BRD Bitcoin Wallet Reviews

BRD Bitcoin Wallet Reviews

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About: Buy, sell and exchange cryptocurrency on one of the most popular bitcoin wallets
in the world. Always fast, easy, private, and secure.

About BRD Bitcoin Wallet

What is BRD Bitcoin Wallet?

The BRD app is a popular bitcoin wallet that allows users to buy, sell, and exchange cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin, bitcoin cash, ethereum, Litecoin, Dogecoin, and several other cryptocurrencies. The app is trusted by over 10 million users in over 170 countries and has more than $20 billion USD in cryptocurrency under protection. The app offers easy purchasing, unhackable protection, total privacy, and fast support.



- Buy and sell cryptocurrencies with a credit card, checking account, cash, or other cryptocurrency

- Trade bitcoin, bitcoin cash, ethereum, and many popular ERC20 tokens, as well as Litecoin, Dogecoin, and many other cryptocurrencies

- Store all your valuable cryptocurrencies in a virtually unhackable environment, all for free

- Your crypto wallet is protected on your own device utilizing industry-leading hardware encryption and Apple's mobile security

- No signup is required, and the app is non-custodial, which means you are in total control of your privacy and wallet funds

- Get all your questions answered in less than 2 hours with the global support team

- The app has been consistently praised for its ease-of-use, leading security, and dedication to privacy

- Hold your favorite DeFi tokens such as UNI, SUSHI, and more

- Users can suggest their favorite feature to be added to the next version of the app by contacting [email protected].

Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience


Negative experience

~ from NLP analysis of 12,306 combined software reviews.

Key Benefits of BRD Bitcoin Wallet

- 100% functional

- Extremely well designed UX

- Never crashed

- Fast sync

- Stellar support

- Response time is a few minutes

- Low to nill fees

- Ever expanding tradable and purchasable coins/tokens

- Excellent customer service

- Easy UI

- Solid, dependable and simple

21 BRD Bitcoin Wallet Reviews

4.6 out of 5


Love the app, just a few suggestions

This is by far the easiest to use crypto wallet, and I have been using it for a few years now. Some other wallet apps I have looked at seem to have sketchy reviews and no response from the developers which makes me hesitant to use other wallets. However, my need to look else where comes down to some simple, but lacking features. I really, really, really wish BRD supported more types of coins. There are some major coins it doesn’t support, and I have been using BRD for a number of years now. These include LTC, Doge, XRP, XMR and so on. Please please consider supporting some additional coins. Next, I really think that BRD should focus on implementing segwit for BTC. This would bring down the cost of network transactions that some have been complaining about and make the transaction process faster. I know, I know, it is currently a beta feature. I was going to enable it, but was a bit nervous when BRDBitcoinWallet informed me that I would not be able to revert back to legacy addresses. I think both need to exist for compatibility. These are just my thoughts. My concern is that my favorite app has slowed in some major features as of late. I really feel that this is one of the most secure wallets available for mobile devices but these couple things just annoy me. Please take this into consideration. Otherwise, great job!


Stellar support

BRDBitcoinWallet is 100% functional and my favorite mobile crypto wallet, of all regardless of currency. from a UX design, it is extremely well designed, has never crashed - unlike mycelium for instance when checking transactions - and if you put it on fast sync, it syncs blockchain within a few seconds. but more importantly, support is stellar. response time is a few minutes in my experience, and helped to solve my issue to completion, which i only had one issue ever. i kept asking follow up questions and they answered immediately every time. (issue: i tried to double spend and the transaction got stuck trying to send for hours, vs for instance, cancelling this impossible to execute transaction. i had quite a few detailed questions about this and support answered each of them, without hesitation or giving me the impression that i ask too many questions, which i sometimes do.) 5 stars.



Still learning the crypto game, understanding it so far. Anyhow I have a few wallets and BRD is my go to . Easy UI all areas of BRDBitcoinWallet function well fees are low to nill. They are ever expanding their tradable and purchasable coins/tokens. And for me the most important part of any service or business no matter the realm it is in, CUSTOMER SERVICE. And BRD is on it, like no other the few times I’ve reached out to customer support via email they gave respond within mins. They were professional, personable, precise and clear as to what they need from me and as well with solutions directions or explanations. Solid app and crew!! Thanks y’all


Excellent Wallet - Super Simple and Secure!

This is simplest, informative, and secure Crypto Wallet I have seen.

I will give it a higher rating once there is support for other currencies... Such as ETH, Dash, IOTA, KMD, Walton Chain, VeChain, ICX, QTUM, EOS, NAV, Nano, etc.

I really expected this mobile Wallet to be much more diverse in Wallet Currency... I would have thought that the Top 25 would be useable in this Wallet App. Seems to only have BTC & BCH at the time of writing this.

This is something that will make or break an app in this market... I have hope for the BRD team and think it has great potential. There needs to be a BIG push to support many other Coins for it to really be adopted by many in this competitive market niche.

Looking forward for more innovative additions as time goes on!


Update: I actually have some BRD and really would like to see a greater selection for the coins. My rating will change once there’s much more variety to the application in terms of support for other currencies... It’s great that ETH is being added, but look at the other wallets out in the market... Look to add Nano, IOTA, and others that many don’t support or yet to support...

That’s what WILL pull more attention to the Application completely. To simplify some of the more complicated wallets out there right now...

I want this to be successful as much as the others that have a stake in BRD too!


Good wallet with caveats

This wallet is beautiful and simple.
It is great too have ether and other coins on it as well. But not enabling rbf for Bitcoin is more than just frustrating, it makes sending bitcoin a gamble. It's hard to show people Bitcoin or pay for anything in general if I'm not sure if it is going to show up on the block chain. It is embarrassing when using the wallet to show newcomers and infuriating when trying to actually use the wallet. If the wallet had a way to increase the fees after sending, it would be usable, but it only gives a slow send and a normal send, no option to send quickly or rbf. Nobody has tell hours to wait around for your tx to hopefully make it into a block. I just had to apologise to someone and explain what 5mb from tip meant. They just wanted their money and were non plussed.

Edit: Thank you for the response.

I still feel that the ability to speed up the confirmation of one's transactions is important. Maybe leave it in an "Advanced" section of the settings?

Secondly, I will add that there is currently no way to send all the funds in your wallet to someone. Without extremely tedious guessing and checking, users wishing to "send all" are left disappointed, and are inevitably left with dust in their wallet. All other mobile wallets all have this feature.


Need to hire more support!

I have been trying to transfer an ethereum coin for the last couple of days. I have tried contacting both Wyre and BRD with no results at all. I will have to contact my bank and get this taken care of if your company isn’t letting me transfer my funds from my BRD wallet. Every time I login into my bank it asks for a verification ID. I provided my drivers license and it still doesn’t let me take my money out. If I have to escalate this myself I will also be emailing apple about this issue as well.

Update: I finally got a response from both Wyre and BRD. This is more on Wyre’s fault to be honest since they are in charge of the transactions. If my money does go through i will update my original review and keep investing in this company. Thank you BRD for your help on this issue.


This wallet use to be my go to but

The fees are ridiculous! I deposited Bitcoin into my wallet and it automatically deducted a large portion of it even though the market remained the same. Also, what is up with the extreme network fees now? The most I use to pay was 2 dollars but now it’s 20 dollars to move 5 dollars worth of Bitcoin? Seriously? This is Robbery at its finest. I will never use this wallet ever again.

Edit: other crypto wallets allow you to adjust the fees yet this wallet minimum transaction fee is 10 dollars? I don’t care if it takes weeks or months for a transaction to clear, what I want is to not get ripped off by wallet. The fact that it doesn’t give you the option to adjust fees says a lot of this wallet. As stated above, I will never use this wallet again and make sure I make this clear to everyone on Reddit, Instagram, and Twitter so they avoid getting ripped off by this wallet. I rarely write negative reviews but this right here deserves every word.


It was the best until run a backup

I’ll be straight forward here. This was the best usability wallet with just few issues like not allowing to copy values from the screen when I want to have separated notes.

Turns out that after years of use, I need to run a from zero install and used my backup to restore my wallet.

First it couldn’t connect to the BTC, the couldn’t sync, and as I kept trying and following the support steps, now BRDBitcoinWallet crashes in the password screen. I fully lost the access to my assets, all of it.

Luckily I have a backup phone that still works. But the thing is that overtime if you use this wallet, it will become unstable and you will eventually lose access to it. So I can’t recommend. It will works good until the day that you replace or reset your phone. If I didn’t had my other phone still working I would get absolutely angry and desperate to recover my assets.

My best advice is to not install it, use another wallet, the devs are focus on adding features to this wallet and it lost it’s usability and stability over the time what makes totally unusable and too dangerous to store any assets in it.

Your experience while not many transactions will work well remember the problem is over the long term use. If you still want to use this wallet, at least once a year create a new wallet and migrate your assets before you lose access to it.


Missing Funds Lack of Support

I made a transaction on September 25 for $250 in Bitcoin. I used BRD partner service, wrye, in order to purchase it using a bank transfer. The transaction came out of my account on September 28. Until today it showed pending in transaction history. But as of right now there is no Bitcoin in the wallet. No pending history or any record within BRDBitcoinWallet that this transaction occurred. I would not only like to know what happened to my money and the bitcoin I purchased, but I would like to know where they are at. I have records, transaction log from my bank, etc to prove this end. Even if this is a one time bug, service that handles money should not have flaws that could cost you hundreds if not thousands.

Now they claim not to have the ability to sell coins. They said is based on where you are. I am in the USA. There should be no reason I shouldn’t be able to sell.


Great simple app and great customer service.

Been using this for over 5 years and it’s solid, dependable and simple. Even when they added the new currencies it’s still stupid easy to use. Also, never had to use support until this week. I went too trade some btc for bat and the btc network was so slow the trade was cancelled. I had missing funds so had to contact BRD support. Well, on a Thursday night they replied within 15 minutes and after some exchange they put me in touch with the trading partner support. By the next morning I had my BAT in my wallet. Pretty awesome support if you ask me.


Ridiculously high fees!!!

BRD used to be my main wallet. There are a couple things I didn’t like, like if you want to buy bitcoin they use 3rd party sites. Other than the few minor issues they were great. You could pick and choose which speed you wanted to send your bitcoin, and whichever you would choose determines the price. Well their fees have gone up dramatically. Like 10 times what they once were. I ended up sending some money using priority because it was 45$ vs $43. I paid that ridiculous amount to send a pretty small amount, and it still took forever! Using my other wallet that same transaction would have cost 3 or 4$ and it would have been there nearly instantly. They have gotten to greedy. They won’t last long if they continue on this path... I will not be using again.



This is a great wallet unless you try to buy crypto on BRDBitcoinWallet with a credit card. I have used it to buy crypto from CoinFlip ATM several times very easily. Also have sent crypto to another wallet with little effort. The problem I have is trying to buy crypto with several different credit cards. After going through the whole process the credit card is denied. Contacted customer service and told my credit card company may not approve international purchases. Called credit card company and the indicate there is no record of an attempted international purchase. Very confused. Two different credit cards denied.


Keeps crashing on splash

Back in 2017 I mined directly to BRDBitcoinWallet and everything worked fine. Once BTC was too low and the cost of electricity was higher then earnings I stopped the mining operation. At some point BRDBitcoinWallet, and by now I have been waiting for this to be corrected, through I suppose, a development rev. stopped working and keeps crashing basically locking me out. If I re-install, it starts sync-ing and before it finishes the sync it crashes forcing the whole thing in a frozen loop. Wrote to support, never received one email back. Stuck. The fact they incentivize people to give 5 stars says a lot about the moral of the leadership. I wouldn’t keep my btc with them as at some point you might not be able to get access to it. Changed to a newer iPhone and iOS is up to date with no avail.


Any and every excuse to not let me withdraw money

Have worked with support 2-3 times to attempt to recover > $5000, it’s like they had no problem verifying me, taking money out of my account, and charging me fees. But now that I want it back , they de linked and rejected any account I wanted to add. And having finally resolved that, now they’re like *shuffles deck* your state is not supported. Well my state was supported when they TOOK MY MONEY. I swear these people will find any and every excuse to hold my wallet hostage and not let me withdraw ......... support refuses to explain exactly what your state is not supported means, and now ignores my emails

So ultimately I’m forced to withdraw from a counter in Vegas that is charging me 10%) over $500) and guess what BRD IS GETTING FEES A SECOND TIME ON TOP OF IT. If that even works. I’m trying to convert ETH to bitcoin for this sale and those transactions fail too.

It would have been an extremely expensive mistake to have sunk more into BRDBitcoinWallet/wallet than I already did. $5000 and $500+ in fees is bad enough. Looks like everyone makes THEIR money and gets THEIRS off of bitcoin in this scam ecosystem.

Zero out of five stars, do not recommend these shady thieving scam artists at all


Exceptional customer service

I installed BRDBitcoinWallet about three years ago and last accessed account a little over one year ago. When I tried to access today to check on assets, I couldn’t.

So I emailed their customer service and was astounded to get a reply within a couple of hours. I went back-and-forth with the guy maybe eight emails until he resolved my issue. Never seen this level of service within the crypto market. Normally you’re left hanging out to dry if you have a problem.

Very reassuring


NEW to BITCOIN better pickup BREAD!!!

I love this site. I’m pretty computer savvy traditionally but very new to bitcoin. I wanted to start using it and investing literally years before I was able to even figure out how to get a wallet and purchase my first portion of a bitcoin. Now this is not trying consistently but I definitely tried probably at least 10 diff times over the last few years. I tried several diff ones but they all did one thing but not the rest. Anyways I just wish BREAD would have been around a few years ago I would have been in a much better financial place that’s for sure!!!



I am frustrated because this bug won’t let me send the total amount I have in my account I bought bitcoins from cryptocurrency atm all went through confirmed on the network but won’t let me send the total amount I have in my account only the first time bought bitcoin that day but not the other three time it went through on the networks say I can only send $258 of the $300 I have when it clearly shows I have more than 258 all confirmed and went through can someone please help me


Look else where for a better wallet

I've been try to trade my BRD tokens and coviently now I can't I have enough ETH but everyone u try I tells me failed. When I try to contact them no response which to me is unacceptable with how much the price goes up and down now its highest it's been for 3 yrs. Idk uf that's the reason it's at it's high point because no one can get rid of it but even if it not it's not easy as they make it out to be because the convenience is not there to get your money as they make it and it's just giving cyrpto currencies a bad name I can’t send receive or even contact them with out some kind of error. If they want to fix it or make it right in a fast enough manner I will change my review but clocks ticking because I'm losing money!


Do Not Use This cr App

BRDBitcoinWallet is progressively getting worse with each update. BRDBitcoinWallet literally makes it as difficult and inconvenient to move btc as possible. It forces high fees to send, fees in excess of 30-40%. And now with the most recent update the wallet has issues connecting to the network and nodes. Which makes it almost impossible to send btc. The trading features of BRDBitcoinWallet are just there for optics and are completely useless. Being unable to send and high fees defeat the purpose of trading. The culmination of these factors make this wallet a complete misrepresentation of what Bitcoin is or was ever meant to be. Find another app and do not use this one. This wallet might as well be a black hole wallet for btc. The devs seem to be making a conscious effort to make a wallet as bad as this.


Great but could a few updates

BRDBitcoinWallet is great! I love that it has many different options of crypto to buy and the vibrant colors are a nice change from the boring single color scheme of Coinbase. The two things I would like to see are an easier way to exchange between the cryptos, right now you can buy certain crypto with another like ethereum or bitcoin but it would be nice to have more options there. Second, live updated charts on crypto currency prices would be a sweet addition too. Thanks for the great app!


Good app BUT...

It’s a great app in general but the reason I am completely stopping using it as of today is because, each time I get a payment and want to see it in my balance, it takes HOURS of having to leave BRDBitcoinWallet open and never, ever close it during the so called “sync” process. If i get a payment today and open BRDBitcoinWallet in 2-3 days, i have to wait for 3 painful hours, during which BRDBitcoinWallet HAS to be opened, while it syncs. If you close BRDBitcoinWallet just once, or open a notification or anything, the sync starts again from 10%, for another 3 hours, IF you can keep BRDBitcoinWallet open all the time, the phone charging and not accidentally close or check any notifications. Otherwise, another 3 hours during which your phone cannot be used. Not to mention that BRDBitcoinWallet says it’s updating since March 2017 lol. I hope the devs can fix this, after which I might consider using it again as it’s a really good app. But until then, goodbye!



Well what would you know. I opened an account entered all info requested and voila, my phone number, which It was correct when I entered it, next to my phone number says it’s from Russia. Well that went bad for me and who knows for whom it went good. Tried to fix it about 8 times and Russia still appears. Got support 3 times to help with the problem, with didn’t work and after that they not even responding to my email. Not even to my request to close the account. Bread it support to connect to the Glidera network for transactions and guest what, bread does not show connected to Glidera. Now, who the .... it’s been handling my personal and bank info.

Well, I guess I leave that to CNN and MSNBC wish took interest in the matter. I suggest you give them call also.


You’re on your own when something goes wrong…

Just hope you don’t run into any issues because this developer provides minimal technical support.

My Bitcoin wallet got stuck syncing the blockchain— across hours, on different days, and different data connections. Upon launch it first displays the word “Syncing”, followed by “Connecting”, which appears next to an empty progress bar that never progresses. Not even a little bit.

Their explanation to me after having me try different data connections (different WiFi networks, my cellular connection), force quit BRDBitcoinWallet and reboot the phone, was that the data connections all must not be sufficient.

Yeah okay, I just happen to only have access to insufficient WiFi networks (my home network included) as well as my AT&T LTE network, that can stream Netflix but are unable to even begin to sync a blockchain over the course of up-to 10 hours. Right…

If this is their answer, they better list “Fiberoptic Internet Backbone connection, minimum 100% uptime” in their system requirement.


Keeps getting better!

Updated Review, July 2018: I’ve used this now for several months. It is absolutely the best mobile wallet out there. The team is constantly improving the user experience. You’ll not be disappointed!

Original Review, Spring 2018: This is the best crypto wallet yet. I really like the added feature which allows you to purchase cryptos from within BRDBitcoinWallet . It is another step closer to decentralized exchanges. This wallet really makes you feel like you have a bank in your pocket!


Very good mobile wallet

This is only iOS wallet that puts you in control of your private keys (that I know of). Which makes it (potentially) one of the most secure mobile wallets. There are however some things that need improvement. There's should be some advanced features added for those of us that need them. I.e. The ability to set custom fees, the ability to generate new receiving addresses, and to change the BTC sub-unit used if desired. All things considered this is a very good mobile bitcoin wallet and is certainly one of the best I have used.


Lost $5000 so far!!!! Update: Got it back with my own huge effort

Been using bread since 2017, while it was still called breadwallet. Was delusioned by the positive reviews.
Now recently I updated BRDBitcoinWallet -not done it before, and the 4 digit pin turns into a 6 digit one! I can’t log in!
0.5 BTC stuck!
Support is not helping. At all. They can fix it, my seed is still stored in BRDBitcoinWallet on my phone (encrypted by my 4 digit pin). But they won’t help, won’t even give me an older version to download so I can decode the seed with my 4 digit pin, not 6 digit.
Why is this freaking happening at all?

Update: can’t believe I managed to get it back, after such a horrible experience, with my own persistent effort and hard work. The developers even refused to send me older ipas and I had to retrieve them myself.

To clarify-I got the funds back myself after a serious amount of hard work and effort. It was very carefully reverting back to an older version of bread. The whole process was a nightmare. I can only raise the rating by 1 star.


Like it, not love it.

Transactions are easy, interface is great, security features are fantastic, and the fees are reasonable. The only thing I didn’t like is that fees are inconsistent. I needed to sent 2 sizable transactions (many thousands USD) back to back. It worked well but was charged different fees for each transaction, even though they were the same dollar/BTC amount, and were only 2 mins apart. It would be cool if we could set the urgency of the transaction to lower fee costs if we didn’t mind the traction taking hours vs. minutes.


Good But Slow Sync

Good app but most times it takes hours to update my balance and it keep sync for a very long time. At the moment it is more than 1 hour passed from the payment that I have received, but it still does not update my balance. Even does not update transaction list to show unconfirmed transaction.


👌Serves its purpose and Reliable👌

A Semi-hot wallet that is decentralized and simplified and clean UI. Although it lacks some features like "advanced settings mode" This simple extremely easy and secure wallet is my go to. With no servers to get hacked or go down, I never have to worry about DDoS attacks or accounts hacked. It's practically a hardware wallet. Although it boasts simplicity, I feel like adding MultiSignature definitely would be a better upside. Other than those 2: 5 star!


Definitely best mobile BTC/ETH wallet.

I’ve been using BTC for years now and Bread has stayed my go-to mobile wallet for the past 2 years. I’ve had zero problems with it and IT JUST WORKS. Super easy to navigate. I initially chose it because Bread doesn’t store any assets on their servers. It’s nice to know I don’t have to worry about hackers running off with my coins.
Whenever I have a friend ask how they should get started using BTC, I always send them to BRDBitcoinWallet.

Robert   3 years ago

I was trying to sell my balance and it stays on the "Loading..." screen when i tried to verify my email

Is BRD Bitcoin Wallet Safe?

Yes. BRD Bitcoin Wallet is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 12,306 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.6/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for BRD Bitcoin Wallet Is 61.7/100.

Is BRD Bitcoin Wallet Legit?

Yes. BRD Bitcoin Wallet is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 12,306 BRD Bitcoin Wallet User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for BRD Bitcoin Wallet Is 100/100..

Is BRD Bitcoin Wallet not working?

BRD Bitcoin Wallet works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

Pricing Plans

**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by users..

Duration Amount (USD)
Billed Once $57.54

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