Published by on 2024-10-10

🏷️ About: Crafty Craft for Minecraft™ is an app that allows Minecraft™ players to create and share their own skins and add-ons without requiring programming skills. The app also has a community where players can post and download add-ons, skins, and maps. The app offers premium features for a fee, including unlimited add-ons and skins creation, unlimited installation, and no ads.


Overall Customer Experience 😎

🤬 Negative experience

😎 Positive experience

🫥 Neutral

~ from NLP analysis of 18,577 combined software reviews.

Summary of Customer Reviews (Takeaways): 💎

• I'm happy that this app is still being updated, it's a really great app.

• We can add biomes to our dimensions.

• We can import custom structures from worlds that can generate.

• We can add custom chest loot feature (like loot tables) for the structures.

• We can choose where mobs spawn in the nether like basalt delta or warped forest, etc.

• We can choose where items are.

• We can make custom chest option for new entities.

Read 46 Customer Service Reviews 😠💢

4.4 out of 5
Too many crashes...

When I try to make a skin, it crashes and takes me off CRAFTYCRAFTFORMINECRAFTMOD , when I try to make an addon- it crashes and takes me off CRAFTYCRAFTFORMINECRAFTMOD ! This is a good app, just you guys need to fix the crashes and stuff. Like I can’t even post skins or addons... because it keeps CRASHING! It’s driving me insane. Then sometimes it’ll put me into the addon area and then when I click on something to edit the look and stuff it takes me off the entire app... please fix it 😔. Also I just wanted to point this out, so in CRAFTYCRAFTFORMINECRAFTMOD there is this group of people going around with: [im hot] in their name or something, they straight up post anime porn and crap- it’s really bad, we tried stopping them before, but now they are coming back, also id like to talk about how people are posting stuff about Politics, like American Politics, and I don’t think that should be on a 4+ app :/ specifically these people are posting about politics: Biden 2024, and, Trump 2024. It’s stupid. Pls stop this stuff, if you don’t I don’t think CRAFTYCRAFTFORMINECRAFTMOD can be considered for 4+ anymore 😐.
Other then all those things, I love CRAFTYCRAFTFORMINECRAFTMOD! It’s awesome, Thanks for reading! 😁

Glitch that ruins Add-ons, please fix (plus requests)

There is a glitch if you have two entities in a addon that you have posted, editing one will be fine but trying to edit another will overwrite the one you edited before it and completely erase the feature. This glitch also causes duplicates of features to start popping up. It ruined my addon and I am really angry about that so I might stop using your app if it continues. Please fix it so my Add-ons don’t get ruined anymore:( 1. Particle trails for custom guns and mobs, and projectiles 2. Crafting recipes that return items (cake is example) 3. Particles on hit for weapons and guns 4. Fix custom functions, they don’t work 5. Custom dimensions 6. Custom status effects 7. Custom minecarts, dragons, tropical fish, and horses. 8. Custom mobs that can spawn in structures 9. (Hardest to make so u don’t have to do it) custom HUD bars 10. Sink option for custom blocks (like powder snow) 11. Freeze option for custom blocks (again, like powder snow) 12. Option for a block to have a action when redstone powered. 13. Option for a block that lights the player on fire. 14. Option for what item can be used to control riding 15. Make it so any item can be used to tame and breed not just food 16. Ability to duplicate a addon feature. Sorry if some of these are too hard they are just my suggestions!

The app was good but there’s a few changes that needed to be in crafty craft app

The was fine but the changes is needed, the first thing is to have a password reseter when the user forgot the password to the account, the second thing to improve the daily rewards because it doesn’t actually count the time to get your rewards, the third thing is fixing the armorer and mob skin importers because when I insert a Minecraft skin, it worked, but when it’s placed in Minecraft, it’s texture was in the wrong position. The fourth thing is to have more optional stuff that can be easier for users when they’re editing like editing their own animation without having to inserting an file and making videos into MP3 files to make it easier to insert sounds, the last thing is to bring back the search bar back into the community because it’s useful to users to search for mods, skins, Addons, and worlds, that they’re interested because it would be to hard to find those stuffs and user wouldn’t find the stuff that they’re interested.

If you maded this update, I’m glad to be happy that I see the changes you’ve maded 😁

Gun sounds and other things needed

Gun sounds when you choose from files or anything for that matter, it crashes the whole application and if you are unsuspecting of this and you didn’t save that gun’s progress, than you lose it ALL! New music discs should use files and stuff, too, for the downloaded songs. You should be able to put other uses for when you’re making a block or an animated block (which I don’t think works) and modeled blocks in experimental.
”On whatever action” the “example function” doesn’t tell anyone anything, therefore I don’t use it. Stop making more “example function” things for mob actions and not editing them to say what
they do! The glow squid is obviously hated and doesn’t deserve too much attention, but still the skin editor is on 2D and barely even shows the tentacles at ALL!
Despite all of these glitches, this is a very very great app
For editing my Minecraft world and making quirky new content for me to mess around with and have loads of fun. I’ve been using this for about a year already and made some add-ons for my world.

Very good but

CRAFTYCRAFTFORMINECRAFTMOD is incredible it shows that your development team has put in a lot of time and effort. This is a feat that I have not seen accomplished by any other app this is a 5 star app except for a couple of small details that break and little details go a long way that 5 star for me. You make it very fun to customize items but I am trying to create an Addons so I do my block texture and I realized it is only a 2D block texture so I put it into the game and it just copied that same texture on all 6 sides this is a problem because I made a dispenser looking block and now it has all six side like that. The 2nd thing for custom items I made a gem for a block I called the pulser to find out that you can not use custom items to create a block. That is a feature that should be added because that is how new Addons are running. 3rd I can not get mobs to drop custom items. All of these are the features that I think are quite important. Thank you for hopefuly reading this your app is incredible.

Awesome, just one problem...:

I love CRAFTYCRAFTFORMINECRAFTMOD! It is up to date on all updates and lets you customize whatever you want! And best of all, it’s free! ....wait, it isn’t. I don’t like how it pulls you in with all of these amazing features and then you have to pay something like three dollars to actually use it. I know that there is a “watch a video” option, but every time I try to use it it either kicks me from CRAFTYCRAFTFORMINECRAFTMOD or my whole phone crashes. I also think that you should be allowed to customize more that like ten items before it stops allowing more items to be modded. It’s not that I’m trying to get you guys to stop charging money, but this is more of a warning for anybody who doesn’t want to spend money on CRAFTYCRAFTFORMINECRAFTMOD. I would appreciate if the price was maybe dropped a little but again, it’s your app and I have no right for you to demand to stop charging money. (I don’t want to be a Karen about this lol.) I hope that this helps someone! CRAFTYCRAFTFORMINECRAFTMOD really is fun to mess around with. I just wish it would let me use my work. Have a nice day!!!!

Pretty good, but needs a better armor creator

So I was making a texture pack that would turn everything netherite into a green version because I liked how it looked, and when I went to retexture the armor, there was no option for just normal armor, just iron man and a bunch of other random skins. I tried to download a skin that had netherite armor on, which worked fine until I found out that once you import the skin, the only part that actually functions as armor is the helmet, because (and I apologize for my poor description) with the helmet, there is a secondary layer on top of the head for the helmet, which I believe in Minecraft is the same for every piece of armor. But in crafty craft, there is only that secondary layer for the helmet, so when I imported the skin, only the helmet showed up. And even worse, when I tried out the Add-On, the helmet was all messed up and random parts of the helmet were on random parts of my face. Please add options for normal armor (diamond, Netherite, etc.) in the armor section, so that it is easier to retexture, and also the secondary layer for all of the armor pieces would really help with making the armor.

Thank You, and Adios my friend

P.S. I’m not Spanish btw

Great app, but some recommendations

I enjoy Crafty Craft. I've made soooo many skins and Addons, but there are some things to improve it. 1. The models for the Enderman, Ender Dragon, Horse, Mule, Donkey, and a few more are very broken, which makes it hard to edit the models. 2. Using skin templates to make custom armor looks good in CRAFTYCRAFTFORMINECRAFTMOD , but in the actual Minecraft game, they make your character purple and black (textureless) as well as what you see. 3. You should edit imported paintings to fit the frame, without leaving any textureless space. 4. Ads were removed in a previous update. I enjoyed uninterrupted addon and skin making, but I would prefer if you added back in “Watch ads for free diamonds.” I only get a few diamonds a day, and delete and redownload CRAFTYCRAFTFORMINECRAFTMOD a lot. Please put that back in, without annoying and interrupting ads. 5. Please add spyglass interface, in game music editor, minecart template in custom entities, and other UI graphics. 6. Npcs act like villagers, no matter how much I change their behavior and mob family.
7. Please add tropical fish to entities in the game, and custom entities. Thank you. I will enjoy the game so much more with these updates.

ONE TIME PURCHASE PLEASE and other things.

Hello, I’d like to let you know that I really enjoy your app, but I’d also like to let you know that for some people premium is way too expensive. Those people being me and my family who struggle to make enough money to even buy our food, something that could be quite lucrative for you and easy for me is a one time purchase. Which is exactly why I’m typing this, if you made a one time purchase, for somewhere around $40-$50 then you would have more consumers who would buy your product and you might even make more money than you already are with the monthly payment, so please just think about it and please start paying more attention to the community because most of the time it’s not exactly a kid friendly game, such as the freedom to use any pictures you’d like on the front of your add-ons, because my kid who is a 7 year old found a very inappropriate picture so please consider my review, and all other than that CRAFTYCRAFTFORMINECRAFTMOD is well made, thank you for reading.

Needs to be updated to fit 1.19

CRAFTYCRAFTFORMINECRAFTMOD is really great! I love it, but there are some things that are currently broken because it’s not up to date with current 1.19 world generation.
First the biomes in 1.19 have been renamed, removed, or they added new ones. I don’t know all the biomes that were added but they definitely removed alot of the mutated, mega, extreme, edge, and shores biomes. If you can look into what biomes are in 1.19 and fix this issue with generation of ores, mobs, structures, and other biomes to work with 1.19 generation that would help alot!
Because right now ores don’t generate, or plants.
I also have some suggestions.
Add variable textures for custom, and vanilla mobs. Things like mobs spawning in a certain biome will have a different texture, like a pufferfish getting bigger when attack, or like ghast opening it’s mouth when attacking. You can add texture changes similarly like functions where ‘on attack’, ‘on attacked’ mob textures change
This is also oppertunity to add more functions for mobs!!
‘When on (certain block)’, ‘When off (certain block)’, ‘on breed’, ‘on falling’
Another suggestion is interaction triggers. Things like if you use a tool on a block, or use a specific item on a mob, or when two blocks touch it will activate a function, or other action.
Also one small thing is make it customizable what height a custom mob spawns at.
I hope you consider this review to improve CRAFTYCRAFTFORMINECRAFTMOD I’d really appreciate it!


Look CRAFTYCRAFTFORMINECRAFTMOD is amazing all on its own but I have run into a problem… For some reason when I tried to install the addon I’ve been working on it said “Error this addon does not contain any changes, to install an addon to Minecraft PE you should make some changes.” Although a changed it and even added new items and blocks and yet nothing works, am I doing something wrong? Because I am really confused, plz if you are reading this plz send me some info in order for me to finally be able to install this.
A new problem has just been made. So I was trying to create a 3D modeled block but for some reason whenever I download the addon into my world for some reason it show the template of the 3D modeled block instead of the block itself. I spent almost an hour working on some cool 3D modeled blocks just for it to look like they got unfolded. I know my review will probably not be noticed but I hope you fix the problem.

Some suggestions for the app (great app btw)

1. You need to add a feature where you can import custom structures from worlds that can generate 2. You should add custom chest loot feature (like loot tables) for the structures but you can choose where items are 3. You should add a custom chest option for new entities 4. Make it to where you can choose where mobs spawn in the nether like basalt delta or warped forest, etc. and make it to where mobs can spawn in structures already in game. 5. Make Items and Weapons with a model 6. Custom Bow and Crossbow weapons (not guns) 7. A custom music disc option for new entities 8. A new custom totem option for new entities 9. A feature where you can choose what a mob turns into after being killed by another mob (ex: zombie)
10. custom shields with custom models. 11. 3d weapons and items. 12. custom animations like you can animate your own models and mobs. 13. make it to where guns use ammo to actually fire, so you can give it bow enchantments and add the foil option for guns. also, make it to where if you have a stack of your gun ammo, if you shoot your gun once, one piece of ammo will be removed from the stack. These were my suggestions, hopefully you can make them into CRAFTYCRAFTFORMINECRAFTMOD, I love CRAFTYCRAFTFORMINECRAFTMOD so much so I hope you can do some of these things to make it even better, thanks for reading my review! Also, you should add custom villager trades and a feature where you can make a new villager job

App is good I just ask for one thing

As it turns out if you are on mobile with a mod installed a player on Xbox or ps4 can join you in your world and ACTUALLY USE THE MOD, however none of the textures will load for some reason, but I did a test and the textures for the mods won’t work but an all ready existing item with a re-texture will show up. So I ask for this, please please PLEASE make it so we can make texture packs and mix them with the mods so that not only will we able to use the mod on mobile but also fully experience the mod on console aswell!

PS: the way I got it work on console is that it requires 2 people, you have to load into a Minecraft world with the mod installed or make a new world with the mod active and you or your friends joins who ever made the modded world, the mod will 100% work but none of the textures will load and everything will be invisible, but if you made a custom TEXTURE PACK then all of the retextured items will 100% show up and not be invisible

Just adding stuff to last suggestions

I’m happy that CRAFTYCRAFTFORMINECRAFTMOD is still being updated, it’s a really great app, again I’m just gonna say things I said before then other stuff I wanna add. #1 We need a category in experiments for dimensions. We can either add a new one or edit the nether or the end. It will have all the biomes in the nether and end category, and we can add biomes to our dimensions, I’ll talk about ways we can maybe make our portal. #2 Structures, many people suggested this, it may be hard hit I think I have a solution. before we talk about making it first I think there should be a way to put the chance of spawning. For example we can put a 1 in 100 chance if we wanted to, and then maybe there can be a structure editor that can also be used for making custom portals. you can use blocks from the game or your own custom blocks and build like in minecraft. Just love around with the screen like the skin and model editor, and place blocks on the ground. You can zoom in and out and move. I hope this can be done cause this is the easiest way I can think of and it must be really hard. Last stuff please have tutorials for the functions I have no idea what to do with them. Next I know you can make custom projectiles but make it so mobs can too and also throw in a way to make them throw blocks. There’s a lot of cool stuff CRAFTYCRAFTFORMINECRAFTMOD can turn into and sorry for the paragraph of very hard things to do but I hope it will work! Thanks for reading.

Perfect Addon,texture pack, and skin pack creator

CRAFTYCRAFTFORMINECRAFTMOD is perfect so many good things, I can add mobs,items,recipes, also add sounds and change mob properties such as size loot and more. CRAFTYCRAFTFORMINECRAFTMOD is great and I have a suggestion that I would be happy if you could add, if possible I would love the addition of custom loot tables, so it’s possible to use custom items for custom mobs and such. Also Furnace crafting, for example; if I have a custom item and I want it to smelt into another item, if the item is useable in a blast furnace or a smoker, or if it’s fuel. Those are just some suggestions I have. But I have something to point out though, when changing the players size the FOV stayed at 2 blocks, if possible to make the FOV match the size much appreciated.

Also when making custom mobs and items and such, I would try to show my friends these but they said that it didn’t show on their screen,so if possible to make other players able to view custom stuff that would be great.

Great app also a few suggestions. Game developers please read.

I love CRAFTYCRAFTFORMINECRAFTMOD i’ve made Great add-ons with it. I also have a few suggestions. 1: to have the ability to make loot tables. 2: to have the ability to edit existing sounds to make it easier to give things custom noise 3: The ability to be able to put your custom mobs and blocks in your custom biomes. 4: to be able two sets what you’re custom mob can wear/hold. 5: allow us to set how much a mod can spawn in a biome or if they need a certain structure to Spawn them like the wither. 6: give us the ability to make a custom stage for bosses like when they hit A certain amount of health. 7: give us the power to create structures In CRAFTYCRAFTFORMINECRAFTMOD where they will spawn what will spawn in And around them and what loot they have in them. 8: this is for weapons allow them to inflict effects on who you hit them with and edit The power and duration of those effects and also edit The power of the effects you get when you hold them also allow us to make custom enchantment books. So please consider My request.

Great game but please add this

I would like to see three features added. 1, the “on hit” feature. This feature is self explanatory, when a player hits/clicks/taps on the block, it launches a function like the “on tick” “on step” or “when broken” features, if possible also make it so we have the option to make it so the player has to hold a specific item, for example if I create a black stone foundry and coal oil I would have to tap on the foundry with the coal oil, it would take away the selected amount of coal oil and then activate a function. 2. Could you make it so functions could “naturally happen”. To explain if we have a function that builds a house and we want that house to naturally spawn “Basically a structure” then we can enable something like “naturally spawning” when creating a function. Couple other things, when editing the model of a plant please make it so after we edit it we can pain it like a 3d model and not with the item painting screen. Can u also fix some item glitches such as dyes, saplings and a couple others...... maybe if possible allow items to have 3d models...............

Problem with the structure

Ok the structure itself is fine but it’s the way you use it. I feel like there should be like some premade houses or something. Anyways there aren’t any other problems I have had.

Edit: ok so I just remembered a couple of things. One is that using adds to get gems just broke for me. One other thing is I have seen this on other apps where you can input the mod to your Microsoft account rather than just the game. I think this would be neat to add as it would make it to where you could use the mod cross platform. I also have some suggestions that I think would be really cool. I think add ing custom furnaces and chest might be nice. Also adding things like custom potions and brewing stands. Or enchants and enchanting tables. I guess you can kinda make potions using the food tab but it only does effects in the game. My next suggestion is that you should have it to were we can change the amount of pixels on blocks or items for how realistic we want to make them. I am not sure if this is in CRAFTYCRAFTFORMINECRAFTMOD and I just didn’t notice it but If not it seems like something cool. My last one is maybe there should be like a mini guide in the custom function for people who don’t understand commands that well. These are just my ideas and I hope you take them into consideration. Anyways keep up the good work

This app is amazing, but some suggestions

There are so many things to create, edit, and modify. But, some things are just missing to make CRAFTYCRAFTFORMINECRAFTMOD perfect. #1: Custom Structures. Yeah, I know the only custom structure you can do are TREES. TREES!!! You have to have a sapling, so you can’t keep all of them a secret. Maybe you can make a structure in Minecraft, put some loot in it, and then copy and paste it to Crafty Craft. It can be that simple! #2: Editing the sound. This might already be a feature in the VIP DLC, but maybe you can take a sound from another mob and transfer it to your mob. If there were 10 stars, I would pick 9, and if you do an update for my suggestion I would give you 10. Or 11. #3: Flower Fixes. I was having some trouble when I was creating a rose for Minecraft. If I placed down a flower, it would to a sound of stone. But if I broke it, it would sound like the sound I programmed it for. And, they can go in water. Luckily, it’s waterlogged. So maybe you can fix that? #4: Appropriate Ammo for Guns. Something I really wanted is for a slingshot to shoot cobblestone if you had cobblestone in your inventory. But, when I tested it out without cobblestone, it still shot cobblestone. Maybe 12 or 13 stars if you fixed that. #5: Ability to put anything in your Off-Hand slot. *wait, that is a suggestion for mojang* Anyways, thank you for reading this message. I will see you next time :)

This is a really cool mod maker but it could use more features and bug fixes

I really love CRAFTYCRAFTFORMINECRAFTMOD and how easy it is to make mods but of course no maker can be perfect, so here are some bugs I’ve crossed and features I’d love to get added.
Sometimes while making skins they glitch for some reason, same with the egg making so if there was a way to fix that it would make things a lot easier.
It’d be really awesome if you could actually make dimensions and add bosses to them like the end and nether, like I said during the start it’s just a suggestion so don’t take it seriously m8.
Another feature that could be made is you can preview the noises you’re about to change so you know exactly what you’re gonna change.
Also it would be great if we could make our own sounds for mobs we make and set it as the noise.
A problem I have sometimes is that all the ores I make always go to the surface, no matter how I change it. I also can’t even see what it says when changing the surface level for the ores so it would be nice if you could make it so it’s easier to set the surface level of the ore.
Yet another problem with the game is that sometimes the things don’t go through even after setting what it needs to register. For instance the reinforced crafting table I added won’t spawn in even after I set everything on for it. If you could fix it I would be appreciated about it.
Thats about it. I hope you can fix and add these so Goodbye for now and happy Halloween!

Sorry 😬

Ok so I really did think that CRAFTYCRAFTFORMINECRAFTMOD was going to be amazing but when I went to install the addon to Minecraft it says, “Watch a video to get this feature for free.”So, there’s two options one of them is the premium and the other says video, So I press video and it doesn’t even load and last night it just sat at a screen just loading so, I left it like that and went to bed. When I woke up I immediately went on CRAFTYCRAFTFORMINECRAFTMOD to see if it had loaded it did it loaded but when I pressed x and that ad didn’t even work!! So I pressed premium. Are you crazy???!! 17 bucks a month for an app?!! But that’s just my opinion I would never pay that kind of money for an app 😂 but I hope you can fix this in CRAFTYCRAFTFORMINECRAFTMOD and I will give you a 5 star rating but it depends.

Problem that can’t get fixed. Horrible game!

Don’t get me wrong by the title I downloaded CRAFTYCRAFTFORMINECRAFTMOD yesterday it was fantastic! I could make mods and see them downloaded in others peoples games and see them in mine! But today when I made a troll addon pack I put lots of work into designing them so I could post them. It crashed after I watched the video so I could save it. It kept happening and happening it wouldent budge. I was able to make it but it still would not budge. I couldent even download the mod! And when it said to edit my project it wouldent let me push cancel. Extremely annoying! I recommend you get this fixed or sales are gonna drop. The first day you download it it’s fantastic by the second day you can’t even download one mod. Extremely annoying and upsetting.

Great in concept, but confused

CRAFTYCRAFTFORMINECRAFTMOD is so far the best that I know of when it comes to creating mods, and the features provided are great. I appreciate the limitless potential with the options we are given, and I expect it to get even better as time goes on.

However, I have an issue. Whenever I load the mod into my minecraft, the mob I modified (the vex) seems to not show up at all. Mind you, I am attempting to create a Cthulhu mod, whom of which would be hundreds of blocks tall compared to the default vex who is small and essentially nothing in comparison.

Is there a way I can fix this? No matter how I adjust the settings, nothing seems to work.

Creative BUT

It really is super helpful! I do a lot of things I’m not able to do when I’m using any other app.
I do have a few problems, however.
1: the crazy amount of ads. It was not like this last update. It’s constantly making me watch ads to import an ad on, edit the ad on, basically anything I need to do I have to watch a two minute ad. Not fun.
2: I have to upgrade to pro for everything I want to actually do. Don’t get me wrong, I can use this pretty well. But there are so many restrictions when it comes to doing the really COOL stuff. Supposedly I can actually change the shape of mobs and such, but it’s not worth paying $3.00 a month for. I have better things to pay for, honestly, and I don’t feel like wasting money (as small of an amount as it may seem) for something that probably isn’t worth it.
If you’re reading this, don’t take it as a complaint. It’s just a couple things that would make the whole thing better! I love CRAFTYCRAFTFORMINECRAFTMOD and it’s something that I can’t normally do for free, but I wish it offered more freedom without the cost.
Thank you for reading! ❤️💕

I think it’s good but I need some stuff

I think CRAFTYCRAFTFORMINECRAFTMOD is great but you guys should like custom mobs and not edited the mobs and the villagers in the game. Like allow us to create some few custom mods like with player models like an box or something and creatures to like for example an Alex and Steve mod like we spawn them and they wonder around the world doing basically anything and we can make their actions and names and their ability’s. Just listen my opinion please and we’ll probably get more people creative experience with what they want to make

Listen to me creators...

So first of all I really love this game but to anything I need to watch a ad....I understand how they need the ads for money, but can you tone it down a bit? Second of all the one thing that made me make the review is it once kicked me from the game....No big deal right? What if I told you I worked one hour on every thing and it kicked me...I joined again and I lost all my stuff my worlds...I tried logging back in but it was no use!!! And one more question how can I play my worlds? My IOS update is 13.3 and I use a IPad Air. OH I JUST SAW YOU SAY TO SOMEBODY THAT IT DOES NOT WORK ON MINECRAFT PE I HAVE THAT OK QUESTION ANSWERED!!!

Help please

This is a good app, dont get me wrong, but whenever I try to download the add on I’ve made it says a button will apear to let me download it to minecraft, it also says if that doesn’t happen I’ll have to do it from my files, well the button didn’t come up neither did it go to files, so maybe im doing something wrong but I cant download it to my worlds! I work on iohone 10, so if you could look into this I would greatly appreciate it! Thank you so much for taking the time to read my review! This is all around a really good app, please fix the glitch and I’ll rate it five stars!
Edit, I have the latest version but the bug is still there?? Im not sure if its a glitch on my phone where its not fully updating but its not working????

Great App but has an annoying glitch

CRAFTYCRAFTFORMINECRAFTMOD is absolutely amazing, thanks to it I can make all the mobs look like how I want them and change the textures of everything but I found an annoying glitch with the enderman (possibly all mobs but I was working with the enderman at the time). I was making the enderman into the T-series Tactical Droid from Star Wars when I made some erased some of the pixels. A bit later all of the erased pixels turned into random color pixels. I was a major setback but I still managed to finish the add-on (just not to its best potential). Other than this CRAFTYCRAFTFORMINECRAFTMOD is amazing and really helpful for making add-ons!

Needs more

This is, in my opinion, this is the best addon creator for Minecraft PE you can use on your phone, but that doesn’t mean it’s flawless. The main two things are hand items and being able to actually make your own mobs, blocks, and whatnot. You should be able to edit handheld items like iron ingots and diamonds and not just the block forms, along with every other non physical item (compass, stick, and shears to name a few). Another small thing, you should be able to change what weapons do, for example, I should be able to make the golden swords damage be higher than diamond sword. If any of these are in CRAFTYCRAFTFORMINECRAFTMOD ’s premium version, I apologize, I haven’t bought it.

Very good but not perfect

It seems like The develops are really putting effort into making this a good app, and I appreciate that. But I find it rather weird that you can’t (at least to my knowledge) edit items that don’t fit into the categories CRAFTYCRAFTFORMINECRAFTMOD has, like sticks or glowstone dust, also when you edit textures of armor it doesn’t really go into The proper pieces, my last complaint is it crashes, usually when I edit something big like lava or armor. I think it would be cool if you made it so there is a feature where are can Make a new mob that won’t replace an old one, maybe you could pick from the mob models and then add it I don’t know if that’s actually possible but I just thought it would be a cool idea. Anyways my overall opinion is, very good but still needs some bug fixes

Great app for textures but not Addons

Don’t get me wrong this is a great app for what it’s worth (nothing) but you advertise custom models and I don’t know if I’m just doing it wrong or there isn’t I know you can make certain part invisible and visible but that’s not really custom models and that leads to my next point I think there should be more options to make parts visible and invisible I was making a wolfs head a cactus (like you do) and I couldn’t get rid of his ears only his his whole head and for my last criticism is the behaviors themselves I have a hard time understanding them and I feel that there quite limited also you can’t be that specific with their drops and you can’t choose where they spawn and that’s it! I’m done with my rant. And also I experienced a bug when using the Addon it blurred all the other textures

Small issue

I love CRAFTYCRAFTFORMINECRAFTMOD and it’s so useful but I’ve been working on a dragons add on but when I give things the ability to fly they can’t control them selves (I slowed them down but there is a point we’re they are too fast and have no control or that are two slow and can’t actually fly)and they won’t adopt the ranged attacks I’m giving them I’ve beet testing this for a few days so please fix this

Oh and rotating a torso forces the limbs to move with them so to get the model to work I had to set them completely different from what I wanted it to look like and go back and forth till they lined up like I wanted

And I cool feature is if you can make multiple files for a mob and it every time it that mob spawned it had a random chance of being any of the versions you made like the color and skin variations of the horses and sheep

BRILLIANT!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

This legit is the best app ever for Minecraft as a Minecraft marketplace creator this is perfect for anyone who wants to start out or just had mobile Minecraft I highly recommend this to anyone who wants to learn this kind of stuff or just wants to mess around thank you for this awesome app one thing I want added though would be the ability to add more ores or like more items like a new pickaxe or something or possibly the ability to make crafting recipes or rename items in game like stuff like that would be perfect and would make me want to give a 100 star rating

Astonishing App

My previous response: " CRAFTYCRAFTFORMINECRAFTMOD is an amazing tool. It allows you to create texture and behavior packs for Minecraft Pocket Edition. It's even updated to the latest version of Minecraft. However, there is a small but infuriating glitch with saving add-ons.

You may be wondering why I gave CRAFTYCRAFTFORMINECRAFTMOD a one-star rating. It would be a five-star, but there's a glitch I want to bring to the developer(s)'s attention.

Recently, I've been working on an apocalypse add-on and texture pack. It was looking amazing. I had to save it, so I pressed "Save" and selected "Watch A Video." Once the video was over, I tried to exit the add-on, but it asked me to save it again. I watched another video. This kept going on for awhile, so I got impatient, watched a video, and closed CRAFTYCRAFTFORMINECRAFTMOD .

When I reopened it, my add-on was gone. I was very angry at what had happened and all the time I wasted watching videos and making that add-on.

Developer(s), if you're reading this, please fix this glitch. I would appreciate it if you did and give CRAFTYCRAFTFORMINECRAFTMOD a five-star rating.

Thank you."

My current response: "I have kept my word and gave CRAFTYCRAFTFORMINECRAFTMOD a five-star rating because the error I have mentioned was located and terminated by the developer. Thank you."

(This review was sent on an iPhone 7 plus with iOS 13.3)

Amazing App With A Suggestion

This is a AMAZING app I use it for texture packs only tho. It would be really cool if you could made a feature where you can make a custom entity. It would be called CUSTOM ENTITY. Its sign would have a + sign and you could name it and use a exsisting model of a mob and edit things like what it eats and if you can tame it without replacing any mob. But this is a amazing app! Edit: i saw the response but that is wrong. I have many addons that do not replace anything. Maybe your not using the latest version but i know that its possible


Hello Crafty Craft developers! I really like your app, and I think it is one of the best Minecraft add-on making ever. But the world is not perfect, so I would like to add some little suggestions that maybe would improve the app: 1. Animating. Your app already has a feature of uploading an animation pack to a custom mob, but I think it would be nice if you could make an animation menu in game, where you could animate the mob’s idle animation, walking animation, etc. which then could be added to a specific event that happens in Minecraft like idle event. 2. Programming. I know that in the description of your app it says that this app is an opportunity to make mods without programming skills, but I think it would be nice to still add that as an optional or extensive feature. Maybe you would have to pay a specific amount of diamonds to unlock it, for example. In there you can would be able to code an event using code blocks or real code, but since it might be hard to make so instead you could use code blocks that do something specific in Minecraft (like code block “turn [custom mob] into [a mob] when hit by lighting” which turns the custom mob into a different mob when struck by lightning). 3. Gifting Diamonds & Allies. Sometimes you get too much diamonds when you don’t post or download anything, and I think it would be nice to have a friend/ally and enemy system. You could ally with users that you trust, and they would be added to your ally list. You would have an option to gift an amount of diamonds to them, and the diamonds would be transferred to the ally’s profile. That way you could spend your diamonds in a different way. 4. Diamond Salaries. To make digital profit from mod-making and skin-making, I thought it would be nice to make this suggestion of diamond salaries. It would be similar to YouTube salaries, but instead of real life money it would be Crafty Craft diamonds. For example, every 10 downloads on your mods you would get 3 diamonds and so on. These are some suggestions I thought would be good to mention. I don’t expect these to be added in the next update, but still please read this.


Hello Crafty Craft developers! I really like your app, and I think it is one of the best Minecraft add-on making ever. But the world is not perfect, so I would like to add some little suggestions that maybe would improve the app: 1. Animating. Your app already has a feature of uploading an animation pack to a custom mob, but I think it would be nice if you could make an animation menu in game, where you could animate the mob’s idle animation, walking animation, etc. which then could be added to a specific event that happens in Minecraft like idle event. 2. Programming. I know that in the description of your app it says that this app is an opportunity to make mods without programming skills, but I think it would be nice to still add that as an optional or extensive feature. Maybe you would have to pay a specific amount of diamonds to unlock it, for example. In there you can would be able to code an event using code blocks or real code, but since it might be hard to make so instead you could use code blocks that do something specific in Minecraft (like code block “turn [custom mob] into [a mob] when hit by lighting” which turns the custom mob into a different mob when struck by lightning). 3. Gifting Diamonds & Allies. Sometimes you get too much diamonds when you don’t post or download anything, and I think it would be nice to have a friend/ally and enemy system. You could ally with users that you trust, and they would be added to your ally list. You would have an option to gift an amount of diamonds to them, and the diamonds would be transferred to the ally’s profile. That way you could spend your diamonds in a different way. 4. Diamond Salaries. To make digital profit from mod-making and skin-making, I thought it would be nice to make this suggestion of diamond salaries. It would be similar to YouTube salaries, but instead of real life money it would be Crafty Craft diamonds. For example, every 10 downloads on your mods you would get 3 diamonds and so on. These are some suggestions I thought would be good to mention. I don’t expect these to be added in the next update, but still please read this.


Hello! This is a very very great app, but I have an issue, when trying to download my mod, I don’t have the thing that pops up, where I usually choose minecraft to open it, I tried multiple times and I was consuming my diamonds, I need to post and download my mod then delete it to download it… please fix this!

JCraft Productions

Hello, if you are reading this, to upgrade crafty crafty to the max, you may think it’s just having more options and blocks, but it’s not only that, you really really need to ban scammers and botters, because it may cause people so much pain if you get scammed or receiving bots, plz ban them GREAT APP!😁😁

JCraft Productions

Hello,if you are reading this, this app is amazing, but I’ve only got one issue: BOTTERS, please ban BOTTERS such as: “The Botter” and ps: can you also ban scammers, pls ban them too cuz’ I’m just scared they might bot or scam us

JCraft Productions

This app is AMAZING, but I just have 1 problem, which is whenever I try to edit a skin for mobs etc., the app just crashes, you know what I mean? But this app is sincerely LEGIT, please make more updates.

Tiffany Straley

I am experiencing an issue with my addon on Crafty Craft. While everything on this app is fine, I have one problem. This problem is that fact that when I try installing my addon, it says "This addon does not contain any changes. To install an addon on Minecraft PE you should make some changes."


Add 3D models for guns items and weapons. Ps plz


the adult content checker says i put adult content into my addon but i did not. please fix this even if you have to add a hidden option to remove it


It crashes when I try to make a skin for something

Nicole Taylor

It disappeared and now my son's work is gone. Any suggestions? He was at his dad's then came to my house, he said he saved etc. Hes on ios. Suggestions?


Yes. CRAFTY CRAFT FOR MINECRAFT MOD is quiet safe to use but use with caution. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 18,577 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.4/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for CRAFTY CRAFT FOR MINECRAFT MOD Is 39.1/100.

Safety Analysis

70.3% of users say app is Safe 👍

18.8% of users have Some Concerns ⚠️

10.9% of users say app is Risky 🚨


Yes. CRAFTY CRAFT FOR MINECRAFT MOD is legit, but not 100% legit to us. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 18,577 CRAFTY CRAFT FOR MINECRAFT MOD User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for CRAFTY CRAFT FOR MINECRAFT MOD Is 54.3/100..

🔏 Privacy & Data Safety

CRAFTY CRAFT FOR MINECRAFT MOD collected the following data from you:

  • Data Used to Track You:
    • Location
  • Data Not Linked to You:
    • Location

Payments 💸

**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by users..

Pricing Plans Amount (USD)
Crafty Craft Premium $15.99
Crafty Craft Special Offer $2.99
100 Diamonds $2.99
220 Diamonds $5.99
Go Pro 3 Months $39.99
400 Diamonds $9.99
1000 Diamonds $19.99

How was your experience with CRAFTY CRAFT FOR MINECRAFT MOD? Post a Review


- Add-on creator: Modify animals/mobs behaviors and skins, change food skin and effect, change projectile effects, change TNT explosion range, power, and effect, and more.

- Skin creator: Import images from the gallery and transform them into a skin, edit existing skins, and create new skins using handy and useful tools.

- Database: The app has the biggest database of ready-to-use skins, add-ons, and maps that are updated daily.

- Premium features: Users can access unlimited add-ons and skins creation and installation, use all instruments for creating add-ons and skins, post unlimited add-ons, and access all new skins and add-ons. Premium users also get weekly updates and no ads.

- Subscription: The app offers a Special Offer for the first 3 days for free, then $2.99/week, Go Pro Monthly for the first 3 days for free, then $15.99/month, and Go Pro 3 Months for $39.99/3 months. Users can cancel their subscription via a provided URL.

- Disclaimer: The app is not affiliated with Mojang AB and is an unofficial application for Minecraft™ Pocket Edition and Minecraft™.

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Devaraja Fenny

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