Are you having issues? Select the issue you are having below and provide feedback to CRAFTY CRAFT FOR MINECRAFT MOD.
• There is a glitch if you have two entities in a addon that you have posted, editing one will be fine but trying to edit another will overwrite the one you edited before it and completely erase the feature.
• The only custom structure you can do are TREES.
• When I try to make a skin, it crashes and takes me off the app.
• When I try to make an addon- it crashes and takes me off the app.
There is a wierd mirror effect when I use pencil can you help
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53.33% Contact Match
Developer: PA Technologies
Website: 🌍 Visit AddOns Maker Website
60% Contact Match
Developer: Mobs Mods M Devo
Website: 🌍 Visit Craft Mod Website
50% Contact Match
Developer: Kayen Works
Website: 🌍 Visit Addons Website