with Bluetooth to synchronize lock codes. Should you ever delete and reinstall Kwikset , you will not be able to see any lock codes that have been created prior.

***** PLEASE FIX THIS 🐞! *****

I have submitted a support ticket and they basically told me that it was impossible but as a software engineer I know this to be a lazy response. Without this support, you cannot effectively manage the lock from a remote location.


Jammed Issues - You will get Locked out

*****WARNING***** If you want to spend the night out side of your home, I would suggest not getting this lock. If the locked detects a JAMMED issue get a pillow and blanket. You will be sleeping outside. Why would the system LOCK your door and create a jammed issue. That’s using your finger print and worst of ALL Kwikset . There should be a by pass set up if you are using Kwikset , just open the DOOR. Maybe just having a regular lock with a key is the best way to go. Meanwhile I pack a pillow and blanket, company should return my money for this garbage from China.


Battery Life

Well… I understand Kwikset was in need of an update however I almost got locked out of the house due to accelerated battery drain. I hope the developers address this new issue as it was fine with the older version. I put in a fresh set of batteries last week and despite the wifi base being only ten feet away it has depleted by 10%. I only use the lock a couple of days per week, I imagine if I used it every day the drain would be much higher.


The app is not sending SMS

I can’t create an account, it’s not sending SMS even when I already verified my email I’m unable to complete the process to setup my account and therefore my lock or setup any entry codes.
It’s absolutely inappropriate that I’m OBLIGATED to create an account and provide both an email AND a phone number to even be able to use my device.
There’s no other way to create an account or configure my devices input codes.

Please allow me to use the device that I pay for without having to create an account or having to forcibly give you my phone number.

Even if I wanted to do so, I’m not able to because your system is failing unable to send SMS

You should include in the product description that you’re required to CREATE AN ACCOUNT and to have a serviceable email and phone number in order to use this device.

The reason why I chose this Bluetooth device is to AVOID having to use the internet to use this device but seems unavoidable.


Great App; until it isn’t

This has been a really useful tool for my home and business. I love that I can give people codes, control who comes and goes, and even operate my locks remotely. I’ve been using them for almost a year. HOWEVER, the past two weeks I’ve been having issues with Kwikset . Codes not working, app not updating changes, events not being shown, app saying something is unlocked when it isn’t. I’ve reached out to support with no answer, and there is no update. It’s a bit worrisome when it doesn’t work properly!


Apps interface horrible

Kwikset interface is horrible. And I allowed another person in my household to have admin access and it would not recognize her and kept prompting her thru the setup up as if t was a new lock/account. And then it would realize that lock was already registered and she would go thru that loop again and again. Genius.
Kwikset is required to make the lock function once it is installed. You have to connect the lock to your Bluetooth and then to your wifi. So now anyone with basic knowledge can hack my door lock and come on in. I don’t care to use any “smart” feature. I just want to punch some number and open my


Lots of improvement, but pairing is painful

Would be nice to use screen swipe to navigate between menus, right now I have click on the tiny arrow on top left corner to go back to last menu, which is not very responsive, I had to click multiple times before it hits.

Would also suggest remove the image when app is opening, rather go to Kwikset page directly.

Pairing mechanism can definitely be improved. I bought the new halo touch screen, I followed the instructions carefully step by step, but didn't work. I had to factory reset it 5 times and unpaid Bluetooth manually at least 10 times, before I finally completed internet connection manually. Took more than 2 hrs to complete the pairing step, which is really stupid.


Functional app but missing basic functionality

Kwikset works. The latest update made it more reliable on pairing which is a net positive since pairing locks if they crashed was not fast or easy before. New version is more clear on battery life and logs open faster.

The basic functionality of Kwikset is missing an obvious option which is a baseline function that is expected from a lock app. The ability to have the locks check their state at a specific time and then in fact lock the door if it is not locked. The timed “auto-lock” option is a garbage version of this. It’s useless to have the lock close 10 minutes after opening when my kid is going to open the door, wander aimlessly outside for 11 minutes and then actuate the motor. Or my cleaning service having to unlock the door three times. All that does is waste battery. If Chamberlain can figure this out for my garage door opener, this app can spend 25 hours in a sprint figuring this out and giving a scheduled lock check at a specific time.


Needs more development

Product works great, but:
1. Need to be able to adjust when notifications come in, I don’t need to know every time the door opens/locks (but still want to see that later) set days/times so I can adjust this if I don’t want to see as many notifications.
2. I can’t believe you can’t add the Halo line to SmartThings or HomeKit, I had several this app ZWave and Zigbee locks before and I would use them when unlocking at a certain time to turn on lights or turn off lights, would be great to be able to do.
Other than that app works fine and product works great.


Absolute trash app

Good luck to anyone trying to set up their device. Was trying to set up a Halo touch lock. Kwikset is absolute garbage - particularly when it comes to setting things up. 1) Will randomly give bluetooth connectivity errors even though phone is right next to device. The instructions to pair the device to your phone are wrong when it comes to the sequence of button pushing. 2) Updating firmware kept giving error messages until I finally just restarted the whole thing. 3) Finally got it mostly set up only to have the device itself beep and show error LED lights that made no sense. Had to delete the device from Kwikset and start over….. 4) Finally finally have the thumbprints working and now when I try to do the simplest thing - modifying the name of the print - it just gives me a failure message most of the time for no reason.

Giant waste of my time. Every other company’s smart device app I’ve used has been very intuitive and a breeze to go thru.


Difficulty with two homes

Kwikset worked decently with the first home. There were a few hiccups in the beginning stating the lock was jammed when it wasn’t but it has corrected its to presume.

I purchased another lock and although everything was connected, it does not work unless I am near the home. The Bluetooth will not connect to the home when afar despite it being connected so I am unable to see if the lock is locked or unlocked and cannot do anything with the lock from a distance. I have tried troubleshooting it and the only other option in the help book is to a system restart which deletes both locks and I have to start over at two different locations. This is such a deterrent and I am not content with this product.


Do not recommend

I wish I had known how bad Kwikset was when I bought this lock. My biggest issue is a single button to lock and unlock. One huge button that takes up half my screen is not my ideal option. At least 8 out of 10 times, it fails to understand that the lock is locked. I have to sit there and sometimes hit the “lock” button about 6 times before I give up and just use my key. I think I have only gotten this to work maybe 3 times total. I would never recommend such a very bad product to anyone. I bought 2 originally and the second one was physically broken. Really bad experience with this company.


Unintuitive, inaccurate

Kwikset is very difficult to use. Sinking with an account and a device takes many attempts, most of which will fail. The last time I had to get Support on the line and programming. The set up was a two hour process. Now it mostly works, but still has glitches. Currently Kwikset always shows the batteries at 100%. We have to monitor the blinking lights on the inside of the lock for battery strength. It will die with no warning, leaving us locked out of the house. overall, this is a beta, and I really like to see this app put out a production version sometime in my lifetime.



If you’re attempting to connect your this app lock, or just getting ready to install it, I suggest you give this “effort” pause. These locks connect via Wi-Fi and through Kwikset have the ability to open and close, assign access to other people, etc. This is all great in theory however, the practicality of this particular company and their locks is: the mechanized lock goes through batteries very very quickly. If the door is opened and closed via the lock, several times a day, you can expect 4 to 5 weeks of battery life. You’ll also find that once the batteries reach 30%, the motor no longer has the strength to open the lock or close the lock, so in fact, your battery time may even be less than what I mentioned. If you only open and close the lock only once per day, we average 6 to 8 weeks between battery changes.
Unless you continually monitor your battery level, when you most depend on the lock, perhaps, without your keys, you might be met with the highest level of disappointment if it doesn’t work because of battery capacity.

For this reason, I do not recommend this brand and unfortunately I’m stuck with it at this point and just get an ample supply of batteries through Costco.

Several upgrades to the firmware over the last two years have promised “reduced battery consumption”, however, we have seen absolutely no difference…


Need to Unlock Even When Jammed

Sometimes, a jam is fixed by unlocking. Previous version you were able to unlock remotely. Now, it just keeps forcing a jam. Understand you need to realign, or adjust so it doesn’t jam but there are factors where it locks, but gets stuck at the very end when guests don’t shut the door all the way. Had someone ask me to unlock it remotely after they were timed out - and I was unable to do so. So, was stuck in the mud. Please re-add feature to unlock even when jammed - this is crucial for my Airbnb guests. Happy to update my review as soon as this is either re-added, or a solution to bypass a timed out solution.


Almost there, but still needs some improvements

We use the this app app to manage the lock at our rental property. For the most part, Kwikset works well enough. We can setup codes ahead of time for guests, and even setup codes remotely when we have guests book on short notice. Those are all positives in my book. However, I do have two issues with Kwikset . One is just how often it feels like the locking mechanism gets jammed and doesn’t unlock. We’ve messed with the deadbolt, strike plate, door frame, etc, but sometimes it just feels like the lock is unpowered and doesn’t want open. This has caused frustration with guests and resulted in negative reviews for our check in experience. The second issue I have is with configuring a date range for a guest. On a few occasions we’ve been out of town in a different time zone, but Kwikset doesn’t account for that. For example, we were out of town a few weeks ago in EST, but the rental is in CST. So, when the guest asked for early check in, we went to adjust the date range, but because Kwikset doesn’t take into account timezones, we were unable to adjust the date range to an earlier time because we were "ahead" of time being in EST. This also resulted in a frustrating guest experience. I do want to love this product, but it does have a few issues that I think keep it from being a 5 star product.


Not as good as I expected for.

Kwikset took forever to load.
1) You have to stand at your door for awhile waiting for it to load. Then wait for the knock to turn open. If I use the key I already one the house a minute before already. If it’s this insufficient what’s the point for Kwikset .
2) you can open the door from your driveway! It only connects right at your front door. When you have a lot groceries and need to open the door before so when you are at the door just open and go inside, you can’t. Because it’s disconnected unless you are there at the door. At that point the key is more easy to use then Kwikset on the phone. Give me hard time with this kind of such app. I used the key like regular lock more than Kwikset nowadays. So disappointed!


When it works…

My wife’s app works and connects but mine will not. Also, the lock too often goes offline. The update it needs sometimes requires taking the lock off the door and connecting it to the main router in order to get the update. I would think by now at the level that technology is at that this lock should be able to update from the Internet connection that it’s obviously operating from while it’s working as well as Kwikset being able to be updated with the click of an updates button within Kwikset . This has been a great disappointment for something that should be an easy fix with so many tech people in the world.


Genuinely terrible

It's actually impossible to adjust any wifi settings, and even worse is that there is zero support or explanation for this through Kwikset or the website. You basically have to bang your head against it for an hour and then give up in order to find this out. To adjust wifi settings, this app recommends doing a network reset - and that is ALL they explain how to do. After the reset, the lock unpairs all Bluetooth as well, and then there is zero instruction ANYWHERE on how to re-pair, neither to Bluetooth nor wifi. Now it seems I'll need to factory reset the lock and set up every single detail all over again on my and my wife's phones. Extremely irritating when you're trying to sort this out right as you're about to go out of town.


Great lock/App

I’m not sure why some reviews have so many complaints / issues. I have been using this for a year or two and had no issues other than a little trouble (normal for me) setting it up. I have not noticed unexpected drainage and of course I have other ways to get in my home if it were to drain to the point where it wouldn’t work, but I do monitor on the home screen the battery level. Also, if you hear the lock sounding like it is struggling replace the batteries then!


Feature request

We love the halo touch locks, but wish there was more functionality.
For example, we’d like to know our doors are automatically locked when we go to bed at night. A simple schedule to lock the door at a specific time would be ideal. Since Kwikset knows when the door is locked or unlocked, seems this would be easy to implement.

Another feature would be to lock the doors when you are away.
This could be done by geofencing which would be more universal than alarm integration.

How about notifications when the door is unlocked for x amount of time?

Note that the myq garage door app can do at least two of these things…notify you when the garage door is open for x amount of time, and auto close the door at a specific time.

I would note this app could develop the lock further to know when the door is closed, using a magnet and sensor like any alarm can do. It would make auto locking work better…but as others indicated, nobody wants to be locked out during the day.

Lastly, sometimes a person gets a new phone. The lock pairing is not seemingly transferring to a new phone and so setting up all the locks from scratch has to be done, including putting fingerprints in these locks. It’s a hassle.

Looking forward to improvements. Great job on Kwikset , it is nice


Trashy App

I spent 200 on this stupid device just to get the Auto lock and Notification. Worst part of Auto lock works hardly meaning misses few times but then if the Auto lock is disabled it won’t notify. My August lock /Garage door old technology notifies that. Forget about the door jam feature. These locks are not targeted by intruders as they use windows or other means, this is just marketing strategy.

5/1 - I have enabled the notifications and purposely tested by leaving door partially open and it did show in Kwikset that there is jam how ever it never alerted through notification. I was expecting to see a notification in a given scenario when leaving didn’t close fully or something blocked it will not show until I open Kwikset .


Total mess

Who ever developed Kwikset was not any app or smart luck expert. Kwikset is a total mess. I have written so many reviews on this and I will keep writing until someone do something about it. I have many issues with Kwikset.
…lock uses too much battery, believe me, it is installed by a locksmith and there is no jam or issues with installation. I change batteries every month and hardly use it remotely.
… I change the auto lock time and all the time it fails by sending a message that it failed but when I close Kwikset and wait a little and reopen Kwikset , I see it worked but not all the times. Sometimes I need to try several times.
… the same happens when I lock or unlock remotely, sometimes it works and sometimes it does not. So frustrating.
They say don’t share Kwikset and I removed any share access to no avail. They say bring the modem closer to lock but the modem is only 10 feet away.
In general it is a mess.
I know someone replies and says call our experts and we can help but they are bunch of clueless people.
Do not buy this lock.
Even one star is too many.


Alexa connect

I too had troubles connecting my lick thru the Alexa App but I turned my phone on and off and then it started to at least “search,” for the lock, but did not find it, I waited few hours then it would say that the Alexa App needed to be updated but then on next go around it would let me attempt to “link,” the accounts and would jump to the Keikset page. I realized the this app app is default to 2-verification so I turned that off, still wouldn’t work, got up early 4am no devices using internet other than my phone, the 2 step verification has been off now for at least 6hrs and I restarted my phone was able to tap thru the process adding a device/lock/this app halo/ tapped yes to the questions attempted to “link,” signing in to this app login thru Alexa and finally it was instant then said looking for the lock took like 3 seconds added to front door group and now it’s connected, I’d recommend updating Alexa app turning off 2 part verification so Alexa can sign in and giving few hours between things it’s working perfectly fine now.

Is Kwikset Safe?

Yes. Kwikset is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 481 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 2.0/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Kwikset Is 58.7/100.

Is Kwikset Legit?

Yes. Kwikset is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 481 Kwikset User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Kwikset Is 71.5/100..

Is Kwikset not working?

Kwikset works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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