- BeTaxi available in 28 cities/provinces
- 100,000 polite, professional, and well-trained drivers
- Redeem bePoint rewards for special offers
- Challenge game for more fun and rewards
- Payment via Cake digital bank for instant rewards
- Trip insurance and order insurance for security and compensation
- 24/7 customer support
- beBike for convenient and economical 2-wheeler rides
- beCar for comfortable 4-seater and 7-seater cars
- Be Intercity for long-distance bookings to neighboring provinces
- beRent for on-demand car rentals by the hour
- beDelivery for fast and easy-to-track delivery services
- beFlight for booking flight tickets with discounts and promotions
- beCorporate for transportation package solutions for corporates
- Multiple payment methods including bank cards and e-wallets
- Cashless payments for convenience
- Easy booking process in just a few taps
- Track the route and contact the driver through the app
- 24/7 customer support through email, hotline, website, and fanpage.