Freewallet Multi Crypto Wallet Reviews

Freewallet Multi Crypto Wallet Reviews

Published by on 2023-10-10

About: Multi Crypto Wallet is the cryptocurrency wallet that has several millions of
users worldwide. You can buy, store, send and exchange 150+ cryptocurrencies.

About Freewallet Multi Crypto Wallet

What is Freewallet Multi Crypto Wallet?

Multi Crypto Wallet is a cryptocurrency wallet that allows users to buy, store, send, and exchange over 150 cryptocurrencies. It is a secure and fast way to store cryptocurrency in the blockchain app. The app also allows users to buy gift cards with any cryptocurrency and offers multi-level security features to protect users' funds.



- Store 150+ cryptocurrencies in a secure single app

- Buy gift cards with any cryptocurrency

- Send Bitcoin, Ethereum, Stellar, Dash, and Tether instantly to anyone in the world

- Fund your blockchain account with cryptocurrencies

- Buy BTC, ETH, LTC, TRX, BCH, DOGE XRP, and other cryptocurrencies with a bank card

- Make free transactions within the Freewallet eco-system

- Protect your funds with multi-level security

- Exchange cryptocurrency right in the app

- Top-up your phone with Bitcoin

- High-security level with fingerprint login, 2-factor authentication, PIN code lock, email confirmation for each transaction, and daily and weekly transaction limits

- Supports 150+ currencies and tokens including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Monero, Dogecoin, Lisk, Litecoin, NXT Ardor, Tether, DigitalNote, Dash, Zcash, Bytecoin, Bitcoin Gold, EOS, IGNIS, NEO, TRON, NEM, Monero Classic, Bankex, Bancor, Dai Stablecoin, Dentacoin, DigixDAO, STASIS EURS, Gnosis, Golem, Matchpool, Loopring,, Maker, Nexo, Paxos Standard, PumaPay, PowerLedger, Populous, Patientory, Status, TrueUSD, USD Coin, Wax, Walton, Zilliqa, Bitcoin Cash ABC, Bitcoin Cash SV, XRP, Digibyte, VeChain, etc.

- 24/7 customer support available in 13 languages including French, German, Chinese, Spanish, and Russian.

Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience

Negative experience


~ from NLP analysis of 1,304 combined software reviews.

Key Benefits of Freewallet Multi Crypto Wallet

- Fast and helpful customer support

- Easy to use app

- Secure platform

- Multicoin wallet with in-app exchange function

- Suitable for beginners in the field of cryptocurrency

38 Freewallet Multi Crypto Wallet Reviews

3.8 out of 5


So far pretty good but with one fatal flaw...

I've been using this wallet for about 1-2 days. So far its pretty good, easy sign up, nice interface. One problem though, I attempted to use an online quick exchange service to exchange USDT in my wallet to Litecoin. In order to complete the exchange, the website I use gives you an address to deposit funds to and then sends the funds in the cryptocurrency of your choice to a wallet of your choice. So I take the address that they provided for me and input it into Freewallet to send USDT. Immediately, Freewallet recognizes the wallet as a Bitcoin Cash address but I didn't think it would first exchange my funds to BCC before sending. So I start the transaction and then waited. After an hour, I realized what happened when the online exchange I use says it didn't receive my payment yet and I look at Freewallet to realize that it exchanged my USDT to BCC before sending it to the exchange address so the exchange didn't recognize that I sent the 440 dollars worth in USDT. So now I may have lost 440 dollars all because FREEWALLET DIDN'T WARN ME THAT IT WAS EXCHANGING MY USDT TO BCC BEFORE SENDING IT. Developers, please fix this by adding some kind of warning before exchanging the currency. Now I'm trying to get in contact with the exchange's support staff to see if I could get the money back. I can't believe Freewallet caused this and I'm absolutely infuriated.


Not worth the headache

Off the bat I want to be clear that FreewalletMultiCryptoWallet works fine and does what it is supposed to do. I would give FreewalletMultiCryptoWallet 4.5 stars itself. The real issue for me has been with support. I tried moving a lot of money out of my account on April 22 and they locked my account. I wasn’t even mad Bc they were protecting my investment. They asked that I provide an insane amount of documentation to prove my identity. Again, I didn’t mind Bc they were protecting my money. After I provided the information they requested, they replied asking for a few more pieces of ID. Again, I didn’t mind. Now it is May 3rd and I still have to hear back from them. I have reached out to them via Twitter, Facebook, and Telegram and I have received no help whatsoever. I received an email from someone in support with a very generic solution which didn’t even attempt to address my issue. They have literally cost me thousands of dollars at this point. I understand that it is a free service and you get what you pay for. I hope the dozens of other people that I saw in the forums asking for help to access their hard earned money realize this as well.

Update June 3, 2021

Still no resolution to my problem. Someone responded a few weeks ago and things got moving along pretty quickly, then it was like someone pulled on the emergency brake and silence once again.


Either a Scam or Horrifically Incompetent

I’ve had a transaction hanging for over 24 hours from BCH to DASH using their in-app exchange function. My BCH is gone, and the target DASH address has activity in it (an input and output for an amount of Dash close to but significantly less than the promised exchange rate, 1.16 at time of trade, here is the address on the DASH blockchain: Xb3sAeEvEec2q2b7EZr4MCWoNqw6tF5YiT) but is empty, and the wallet does not show any balance or notice that it was received. In-app support does not work, in-app chat does not work, does not refresh accurately. I’m extremely concerned that they have just picked my pocket, and I’m honestly shocked that Apple allows FreewalletMultiCryptoWallet on their store. I would like to get this resolved, but there is no one to help and I would urge a prospective user NOT to use this service for any reason.

UPDATE: After a solid week of social pressure on reddit with other users who have been treated poorly by this service, the transaction did finally clear, shockingly (but not unexpectedly) at a lower rate than was agreed upon when the transaction was initially undertaken, amounting to a nontrivial loss on my end. I have moved all my assets out of the wallet, which cost an additional, very high fee on top of the standard network/mining fees that go with any crypto transaction. This is a scam. Apple should pull this from their store, it has no place in any even lightly moderated app market.


Stick with Coinbase TRUST ME

Just by reading the reviews you can automatically tell the difference between the real and fake reviews. Im not a customer with freewallet, i was considering it until the reading the reviews and searching online to only find out that freewallet is a joke. Not pointing the fingers at the wallet developers. But they claim to have had problems thru the summer and on sept 19 one of the developer’s comments on a earlier review stated that freewallet is up and running that they had issues from sept 19, which was a lie because nothing but bad reviews and angry people with money thts lost. Because changelly parted up with several wallet programs does not mean that all are trusted and fully functionally. I advise people to stick with coinbase and the 3 currencies BTC, ETH, and LTC. Majority of these startup currencies have no secure wallet. So its pointless to invest in a unsecured wallet and have to go thru the headache of calling customer service and having to wait days or weeks to “maybe” resolve your issues which i doubt any of these crypto companys want todo. Stick with COINBASE until something legit comes this is a real review, from a real human, with real opinions


App has a lot of kinks and is not user friendly

I’ve been on FreewalletMultiCryptoWallet a few months now and I have to say of the crypto apps I’m on I’m not happy about how my funds are essentially stuck on here. I originally uploaded a couple hundred and wasn’t made aware there were fees to upload so I essentially lost $10 bucks for every $100 transferred. You can’t transfer back out directly to the account you uploaded your funds from. And if you cash out via gift cards which is heavily advertised, you lose even more money as I tried last night and $200 gift card would have cost me $270 in crypto. Even more so FreewalletMultiCryptoWallet doesn’t update the price of crypto very often(like robinhood or webull or anyother similar app) so when you transfer the amount of crypto doesn’t equal the current actual price so not sure it’s actually even transferring the current market price since it doesn’t even show the transfer price just the amount of coins. So buyer beware . I’m getting my funds out as soon as I can but the exchanges are down for all my crypto for over a day now.



Yes I’m well aware of the fact I made an error by sending unsupported tokens to your wallet. Thank you for reiterating that. My frustration was that there isn’t an immediate solution (although in fact there is) but that I was ignored and treated poorly by your customer service. In fact your reply actually gives more information about my concern than I received from my previous emails with your staff who literally only said “I don’t know.” and not A word more when I followed up on my email that went ignored for weeks, until I finally called you guys out on Twitter. I happen to know for a fact it’s possible for you to recover my funds right now anytime you choose to do so. Trying to pretend like the technology to do so doesn’t exist is just more proof that you guys are borderline scam artists. Until I get my funds back I will continue to spread the word and tell people to avoid your wallet at all costs. It’s only fair. When I receive my funds I will let everyone know the issue was fixed.


Help / transaction


Freewallet hasn’t been an issue until now. I’ve used them with dodge coin and bitcoin deposits. Well, I did an exchange with bitcoin to my monero wallet, through changelly. And my bitcoin was in jaxx at this time...and monero is in freewallet. So I exchanged them, bitcoin to monero for the first half of the process worked, it was from jaxx to changelly. 1200 dollars worth. The second half of the transaction didn’t work, monero from changelly to my monero wallet within freewallet. The only thing I can think of is my payment ID is wrong, and I’ve asked freewallet multiple times, and no response. So until they respond I have $1200 in limbo. Changelly needs my payment ID to finish the transaction. I can’t find it within FreewalletMultiCryptoWallet . So their customer service isn’t doing its job in my opinion. Please freewallet get back to me. I think you have a good service, but your customer service is not quick to respond. And FYI I used my user ID as my payment ID.


Great features and support. I recommend.

I used Freewallet for the first time by sending a BTC payment from a coinbase wallet to my BCC wallet using the “Top off wallet with BTC” address and it worked great. Did this twice and coin showed up. Then on the third time, the coin never arrived. I contacted their support and was told an exchange failed and that a refund was issued to my Freewallet BTC wallet. Initially, I did not receive this refund and support was slow to respond. However, I did finally hear back from support after about a week and I did receive my refund. The features offered by Freewallet are great when they work and support will resolve issues when they arise, but you need to be patient, especially when thy are overwhelmed.


Communication is okay but...

I recently broke my mobile device, last Thursday, have a new device but as you know 2fa for google is hard to transfer over to new devices without key codes not saved. So yes part of this is or was my fault. Now my issue or concern is that my other wallets and my trading platforms have been able to resolve this issue now 5 days later. But these developers stopped responding to me now. At least the last email received from them was Saturday, I know it’s the weekend. But a hey were still workin on it or anything would be nice. My concern clearly. But an issue that has been able to be solved easily with other wallets/ and platforms and with far less time. Just beware to all save your keys. Back up your wallets where you can. And be ready for potential losses. I’m hoping these guy communicate at some point again, hopefully with good news. When that happens I will re rate to 5 stars, because well otherwise , this wallet is more than user friendly.


Bad timing or bad app? You decide

I got FreewalletMultiCryptoWallet and was doing great in a stock and of course when the time comes to do exactly what I want, no more exchanges at that time. How convenient. But other apps were fine.

Now with shib, I got an estimated 7 million for my exchange, I even did the math multiple times and even with network fees I should have easily had over 7 million shares. I’m sitting at 5.8 when the estimate was 7.5. Their transaction fees are ridiculous and not worth the time. I put in 75$ from doge and ended up with 47$ worth. Had I done that with Bitcoin (was cheaper to do 3 transactions) I would have had to put in 120$ and only reactive 60$ worth. Unless this gets better, these crypto will eventually be put into another app.

I recommend if you can find a crypto on another app, do it there. FreewalletMultiCryptoWallet is nice except for the fees, which kinda defeats the whole purpose



Freewallet froze my snt coin for over 40 days. Day I deposited I had no issues with the deposit. Made sure to get my account fully verified. My new ledger hardware wallet came in about a week later and Freewallet support said I can’t withdraw my snt because it’s under system upgrade. I check the status page on Freewallet and it had not been updated since before my deposit, and also stated that snt wasn’t available to send or withdraw. So how the F did I deposit it only a week earlier? Finally after about 4 weeks they update the status page and snt is available for send and withdraw. I go to my freewallet to withdraw and it won’t allow it. I contact support again and they say it’s under system upgrade even though status page shows it’s ok. I wait a few more days and finally decide to threaten them with legal action. What a surprise the next day I try again to withdraw and it works. AVOID THE HEADACHES!!!!!!!!


Lost my money

FreewalletMultiCryptoWallet works until it doesn't. It worked to send ETH, convert into BNB, then send to my TrustWallet. The problem arose when I sent BNB back to the FreeWallet. To deposit BNB in the FreeWallet, a second ID is needed along with the contract address. TrustWallet does not provide a second ID option before sending. Like an idiot, I sent anyways, and now my BNB is lost. Or sitting in their account, convenient for them. Also, this second ID was not required when sending ETH.

These apps should be made idiot proof or at least a warning to the idiots that use them. In email correspondence, they claimed there is a warning, but I imagine that's buried in the fine print. It's definitely not in the display when copying the contract address.

As of now, the customer support is ignoring my emails, so for losing my money and not resolving the issue they get a gfys 1 star.


No problems

I’ve had no problems. Good app. Good company. Easy to work with. Doesn’t have all the cryptos and I believe they keep the private keys, so if you are okay with that, then go with them. Easy interface. Not all the cryptos but many of the big players. This is a must have for any phone. It’s not a “hard” wallet, but it’s also not on an exchange. I love having the ability to enter a passcode. Nice security. It has something called top-up which allows you to transfer some crypto into another which is a nice feature. Overall very impressed by this multi-wallet crypto.



FreewalletMultiCryptoWallet is a flat out scam!! They’ll let you deposit coins but make it EXTREMELY difficult to withdraw. I made ONE typo while adding my email address in the application process and FreewalletMultiCryptoWallet doesn’t allow you to change it within FreewalletMultiCryptoWallet . Only their “engineers” can make changes. No phone number to call. Only option was to email them, they send you an automated email back with a ticket number, then they get back with you in a week or so if you’re lucky. Had to hire a hacker to get my ETH back. Don’t believe me, go to Google and type in FreewalletMultiCryptoWallet and read the reviews yourself. Almost all of them will tell you the same. I don’t even understand why they’re still in FreewalletMultiCryptoWallet Store. In the Over 10 years THIS is the first review I’ve ever written on FreewalletMultiCryptoWallet Store. PLEASE STAY AWAY!!!


Great customer service

These guys answer you in as little as 2 minutes, it’s amazing! They may not always get to you that fast but I’ve had a great experience with their customer support. FreewalletMultiCryptoWallet is also very easy to use and it seems very secure. I highly recommend it! Give it a shot for your cryptos not a bad place for them. I just wish apple will lean up on some of the crypto regs so they can support all of their coins on FreewalletMultiCryptoWallet . Unfortunately you can’t access all of the supported coins through FreewalletMultiCryptoWallet due to apples policy but their website does have the rest that you need. Stay safe and be easy fellas


Doesn’t do the one thing I need it to

So I decided I wanted to buy some doge coin apparently right around the time everyone else decided they wanted to buy doge coin. So I tried for a day, FreewalletMultiCryptoWallet just wouldn’t ever get to the credit card-accepting point. Finally the next morning, I read the screen, it seems to be ready to exchange some currency for me... only to find out that the final field, the continue button is too low on the screen for me to be able to engage with it. I have an iPhone 12 mini and that fact means I can’t use FreewalletMultiCryptoWallet. My time has been absolutely wasted. Thanks for nothing Freewallet

Got a developer response. They said “you can buy on our web app!” Tried, and it says Dogecoin is not available for purchase in my country (USA). So again....pointless



FreewalletMultiCryptoWallet is trash, their support it trash, pretty sure they are just scamming people. I transfers crypto to one of my wallets transaction never went through after days now. I submitted 2 tickets go support and then I get an email with an excuse saying they are receiving a lot of tickets so to solve that problem they were closing all tickets without solving any issues. Submitted new tickets still yet to hear back. And boy am I glad I didn’t use your exchange cause there is nowhere that says anything about limits and then in your mass email saying your ignoring everyone’s problems you mention that there is a $100 minimum on exchanges and if you sent anything under that you were not getting a refund. Find a different app is all I can say. You would be better off cold storing your coins in your glove box.


Wallet is fine; service is horrible.

Reported a bug with their app. Completed their troubleshooting. Bug persisted. Absolutely refused to believe their was a bug in their system. Tried to twist my words to make it seem like it was my problem and not theirs. There are too many other wallets out there for me to deal with that kind of behavior from their service department. No thanks. Transferred my funds out and deleted FreewalletMultiCryptoWallet .

Reply: Why would I go through the headache of contacting your customer service team again? They don’t listen. I guarantee you they aren’t actually reading concerns. I’d post pics if I could. My last interaction went like this:

Paul: *gives me another hoop to jump through because he refuses to contact tech support about my issue (which is an actual issue for many after reading through these reviews)*

Me: *being completely fed up with FreewalletMultiCryptoWallet and service, I had transferred my crypto out* It’s all good. I’ve already transferred my crypto out and deleted the Freewallet app.

Paul: Glad to hear the issue was resolved! Let us know if we can help you with anything else.


Good app

I'm using FreewalletMultiCryptoWallet for 3+ months and I didn't have any problems. When I first started using FreewalletMultiCryptoWallet I knew almost nothing about cryptocurrency and I was scared to put money on something I don't know but it all turned out perfectly. I still don't know that much about crypto but I managed to become a little bit better and FreewalletMultiCryptoWallet helped me a lot :) I would recommend it, especially for those who don't have much experience in the field.
In the end, I want to add that their support team is probably the best on the market. Great job, guys.


So far so good.

So far so good. Needed a multicoin wallet, and was able to find it here. Sometimes the wallet has limited abilities, but this is due to maintenance. Only thing id like to see is the option to generate a printable cold wallet. Easier access to API keys for personal record keeping. First few times using smart wallet was nerve racking, but the transactions show up. Id say this is on of the better Alt coin wallets out. Would love to see more alts wallets available. XRP, XRP,XRP, ADA,XLM, ETC. Maybe even a desktop software version, if thats not too far fetched of an idea. Would love to get forks and airdrops. So far, trust worthy IMO.


No problems

I’ve had no problems. Good app. Good company. Easy to work with. Doesn’t have all the cryptos and I believe they keep the private keys, so if you are okay with that, then go with them. Easy interface. Not all the cryptos but many of the big players. This is a must have for any phone. It’s not a “hard” wallet, but it’s also not on an exchange. I love having the ability to enter a passcode. Nice security. It has something called top-up which allows you to transfer some crypto into another which is a nice feature. Overall very impressed by this multi-wallet crypto.


Scam- My btc are frozen in the wallet and i cannot do anything with them now.

I wish i could give it no stars. The service on this is terrible and it seems like might be a scam. I transferred about $200 of btc into their wallet and now i can do nothing with it. I cannot transfer it to another btc wallet or exchange it for any other currency. Every transaction fails immediately even after the other wallet is verified. Even worse there is no direct way in which to contact support through FreewalletMultiCryptoWallet itself it appears and when i did it through my computer no one has responded yet and its been more than a few days. Totally unimpressed and having a btc balance does me no good if i can do nothing with it. Ridiculous- stay away and go with another wallet that is much safer.


Wallet lost stolen locked? Idk

For whatever reason I was logged out of my wallet and I cannot get back in I’ve tried to contact support but I can’t even leave an email because it isn’t allowing me to all I know is I would like to get back into my wallet to get my coins and transfer it into a better wallet or to be enlightened on why I can’t get into my wallet or reset my password.

Unfortunately I don’t have my userid because I’ve been locked out of my original acct since then I’ve logged into a new wallet so I’m not sure if that will help I just know the email that I used for my wallet that I am locked out of is still being used which makes me think my wallet is still there but I just can’t get into it I can leave the email associated with the wallet but I don’t have my user I’d


Won’t let me login

I have been using free wallet for a while now and I have never encountered any issues until now but besides the complain I got FreewalletMultiCryptoWallet is a 5 star app no question free wallet team is a 5 star team without a doubt and that why I know they will fix what ever is going on ASAP so this is it FreewalletMultiCryptoWallet is no longer letting me login to my account I tried all the different ways to login but still nothing it keeps saying error I really need to be able to sign in ASAP so please fix it thank you free wallet


I hope this will continue so!

I have a feeling that in the modern world there are no good crypto wallets.. Because every time you try to use a new wallet, every time you have problems. Finding a good reliable wallet is almost impossible! I started using this wallet. I read a lot of good reviews about it and I hope that this is how it really is. At least now, after 2 weeks of use, there have been no problems, and so far I'm glad about it! I hope this will continue so!


nice but...

i like FreewalletMultiCryptoWallet i've used it for some time and didnt have any problems with receiving litecoin and dogecoin from coinpot. I just have one request. Can you PLEASE add push notification for receiving and sending coins instead of just email? I like the design btw. Oh and one more thing, instead of saying how much money you have in btc please add the ability to change it from btc to the one we prefer(idk if im making sense)

Halewi   1 week ago

PR mastermind Vasily Mesheryakov is responsible for numerous Freewallet scams. Users are lured in by fake reviews and aggressive marketing, only to lose their funds. Report your experience to freewallet-report@redacted.

Stanley   1 week ago

Freewallet, run by Mesheryakov and Gunyashov, is a scam. If you've lost funds, contact Freewallet-report@redacted with your story to help bring these fraudsters to justice.

Biddi   1 month ago

Freewallet's fake positive reviews are a trap. Once you trust them with your assets, they block your account and start asking for endless verifications. If you have experienced this, please reach out at freewallet-report@redacted. We are gathering evidence to take these scammers down.

Frodo   1 month ago

The prevalence of Freewallet scam reports is alarming. It's clear that this app is not what it claims to be. Our mission is to spread awareness and protect users from falling victim to this fraudulent scheme.

Serhio   2 months ago

Your reports can make a difference in protecting internet users from falling victim to Freewallet's scams on Cloudflare. Don't hesitate to take action and report these fraudulent activities to Cloudflare. Together, we can create a safer online environment for everyone.

Frewis   2 months ago

Cloudflare's association with Freewallet's scams raises serious questions about their commitment to user safety. It's time to hold Cloudflare accountable and demand answers about their role in facilitating these fraudulent activities. Let's demand transparency and action from Cloudflare to protect users from harm.

Thomas S   4 months ago

Where your crypto goes to die! I deposited 0.02 BCH into my account, only to watch it disappear into thin air. Their fraudulent activities and lack of integrity are appalling. Let's unite to hold Freewallet accountable for their crimes!

Banq   4 months ago

Friends, let's be honest and frank about our experience with Freewallet. Write truthful reviews to help others avoid trouble and not to become a victim of fraud. Tell us about your problems with this service so people know what they can expect. Together, we can prevent scams and protect each other from losses. Let's raise the issue and make the internet safer for everyone! In addition to writing reviews here, don't forget to also share your experiences on platforms like Sitejabber and other review sites. The more people who know about Freewallet issues, the better chance we have of preventing scams and protecting other users. Let's create a community where everyone can be confident in the safety of their funds and can get reliable information about the service!

Kmmv   5 months ago

Freewallet promises security, but it's a lie. Lost my assets, and their support is non-existent. KYC is their tool to lock you out. Terrible experience, avoid!

William Jones   5 months ago

While trying to find a convenient wallet to store my Ethereum, I came across Freewallet. Promises of low fees, user-friendly interface and built-in exchange attracted me. However, as soon as I tried to make a large transaction, the nightmare began. Freewallet administration blocked my funds under the pretext of suspicious activity. Please note, no warnings or explanations - they just froze my account. To get my assets back, I sent all possible documents I could. But my wallet remained blocked.

Randy Harmon   5 months ago

My name is Randy , and I have been a victim of fraud by Freewallet. Freewallet has left me without funds and I have faced complete disregard for my requests and complaints from the support team. This wallet deceives its users, deprives them of funds and provides fake procedures to evade responsibility. I strongly recommend you to avoid using Freewallet and choose more reliable cryptocurrency storage platforms.

Dern   6 months ago

For all the time of using this wallet I had no problems. But recently I decided to invest a large sum of money, and what did I get? Immediate disappearance of my assets! I contacted support but all I got was an automated response that my inquiries were important to them. I suspect that this company is simply stealing investors' money.

Rammy   6 months ago

Freewallet stole my money! After a successful transaction the funds disappeared without a trace. Support ignores my appeals and now I am a victim of this wallet. Be careful!

Michael   6 months ago

When I decided to increase my security by sending all the details for KYC, I did not expect that it would lead to account lockout. Support did not provide any help and I was left without access to my funds. I left a complaint on the App Store but never received a response. Let's leave feedback and complaints so that fewer people get hurt.

Sytap   7 months ago

Freewallet is a major contender for being the worst wallet in history. After KYC, they froze my account without any warning and I had difficulty regaining access. When I finally got a response, it was a standard text with no specific details. Withdrawals also proved to be an extremely complicated process, with unpredictable fees. A complete failure.

Sytap   8 months ago

Freewallet- they play on people's trust. I decided to try Freewallet. At first everything was fine, I was completely sure that the wallet is good. In the AppStore I was convinced that it is reliable after reading positive reviews. After what happened to me I doubt the validity of these reviews, I am convinced that they are bought because after I tried to withdraw my funds I was written that my wallet is frozen. I have contacted support many times, but I have not received a single answer. My balance simply burned, well, or passed into the hands of owners-fraudsters! I tried to contact the police, but the Freewallet administration justified the situation by saying that they seized my assets because of suspicions in their purity. I don't know how to react to complete inaction. I just want to warn people never to use Freewallet wallets if you don't want to get into a similar situation!

Smit123   11 months ago

I can't withdraw my funds! The support team does not respond to requests, leaving without help. I do not recommend!

Foxy38   11 months ago

If you want to effectively lose your money and experience endless frustration, then be sure to use this wallet! But if you have even a drop of reason and common sense, then I ask you to avoid this fraudulent organization! Freewallet scammers! site is aimed at fighting scammers.

Is Freewallet Multi Crypto Wallet Safe?

Yes. Freewallet Multi Crypto Wallet is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 1,304 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 3.8/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Freewallet Multi Crypto Wallet Is 52.0/100.

Is Freewallet Multi Crypto Wallet Legit?

Yes. Freewallet Multi Crypto Wallet is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 1,304 Freewallet Multi Crypto Wallet User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Freewallet Multi Crypto Wallet Is 91.9/100..

Is Freewallet Multi Crypto Wallet not working?

Freewallet Multi Crypto Wallet works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

How was your experience with Freewallet Multi Crypto Wallet? Post a Review

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