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'Genie talk' is an automatic speech translator produced by Hancom. It includes
translation on voice and text.

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Some issues cannot be easily resolved through online tutorials or self help. So we made it easy to get in contact with the support team at Hancom Interfree, Inc., developers of GenieTalk.

43.9% Contact Match

Developer: HancomInterfree

E-Mail: [email protected]

Website: Visit GenieTalk Website

About this app

It includes translation on voice and text. * If you speak something, it will show and speak out the translation result instantly. * If the input is recognized incorrectly, you can modify the input, and re-translate it. * It provides Pronunciation Evaluation which you can listen to the pronunciation of native speakers and repeat after. * It evaluates the similarity between the accent and pronunciation of native speakers and yours. * It provides basic conversations regarding international events and safety. * It provides functions that you can use as a translator. * You can use the translation by entering text directly or pasting copied text. * If you take pictures of words you'd like to know in signboards, menus, brochures, etc, the device automatically recognizes the characters in the picture and translates them into other languages. * It supports 29 languages in both directions, including Korean-English, Korean-Japanese, Korean-Chinese, Korean-Spanish, Korean-French. * A mobile network connection is required to use this app.  'Genie talk' is an automatic speech translator produced by Hancom. 

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