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The Eth Cepher Abridged Edition is a robust application of our comprehensive
restoration of sacred scripture in the English language, which has been reduced
to the number of books (66) found in the traditional bibles of the twentieth
century. This free download includes our search engine function also found in
the paid app, and links the 3100 transliterated terms found in the Eth Cepher to
a quick definition and pronunciation .

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Common dislikes about CEPHER Abridged Edition app

- No split screen capabilities on iPad

- Sensitivity of swiping to another chapter can be frustrating

- Audio feature is still a work in progress

- Some verses have been changed in the update, which may not be preferred by some users

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Some issues cannot be easily resolved through online tutorials or self help. So we made it easy to get in contact with the support team at Cepher Publishing LLC, developers of CEPHER Abridged Edition.

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Developer: Cepher Publishing Group

E-Mail: [email protected]

Website: Visit CEPHER Abridged Edition Website

About this app

This collection of sacred scripture restores much of what has been removed and/or incorrectly interpreted in the Bible for centuries! • Sets forth a translation, rather than a substitution of the names of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. • Transliterates over 3,100 other Hebrew names and places without substitution. • Omitted in other translations, the את has been restored over 10,000 times. • Corrects the errors (for the first time) in Shiyr HaShiriym (Song of Solomon), Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 14, Zakaryahu (Zechariah) 5, Mattithyahu (Matthew) 23, and corrects several other notorious errors found in virtually all previous English translations. • Restores the 29th chapter of the Acts of the Apostles chronicling Paul’s journey to Spain. • Links to our Weekly Torah Portion, Dr.  The Eth Cepher Abridged Edition is a robust application of our comprehensive restoration of sacred scripture in the English language, which has been reduced to the number of books (66) found in the traditional bibles of the twentieth century.  This free download includes our search engine function also found in the paid app, and links the 3100 transliterated terms found in the Eth Cepher to a quick definition and pronunciation guide.  Should you download the complete version of the Eth Cepher, you will enjoy all 87 books, including Chanok, Yovheliym, Yashar, 2 Baruk, and others, together with our notetaking, highlighting, and copying function, and our unique Lexicon, also incorporated into CEPHERAbridgedEdition .  The Hebrew word eth (את) means divine, and the Hebrew word cepher (ספר) means book, scroll, letter or writing.  Hence, the את CEPHER is the “Divine Book”.  Stephen Pidgeon’s blog, articles and other free downloads available our website. 

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