CRAFTYCRAFTFORMINECRAFTMOD is really great! I love it, but there are some things that are currently broken because it’s not up to date with current 1.19 world generation.
First the biomes in 1.19 have been renamed, removed, or they added new ones. I don’t know all the biomes that were added but they definitely removed alot of the mutated, mega, extreme, edge, and shores biomes. If you can look into what biomes are in 1.19 and fix this issue with generation of ores, mobs, structures, and other biomes to work with 1.19 generation that would help alot!
Because right now ores don’t generate, or plants.
I also have some suggestions.
Add variable textures for custom, and vanilla mobs. Things like mobs spawning in a certain biome will have a different texture, like a pufferfish getting bigger when attack, or like ghast opening it’s mouth when attacking. You can add texture changes similarly like functions where ‘on attack’, ‘on attacked’ mob textures change
This is also oppertunity to add more functions for mobs!!
‘When on (certain block)’, ‘When off (certain block)’, ‘on breed’, ‘on falling’
Another suggestion is interaction triggers. Things like if you use a tool on a block, or use a specific item on a mob, or when two blocks touch it will activate a function, or other action.
Also one small thing is make it customizable what height a custom mob spawns at.
I hope you consider this review to improve CRAFTYCRAFTFORMINECRAFTMOD I’d really appreciate it!