I’ve been playing this game for years, I’ve restarted twice, both of which I was fine with because it was like a fresh start. However, in my time of playing, I’ve come across problems that don’t seem to be fixed. Now, this game is great, it is, but one thing that persistently makes it less appealing is one thing, fighting other players.
By this I mean Outpost raids of other players. I’ve never once been met with a defender the same level as me, and when I did they either had more classes or their people were impossibly stronger than mine, so I didn’t bother with fighting. Not to mention these stronger players always are able to beat whatever my defenses are, whether that be stronger or more walkers or stronger characters. This should be worked and be more balanced out, if possible.
However, one new thing I’ve come back to that I love is the free unlocks, I don’t recall if they were in the game when I played, two ish years ago. But, it’s a great addition, especially since it helps with gathering resources and gear that I didn’t get the chance to get in the proper scavenging missions.
Lastly, there is something that has bugged me for some time. You can obtain Andrea’s clothing as a design for other characters, but Andrea isn’t a playable character. Maybe she could be added in a future update? As a shooter maybe. It just doesn’t seem right to add her clothing as an obtainable item but not the character themself.