1.) VideoEditor will not export my video.
I’ve been working on a video for over a month, it’s a fairly short video, about 4 minutes long. Now that I’m ready to export it, I get a notification saying “Unable to share, The operation couldn’t be completed. (PHPhotosErrorDomain error -1.)” I’ve tried exporting it numerous times, with perfectly good WiFi, and yes, I have tried exiting VideoEditor and refreshing it.
2.) Changes don’t get saved.
Also, when the error (stated above) occurs, I come back to the video and the filters have been taken off, and some clips have the volume back at normal setting.
3.) It’s glitchy when rearranging clips of video.
When I try to rearrange clips of footage, it glitches and the clips won’t go where I want them to. Several times my video has gotten really messed up and the clips get out of order because of this. One of my clips mysteriously vanished in the process.
4.) Duplicated clips don’t appear next to original.
It would also be ideal that when you duplicate a video clip, the duplicated video appears next to the original, that way you don’t have to drag it through all the other clips to get there.
I am super frustrated and feel like I have wasted a month and a half using VideoEditor. Please fix this ASAP.
Thank you.