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Some issues cannot be easily resolved through online tutorials or self help. So we made it easy to get in contact with the support team at Zeno Media LLC, developers of BBC News Hausa.

About this app

Za ka iya sauraron shirye-shiryen rediyo ta hanyar manhajar saurarar sauti ko ta kiran waya (za a caje ku kudin da ake biya na ka’ida wayar tebur da ta hannu.  Za kuma a iya samun karin bayanan da wannan manhaja ke tattarawa da suka hada da bayanan da ke da alaka da wayarka da inda ka ke zaune a cibiyar da ke kunshe da bayanan wayar mutum.  If you choose to receive push notifications, a unique identifier relating to your device and your location data will be stored by ZenoMedia on behalf of the BBC to provide you with the service, allow advertising to be served within BBCNewsHausa [and for processing payments].  Saurari shirye-shirye masu kayatarwa kyauta, ta hanyar amfani da manhajar saurarar sauti, ko ta hanyar kiran waya.  You can to listen to the radio programmes using the free audio player or by using the telephone dial-up option (standard geographic charges from landlines and mobiles will apply.   Please check with your provider for exact costs before calling).  Manhajar sauraron labarai ta BBC Hausa tana kunshe da shirye-shirye da kanun labarai.  Wadannan za a iya sauya su a cibiyar da ke kunshe da bayanan wayar mutum (settings).  Hanyoyin turo muku da sako za su hada da karar sanarwar tura sako da kuma tambarin isar sako.  Za ku bar manhajar ta dinga yin talla a kan wayarku da kuma tsarin biyan kudi.  Ba a za a yi amfani da wasu bayanan da ke kan manhajarka irinsu sunanku ko adireshin email ba.  Karanta sababbin kanun labarai daga shafin intanet na BBC Hausa.  The official BBC Hausa news app by ZenoMedia offers the latest programmes and news headlines.  No other personal data relating to you (such as a username or email address) is processed.  Ku tambayi kamfanin layin wayarku kudin da ake biya kafin ku yi kira).  Notifications may include alerts, sounds and icon badges.  These can be reconfigured in Settings (notifications).