ColorSnap® Match Reviews

ColorSnap Reviews

Published by on 2024-08-10

🏷️ About: The ColorSnap™ Match app is designed to make paint matching easier and more efficient. It connects to the ColorSnap™ Match Pro or ColorSnap™ Match paint matching tools (sold separately at Sherwin-Williams Stores) and allows users to scan the color of a flat surface to match it to the closest Sherwin-Williams paint color. The app also identifies a paint’s sheen (with ColorSnap™ Match Pro) and allows users to compare two colors, save and share paint colors and photos, view coordinating colors, and locate the nearest Sherwin-Williams store.


Overall Customer Experience 😎

😎 Positive experience

🤬 Negative experience

🫥 Neutral

~ from NLP analysis of 5,720 combined software reviews.

Summary of Customer Reviews (Takeaways): 💎

- Perfectly matched a white ceiling paint and a 20 year old white wall paint

- Saved money from experimenting

- Easier to use than a handheld device from Sherwin Williams

- Color matches and Sherwin Williams paint numbers

- Ability to compare shades and create own color palettes

Read 37 Customer Service Reviews 😠💢

4.7 out of 5
Not user friendly

This is a waste of an app. One, I’m not buying a $50 accessory to scan existing paint so I can compare shades. What I’d LOVE and would make this a useful and friendly, practical app is to be able to compare shades I’ve saved. To be able to create MY OWN coordinating color palate to better visualize how colors I might want go together or not. Building on that idea, it would be awesome if SW made it so it could tell me if they are complementary, id they are more yellow or bluish in a varying shade. Like some blues are more gray, or purple. THEN to be able to see these saved colors on an image, more that one color on everything. These suggestions would be fantastic for the computer (web) version of Color Snap as well. My furnace blew soot ALL over my house so EVERYTHING needs to be repainted, in every room. We recently bought this home, so it needed painting anyway-but it’s every room. That’s a lot of paint choices! It would be helpful if this painting “tool” was more versatile. A competitive company’s color tool does better in many of these areas so it’s surprising SW hasn’t bothered. It doesn’t help that the mini containers for mixing paint samples hasn’t been available in over two years, and tiny color chips are not enough. ColorSnap need more features, better coding, to make it worth the hassle of selecting from thousands of paint options.

Useless without device

I was on Instagram and saw the ad for ColorSnap. We are redoing our bedroom and other rooms and need to decide on paint. I download ColorSnap , create an account, only to find out that I need some device that I have to go drive to the store to buy in order for it to work with ColorSnap. Would’ve been nice to know that before I downloaded ColorSnap . I will not be buying Sherman Williams paint ever. I am now annoyed because I know that since I have my email address you’re gonna be emailing me with “specials”.

Need to buy Color Sensor

I was duped into downloading ColorSnap from the BIG ad Sherwin Williams had in the May issue of HGTV magazine which NEVER mentioned I needed to buy a “color sensor” from SW in order to use it. Totally misleading and makes me angry that I put in all my information only to find that out.

Bring back the notes

The recent updates are all fine and dandy but you need to bring the notes back, for a contractor the notes are essential or I need to use an entirely new app to store information about where these colors I am scanning, belong on a property, PLEASE BRING BACK THE NOTES!!!!


I wanted to see what my house would look like if we repainted with a certain SW color. Downloaded ColorSnap and hoped I could just upload a photo of my house and tap and change the color. Nope. Got some message about needing an account and a color sensor I have to buy and connect vis blue tooth? Fiddled with it for a while and it’s completely unworkable. Delete.

Not worth the money

This application is capable of getting a precise (allegedly) color reading with Lab values (which can be converted to RGB codes), but you can’t actually get a paint tainted from that, even though it should precisely describe the color. Instead, you can only get it to estimate the closest color Sherwin Williams sells off the shelf — which may not be very close to the actual color at all. Not worth $70.

Absolutely useless App

You have to buy a color sensor to use ColorSnap . Makes no sense. All I want to do is take a picture of my wall and try different colors. No option to do this if you select the Bluetooth option during setup. Incredibly dumb app design.

Lost a loyal customer because of this app

I’ve been a loyal customer of Sherwin Williams since I purchased my house in 2009, spending thousands of dollars on paint, tools, and sooo many samples…. I used to use the color matching app but haven’t done so in a few years and a few phones ago. I downloaded it again today to see what colors S-W has close to a paint card from another company I picked up the other day, and now I’m being forced to buy a useless piece of hardware to be able to use ColorSnap ? I can no longer trust a company that wants to screw people like that.

Beware—Colors are WAY off. Get a paint sample!

We used ColorSnap to “paint” a photo of our house with an HOA-approved color scheme. What looked like a light tan on ColorSnap was actually a medium gray. Not even remotely close.

Our biggest mistake was not getting a color sample at the store. Don’t make the same mistake we did. Changing the color would have cost us an extra $2500 for new paint and labor, so we are going with a color scheme that we would never have chosen had I taken ColorSnap ’s rendering with a grain of salt and gotten a paint sample. I’m going to have to re-tile in our backyard and change out outdoor furniture to match the new color scheme. Really kicking myself.

Not user friendly

I really wanted to like this, because the concept is so helpful. But there are so many user challenges. It crashes every few minutes. There didn’t seem to be a way to make a favorites list or saved colors list. Your palette can only have a certain number of paints. Beyond that you get denied. So you have to replace them. It makes you start the search process all over after each color. There’s no back.

2 stars for the idea, 1 star for needing device

Thinking I want to color match a paint for some small touchups, I look for a solution. I find a solution suggestion on SW site. I look for ColorSnap mentioned and install it. I create an account and log in. And I run into the same issue others mentioned - you have to have a separate device - “sold separately” for $70 -to use ColorSnap . Fastest uninstall ever. I’d be happy to pay a few bucks for ColorSnap , but I’m not paying $70 for something that I can get for free by bringing a chip of paint into the store... and FTL, please don’t start charging people for color matching “because you can.”

App colors are kind of close - shopping is a challenge

App color matching is not exact - it’s always a few shades off. Will get you the general shade but definitely also get samples in a shade darker and also a shade lighter.

Buying is a challenge … Sherwin Williams does not organize their paint chips by number in the store so it takes a lot of hunting and some help to find the colors that could be quickly found if the store experience mirrored ColorSnap experience.

Color matching

As a business owner and professional painter for 20 years, I really love the idea of this device. Typically it comes pretty close to the color I test it on, but I have yet to receive an exact match, even when trying it on a sample color out of the color fan deck.

I hope to see this Technology 1 day be able to produce an exact match, as it will make my customers life’s easier as well as saving them money on obtaining several samples to find the right match.

Great device, but key feature missing

I love how fairly accurate and quick the match device is however I am amazed I can’t just order out of ColorSnap directly. Am I missing this feature somewhere? How great would it be to color match something and then order it right away????

Works Great

This is so easier to see and to use then my last handheld device from Sherwin Williams. I love the color matches surrounding a particular collar as well as a Sherwin Williams paint number for it. My wife talked me into buying this and I’m glad she did!

iPhone 12 pro

Can't register. The form went up after putting credentials and it makes it unable to check agent and got register button

Soooo helpful!

I was married to my color choices and had discarded my swatches. Thankfully, this app saved the day. I found the second color choice to be exact about 2 out of 3 times. Enjoy your search!

Color match

Very convenient device! Works great!

It takes the guesswork out of the equation.

This device exactly matched a white ceiling paint as well as a white wall paint that was 20 years old that needed a small patch repainted. Perfect. Do you have any idea how many colors of white there are? ColorSnap saved me a lot of money from experimenting.


Easy and quick. Devs listen to feedback!

Disappointing and a waste of time

Don’t waste your time. App is worthless without a separate device you have to purchase in store. If I’m driving all the way to the paint store, I’ll just get color samples to compare at home. Cheaper and more certainty than some dubious device they are hocking.

Also, ColorSnap forces you to register an account before it gives you any options. The review responses from Management claim it’s for our benefit, because we don’t realize that we will definitely need our app history available on all our devices later - just trust them. Everyone knows it’s a shameless data grab, but kudos to the marketing person for keeping a straight face through all these responses.

Enough with the “create account” already.

Newsflash: 99% of people hate being asked (forced) to do this. The last thing I want to do is sit here and get stonewalled the second I download an app because I need to create yet another account for a simple task that shouldn’t require one. All I’m trying to do is see how a single new color would look with the existing palette I already have in my home. I would rather go to the store and bring back paint chips to tape to my wall than mess around with an app that is so fussy right off the bat. Zero stars. Listen to your feedback. It all sounds the same. You literally have 2.5 stars. That’s pretty much an F-. Change it back!

Delete delete delete

Don’t waste your time.

Almost Worthless

First of all, I do not appreciate being forced to create an account. This wasn’t the case when I first purchased this. Secondly, and most frustrating is that when I scanned the surface it returned suggestions for not only stock colors but custom numbers for color saturation and RGB. When I went into the store, the manager said they can’t do a custom color match from the numbers given on ColorSnap . They are two different systems. Why would you include all of that detailed information that gets me excited for a custom match when that is not possible? If I’m painting an entire wall or room and looking to closely match the existing color, I see where this would help. But doing that I can save 70 bucks and cut a little chunk of sheet rock out and bring it into match it for free.

Old app was better

The old app scanned an item and matched the perfect color for an object. With ColorSnap an account has to be set up and a device connected...not user friendly. I may have to use another paint company as a result. Big turnoff. Had a great app and maybe added too many bells and whistles which is frustrating instead of helpful. Please bring the old one back or give the consumer options.

I returned the hardware

The concept is excellent, but the implementation is a deal-breaker. When I scanned the wall and brought my info to the Sherwin-Williams store, I was told they cannot mix an exact match, but they can mix the closest SW color. That’s fine if the wall was painted with SW paint in a named SW color, but that is rare, and not good enough for touch-up painting.
I took the scanning hardware back for a refund and am unloading ColorSnap .
If Sherwin-Williams changes ColorSnap and their procedures to allow exact color matching, I will happily buy it again.

Cool little tool

I paint professionally for the school system. We use so many different colors that its hard to keep up who painted what color. Especially custom colors. My old colormatch tool didnt match these new colors so I purchased this new one that connects to my iphone. No more carrying around a color deck. It matches colors very closely. But no man made tool is 100% accurate. Ive tested it on colors that I know the name of for a fact. And it was off a little. But the real color did come up as a second or third suggestion. So I would say this is a 4 star tool. And a nice little app to keep my colors organized for different schools.


This little device has saved me hundreds of dollars in lost time and wasted paint samples.
We used to try to match a paint color to a fan deck chip. After much time comparing different chips, deciding on one and then getting a sample quart, only to find it was wrong.
Now with this app, one quick scan and you are given the closest Sherwin Williams color. I emphasized closest. Not exact in some cases but usually close enough.
I love it.

Great little tool!

Others say it’s not accurate. I say it has been perfect as long as it’s sitting squarely on the item I am trying to interpret. Think of it as a little darkroom that needs no other light in the circle end in order to see best. Set your item on a flat surface and then set the device, lens side down on top. You should be able to let go and let it sit there. Press scan on your phone or tablet and BING!...perfect color and a bunch of other goodies when I’m decorating. I love it!


I’ve spent DAYS of my life (that I’ll never get back) working with my customers matching paint colors. But this little devil allows me to color match ANYTHING and it’s accurate. One note though, if you’re doing touch up and not a full repaint be sure to have a color deck with you. ColorSnap will get you in the ballpark then your eye will tell you the rest. Excellent tool and an incredible app; well done Sherwin-Williams.


I was hesitant at first because of the reviews, but they all seem to do with “account creation”. Maybe I’m missing something, but it took less than a minute to sign up. In regards to the actual app, matching was perfect for me. I would buy this product again.

Great little paint helper

I own a painting company and this little tool has helped streamline the color selection process for even our most discerning clients. Easy to use and matches extremely accurately even on textiles. Highly recommend

IMO this app is great

I am the maintenance manager for a restaurant chain. There are hundreds of colors in all the restaurants. Instead of finding blueprints to match colors, ColorSnap and scanner has simplified the process and made color matching a much simpler process.
Thank you!

New Version

Maybe I missed an update, but I like the new app
- I can scan with the device now
- download up front appears to download my paints once (instead of for every single search)

Great device

If you’re in the painting profession this device is almost a must.

Alex Clough

My 2021 model SW Color Match tool is not matching colors well at all in my home when I attempt to purchase/find/locate a matching paint (any kind) that would work. I understand that it may not be prefect, but even using the chosen paint to continue painting around a corned, the difference in color, shade and tint is not even close enough to be acceptable. As the paint that I had mixed at SW per the Color Fast Match was not a very close match, the purchased paint was a waste of money because at that point, SW could not even adjust the color to match the existing paint. It seems that I just should not have even purchased this devise. It has been a fiasco and I have wasted way too much money and time attempting to make this work! I should have simply just gone old school and taken them a physical sample to them in the first place! This silly new technology is an aggravating waste of my time and money! Even the SW store I tried to work with was totally unhelpful, stating that the product sucked, yet they were still selling it! Is it possible to be reimbursed for this item - Unfortunately, I no longer can locate the receipt. Please provide your comments and advise of possible reimbursement. Thanks for you time and consideration. Kind Regards, Alex B. Clough


I am a contractor and buy Sherwin Williams paint. I downloaded the app and bought the color Snap/ Match Pro device. It's bluetooth so I had to pair the device to the app I downloaded for SW. It will (they say) also tell you what sheen the color is, (Flat, Satin, Velvet, Semi-gloss, Gloss). I only got it to work once and it was pretty close, not sure about the sheen. I could never get it to pair with my phone again...not good

Is ColorSnap Safe? 🙏

Yes. ColorSnap® Match is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 5,720 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.7/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for ColorSnap Is 55.2/100.

Safety Analysis

83.0% of users say app is Safe 👍

13.8% of users have Some Concerns ⚠️

3.2% of users say app is Risky 🚨

Is ColorSnap Legit? 💯

Yes. ColorSnap® Match is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 5,720 ColorSnap® Match User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for ColorSnap Is 73.2/100..

🔏 Privacy & Data Safety

ColorSnap collected the following data from you:

  • Data Linked to You:
    • Contact Info
    • User Content
    • Identifiers
    • Usage Data
    • Diagnostics

How was your experience with ColorSnap® Match? Post a Review


- Scan and match to the closest Sherwin-Williams paint color.

- Determine a paint’s sheen (Requires ColorSnap™ Match Pro).

- Compare two colors.

- Save and share paint colors and photos.

- View coordinating colors.

- Locate the nearest Sherwin-Williams store.

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