Georgia Power Reviews
Published by Georgia Power Company on 2017-07-13🏷️ About: The Georgia Power Mobile App has the same friendly features you love on our mobile site. It’s easy for you to manage your accounts anywhere, anytime.
🏷️ About: The Georgia Power Mobile App has the same friendly features you love on our mobile site. It’s easy for you to manage your accounts anywhere, anytime.
- Easy and quick download and login process
- No issues with loading or using the app
- Outage map renders the same way as the website
- Ability to see daily usage and try to cut back when it gets high
Whether paying your bill online or via the mobile app, it is difficult to pay your bill. You are allowed to enter all your information and a message would appear indicating that your session has timed out and to close the window. I closed the window and tried several more times with the same message appearing. If you call to pay over the phone, Ga Power charges a $2.25 fee and the office is closed on the weekends. If you pay via a retail store, there is a fee. I should not have to pay a fee to pay a bill. When you are finally able to get through and pay your bill, the company is not equipped to send you an email confirming your payment like most other small or large companies. This has been an issue for sometime now, so I tried to set up autopay and could not set up until my balance was paid. Go can I pay my balance if the online option is faulty. It should not be difficult to pay a bill and the company is too big to have these issues.
GeorgiaPower is almost impossible to use, from the very awkward pages to the loading speeds to the horrible payment options. You make how much money off of Georgians and you can’t simply hire someone to update GeorgiaPower ? This needs a major remodel. It doesnt fit the screen of larger phones. Larger phones have been out for YEARS. Get it together.
August update: what major company doesnt have the capability/money to hire someone to update GeorgiaPower . Or do they not want to lose a few thousand to make people happy and present a better image for themselves so they can further up charge customers and charge stupid taxes and fees on top of the already high bill.
GeorgiaPower is terrible. How can a company the size of Georgia Power make it so insanely difficult to pay your bill? ... oh yeah, they have no competition! Nevermind - Georgia Power, you just do whatever you want to, or do nothing at all - it’s totally your choice! It’s not like we ‘The Customer’ have any other options. It’s ok that I just spent 30 minutes ‘trying’ to pay my bill. If it takes me another 30 or 45 minutes to get you to accept $200 from me, well that’s ok too - it’s just the price I’ll have to pay for the pleasure of doing business with you.
How is it possible that a company as big as GP has a trashy app like this. It is near to impossible to complete any function without having to log out and log back in. The usage information is sketchy. Sometimes it’s up to date and available to see. Other times it’s not. I hate that I have no other option but to deal with this company. How is this not a monopoly? They are not going to make improvements because we are forced to deal with their practices because they have no competitors. It’s despicable!!!!!!!
GeorgiaPower is absolute garbage. I do not usually review apps, but this one frustrates me so endlessly, that I need to let somebody know. Did anyone even bother to try testing before rolling it out? You can login and five seconds later or every time you change a page it says you need to login again. I gave up on trying to make my payment through GeorgiaPower , the soon as you click on make a payment and choose your payment option it says that the session has timed out. How can a session time out in less than eight seconds? Then GeorgiaPower will lock when you use the back button to try to re-enter your card information again. I have never had an app that was more frustrating to use than this one. The developer should be absolutely ashamed, As should Georgia power, such a huge company rolling out something as subpar is this.
With all the money GA Power rakes in you’d think they could spare a little to make GeorgiaPower a little more user friendly. If I could give GeorgiaPower zero stars I absolutely would! It’s been updated MAYBE twice since they came out with it. What app doesn’t have facial recognition compatibility nowadays? You guessed it, this one. I hate GeorgiaPower with every single fiber of my being. I’ve become so frustrated with GeorgiaPower before that, if I had the option, I would switch to another power company. 0/5 Stars. 10/10 would not recommend.
This is a “finance” app for monthly utility bills that hasn’t been updated in 4 years. I’m scared every time I pay my bill. There’s gotta be some sort of security violation by now. I don’t even know where to begin on how bad GeorgiaPower is. For the love of god, please find a way to warrant a notice that GeorgiaPower will be removed unless standard criteria are met so they have to do something about it.
I’m used to the idea that occasionally I’ll see iPhone aspect ratio on my iPad….but RARELY at that.
The last IPHONE to use that ratio was like the 4 or 5S. This isn’t some dead app people miss. They’re managing TRANSACTIONS in this crap! PLEASE DO SOMETHING.
Georgia Power who made GeorgiaPower, a kid in your basement. Oh no, wait...I kid couldn’t have made it because it would have better appealing that this crap. Out of all the utilities out there; you guys have the worst developed app. I think you know it doesn’t work and simply don’t care because people need power and surely they aren’t going to not pay their bill because of an app. However other people rather move to places where they can get better offerings, who have the brain to produce an app that would be better than this. Do better as a company. Do better as a nation! Do better Georgia Power (A Southern Company)
This “app” is trash (just like the company) Essentially just a home screen shortcut to the GA Power website. None of your info auto-populates, so write it down before you move on to the next page because you can’t go back and to add to the frustration, it’ll tell you that you will, but you won’t get charged a $2.25 fee if you use a debit card. Also, make sure you link your checking account with them before you attempt to pay your bill or you’ll get charged a $30 “returned check fee” and won’t be notified until your power gets turned off.
You cannot see your balance when trying to pay your bill so you have to try to remember the amount whan using a cc. Also if you get to the page where you have to put in the amount and realize you didn’t memorize your bill amount you cannot go back and look because the ‘back’ button doesn’t work. Your only option is to close GeorgiaPower , and when you try to log back in, memorize your bill amount and account number, enter the data and try it all again you get a message that you have an open seasion and have to wait for it to expire. This is a really bad app tha could be so simple to use!
While I was on GeorgiaPower a box popped up asking if I would answer some questions about my power usage. I clicked yes. It took me to another page. A blank page. Nothing happened. When I pressed the back button, nothing happened. GeorgiaPower was frozen. I am using an iPhone 11 with the latest iOS. In addition, for the past two months that I have been using GeorgiaPower, I have clicked on “feedback”. GeorgiaPower always goes to another page, a blank page and freezes. You cannot get back to GeorgiaPower and must shut down GeorgiaPower . As I said this has been going on for months. Like other people have said, GeorgiaPower is horrible.
I don’t have problem with paying like many others because I have auto withdrawal from my bank account.
However, when you trust a utility that can vary in cost month to auto withdrawal, you need to keep a pretty close eye on forecasted costs.
I have a heat pump that is near the end of its life so I worry about it cycling far too often to maintain a comfortable temperature. Thus, I tend to log in every day or two to check my usage to make sure my expected bill is within range of what I expect.
GeorgiaPower, unlike almost every app released in the last 6 years doesn’t allow you to use alternative credentials such as Touch-ID, Face-ID, or Apple Watch to log you in.
When you log in, you have to manually enter your password every time. There is zero benefit to using GeorgiaPower over the desktop site other than it’s formatted better for iPhone screen.
You made a convenience app that’s not convenient. Go back to your desk and don’t resubmit your assignment until you understand why people want an app.
I too am frustrated with GeorgiaPower when trying to make a payment online. No matter how hard I try or how fast I try to input data I get the “time out error”. I have been using GeorgiaPower for six months and although there have been version updates they have not corrected this problem. I have tried five times today and keep getting the same error. I do not have this problem with any other online payments with banks and credit cards. I am using an iPhone 6 with the latest iOS updates. I have the latest version of the GP app. I have deleted and reinstalled GeorgiaPower which did not help. Please do something to correct this issue. All local GP offices are closed so we are forced to rely on an app that does not work. JWH
I don’t know if I’m the only one that has this issue but GeorgiaPower is garbage please don’t make payments using GeorgiaPower every time I try to make a payment I never get a chance to click submit cause it always closes out and says session has timed out so I try to make the payment again and then it goes through but it charges me twice turns out when it says session timed out it still charges your card so I have made the payment twice without even knowing it and sometimes I don’t have the amount in my account to cover the payment twice so Georgia power charges me a returned check fee and they won’t fix it they say it’s my fault for making two payments in one day when I didn’t GeorgiaPower is ridiculous and so is Georgia power
GeorgiaPower is trash and shouldn’t even be available for download. It hasn’t been updated in nearly a year. Georgia Power closed all branch locations in my area. The only other options are authorized payment locations (Walmart being the closest option for me personally) or this trash. It’s no wonder people wanna stick it to the power company and go off grid. What baffles me is how a company of this caliber can even release something like this and expect people to use it. If you are unable to listen to and make improvements to your app based on user reviews then you have no business in the digital market and you should take this trash down immediately.
GeorgiaPower deserve ZERO STARS. You would think with all the money GA Power charges it’s customers they would have better technology services to offer their customers, however GeorgiaPower is not worth the energy used to create it. Every time you hit the back button to review the previous screen GeorgiaPower locks up and you can’t do anything at that time. I also end up having to turn my phone off to get GeorgiaPower to reset. This is so frustrating and not worth the time to use it. I guess GA Power has no regard for their customers but you best believe they will make sure they get your money every month!
Do better by your customers Ga Power and invest our money in getting a better app that actually works!!!!
I’ve been using GeorgiaPower for few years and never had a single problem I would add money to my account few times a month no problem they will call when it is low it was quick and easy now the last 3 week I’ve had the same problem as everyone else I thought maybe It was something trying to get the information but reading these reviews it’s happing to everyone I called to pay over the phone and the lady said uninstall and reinstall I was waiting b4 I did that just to see but 3 weeks now it says website down for repairs please fix this site tons of ppl need GeorgiaPower to work properly or don’t charge the fees if you can’t fix this is unbelievable I was one of the ppl backing ya power but now I’m just as p o as everyone else
I love being able to see what my daily usage is and try to cut back when I see it getting high. I wish that my iPad didn’t get GeorgiaPower in a window the size of my phone. Being a developer myself I find that annoying enough to drop to 4 stars. The first 7 days of my billing cycle are a little annoying as well. It won’t default to the chart until I’m on the 7th day of my billing cycle. I can get to it by showing the table view and then switching to chart view, but I shouldn’t have to work so hard to find a way around the obvious bug. For this, it loses another star.
No issues loading or using GeorgiaPower . No floating fonts or any other such nonsense. Outage map renders the same way as their website. Can't vouch for the online payment since mine is set up to auto-debit my account (why fool with having to manually pay the bill every month?).
BTW, rating any app low because it won't let you paste a password is idiotic (security much?). Any app that DOES allow it has lazy developers who don't much care about secure practices.
Within a few minutes, I was able to download GeorgiaPower login and make a payment without any problem at all. Maybe you’re using an older version but this current version seems to work just fine.
Try it again.
Ps I only used the payment option and haven’t looked for other bugs.
I recently moved to Georgia and downloaded this to help keep track of my bill. Immediately upon registering for an account, GeorgiaPower kept timing out or telling me I was required to log in to view content. I tried to log in and GeorgiaPower said I was required to log in before I am allowed to log in. On top of that, I went to view my accounts and I somehow have 5 different accounts for the exact same address. How will I know which one to check? Absolute garbage. Deleted immediately.
This is the worst app, if anyone reads this, just use the website (which isn’t much more useful but a little bit quicker). GeorgiaPower is convoluted with a bunch of links that take forever to load, a bunch of clicks, just to get you nowhere. GeorgiaPower should be stellar considering how much Georgia Power makes in revenue. I hate when my bill is due... it’s almost worth just not paying it so I don’t have to use GeorgiaPower or the website — good luck with calling them too!
The Georgia Power iPhone App has good information. One glaring omission is the inability to download (via iCloud, Dropbox, Google Drive, or any other means) a copy of a bill displayed as a PDF. Every App I have ever used that will display a PDF, allows it to be downloaded. Every banking and credit card App will allow the downloading of monthly statements.
Let’s hope Georgia Power and Southern Company fix this soon.
GeorgiaPower is essentially a quick link to the website, which is an improvement to the previous app versions. However, latest update is missing Touch ID integration/ability to auto fill password information.
With that being said, uninstalling until the next update that includes the aforementioned.
I like that I can see daily how much power we are using. Sometimes the bar to view the daily bar chart doesn't slide well but the rest of GeorgiaPower is designed so clearly and gives me the information I want that I still love GeorgiaPower!!
No. Georgia Power does not seem very safe to us. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 721 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 1.4/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Georgia Power Is 14.0/100.
No. Georgia Power does not seem legit based on our analysis. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 721 Georgia Power User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Georgia Power Is 32.7/100..
With a quick touch, you can check your account balance, pay your bill, make billing arrangements, view your monthly energy usage or find an office near you.
So whether you're at home or on the go, you can easily access and manage your Georgia Power account at a time and place that's convenient for you.
The Georgia Power Mobile App has the same friendly features you love on our mobile site.
It’s easy for you to manage your accounts anywhere, anytime.